Showing posts with label Quit smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quit smoking. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Yoga will Help to Quit smoking

NY Governor helps to quit smoking - it sounds pretty weird ... But yoga can indeed play an important role in your parting with cigarettes and significantly ease nicotine withdrawal.

How does yoga help you quit smoking? Let's figure it out. Firstly, you've to bring determination and will - qualities you need if you decide to give up nicotine. Secondly, as is known, many people start to smoke because of psychological and emotional problems. And yoga is a wonderful method of restoring mental equilibrium.

Thirdly, yoga teaches you to understand your body - in time you will begin to feel how it protests against the introduction of harmful toxins into it, and instead of the expected pleasure from a cigarette will experience discomfort. Fourth, the deep breathing technique practiced in yoga neutralizes the irresistible craving for nicotine, which manifests itself in the first days and weeks of quitting smoking. Finally, yoga helps you quit without additional weight gain and other side effects.

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Here is a simple example from respiratory yoga that will help you cope with craving for a cigarette: inhale as deeply as possible, and then exhale slowly. When exhaling, slowly touch the chest with your chin. Imagine how all the stress, tension and other emotional problems gradually come out of you through the fingers and toes. Repeat the exercise at least three times. Finally, it should be said that yoga not only helps you quit smoking but also improves your health, undermined by smoking - will strengthen the lungs and give strength.

For full-fledged yoga, you need a special space. It should be a spacious room in which the ideal cleanliness is maintained.

Friday, June 8, 2018

We quit smoking, breaking stereotypes

Although nicotine is excreted from the body in 3 days, many returns to smoking after a year and, even, after 10-20 years. Why? It's all about the emotional sensations that the process of smoking is associated with. Narcologists say that dependence cannot be completely eliminated, it is necessary to maintain an internal ban on smoking all your life.

Therefore, if you quit smoking without getting prepared for it psychologically, without creating a clear motivation that will work for more than one year, success is unlikely. Before you throw away cigarettes, you need to completely change the attitude to life and the possible negative.

Strength of will

It's easy to say "Do not think about cigarettes," and what to do if the body is experiencing nicotine hunger, legs themselves are brought to the tobacco kiosk, depression rolls one after another, and the arrow on the scales is steadily moving toward forbidden figures? Many smokers do not even try to quit, because, in advance, they are afraid to "break".

Do not relax! For a smoker to spend a day without cigarettes - this is an unthinkable feat. Was this an agonizing day in vain? After all the body starts to be released from harmful substances already in 20 minutes after the last smoked cigarette, and for a day it essentially moves ahead in self-cleaning.

Stress pushes into the "smoking room"

Another common obstacle to life without cigarettes is the mistaken belief that cigarettes calm nerves and help fight stress.

The inability to constructively perceive life's turmoil is rooted in childhood. Unfortunately, to deal with childhood fears account for the whole adult life. It is better to seek help in the therapist's office, rather than in the smoking room.

Replacing one habit with another

Food is the same way to suppress an internal conflict, like smoking. If the second to refuse, the first immediately comes to the fore. Nutritionists say that 95% of cases of gaining excess weight after quitting smoking are the result of replacing one habit with another.

Since, after giving up smoking, really, all the time you want to chew something, do not deny yourself this little pleasure. "Little" - in a literal sense, because small portions of low-calorie food, five meals with light snacks between meals will cause the mouth to be busy all the time, and the weight will remain the same. Yes, do not forget that now you can afford the luxury of doing light physical exercises. They also help to keep fit.

Cigarettes and social circle

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As a rule, the circle of the smoker's communication consists, basically, of smoking people. Most often, following advice to refuse to communicate with smoking friends and not participate in events where there is a possibility to smoke, the person who threw, feels like a vacuum. He remains alone, because old friends are taboo, and new ones are not so easy to find. And after all, an ex-smoker is not so easy, as a result, a breakdown occurs.

At the time of giving up smoking, it is not necessary to give up life. The thing is again in relation to it - coming to the "smoke" party, it is necessary, as it should, to praise yourself for the fact that you have already passed the stage that the remaining "locomotives" have yet to master. And who better than friends who are time-tested can support in a useful endeavor.


Having thrown out cigarettes, the smoker suddenly discovers that he has nothing to take his hands on, and in his mind all the time the thoughts of smoking revolve. To cope with this will also help motivation. If you quit smoking in order to improve your health - you can already begin to improve your body at the first stage of quitting smoking. If your goal, the restoration of the former beauty - salon and home procedures will not leave you time to drag out. It is useful to learn some new occupation or to return to the old hobby.

Many people smoke from boredom, from inability to communicate with themselves, to know their inner world, to love themselves and make their life interesting.

