Friday, June 8, 2018

Top 10 most original methods to quit smoking

We made a small rating of the most original methods of giving up cigarettes:

In the tenth place, an American smoker who, literally, flooded his craving for smoking ... fortunately not with alcohol, but with ordinary water. He drank a glass of water every time he wanted to smoke. For the month that the smoker needed to defeat the desire to smoke, he drank almost 150 liters of water. At the same time, the body cleared the toxins accumulated during the years of smoking.

[caption id="attachment_748" align="alignleft" width="293"]quit smoking quit smoking[/caption]

The ninth place is occupied by an English student, who picked up the rope instead of a cigarette. And I jumped, jumped, jumped until the desire to smoke did not disappear. This is the girl's will power - you have to force yourself not only not to smoke, but also to play sports.

In eighth place is also a student, but Russian, who does not like physical education, but very much likes chewing gum. She almost continuously chewed her two weeks before she could do without cigarettes. The truth and the experience of smoking at the girl small - about two years.

The seventh place is occupied by the smoker-sweet tooth, who came up with a simple way to deceive nicotine addiction. In a pack of cigarettes, he wore exactly 20 ordinary candies, which he used on cigarette smoke.

In the sixth place, a proponent of gradual withdrawal from smoking. A smoker with 30 years of experience, unable to quit smoking immediately and forever, cut a piece of a piece of cigarettes, until in the next pack there were only filters left. Maybe with will power and problems, but the woman's patience is abundant.

The fifth place of our rating we gave to the Ukrainian smoker, who successfully and in a short time was able to quit smoking. Because, going out on a smoke break, he did not light a cigarette, but tried to eat its contents. Mr. von Sacher-Masoch was also from Ukraine.

In fourth place, a citizen well enough provided to buy a pack of cigarettes when he wants to smoke, and unopened to throw it into the nearest urn. Apparently, you can stop smoking in this way in two cases - when it becomes a pity for money or when you get tired of going for cigarettes.

In third place is the original, which came up with a cigarette burning on the filter side and being tightened. They say, after one such delay, the desire to smoke completely disappears for a minimum of three days. We will not approve, you can check.

Honorable second place, in our humble opinion, worthy of becoming famous in the past year, an English banker, who almost a month fleeing from cigarettes on an uninhabited island. And not in a warm tropical paradise, but on a cold Scottish rock, blown by all the winds.

And, finally, the first place of our top is occupied by American Jodi Perkins, who asked to close her in the prison cell, desperate to quit smoking in accessible ways. Unfortunately, the authorities did not satisfy her request, but offered assistance to specialists.

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