Thursday, December 17, 2020

Victoria Cross for Australia

Victoria Cross for Australia


Victoria Cross for Australia  - the highest distinction in the Australian honors system, who replaced the British Victoria Cross specifically for the delivery of the Australians . The Victoria Cross for Australia is "the supreme honor of individuals who have performed conspicuous acts of valor in the face of the enemy, or who have performed courageous or outstanding acts of valor or self-sacrifice, or have shown extreme devotion to duty."

Victoria Cross for Australia was established January 15, 1991 on the basis of patent certificates, signed by the Queen of Australia, Elizabeth II of . It is ranked first (along with the British Victoria Cross) in the order of wearing Australian decorationsand has priority over all orders, medals and decorations of Australia. The cross may be awarded to members of the Australian Defense Forces and others as specified by the Australian Secretary of Defense... The Victoria Cross for Australia is eligible to place the post-nominal abbreviation “VC” after his name.

The Victoria Cross for Australia is awarded by the Governor General of Australia with the approval of the Monarch on the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense. His first knight of January 16, 2009 became a trooper Mark donaldson for the salvation of the translator of the coalition forces under fire in the Wilayat of Uruzgan during the war in Afghanistan , nearly 40 years after Warrant Officer Keith Payne was the last Australian awarded the British Victoria Cross on 24 May 1969 for bravery during the Vietnam War ... Unlike the original Victoria Cross, where the announcement of the award is followed shortly by the presentation of the award, in Australia these actions take place concurrently with an investiture by the Governor General in the presence of the Prime Minister .


British victoria cross

The Victoria Cross was established on January 29, 1856 by Queen Victoria of Great Britain for retrospective rewarding of distinguished participants in the Crimean War . According to some reports, the award was cast from bronze cascades of two guns, repulsed from the Russian troops during the siege of Sevastopol . However, in the course of later studies using X-ray images of early Victoria crosses, it was shown that the metal used in them was not actually of Russian origin, but was smelted from ancient Chinese tools.

Victoria Cross for Australia

The barracks of the cannon from which the medals were cast are now found at the officers' mess in the Royal Artillery Barracks at Woolwich . The rest of the only surviving cascade weighing about 10 kilograms is kept at the disposal of the 15th regiment of the Royal Logistics Corpsat Donington baseunder armed guard. According to the assumptions of the historian John Glanfield, about 80-85 more Victoria crosses could be cast from this cascade. To this day, the jewelry company “ Hancocks & Co ” is responsible for the production of absolutely every cross of Victoria.", Founded in 1849. Both the Australian and New Zealand Victoria Crosses are cast in the same bronze as the British award, while the Canadian version has undergone some changes.

The original Victoria Cross was awarded to 96 Australians, of whom 91 were awarded while serving in the Australian forces, and the remaining 5 are former Australian soldiers who transferred to South African or British forces. 6 awards were awarded for the First Boer War , 64 for the First World War , 2 for the Northern Russian Campaign , 20 for the Second World War , 4 for the Vietnam War . The first Australian to be awarded the Victoria Cross on June 4, 1901 was Neville Howes.during the Boer War, and the last on May 24, 1969 - Keith Payne for his actions in Vietnam.

Selected Commonwealth awards

After the end of World War II, a number of member countries of the newly formed Commonwealth of Nations established their own reward systems, different from the British . Nevertheless, the possibility of awarding citizens of these countries with British awards was left. In place of the British Victoria Cross and other insignia, their own awards for courage and bravery were created. The top honors in Australia , Canada and New Zealand were named after the British Victoria Cross, with some design differences, making the awards systems unique to each of these countries.

The Victoria Cross for Australia was established on January 15, 1991 by a patentsigned by Queen Elizabeth II of Australia . Thus, Australia became the first of the three Commonwealth states to establish a separate Victoria Cross in its own system of awards. The award remains identical to its British counterpart, although the cross is slightly smaller. On August 22, 2017, the statute was changed regarding the appearance of the award.

The Victoria Cross for Canada was established on December 31, 1992. The statute and design remained largely unchanged, except that the obverse was written in Latin and the alloy composition of the cross contained inclusions of metals mined in Canada. No Victoria Cross has been awarded to Canada. The Victoria Cross for New Zealand was established on September 20, 1999. The appearance of the award is completely identical to the original British Victoria Cross, however, some changes have been made to the status regarding the possibility of awarding peacekeeping activities. On July 2, 2007, he was awarded Corporal Bill Apiata .