For complete success, in the process of quitting smoking, one should not think about the desire to quit smoking, but about the desire to be healthy!

Top 10 most original methods to quit smoking

We made a small rating of the most original methods of giving up cigarettes:

In the tenth place, an American smoker who, literally, flooded his craving for smoking ... fortunately not with alcohol, but with ordinary water. He drank a glass of water every time he wanted to smoke. For the month that the smoker needed to defeat the desire to smoke, he drank almost 150 liters of water. At the same time, the body cleared the toxins accumulated during the years of smoking.

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The ninth place is occupied by an English student, who picked up the rope instead of a cigarette. And I jumped, jumped, jumped until the desire to smoke did not disappear. This is the girl's will power - you have to force yourself not only not to smoke, but also to play sports.

In eighth place is also a student, but Russian, who does not like physical education, but very much likes chewing gum. She almost continuously chewed her two weeks before she could do without cigarettes. The truth and the experience of smoking at the girl small - about two years.

The seventh place is occupied by the smoker-sweet tooth, who came up with a simple way to deceive nicotine addiction. In a pack of cigarettes, he wore exactly 20 ordinary candies, which he used on cigarette smoke.

In the sixth place, a proponent of gradual withdrawal from smoking. A smoker with 30 years of experience, unable to quit smoking immediately and forever, cut a piece of a piece of cigarettes, until in the next pack there were only filters left. Maybe with will power and problems, but the woman's patience is abundant.

The fifth place of our rating we gave to the Ukrainian smoker, who successfully and in a short time was able to quit smoking. Because, going out on a smoke break, he did not light a cigarette, but tried to eat its contents. Mr. von Sacher-Masoch was also from Ukraine.

In fourth place, a citizen well enough provided to buy a pack of cigarettes when he wants to smoke, and unopened to throw it into the nearest urn. Apparently, you can stop smoking in this way in two cases - when it becomes a pity for money or when you get tired of going for cigarettes.

In third place is the original, which came up with a cigarette burning on the filter side and being tightened. They say, after one such delay, the desire to smoke completely disappears for a minimum of three days. We will not approve, you can check.

Honorable second place, in our humble opinion, worthy of becoming famous in the past year, an English banker, who almost a month fleeing from cigarettes on an uninhabited island. And not in a warm tropical paradise, but on a cold Scottish rock, blown by all the winds.

And, finally, the first place of our top is occupied by American Jodi Perkins, who asked to close her in the prison cell, desperate to quit smoking in accessible ways. Unfortunately, the authorities did not satisfy her request, but offered assistance to specialists.

Tips on how not to start smoking again

So, you quit smoking. The stage of "withdrawal syndrome" was passed, you got rid of psychological dependence and you can relatively calmly look at people with a cigarette. Do you think that all the difficulties are over? Nothing like this. Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is much more difficult not to start again. The main danger lurks when you cease to control yourself, in full confidence that you have parted with a cigarette forever. Read about how not to smoke again and let these tips help you stay from returning to a bad habit.

To smoke "for the company"

What happens The majority of former smokers breaks when they are offered to smoke "for the company." At the stage of withdrawal from smoking, to refuse such an offer is difficult physically, but it is easy psychologically. At this time a person knows that he can break down, and directs all will power to ensure that this does not happen. However, craving for smoking, as well as for any drug, is ineradicable, even suppressed it continues to live. When you have not been smoking for some time, and someone offers a cigarette, a couple of puffs seems acceptable. You think that you have already quit smoking and the half-cigarettes will not change this. Errors, having tasted the taste of nicotine, the lurking craving for smoking wakes up and you, without even noticing it, will start to smoke a pack again in the day.

Traps Parties or holidays, smoking friends, home smoking, depressed mood or, conversely, a joyous, carefree state.

What to do: Learn to say "no" in any situation. Consent to smoke, most often, impulsive and quick passes. Take a deep, slow breath-out and realize what you are about to do. If it does not work, say "yes", but instead of taking a cigarette, take a pencil, a straw, chew some food. After 5 minutes, you yourself will be surprised how close were to start smoking again.

"Be like everyone else"

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What happens Often, those who quit smoking, especially young or insecure people, develop a syndrome of "herd". If most of the people around you smoke, it seems that it's easier to smoke yourself than to look like a "black sheep". As a rule, there are always people who start provoking, asking questions, offering "to be like everyone else". First, you start smoking for a look, just to get rid of it, but gradually return to your old habits.

Traps are a society of people, among whom smoking is considered the norm, insecurity, the desire to imitate.

