Showing posts with label Tibet HighlandHerbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tibet HighlandHerbs. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

How to quit smoking? 10 Simple Tips

Almost all smokers know that quitting smoking is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

After the first fruitless attempts, they have the question "How to quit smoking forever?". Here you will be helped only by patience, motivation, and willpower.

Even children know that smoking is an unhealthy habit for our body. Smoking causes disease not only pulmonary and cardiovascular system. It negatively affects all (!) Organs of our body. No cell remains healthy if a person starts smoking, and especially if he smokes long enough.

So, you still firmly decided to quit smoking, as you realize the destructiveness of this harmful habit. Congratulations, then the first step has already been made - you have a desire to quit, and this is a great achievement. We offer to your attention a few tips that will help get rid of bad habits. But not with the help of a miracle, but with the help of only you.

1. Make a healthy lifestyle your goal number 1.

Set your desire to quit smoking in first place among others. By concentrating only on it, you significantly increase your chances of successful achievement of the result.

2. As often as possible, imagine the result of getting rid of bad habits.

Constantly think how much you will feel better when you can stop smoking. Imagine how easy your breath will become and how much your internal energy will increase. Think about what you can buy with the money that you will save by stopping smoking. Write 10 advantages of a non-smoking person's life before a smoker, and read it every time you want to smoke.

3. Simplify your life.

Think whether there are people in your environment who would like to quit, but they can not do it. Together, getting rid of this bad habit is much easier than yourself. Tell your family and friends about your goal.

Ask co-workers and acquaintances not to smoke at you. Keep the plan to achieve the goal of "quit smoking!" in a written form. Write down all the ways that you can help get rid of bad habits, and look at them in difficult moments

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4. Try to separate yourself and your personal experiences.

Instead of thinking that quitting is very hard, think about how you are getting closer to your goal every minute. Remember that every day will become easier and easier, until the body completely does not get rid of nicotine addiction.

5. Encourage yourself.

Stack all the money that could be spent on cigarettes in the bank. In a year you will understand that you could save for a decent trip or a quarter of a brand-new car. At the end of each week, without smoking, pamper yourself with a trip to the cinema, a restaurant, a trip to where you've long wanted to visit, buying a new thing and so on.

6. Alternative medicine.

Do not forget about acupuncture, anti-nicotine patches and phytotherapy. Contact a qualified specialist who can individually develop acupuncture procedures for you, make a list of herbs that will help you quit smoking faster. Anti-nicotine patches are also a powerful supportive therapy. Do not use patches that contain small doses of nicotine, supposedly helping to quit smoking with ease. Choose plasters that contain extracts of natural herbs without unnecessary chemical and nicotine additives.

7. Go to your goal with thoughts.

"I can quit smoking, I must!" If your child or loved one stayed in the building after the fire started, would you save it? Would you doubt? Certainly not, because it would be about saving lives. So in the case of smoking. You must save your life from bad habits.

8. Imagine the path to success.

Give each night 10 minutes to yourself. Close your eyes and imagine how you say "no" to every offer of friends or acquaintances to go have a smoke. Feel how good you will feel, knowing that now you yourself are driving a bad habit, and not it you.

Imagine yourself a happy, non-smoking person who can afford to play sports, climb up to the fifth floor without problems and who does not spend money to ruin his health.

9. Learn how to manage desires.

If the desire to smoke suddenly took you by surprise, try to retire and sit comfortably or lie down. Take a few deep breaths, feel how clean air without the slightest admixture of smoke quietly enters your lungs, and just as smoothly emerges. Feel how with each breath your muscles relax, and the tension goes away. Through time it will become easier, and the craving for smoking will disappear.


Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ ™

How to quit smoking? Sooner or later, any smoker poses such a question and seeks ways to get rid of addiction. Quitting smoking is not as easy as it seems for the first time. A unique anti-nicotine patch is a great way to help yourself, without poisoning the body with additional portions of nicotine.

Quitting smoking is very difficult and painful, and miraculous ways are not here. The most important thing is the passionate desire of the smoker himself to give up the addiction and neutralize the consequences of smoking. Every person who wants to quit smoking should clearly understand for themselves that there will be no miracles. It is best to use a comprehensive approach to quitting smoking, since not only nicotine addiction appears, but also psychological dependence on cigarettes.

There are two main types of aids from smoking: with nicotine supplements and without them. Among the smokers there is a myth that the harm and consequences of smoking are caused by resins and organic compounds released during the smoking process. And nicotine itself is considered quite harmless means, just causing addiction. Using nicotine patches and cigarettes, with a reduced content of nicotine, smokers are only further away from the goal of "quitting smoking," and nicotine dependence is increasing.

Researches of scientists have already proved, that nicotine - at all a harmless substance to which the organism simply gets used. 60 grams of nicotine can kill an adult, which is only three cigarettes. When an overdose of nicotine is an intoxication of the body, which adversely affects the entire body, and especially on the heart of a person.

The second way to quit smoking is replacement therapy. In most cases - it's phytotherapy. Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ does not contain nicotine. But it contains extracts of such oriental herbs as cloves, spicy cinnamon, Siberian ginseng and clove oil from flower buds. This combination removes nicotine from the body, relieves the effects of smoking, strengthens immunity, increases physical endurance, stimulates mental activity, cleanses the blood and restores inner harmony. A patch will not relieve you of addiction if you unconsciously approach the question "How to quit smoking?". The patch will help you overcome the craving for nicotine and cleanse the body, but will not get rid of the bad habit.

Anti-smoking plaster Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ has many advantages:

  • extracts of herbs continuously fall into the body without your participation in the right doses;

  • the patch acts through the skin, thereby not causing harm to the gastrointestinal tract and other organs;

  • the patch is especially active at night, when the skin is most susceptible to incoming substances;

  • helps not only to stop smoking, but also to get rid of the consequences;

  • improves the work of the airways;

  • makes the taste of tobacco unpleasant, speeding up the quitting.

Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ is one of the most natural ways to stop smoking.

Applicators "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ are easy to use: you need to clean the skin beforehand and paste one patch on the points of the back surface of the palm just below the base of the thumb (Tian-Wei). Change the patch should not be earlier than 16 hours, otherwise the effect of the action of medicinal herbs against nicotine dependence will be incomplete. The optimal time for the patch is 24 hours, after which it needs to be changed. The course of treatment is 28 days. You need to use until completely weaned from nicotine. The higher the experience of the smoker, the more courses are required.

The plaster is safe and has no side effects. Due to the lack of nicotine in its composition, the patch does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. Anti-nicotine patch is not recommended for use in children and pregnant women. If you are allergic to some component, it is better to consult your doctor.

Composition. Anti-smoking plaster "Tibet HighlandHerbs" ™ contains:

  • clove - antiseptic action, improvement of digestion, blood purification, strengthening of the heart muscle, painkiller;

  • spicy cinnamon (Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae) - calms the broncho-pulmonary system, gives strength, strengthens the heart, suppresses infections, antiseptic;

  • Siberian ginseng (Radix et Caulis Acanthopanacis Santicosi) - tones up, improves the functioning of the nervous system;

  • clove oil from flower buds (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) - an analgesic, supports the work of the nervous system.

Packaging. 14 patches in a package of 1.0 grams

Indications for use. It is recommended to quit smoking, overcome the nicotine addiction, cleanse the body of smoking products, clean the vessels.

The official distributor of Tibet HighlandHerbs ™ in the CIS countries:


4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021