The Victoria Cross for Australia is identical to the original and is a Maltese , or clawed cross , medal . The beams of an equal-pointed cross taper towards the center and widen at the ends without having cutouts on them. Material - dark bronze . The size of each axis is 35 millimeters. In the center of the cross is the Crown of St. Edward , surmounted by a crowned lion , the emblem of the British royal family , and below it, in a semicircle, a ribbon in the form of a scroll with the inscription “ FOR VALOR". The shoe is attached to the cross through a V-shaped eyelet and is decorated with images of laurel leaves, a purple ribbon 38.5 millimeters wide. On the reverse side of the cross, in a circle, the date of the feat is indicated, and on the back side of the block - the name and division of the recipient. In case of re-awarding, a buckle is attached to the ribbon of the existing Victoria Crossin the form of a bronze strip measuring 38.5 millimeters in width and 6 millimeters in height. There are also straps and cross miniatures for everyday wear. The strap is a tape 41 millimeters wide and 10 millimeters high with a reduced replica of a cross, 9 millimeters in size, fixed on it in the middle along each axis. A miniature is a miniature copy of the cross, suspended on a 16 mm wide ribbon.

The statute

The Victoria Cross for Australia is awarded "for the most conspicuous bravery, or for a valiant or outstanding act of valor or self-sacrifice, or for extreme dedication to duty in the presence of an enemy." The award may be awarded posthumously. The Cross may be awarded to members of the Australian Defense Forces , as well as other individuals as specified by the Australian Secretary of Defense... “Other persons” are intended to refer to police officers , women and civilians who can be rewarded, for example, for acting during a terrorist attack. The award is made by an act of the Governor General with the approval of the monarchand on the recommendation of the Minister of Defense. Each award must be recorded in an appropriate award register maintained by a registrar appointed by the Governor General. The Governor-General can either cancel the act of awarding the award or restore a previously canceled award. If the award is canceled, the cross is returned to the state, and the name of the person deprived of the award must be removed from the register. If the award is restored and the decision to withdraw the award is canceled, the entry in the register must be restored.

The Victoria Cross for Australia is the highest distinction in the Australian award system, having priority over the rest of the Australian awards along with the British Victoria Cross. The junior awards in relation to both crosses are the British George Cross and the Australian Cross of Valor... The cross is worn on the left side of the chest, along with full-size orders, medals and insignia, and in front of them in accordance with the order of wearing Australian awardsapproved by the monarch. Cavaliers of the Victoria Cross for Australia are eligible for post-nominal letter acronym placement"VC" after your name; holders of a buckle to the cross add the phrase "and Bar" to the abbreviation. According to military protocol and established tradition, other members of the armed forces honor the Knight of the Victoria Cross for Australia, even if he is lower in rank. Under the Veterans Rights Act 1986, the Victoria Cross for Australia, as well as the British award, is paid a special cash benefit of $ 3,230 per year, which is indexed annually since 2005 in line with the increase in the consumer price index . The awardees and their family members can perform representational duties and take part in ceremonial events at public expense.

Knights of the Victoria Cross for Australia

Main article: List of Australian Knights of the Victoria Cross
  •      Awarded posthumously
  •      Living now
Name DP TO Subdivision Place of achievement DN P MN P
Byrd, Cameron 22.6 . 2013 BBA 2nd Commando Regiment Chavchak , Uruzgan , Afghanistan 18.2 . 2014   AVM  
Donaldson, Mark 2.9 . 2008 BBA Special Air Service Regiment Uruzgan , Afghanistan 16.1 . 2009   AVM  
Keygran, Daniel 24.8 . 2010 BBA 6th battalion Derapet, Uruzgan , Afghanistan 1.11 . 2012   AVM  
Roberts-Smith, Ben 11.6 . 2010 BBA Special Air Service Regiment Tizak, Kandahar , Afghanistan 23.1 . 2011   AVM  
Sheehan, Edward 1.12 . 1942 WWII « HMAS Armidale are" Arafura Sea , Portuguese Timor 12.8 . 2020   not handed over  

Retrospective Awards Question

In the awarding practice of the Victoria Cross, obvious anomalies were often found, which were explained by accidental mistakes or a simple coincidence of fate, but many considered it a great injustice not to award this award to specific individuals. In particular, none of the employees of the Royal Australian Navy was awarded the Victoria Cross , about which many theories have been put forward - from assumptions about the bias of the members of the Royal Australian Navy.who made presentation for awards and allegedly took an arrogant position in relation to the Australians, or before arguing that in naval battles in which the employees of the ship's crews act as a whole, there are simply fewer opportunities for individual heroism. Nevertheless, there are cases when the Australian ship crews were almost entirely killed along with the ship, which did not cancel their heroic actions. A number of individuals are known who have not been awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia despite their merits. One of the most famous and controversial precedents of this kind was the feat of a 2nd class sailor Edward Sheehan , who died in 1942 with the ship HMAS Armidale"During the Second World War and for actions to save his comrades, he was only mentioned in reports...

