Thursday, June 7, 2018

How to Quit Smoking

Are you ready to quit smoking?

Perhaps, today you smoked the last cigarette or are ready to quit smoking from now on. Excellent. This information will give you decisiveness in this bold undertaking. Many smokers give up, and you can.

Why do you want to quit smoking?

Think about why you want to quit smoking? Maybe because you want to live longer and protect the heart and health from the harmful effects of nicotine. Or you want to be a good example for children and spend money on more useful things. The reason you want to quit is very important. If the initiative comes from you, and not from someone else, it will be much easier.

How can I quit smoking?

You do not have to do it alone. Ask your family or doctor for help. This is very difficult but necessary. Many for good can get rid of this bad habit. When you know how to act, giving up cigarettes is much easier.

Be ready. If you are ready to quit right now, act. Medication and family support will help to do this. But if you are not ready yet, do not rush. Determine the date. Choose a time when you will feel at ease. Before that, get rid of the ashtray, lighters and everything that provokes smoking. Do not allow others to smoke in your presence.

Change the mode. For example, if you smoke after eating, go for a walk. Take medication. This will significantly reduce stress and will double the chance of success in this difficult undertaking. You can buy nicotine candy without a prescription. Your doctor may also ascribe the following drugs: Bupropion (Zyban) or Vareniclin (Chantix).

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As soon as you stop smoking, try not to step back.

Do not be tempted to say that you smoke only one or two cigarettes. Do not keep cigarettes in the house or in the car. Always remind yourself that you have a plan and that you are in no way going to refuse it. Try to always remain calm.

Why is it so hard to quit smoking?

Quitting smoking is difficult, because the body is used to nicotine, which is contained in tobacco. This is more than giving up a bad habit. The body needs to adapt to the fact that it no longer receives nicotine. Nicotine-containing lollipops, plaster and chewing gum will come to the rescue, which will reduce the body's need for this harmful substance.

You will also have to change your habits. Perhaps you are used to chewing tobacco in stressful situations or drinking coffee with a cigarette. Before you stop smoking, think about how you can cope with the established habits. In case of stressful situations, instead of smoking, call a friend, do breathing exercises or take a chewing gum. If you are at work, take a walk during the break. Avoid smoking people.

What if you feel bad when trying to quit?

Surely you will want to smoke in the first 2-3 days after giving up cigarettes, while you will be overcome by a feeling of anxiety and sadness. In some, this condition can last several weeks. Difficulties in concentrating attention can arise, the diet and sleep can be disturbed. But this will not last forever, and the treatment will give the long-awaited effect. Medications in combination with nicotine substitutes will quench the thirst of the body, and soon you will feel much better.

Will you gain weight?

Perhaps you are worried that you will recover when you stop smoking. Throw this thought aside. You have a chance to get much more useful than a few extra pounds, as you will save money and gradually bring back all the functions of the body.

To not gain weight, you should:

  • adhere to an active lifestyle, and physical exercises will lift the mood;

  • eat more fruits, vegetables and less fatty foods;

  • do not try to replace food with cigarettes; Instead, chew a straw for soft drinks.

In this period it would be nice to go on a diet. Think about taking medications and nicotine substitutes. They will help you to go through this difficult period in your life and avoid extra pounds.

What if you started smoking again?

Most people stop smoking and start again several times (from 8-10) before they get rid of this habit forever. If this happened to you, do not give up. Each such attempt ultimately leads to a cherished goal.

Remember that by quitting smoking, you will avoid serious illnesses and continue your life. Analyze the reasons why you decided on such an act. Perhaps, in this way, you can protect the heart and move on to a healthy lifestyle.

With every attempt at giving up cigarettes, you will learn about what helps and what contributes to the achievement of the goal. Analyze what made you smoke a cigarette and work out a plan for the next attempt. If you tried to quit smoking without the help of medications, use them in the future. Medication in combination with nicotine substitutes will double the chances of success. You surely will cope with this!

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