What to do: Think about if you could quit smoking, this is already talking about your exclusivity. Believe me, not everyone can give up cigarettes. With this thought, start developing your self-esteem and awareness of your individuality. You should not go back to smoking just because everyone is smoking. To neutralize the provocateurs, think up your way of abandoning the cigarette and work it out to automatism. It can be a joke, a phrase, or even just a silence or an icy look. Try to communicate with non-smokers and organize your free time.


What happens: Unfortunately, it's rare to live in ideal conditions, even from those who stopped smoking. The slightest stress and hand again reaches for the cigarette. After all, it calms, relieves tension, lifts the mood. In this situation, the most common misconception of those who quit smoking again comes to the forefront - nothing will happen from a few puffs. And if stress is prolonged? And if depression does not let go? Correctly, very soon you will again think about how to quit smoking.

Traps Aval at work, a quarrel with close people, depression, a nasty rain outside the window.

What to do: You already know that the soothing effect of cigarettes is nothing more than an illusion. But what really helps relieve stress, is a bath with aromatic oils, a cup of tea with herbs, a heart-to-heart talk, a sport. If these things are not available at the time of stress, use psychological techniques. Only it is necessary to determine in advance "by typing" what will help you to switch - relaxation, counting to ten, methodically tearing up a piece of paper or something else.

Situations that can lead to a breakdown, a lot, as well as ways to stay away from smoking. Live consciously, never turn off self-control and then, you really can quit smoking forever.

How to quit smoking? 10 Simple Tips

Almost all smokers know that quitting smoking is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

After the first fruitless attempts, they have the question "How to quit smoking forever?". Here you will be helped only by patience, motivation, and willpower.

Even children know that smoking is an unhealthy habit for our body. Smoking causes disease not only pulmonary and cardiovascular system. It negatively affects all (!) Organs of our body. No cell remains healthy if a person starts smoking, and especially if he smokes long enough.

So, you still firmly decided to quit smoking, as you realize the destructiveness of this harmful habit. Congratulations, then the first step has already been made - you have a desire to quit, and this is a great achievement. We offer to your attention a few tips that will help get rid of bad habits. But not with the help of a miracle, but with the help of only you.

1. Make a healthy lifestyle your goal number 1.

Set your desire to quit smoking in first place among others. By concentrating only on it, you significantly increase your chances of successful achievement of the result.

2. As often as possible, imagine the result of getting rid of bad habits.

Constantly think how much you will feel better when you can stop smoking. Imagine how easy your breath will become and how much your internal energy will increase. Think about what you can buy with the money that you will save by stopping smoking. Write 10 advantages of a non-smoking person's life before a smoker, and read it every time you want to smoke.

3. Simplify your life.

Think whether there are people in your environment who would like to quit, but they can not do it. Together, getting rid of this bad habit is much easier than yourself. Tell your family and friends about your goal.

Ask co-workers and acquaintances not to smoke at you. Keep the plan to achieve the goal of "quit smoking!" in a written form. Write down all the ways that you can help get rid of bad habits, and look at them in difficult moments

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4. Try to separate yourself and your personal experiences.

Instead of thinking that quitting is very hard, think about how you are getting closer to your goal every minute. Remember that every day will become easier and easier, until the body completely does not get rid of nicotine addiction.

5. Encourage yourself.

Stack all the money that could be spent on cigarettes in the bank. In a year you will understand that you could save for a decent trip or a quarter of a brand-new car. At the end of each week, without smoking, pamper yourself with a trip to the cinema, a restaurant, a trip to where you've long wanted to visit, buying a new thing and so on.

6. Alternative medicine.

Do not forget about acupuncture, anti-nicotine patches and phytotherapy. Contact a qualified specialist who can individually develop acupuncture procedures for you, make a list of herbs that will help you quit smoking faster. Anti-nicotine patches are also a powerful supportive therapy. Do not use patches that contain small doses of nicotine, supposedly helping to quit smoking with ease. Choose plasters that contain extracts of natural herbs without unnecessary chemical and nicotine additives.

7. Go to your goal with thoughts.

"I can quit smoking, I must!" If your child or loved one stayed in the building after the fire started, would you save it? Would you doubt? Certainly not, because it would be about saving lives. So in the case of smoking. You must save your life from bad habits.

8. Imagine the path to success.

Give each night 10 minutes to yourself. Close your eyes and imagine how you say "no" to every offer of friends or acquaintances to go have a smoke. Feel how good you will feel, knowing that now you yourself are driving a bad habit, and not it you.

Imagine yourself a happy, non-smoking person who can afford to play sports, climb up to the fifth floor without problems and who does not spend money to ruin his health.