In 2001 Senator Chris Schlachtdrafted an award bill for Sheehan himself, as well as John Simpson and Albert Clearycrosses of Victoria, but its consideration did not progress beyond the second reading. The reason for this is due to the fact that the bill was supported by the leader of the oppositionfrom Labor by Kim Beesley, however, his party did not win the ensuing electionsand the bill never became an official act of parliament. The case got off the ground in 2010 when Senator Guy Barnettin parliament named Sheehan and Hector Waller, candidates for the Victoria Cross. In 2011, Parliamentary Secretary of Defense Senator David Feeneyannounced that the Independent Honors and Awards Appeals Tribunal has begun to investigate award-winning acts of military heroism and valor against 13 men, most of them in the Navy. The list included the previously mentioned Sheehan, Cleary, Simpson, Waller, as well as new candidates - Robert Davis , Frances Emms , Dalmorton Rudd , Noel Shipp , Francis Smith , Ronald Taylor , David Hamer, Robert Rankinand Henry Stoker...

In 2013, two years later, the tribunal announced the conclusions of its investigation - all candidates were rejected on various grounds with the reference to the fact that all their merits had already been adequately recognized in the past. Nevertheless, Sheehan's relatives, along with sympathizers, continued to fight. In 2018, Barnett filed a complaint against the tribunal's decision, which was publicly heard on the matter in 2019. The report was released only after public pressure on the Prime Minister's office... The decision stated that Sheehan's actions in relation to the Victoria Cross statute met all the criteria for awarding and the tribunal unanimously decided to recommend to the Secretary of Defenseprepare a presentation to the Queen of Sheehan's candidacy for his award. The report was sent to the Minister of Defense for personnel Darren Chester, who agreed with the recommendations of the tribunal and announced his intention to consult on this matter with other cabinet ministers, as well as the prime minister . Subsequently, Secretary of Defense Linda Reynoldsstated that "the study conducted by the tribunal did not provide any new evidence that could influence the revision of the recommendations," and called such a decision difficult, but correct "in the circumstances." Thereafter, Tribunal President Mark Sullivansaid Reynolds had misled the Senate about the tribunal's findings, but Prime Minister Scott Morrison “reluctantly” agreed to his Secretary of Defense’s decision, but soon after public pressure decided to intervene in Sheehan’s case.

In 2020, Morrison commissioned a panel of experts led by former Secretary of Defense and former Director of the Australian War Memorial Brendan Nelsonevaluate the possibility of rewarding Sheehan. Formerly Australian Army Chief Angus Campbell"Strongly advised" Morrison and Chester not to seek awards for Sheehan because such a precedent could "open the floodgates" for "a number of additional retrospective military awards" claims over "all past conflicts." After presenting compelling new evidence in support of Sheehan's award, based on testimonies from his comrades and data from the archives, the experts unanimously recommended the Prime Minister to honor Sheehan with the Victoria Cross. The Prime Minister then turned to Governor General David Hurley to seek the approval of Queen Elizabeth Sheehan's posthumous award of the Victoria Cross for Australia, which he received in the same year. Thus, Sheehan's long-standing 78-year recognition process was completed.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

How to gain weight without harm to health: 5 important steps

IN OUR SOCIETY, THE CULT OF A SLIM BODY IS STRONG : incompatibility is considered a problem for him and many people do not give up trying to lose weight. In particular, this applies to women to whom the media all year round impose standards of the "beach body". Difficulties with weight gain are less common and less often discussed in society. Often, thinness is considered a “gift of fate”, and complaints that a person cannot gain weight are perceived as coquetry.

First, a lean figure is not a reason for shaming, as well as full forms. Secondly, this is not always a conscious choice: for some people, the lack of weight can be associated with diseases, and someone just wants to have a more prominent and strong body, but this does not work out. We decided to understand the causes of underweight and find out how to gain weight wisely without harm to health.

