NY Governor helps to quit smoking - it sounds pretty weird ... But yoga can indeed play an important role in your parting with cigarettes and significantly ease nicotine withdrawal.
How does yoga help you quit smoking? Let's figure it out. Firstly, you've to bring determination and will - qualities you need if you decide to give up nicotine. Secondly, as is known, many people start to smoke because of psychological and emotional problems. And yoga is a wonderful method of restoring mental equilibrium.
Thirdly, yoga teaches you to understand your body - in time you will begin to feel how it protests against the introduction of harmful toxins into it, and instead of the expected pleasure from a cigarette will experience discomfort. Fourth, the deep breathing technique practiced in yoga neutralizes the irresistible craving for nicotine, which manifests itself in the first days and weeks of quitting smoking. Finally, yoga helps you quit without additional weight gain and other side effects.
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Here is a simple example from respiratory yoga that will help you cope with craving for a cigarette: inhale as deeply as possible, and then exhale slowly. When exhaling, slowly touch the chest with your chin. Imagine how all the stress, tension and other emotional problems gradually come out of you through the fingers and toes. Repeat the exercise at least three times. Finally, it should be said that yoga not only helps you quit smoking but also improves your health, undermined by smoking - will strengthen the lungs and give strength.
For full-fledged yoga, you need a special space. It should be a spacious room in which the ideal cleanliness is maintained.
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