9. Learn how to manage desires.

If the desire to smoke suddenly took you by surprise, try to retire and sit comfortably or lie down. Take a few deep breaths, feel how clean air without the slightest admixture of smoke quietly enters your lungs, and just as smoothly emerges. Feel how with each breath your muscles relax, and the tension goes away. Through time it will become easier, and the craving for smoking will disappear.


Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ ™

How to quit smoking? Sooner or later, any smoker poses such a question and seeks ways to get rid of addiction. Quitting smoking is not as easy as it seems for the first time. A unique anti-nicotine patch is a great way to help yourself, without poisoning the body with additional portions of nicotine.

Quitting smoking is very difficult and painful, and miraculous ways are not here. The most important thing is the passionate desire of the smoker himself to give up the addiction and neutralize the consequences of smoking. Every person who wants to quit smoking should clearly understand for themselves that there will be no miracles. It is best to use a comprehensive approach to quitting smoking, since not only nicotine addiction appears, but also psychological dependence on cigarettes.

There are two main types of aids from smoking: with nicotine supplements and without them. Among the smokers there is a myth that the harm and consequences of smoking are caused by resins and organic compounds released during the smoking process. And nicotine itself is considered quite harmless means, just causing addiction. Using nicotine patches and cigarettes, with a reduced content of nicotine, smokers are only further away from the goal of "quitting smoking," and nicotine dependence is increasing.

Researches of scientists have already proved, that nicotine - at all a harmless substance to which the organism simply gets used. 60 grams of nicotine can kill an adult, which is only three cigarettes. When an overdose of nicotine is an intoxication of the body, which adversely affects the entire body, and especially on the heart of a person.

The second way to quit smoking is replacement therapy. In most cases - it's phytotherapy. Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ does not contain nicotine. But it contains extracts of such oriental herbs as cloves, spicy cinnamon, Siberian ginseng and clove oil from flower buds. This combination removes nicotine from the body, relieves the effects of smoking, strengthens immunity, increases physical endurance, stimulates mental activity, cleanses the blood and restores inner harmony. A patch will not relieve you of addiction if you unconsciously approach the question "How to quit smoking?". The patch will help you overcome the craving for nicotine and cleanse the body, but will not get rid of the bad habit.

Anti-smoking plaster Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ has many advantages:

  • extracts of herbs continuously fall into the body without your participation in the right doses;

  • the patch acts through the skin, thereby not causing harm to the gastrointestinal tract and other organs;

  • the patch is especially active at night, when the skin is most susceptible to incoming substances;

  • helps not only to stop smoking, but also to get rid of the consequences;

  • improves the work of the airways;

  • makes the taste of tobacco unpleasant, speeding up the quitting.

Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ is one of the most natural ways to stop smoking.

Applicators "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ are easy to use: you need to clean the skin beforehand and paste one patch on the points of the back surface of the palm just below the base of the thumb (Tian-Wei). Change the patch should not be earlier than 16 hours, otherwise the effect of the action of medicinal herbs against nicotine dependence will be incomplete. The optimal time for the patch is 24 hours, after which it needs to be changed. The course of treatment is 28 days. You need to use until completely weaned from nicotine. The higher the experience of the smoker, the more courses are required.

The plaster is safe and has no side effects. Due to the lack of nicotine in its composition, the patch does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. Anti-nicotine patch is not recommended for use in children and pregnant women. If you are allergic to some component, it is better to consult your doctor.

Composition. Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ contains:

  • clove - antiseptic action, improvement of digestion, blood purification, strengthening of the heart muscle, painkiller;

  • spicy cinnamon (Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae) - calms the broncho-pulmonary system, gives strength, strengthens the heart, suppresses infections, antiseptic;

  • Siberian ginseng (Radix et Caulis Acanthopanacis Santicosi) - tones up, improves the functioning of the nervous system;

  • clove oil from flower buds (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) - an analgesic, supports the work of the nervous system.

Packaging. 14 patches in a package of 1.0 grams

Indications for use. It is recommended to quit smoking, overcome the nicotine addiction, cleanse the body of smoking products, clean the vessels.

The official distributor of Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ in the CIS countries:


How to quit smoking: Nicotine-replacement therapy

Common name


Nicotine (nicotine)

Nicotine polacrilex (nicotine polacrilex)

Nikoderm, nicotine transdermal system, nicotrol (inhaler), nicotrol NS 

Commit, nicotine, nicotine chewing gum

  • Nicotine gum and candy gradually inject nicotine into the mouth.

  • Nicotine patches are glued to the body and inject nicotine through the pores of the skin into the body's blood.

  • The nicotine inhaler contains a container with nicotine. It is sprayed directly into the mouth.