Understand the reasons

From the point of view of medicine, excessive thinness is a condition in which weight is not enough for the normal functioning of the body. Body mass index (BMI) is widely used to determine healthy weight . To roughly understand what your BMI is, it is recommended to divide the weight by the square of height in meters. It is believed that with excessive thinness, the BMI is less than 18.5. However, self-diagnosis on such a scheme is very unreliable. Moreover, it is important to remember that BMI itself is a very conditional indicator of health, which does not take into account constitutional features and the ratio of muscle and fat mass.

[caption id="attachment_4348" align="aligncenter" width="300"]How to gain weight How to gain weight[/caption]

Ultrasound, a special caliper device, underwater weighing and a number of other methods are used to measure the latter . It is considered that for women the rate of body fat content is from 20% to 32%. Indicators may vary depending on age, activity level and other factors. However, all these approximate figures may indicate a potential problem. Lack of weight is both a sign and cause of a number of serious diseases.

We have already said that excessive thinness can be caused by metabolic disorders . In addition, weight deficiency is among the signs of cancer, type 1 diabetes, and acute gluten intolerance. So, before you change your diet and habits, be sure to consult your doctor. Sometimes the cause of overweight is eating disorders or an unbalanced diet. In such cases, the body receives insufficient amounts of nutrients, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and severely hits the immune system. For women, extreme thinness is fraught with hormonal disruptions, menstrual disorders and reproductive system problems. Doctors often prescribe weight gain to patients, and you should ask the doctor to give detailed recommendations on how to gain weight.

Think over the new diet

Weight gain is a set of fat and muscle tissue. To get more fat, you need to create a surplus of calories, that is, consume more than burn. It is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There is everything - no way out. High-calorie foods like sweet soda, fast food and baking will add to you not only a couple of kilograms, but also, perhaps, health problems. High concentrations of simple carbohydrates in such foods can lead to fatigue and apathy, dental problems and even osteoporosis. Saturated fats contained in fast food, increase cholesterol levels and can increase the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To gain "healthy fat", you need to eat well for a long time. A surplus of 300–500 kcal per day is enough. Organize yourself a regular meal: three main meals and a couple of snacks. Lean on fish, complex carbohydrates, starchy vegetables, use olive and coconut oils when cooking. A good option is nuts and dried fruits: they are both high-calorie and rich in vitamins. When you gain muscle mass, pay attention to sports nutrition. Reasonable use of protein shakes and gainers will help add protein and carbohydrates without harm to health.

Engage in strength training

So that the excess calories turned into not only fat but also muscle mass, you will have to go in for sports. Cardio loads like running, exercise bikes and dancing should be avoided - they burn too many calories and do not help build muscles. For weight gain, power loads are suitable - workouts based on work with weights. It is believed that the most effective work at the limit of opportunities : when it seems to you that you can no longer take weight, but you do another two or three repetitions. The fact is that muscle fibers are surrounded by connective tissue, in which microdamages occur during training. Its cells begin to be actively built in order to “patch up” the micro-fracture, thereby building up muscles in volume.

Despite this generally accepted technique, we advise you to work with weights very carefully. To start work in the gym you need under the supervision of an experienced trainer who will follow the technique of exercise and the level of load. A professional will help to quickly achieve the desired result and avoid injury. In any case, you need to treat yourself carefully, and to the advice of a coach - critically. Before starting training, as well as if during classes there are controversial issues, it is better to consult a doctor whom you trust.

Be patient

Healthy weight gain is a long process, patience is worth it. In order to track their results, doctors recommend weighing in at about the same time every day. The main thing is to treat this ritual without fanaticism, because a certain weight is not a goal, but an intermediate result of working on your health. You can keep a food diary to determine the optimal diet. Online services like Healbe and Dacadoo , and wearable gadgets are suitable for this purpose . However, a healthy diet can sometimes be broken: there is nothing wrong with an extra croissant or cheesecake - especially if you are trying to get better.

Remember that muscles grow during periods of rest of the body, so proper rest is very important. Get enough sleep and avoid stress. If you want to not only gain weight, but also to keep it, you will have to change your lifestyle. And if the help of a trainer can eventually be abandoned, and a rigorous calculation of calories is not at all necessary, then a balanced diet and physical activity should stay with you for a long time.

Get inspired

Think of different incentives for each day. Record your successes, share them with friends - online or with live communication, buy a beautiful sports form - in general, do what pleases and motivates you personally. Thousands of people have already traveled the path to a strong body and well-being, so why not take advantage of their advice? In instagram there are many profiles of Russian fitness bloggers, in which they tell in detail about proper nutrition, daily regimen and workouts.

