Showing posts with label We quit smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We quit smoking. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

We quit smoking, breaking stereotypes

Although nicotine is excreted from the body in 3 days, many returns to smoking after a year and, even, after 10-20 years. Why? It's all about the emotional sensations that the process of smoking is associated with. Narcologists say that dependence cannot be completely eliminated, it is necessary to maintain an internal ban on smoking all your life.

Therefore, if you quit smoking without getting prepared for it psychologically, without creating a clear motivation that will work for more than one year, success is unlikely. Before you throw away cigarettes, you need to completely change the attitude to life and the possible negative.

Strength of will

It's easy to say "Do not think about cigarettes," and what to do if the body is experiencing nicotine hunger, legs themselves are brought to the tobacco kiosk, depression rolls one after another, and the arrow on the scales is steadily moving toward forbidden figures? Many smokers do not even try to quit, because, in advance, they are afraid to "break".

Do not relax! For a smoker to spend a day without cigarettes - this is an unthinkable feat. Was this an agonizing day in vain? After all the body starts to be released from harmful substances already in 20 minutes after the last smoked cigarette, and for a day it essentially moves ahead in self-cleaning.

Stress pushes into the "smoking room"

Another common obstacle to life without cigarettes is the mistaken belief that cigarettes calm nerves and help fight stress.

The inability to constructively perceive life's turmoil is rooted in childhood. Unfortunately, to deal with childhood fears account for the whole adult life. It is better to seek help in the therapist's office, rather than in the smoking room.

Replacing one habit with another

Food is the same way to suppress an internal conflict, like smoking. If the second to refuse, the first immediately comes to the fore. Nutritionists say that 95% of cases of gaining excess weight after quitting smoking are the result of replacing one habit with another.

Since, after giving up smoking, really, all the time you want to chew something, do not deny yourself this little pleasure. "Little" - in a literal sense, because small portions of low-calorie food, five meals with light snacks between meals will cause the mouth to be busy all the time, and the weight will remain the same. Yes, do not forget that now you can afford the luxury of doing light physical exercises. They also help to keep fit.

Cigarettes and social circle

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As a rule, the circle of the smoker's communication consists, basically, of smoking people. Most often, following advice to refuse to communicate with smoking friends and not participate in events where there is a possibility to smoke, the person who threw, feels like a vacuum. He remains alone, because old friends are taboo, and new ones are not so easy to find. And after all, an ex-smoker is not so easy, as a result, a breakdown occurs.

At the time of giving up smoking, it is not necessary to give up life. The thing is again in relation to it - coming to the "smoke" party, it is necessary, as it should, to praise yourself for the fact that you have already passed the stage that the remaining "locomotives" have yet to master. And who better than friends who are time-tested can support in a useful endeavor.


Having thrown out cigarettes, the smoker suddenly discovers that he has nothing to take his hands on, and in his mind all the time the thoughts of smoking revolve. To cope with this will also help motivation. If you quit smoking in order to improve your health - you can already begin to improve your body at the first stage of quitting smoking. If your goal, the restoration of the former beauty - salon and home procedures will not leave you time to drag out. It is useful to learn some new occupation or to return to the old hobby.

Many people smoke from boredom, from inability to communicate with themselves, to know their inner world, to love themselves and make their life interesting.

For complete success, in the process of quitting smoking, one should not think about the desire to quit smoking, but about the desire to be healthy!

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021