All these nicotine substitutes are sold without a prescription, which is only necessary when buying an inhaler.

Note: OTC products should not be released to persons under 18 years of age. The doctor can assign them to a minor only in the case of a strong dependence on nicotine.

Effects of Nicotine-replacement therapy

Nicotine-replacement therapy helps reduce dependence by supplying the body with nicotine. It contains 1/3 compared to 1/2 the total amount of nicotine that is present in most cigarettes.

People experience dependence on nicotine, as it increases the level of certain chemicals, such as dopamine and norefininpin in the brain. When a person quits smoking, the level of these chemicals drops sharply and the body experiences nicotine starvation, which leads to poor health. When taking medications, the level of dofain and norepinepine rises in the same way as from a smoked cigarette. The brain records the flow of nicotine, and over time the symptoms of dependence gradually decrease.

When you inhale the tobacco smoke, nicotine starts to flow quickly from the lungs to the blood. The effect of nicotine-substituting products comes much later, so nicotine-substituting drugs do not cause dependence as cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Nicotine-replacement therapy is safe, if, of course, it is correctly applied. By itself, nicotine is not as harmful as the process of smoking. Resins, carbon monoxide and other toxic chemicals contained in tobacco, gradually destroy a healthy body.

Why use nicotine-replacement therapy?

Nicotine-replacement therapy is useful for those who are determined to quit smoking. Doctors do not recommend it only in case of pregnancy or heart disease.

Pregnancy. The use of nicotine-replacement therapy during pregnancy often leads to the fact that children are born with insufficient weight. But in fact, the process of smoking is much more dangerous for you and your child than the therapy itself. If you are pregnant or plan it, be sure to consult about the use of this therapy with your doctor. During pregnancy it is recommended to use other means, and only then - nicotine-substituting products.

Diseases of the heart. Nicotine-replacement therapy in most cases is successfully used by people with heart disease. But if you have recently had a heart attack or have serious heart disease, such as arrhythmia or angina, be sure to consult your doctor about using nicotine replacement products.

The doctor usually does not suggest using this kind of therapy to persons who are under the age of 18, for the reason that the products have been tested only for adults and nothing is known about the side effects that may appear as a result of their use.

How effective is Nicotine-replacement therapy?

The use of nicotine-replacement products doubles the chances that you will eventually quit smoking. All its forms are effective in case of their correct use. The use of nicotine patch simultaneously with bupropion doubles the chances of success. If you decide to combine different forms of therapy, be sure to consult with your doctor.

You will achieve a better result if, together with nicotine replacement therapy, you compile a program that includes the start date of the course of recovery, a plan for eliminating smoking provocateurs and support from the attending physician, friends or relatives.

Side effects of Nicotine-replacement therapy

With the advent of effective nicotine-substituting drugs, many smokers prefer treatment that is easy to use and causes a small number of side effects. Only some (less than 5%) refuse to continue taking nicotine-replacement products due to side effects.

Abrupt discontinuation of therapy causes withdrawal symptoms similar to those that a person experiences after quitting smoking. The likelihood of developing these symptoms decreases with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.

In rare cases, these products can cause nicotine dependence.


Adverse events as a result of the use of nicotine gum:

  • Bad taste in the mouth. There are several flavor varieties, for example, citrus or menthol, and many find them much more pleasant.

  • Tingling of the tongue during chewing.

  • Icking.

  • An upset stomach or heartburn. This sometimes happens as a result of improper use, because the chewing gum should be between the gum and cheek.

  • In the process of chewing, pain in the lower jaw may appear. Nicotine chewing gum is not recommended for people with diseases of the jaw joints (temporomandibular).


Side effects of nicotine lozenges:

  • upset stomach, especially when swallowing;

  • hiccough;

  • heartburn;

  • a headache;


Side effects of nicotine patch application:

  • Skin rashes in the area of application of the patch, which can be a reaction to both the plaster itself and to nicotine. Plaster is contraindicated in people with sensitive skin or allergies. If unpleasant sensations from the use of this patch move it to another part of the body or use an over-the-counter antihistamine cream, gel (Benadryl) or ointment.

  • Sleep disturbance with the constant use of the patch (for example, restless sleep). This happens because the brain is not used to the constant intake of nicotine into the body. To cope with this problem, you need to shoot it after 20.00. If this does not apply to side effects, but is the result of a withdrawal symptom, removing the patch will not work. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.


Adverse events of the inhaler application:

  • a cough;

  • stomach upset;

  • irritation of the larynx.

Do not use a nicotine inhaler for respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies. Read the instructions carefully with a list of side effects.