Do not be afraid to stop being thin. Take a look at weight gain is not just as a medical indication. This is an excellent opportunity to learn good habits and start a healthy lifestyle. In addition, a strong body and full forms are finally beginning to be perceived as a variant of the norm. Celebrities from Beyonce to Kim Kardashian, plus-size models , body-positive dancers , yoga and fitness trainers — all these successful women never tire of reminding you of how useful it is to spit on other people's standards and define your personal goals. Follow their example: not easy, but it is very important to learn to respect your body and accept it at any stage of life.

The healing properties of Boron Uterus

For some reason, most people use synthetic drugs for treatment, and this is unknowingly all. The world around us is rich in medicinal plants, but not all of them have been studied to the end. Artificial drugs have side effects, plants can act with harm, therefore you need to know exactly what kind of plant and for what it is prescribed. For example, the uterus of the uterus stimulates the production of female and male sex hormones , so the more it takes, the more hormones in the body, and such an excess is harmful to humans.

Ortiliya one-sided or boron uterus - a perennial plant, found in dry conifers of Siberia , blooms and harvested in July. Boron uterus contains flavonoids , saponins , resins , coumarin , arbutin , bitter and tannins , tartaric and citric acids. Antiallergic , antiviral , anticarcinogenic , anti-cancer properties are inherent in flavanoids . This substance changes the body's response to carcinogens.and viruses. Arbutin is a glycoside that disintegrates in the body into hydroquinone, a very effective antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects , and glucose.

Strengthen the treatment of boron uterus components tannins, namely the products of their hydrolysis. Borovoy uterus is used for gynecological diseases , when you need to normalize the urinary system . If you have a violation of the menstrual cycle , infertility , erosion of the cervix , uterine fibrioma , bleeding , inflammation of the prostate gland - it is used in the form of a biologically active food supplement . Therefore, it is suitable for both men and women.

Boron uterus is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but there are medical records when it is prescribed for severe toxemia, preventing miscarriages, but still this plant affects the genetic apparatus, so you should be careful and consult a doctor, and not self-medicate. Boron uterus tincture: 50 grams of grass pour 500 ml of vodka, insist for a couple of weeks in a dark place, and then take 15 to 30 drops three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Wrinkles. Causes of wrinkles. How to prevent wrinkles


Young healthy skin is elastic, smooth, tightly stretched. With age, it turns yellow, becomes dry, rough, loses its elasticity, wrinkles, grooves and folds appear on it.

Wrinkle formation occurs gradually. First, wrinkles appear on the forehead, then in the direction from the nose to the chin, at the outer corners of the eyes and, finally, on the neck, nose, chin and upper lip. Wrinkles can be observed in people of different ages, even in young people.

Causes of wrinkles

Mimic wrinkles . Wrinkles cause various facial habits: wrinkling of the forehead, squinting eyes (usually in the sun); the manner of laughing also contributes to the formation of wrinkles; in some individuals, laughter causes a sharp contraction of all facial muscles.

Premature wrinkles are also observed when the head is not properly positioned during sleep. Many sleep, placing cushions under their heads; at the same time, the head leans towards the chest, and wrinkles form on the neck and chin.

Wrinkles can also occur with intensive weight loss. Sprawling skin can not quickly contract, it sags, wrinkles.

Postponed diseases . Infectious, chronic diseases, disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, women's, gastrointestinal diseases weaken the body's resistance, reduce the elasticity of the skin, and it begins to shrink.

Natural factors are the appearance of wrinkles . A considerable role in the development of wrinkles in young people is played by various external influences: prolonged exposure to the sun and wind, temperature fluctuations in the air, its excessive dryness and humidity; long stay in stuffy, smoke-filled rooms (passive smoking).

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Abuse of makeup . A lot of girls with good skin are abused by frequent washing and especially by dusting their face. And the frequent use of powder dries the skin and creates the conditions for the formation of wrinkles.

Age factor of wrinkles . As early as the 3rd decade of life, wrinkles are a consequence of the onset of age-old wilting of the skin. Between 30 and 40 years, the number of wrinkles increases significantly and reaches a maximum by 55-60 years. The skin in older people loses its density and elasticity; due to the thinning of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the rebirth and death of elastic fibers, it stretches and falls; at the same time, the zygomatic bones abruptly protrude, nasolabial folds are clearly detected, the volume of the chin, neck, and neck increases.

