If you eat strawberries while drinking alcohol, you can minimize damage to the stomach lining. A team of Italian, Serbian and Spanish scientists confirmed the protective effect by conducting experiments on rats, reports Bagnet .
For 10 days, rodents were given 40 milligrams of strawberry extract per kilogram of weight each day. Then the rats were given alcohol and analyzed the condition of their stomachs, writes AIF . It turned out that those rodents who used the extract had less ulcers than the rest. According to one of the authors of the study, Dr. Sarah Tulipani from the University of Barcelona, this effect is associated not only with the antioxidant properties of strawberries, but also with the fact that it activates antioxidant protection and body enzymes.
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Based on the data obtained, the researchers concluded that eating strawberries can be an effective prevention of stomach diseases associated with the formation of free radicals or other reactive oxygen species, the most common of which is gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucosa, adds CNews .
In addition to the effects of alcohol, a variety of factors can cause gastritis, including viral infections, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin) and strong antibacterial drugs. Therefore, the authors emphasize that the goal of the work was not to find a means of neutralizing the negative effects of alcohol abuse, but to develop methods for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa that are accessible to everyone.
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