What to think about

You can not continue smoking with nicotine replacement therapy, as there is a high probability of overdose and development of headache, nausea, blurred consciousness and vomiting. If you have any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. Despite the method of quitting smoking, you can intensify coughing during the first week after you give up your bad habit. This is not the result of the development of the withdrawal symptom of nicotine, but simply the body is trying to clear the lungs, regardless of whether you are taking nicotine-replacement therapy or not. If the course of treatment is not completed to the end, you can not achieve the desired result and start smoking again. Do not consume acid-producing beverages, especially coffee and juices 15 minutes before and after applying the drug: the body may not take completely nicotine due to the acid of these drinks.

There is no universal nicotine-replacement therapy. The zealous smokers successfully achieve the desired effect using the strongest products from this series (chewing gum, candy, containing 4 mg of nicotine or patches with 21 mg). Start the course of treatment on the day when you quit smoking, which is a distinctive feature from other forms of treatment. If the side effects bring discomfort, change the type of therapy. Remember that this course of treatment doubles your chances of recovery. The harmfulness of prolonged use of nicotine gum is not established.

Nicotine-replacement therapy will reduce the majority, but not all of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. At the end of the course, dependence is significantly reduced. As a rule, early cessation of therapy leads to a return to smoking. When nicotine intake decreases to zero, you can still experience some withdrawal symptoms, but they are not prolonged and less painful.

Be sure to consult a doctor before using two forms of nicotine therapy (for example, plaster and chewing gum). In some cases, the use of bupropion simultaneously with nicotine-substituting products has an effective effect, but it can only be done under the supervision of a doctor. The doctor, however, can simply ascribe bupropion instead of these two drugs. In rare cases, nicotine nasal spray is used.

How to quit smoking with Clonidine (Catapress)

Clonidine (Catapress): A remedy for smoking

Common name - Clonidine

Trademark - Catapress

Clonidine - a prescription drug in the form of tablets or patches.

Why is he credited with

Doctors attribute clonidine to patients who want to get rid of tobacco dependence, but for some reason can not take bupropion, varenicline and nicotine substitutes or they did not have the desired effect.

How effective is it?

People who took clonidine were much quicker to quit smoking than those who did not resort to medication at all.

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Side effects of Clonidine

These include:

  • dry mouth (observed in 40% of patients);

  • drowsiness (33%);

  • dizziness (16%);

  • drowsiness (10%);

  • constipation (10%).

Clonidine plaster causes a rash.

While taking the drug from time to time check blood pressure, because Clonidine lowers its level. You may also show signs of depression and there may be a drop in blood pressure as a result of a sharp rise from the spot (postural or orthostatic hypotension).

Rapid refusal to take clonidine sometimes causes side effects: nervousness, excitement, headaches, trembling develop, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure (hypertension). You can avoid unpleasant moments by gradually lowering the dosage within 2-4 days.

What to think about

If you decide to take this particular drug, start 3-4 days before the date you set out to quit smoking. Use a clonidine patch for no more than 10 weeks, and change it every week.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to quit smoking: Fighting addiction

It's not easy to stop smoking, because nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes, causes dependence. The body requires constant replenishment of its stock, as a result of which you feel much better. So, when you try to quit smoking, the body stops receiving nicotine. You feel terrible and begin to gain weight, in addition, you are harassed by troubling thoughts and trouble falling asleep. But do not worry! Such problems arise for many. The most difficult thing is not to let yourself again pick up a pack of cigarettes. Use advice on how to cope with this desire. Information is also suitable for those who chew or snuff tobacco.

Basic moments:

  • Symptoms of a lack of nicotine in the body are especially felt in the first days after quitting. Some suffer for several months.

  • Medical products will help and will get rid of addiction forever.

  • Support groups, physical exercises and proper healthy nutrition can also provide significant support.

What are the symptoms of nicotine deficiency in the body?

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Deficiency of nicotine in the body provokes depression, anger, anxiety and grumbling. You may feel anxious, have problems with concentration and sleep regimen, because the body is demanding the replenishment of nicotine. Symptoms of nicotine deficiency are actively manifested when the body requires replenishment of this harmful substance. When you smoke for a long time, the brain gets used to nicotine, which promotes active activity. It helps to concentrate, lowers aggression and promotes rest. In fact, the nerve cells of the brain have already changed, and they are significantly different from similar non-smokers. When you stop smoking, the brain begins to rebuild and while this happens, the human body is in a state of stress. The person is disturbed by the concentration of attention, he is not able to control aggression. This behavior is fundamentally different from the previous one.

How can I overcome nicotine addiction?

