Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to quit smoking: Fighting addiction

It's not easy to stop smoking, because nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes, causes dependence. The body requires constant replenishment of its stock, as a result of which you feel much better. So, when you try to quit smoking, the body stops receiving nicotine. You feel terrible and begin to gain weight, in addition, you are harassed by troubling thoughts and trouble falling asleep. But do not worry! Such problems arise for many. The most difficult thing is not to let yourself again pick up a pack of cigarettes. Use advice on how to cope with this desire. Information is also suitable for those who chew or snuff tobacco.

Basic moments:

  • Symptoms of a lack of nicotine in the body are especially felt in the first days after quitting. Some suffer for several months.

  • Medical products will help and will get rid of addiction forever.

  • Support groups, physical exercises and proper healthy nutrition can also provide significant support.

What are the symptoms of nicotine deficiency in the body?

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Deficiency of nicotine in the body provokes depression, anger, anxiety and grumbling. You may feel anxious, have problems with concentration and sleep regimen, because the body is demanding the replenishment of nicotine. Symptoms of nicotine deficiency are actively manifested when the body requires replenishment of this harmful substance. When you smoke for a long time, the brain gets used to nicotine, which promotes active activity. It helps to concentrate, lowers aggression and promotes rest. In fact, the nerve cells of the brain have already changed, and they are significantly different from similar non-smokers. When you stop smoking, the brain begins to rebuild and while this happens, the human body is in a state of stress. The person is disturbed by the concentration of attention, he is not able to control aggression. This behavior is fundamentally different from the previous one.

How can I overcome nicotine addiction?

Reduce stress

Many smoke for the reason that nicotine helps them to relax. Without it, they experience tension and discomfort. But there are ways that effectively help to overcome nicotine addiction. Try the following:

  • slowly take a few deep breaths, hold the last, then exhale as long as possible; try to relax all muscles;

  • do massage, yoga or traditional Chinese relaxation exercises;

  • listen to relaxing music; master the technique of auto-suggestion and meditation;

  • if possible, avoid stressful situations when first trying to quit; rest, walking in the open air.

These tips will help you relax. But it is also important to understand the cause of stressful situations and learn how to react differently to their provocateurs.

Be active

Physical exercise can help reduce cravings for nicotine. Easy training will relieve stress and relieve you of extra pounds.

In case you really want to smoke, start playing sports. Take a walk in the fresh air. Take chewing gum, work in the garden, walk the dog or play with the children.

Have a lot of rest

In case of violation of sleep, use these tips:

  • go to bed and wake up at the same time;

  • take a warm and relaxing bath before going to bed;

  • Do not drink alcohol in the evening, because you can wake up in the night;

  • Do not drink coffee, black tea or other caffeinated drinks 8 hours before bedtime;

  • Do not sleep in the daytime until you are sure that you will sleep soundly throughout the night;

  • if you can not sleep, ask the doctor to prescribe the medicine in this adaptation period;

  • meditate or do breathing exercises before going to sleep.

Adhere to a healthy diet

Quitting smoking increases appetite. To avoid extra pounds, you should remember that the secret of weight control is the use of healthy foods and regular exercise. Do not stick to the diet. Most people who quit smoking and refuse food can later have certain kinds of problems that hinder the attainment of the goal. Replace fruits, vegetables and whole grains with foods that contain large amounts of sugar or fat.

Try in this period to reduce congestion

  • Quitting smoking will be much more difficult if you are loaded at home and at work.

  • Begin to quit smoking at a time when you have little work and family responsibilities.

  • Ask family members not to ask many questions in the first week of giving up a bad habit.

  • Buy something useful on the money saved from cigarettes.

  • Be aware that physical stress, bad sleep or experiences do not contribute to the successful achievement of the goal.

Take medication

The medicine will help you effectively cope with nicotine addiction, and also prevent the recruitment of excess weight. According to studies, drugs double the chances that you can quit smoking forever.

Substitutes for nicotine relieve physical dependence. Nicotine patches, chewing gum, candies and inhalers are especially useful in case of strong dependence.

  • A medication such as bupropion will help you overcome dependence and cope with depression.

  • Varenicline (Chantix) is a drug that blocks the effect of nicotine, reduces dependence and helps the body to wean from nicotine.

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