Friday, June 8, 2018

Tips on how not to start smoking again

So, you quit smoking. The stage of "withdrawal syndrome" was passed, you got rid of psychological dependence and you can relatively calmly look at people with a cigarette. Do you think that all the difficulties are over? Nothing like this. Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is much more difficult not to start again. The main danger lurks when you cease to control yourself, in full confidence that you have parted with a cigarette forever. Read about how not to smoke again and let these tips help you stay from returning to a bad habit.

To smoke "for the company"

What happens The majority of former smokers breaks when they are offered to smoke "for the company." At the stage of withdrawal from smoking, to refuse such an offer is difficult physically, but it is easy psychologically. At this time a person knows that he can break down, and directs all will power to ensure that this does not happen. However, craving for smoking, as well as for any drug, is ineradicable, even suppressed it continues to live. When you have not been smoking for some time, and someone offers a cigarette, a couple of puffs seems acceptable. You think that you have already quit smoking and the half-cigarettes will not change this. Errors, having tasted the taste of nicotine, the lurking craving for smoking wakes up and you, without even noticing it, will start to smoke a pack again in the day.

Traps Parties or holidays, smoking friends, home smoking, depressed mood or, conversely, a joyous, carefree state.

What to do: Learn to say "no" in any situation. Consent to smoke, most often, impulsive and quick passes. Take a deep, slow breath-out and realize what you are about to do. If it does not work, say "yes", but instead of taking a cigarette, take a pencil, a straw, chew some food. After 5 minutes, you yourself will be surprised how close were to start smoking again.

"Be like everyone else"

[caption id="attachment_742" align="aligncenter" width="225"]quit smoking quit smoking[/caption]

What happens Often, those who quit smoking, especially young or insecure people, develop a syndrome of "herd". If most of the people around you smoke, it seems that it's easier to smoke yourself than to look like a "black sheep". As a rule, there are always people who start provoking, asking questions, offering "to be like everyone else". First, you start smoking for a look, just to get rid of it, but gradually return to your old habits.

Traps are a society of people, among whom smoking is considered the norm, insecurity, the desire to imitate.

What to do: Think about if you could quit smoking, this is already talking about your exclusivity. Believe me, not everyone can give up cigarettes. With this thought, start developing your self-esteem and awareness of your individuality. You should not go back to smoking just because everyone is smoking. To neutralize the provocateurs, think up your way of abandoning the cigarette and work it out to automatism. It can be a joke, a phrase, or even just a silence or an icy look. Try to communicate with non-smokers and organize your free time.


What happens: Unfortunately, it's rare to live in ideal conditions, even from those who stopped smoking. The slightest stress and hand again reaches for the cigarette. After all, it calms, relieves tension, lifts the mood. In this situation, the most common misconception of those who quit smoking again comes to the forefront - nothing will happen from a few puffs. And if stress is prolonged? And if depression does not let go? Correctly, very soon you will again think about how to quit smoking.

Traps Aval at work, a quarrel with close people, depression, a nasty rain outside the window.

What to do: You already know that the soothing effect of cigarettes is nothing more than an illusion. But what really helps relieve stress, is a bath with aromatic oils, a cup of tea with herbs, a heart-to-heart talk, a sport. If these things are not available at the time of stress, use psychological techniques. Only it is necessary to determine in advance "by typing" what will help you to switch - relaxation, counting to ten, methodically tearing up a piece of paper or something else.

Situations that can lead to a breakdown, a lot, as well as ways to stay away from smoking. Live consciously, never turn off self-control and then, you really can quit smoking forever.

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