Reduce stress

Many smoke for the reason that nicotine helps them to relax. Without it, they experience tension and discomfort. But there are ways that effectively help to overcome nicotine addiction. Try the following:

  • slowly take a few deep breaths, hold the last, then exhale as long as possible; try to relax all muscles;

  • do massage, yoga or traditional Chinese relaxation exercises;

  • listen to relaxing music; master the technique of auto-suggestion and meditation;

  • if possible, avoid stressful situations when first trying to quit; rest, walking in the open air.

These tips will help you relax. But it is also important to understand the cause of stressful situations and learn how to react differently to their provocateurs.

Be active

Physical exercise can help reduce cravings for nicotine. Easy training will relieve stress and relieve you of extra pounds.

In case you really want to smoke, start playing sports. Take a walk in the fresh air. Take chewing gum, work in the garden, walk the dog or play with the children.

Have a lot of rest

In case of violation of sleep, use these tips:

  • go to bed and wake up at the same time;

  • take a warm and relaxing bath before going to bed;

  • Do not drink alcohol in the evening, because you can wake up in the night;

  • Do not drink coffee, black tea or other caffeinated drinks 8 hours before bedtime;

  • Do not sleep in the daytime until you are sure that you will sleep soundly throughout the night;

  • if you can not sleep, ask the doctor to prescribe the medicine in this adaptation period;

  • meditate or do breathing exercises before going to sleep.

Adhere to a healthy diet

Quitting smoking increases appetite. To avoid extra pounds, you should remember that the secret of weight control is the use of healthy foods and regular exercise. Do not stick to the diet. Most people who quit smoking and refuse food can later have certain kinds of problems that hinder the attainment of the goal. Replace fruits, vegetables and whole grains with foods that contain large amounts of sugar or fat.

Try in this period to reduce congestion

  • Quitting smoking will be much more difficult if you are loaded at home and at work.

  • Begin to quit smoking at a time when you have little work and family responsibilities.

  • Ask family members not to ask many questions in the first week of giving up a bad habit.

  • Buy something useful on the money saved from cigarettes.

  • Be aware that physical stress, bad sleep or experiences do not contribute to the successful achievement of the goal.

Take medication

The medicine will help you effectively cope with nicotine addiction, and also prevent the recruitment of excess weight. According to studies, drugs double the chances that you can quit smoking forever.

Substitutes for nicotine relieve physical dependence. Nicotine patches, chewing gum, candies and inhalers are especially useful in case of strong dependence.

  • A medication such as bupropion will help you overcome dependence and cope with depression.

  • Varenicline (Chantix) is a drug that blocks the effect of nicotine, reduces dependence and helps the body to wean from nicotine.

How to Quit Smoking

Are you ready to quit smoking?

Perhaps, today you smoked the last cigarette or are ready to quit smoking from now on. Excellent. This information will give you decisiveness in this bold undertaking. Many smokers give up, and you can.

Why do you want to quit smoking?

Think about why you want to quit smoking? Maybe because you want to live longer and protect the heart and health from the harmful effects of nicotine. Or you want to be a good example for children and spend money on more useful things. The reason you want to quit is very important. If the initiative comes from you, and not from someone else, it will be much easier.

How can I quit smoking?

You do not have to do it alone. Ask your family or doctor for help. This is very difficult but necessary. Many for good can get rid of this bad habit. When you know how to act, giving up cigarettes is much easier.

Be ready. If you are ready to quit right now, act. Medication and family support will help to do this. But if you are not ready yet, do not rush. Determine the date. Choose a time when you will feel at ease. Before that, get rid of the ashtray, lighters and everything that provokes smoking. Do not allow others to smoke in your presence.

Change the mode. For example, if you smoke after eating, go for a walk. Take medication. This will significantly reduce stress and will double the chance of success in this difficult undertaking. You can buy nicotine candy without a prescription. Your doctor may also ascribe the following drugs: Bupropion (Zyban) or Vareniclin (Chantix).

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As soon as you stop smoking, try not to step back.

Do not be tempted to say that you smoke only one or two cigarettes. Do not keep cigarettes in the house or in the car. Always remind yourself that you have a plan and that you are in no way going to refuse it. Try to always remain calm.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is difficult, because the body is used to nicotine, which is contained in tobacco. This is more than giving up a bad habit. The body needs to adapt to the fact that it no longer receives nicotine. Nicotine-containing lollipops, plaster and chewing gum will come to the rescue, which will reduce the body's need for this harmful substance.

You will also have to change your habits. Perhaps you are used to chewing tobacco in stressful situations or drinking coffee with a cigarette. Before you stop smoking, think about how you can cope with the established habits. In case of stressful situations, instead of smoking, call a friend, do breathing exercises or take a chewing gum. If you are at work, take a walk during the break. Avoid smoking people.

What if you feel bad when trying to quit?

Surely you will want to smoke in the first 2-3 days after giving up cigarettes, while you will be overcome by a feeling of anxiety and sadness. In some, this condition can last several weeks. Difficulties in concentrating attention can arise, the diet and sleep can be disturbed. But this will not last forever, and the treatment will give the long-awaited effect. Medications in combination with nicotine substitutes will quench the thirst of the body, and soon you will feel much better.

Will you gain weight?

Perhaps you are worried that you will recover when you stop smoking. Throw this thought aside. You have a chance to get much more useful than a few extra pounds, as you will save money and gradually bring back all the functions of the body.

To not gain weight, you should:

  • adhere to an active lifestyle, and physical exercises will lift the mood;

  • eat more fruits, vegetables and less fatty foods;

  • do not try to replace food with cigarettes; Instead, chew a straw for soft drinks.

In this period it would be nice to go on a diet. Think about taking medications and nicotine substitutes. They will help you to go through this difficult period in your life and avoid extra pounds.

What if you started smoking again?

Most people stop smoking and start again several times (from 8-10) before they get rid of this habit forever. If this happened to you, do not give up. Each such attempt ultimately leads to a cherished goal.

Remember that by quitting smoking, you will avoid serious illnesses and continue your life. Analyze the reasons why you decided on such an act. Perhaps, in this way, you can protect the heart and move on to a healthy lifestyle.

With every attempt at giving up cigarettes, you will learn about what helps and what contributes to the achievement of the goal. Analyze what made you smoke a cigarette and work out a plan for the next attempt. If you tried to quit smoking without the help of medications, use them in the future. Medication in combination with nicotine substitutes will double the chances of success. You surely will cope with this!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

7 Effective and Tested Tips to Quit Smoking

If you're looking for some effective and tested tips to quit smoking, you're at right place. This article will help you to quit smoking.

First of all, you must be aware the cigarette contains tobacco. Not just that, as per American Lung Association, there are approximately 600 ingredients in a cigarette. When burned, they create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are poisonous.

So, just quit smoking. Without going into more details on harmful effects of cigarette smoking, I'm here writing 7 Effective and Tested Tips to Quit Smoking.

1. Remember Love to Quit Smoking

Write the name of 5 people you love most in your life. Now, think of your life without any of them. Do you feel pain in heart and tears in eyes? If yes, just think of their life without you. How will they feel and how will they survive without you?

If you have a little idea of the power of love, you can quit smoking just now. No need to read this article further.

If there is a scarcity of love in your life, proceed further.

2. Exhale Deep Breaths

Whenever you want to smoke, just exhale deep breaths. Do not worry of inhaling oxygen. Your body knows it very

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well, and it will do it. You just exhale Carbon-dioxide as much as you can. Your body will inhale fresh oxygen to the smallest cells of your lungs. And after that, you will feel fresh and active. Your body will automatically reject tobacco then.

It's better if you do it in open place - may be a park or near the sea. But you can always do it in your room or office also.

Try it now.

3. Be a witness in smoking cigarette

Next time you smoke a cigarette, just look at yourself. Don't try to quit smoking. Just be a polite witness to your actions. See how your hand is moving towards cigarette, to lighter, how you inhale smoke and exhale smoke. Slowly and slowly, you'll feel like a stupid person who is smoking for nothing. Once you become aware, there is no need to quit smoking. It will automatically be out of your life.

This way was recommended by OSHO - the spiritual master.

4. Seek support

Support from family and friends is crucial to helping an individual quit smoking. Tell your non-smoking peers you want to quit smoking and they will surely support you every step of the way.

5. Stop buying Cigarette packs in Bulk

As you’re getting ready to quit, stop buying cartons of cigarettes. Instead, only buy a pack at a time, and only carry two or three with you at a time. Eventually, you’ll find that when you want a smoke, you won’t have any immediately available. That will slowly wean you down to fewer cigarettes.

6. Herbal Tea

Switch to a cup of herbal tea whenever you usually have a cigarette. That might be at breakfast, mid morning, or after meals. The act of brewing the tea and slowly sipping it as it cools will provide the same stress relief as a hit of nicotine.

7. Buy and Read following books to quit smoking

The Illustrated Easyway to Stop Smoking: A Smoker's Guide to Just How Easy It Is to Quit
Quit Smoking for Good (52 Brilliant Little Ideas)
Quit Smoking While You're Smoking: An Easy and Practical Approach to Quitting
My Final Quit: How I Quit Smoking and Broke a 40-Year Addiction
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