How to prevent wrinkles

In order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to combine the implementation of a set of exercises for the facial muscles with the procedures for skin care:

Getting rid of bad mimic habits . With the appearance of a double chin, thin loose skin and folds on the neck, it is recommended to eliminate the bad habit of pressing the chin to the chest. It is much more useful, and more beautiful, to keep your head slightly raised. During sleep, the face should rest on a pillow freely; one should not dig into it in any way. Of great importance is the condition of the teeth and timely prosthetics. The absence of teeth not only leads to abnormal digestion, but also inevitably changes the shape of the face: the cheeks sink, deep folds and grooves form.

The use of compresses (poultices) . For their preparation, they fold a small towel or napkin into a strip (20-25 cm), put it in hot water, squeeze it and put it on the face. The middle of the compress covers the chin from the bottom, and the ends are placed on the cheeks, forehead and nose (only the mouth and nostrils are free). The poultice should be kept on the face for 2-3 minutes, then remove and wipe or drench the face with cold water.

Wiping application . Wipe the face with cold saline (1/2 tsp. Of salt per 1 cup of water). For very dry skin, instead of salt, use a solution of tannin (1/2 tsp. Of tannin per 1 cup of water).

The use of ointments against the appearance of wrinkles . Before bedtime it is useful to lubricate the face with cream or ointment. To the ointment is added ordinary table salt - 1/2 tsp. finely pounded salt rubbed with 1 jar of cream. This cream is applied on the face, especially on wrinkles, and 2-3 minutes drive it with the ends of the fingers. In the morning, it is advisable to rinse your face with cool water, lubricate it with a cream and powder. You should not go out without smearing your face with cream.

Protection from direct sunlight . People with marked wrinkles should avoid direct sun rays; preferably air baths. Before sunbathing, be sure to lubricate the face with cream.

Self-massage against the appearance of wrinkles . When wrinkles appear, daily lightly tap the face with fingertips for 5 minutes. It improves blood circulation in the skin and strengthens it.

The use of masks . They prevent the formation of wrinkles and have an extremely beneficial effect on the skin.

Protein and lemon. Beat egg white in foam, add juice of 1/2 lemon and salt on the tip of a knife; stir the whole mixture well.
Yolk oil. Mix egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. camphor or castor oil.
Egg-tolokonnaya. To the beaten egg white or yolk add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l oatmeal
Yolk honey Pound egg yolk with 1/2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. glycerol.
Yeast. 20-25 g of yeast diluted with milk or vegetable oil to the thickness of sour cream.
Yeast sour. 25 g of yeast diluted with water until thick cream and let stand until fermentation.

These masks can be alternated with masks recommended for loose skin. Before applying the mask, the face must be washed or rubbed. The duration of the use of masks - 15-20 minutes. All masks, except yeast, can be left overnight. Masks containing oil are removed with a wet swab, the rest - washed with water.

Healthy lifestyle . Proper facial skin care and prevention is not enough for the successful elimination of wrinkles. Care must be taken to improve overall health; to establish a general strengthening regime, to follow a certain diet, to engage in physical culture and gymnastics of the whole body and face.

A healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, control of facial expressions and good mood will help to delay the appearance of wrinkles. People aged, balanced, benevolent retain smooth skin longer than gall, always dissatisfied people.

Strawberry saves the body from the harmful effects of alcohol

If you eat strawberries while drinking alcohol, you can minimize damage to the stomach lining. A team of Italian, Serbian and Spanish scientists confirmed the protective effect by conducting experiments on rats, reports Bagnet .

For 10 days, rodents were given 40 milligrams of strawberry extract per kilogram of weight each day. Then the rats were given alcohol and analyzed the condition of their stomachs, writes AIF . It turned out that those rodents who used the extract had less ulcers than the rest. According to one of the authors of the study, Dr. Sarah Tulipani from the University of Barcelona, this effect is associated not only with the antioxidant properties of strawberries, but also with the fact that it activates antioxidant protection and body enzymes.

[caption id="attachment_4341" align="aligncenter" width="335"]Strawberry saves the body from the harmful effects of alcohol Strawberry saves the body from the harmful effects of alcohol[/caption]

Based on the data obtained, the researchers concluded that eating strawberries can be an effective prevention of stomach diseases associated with the formation of free radicals or other reactive oxygen species, the most common of which is gastritis or inflammation of the gastric mucosa, adds CNews .

In addition to the effects of alcohol, a variety of factors can cause gastritis, including viral infections, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin) and strong antibacterial drugs. Therefore, the authors emphasize that the goal of the work was not to find a means of neutralizing the negative effects of alcohol abuse, but to develop methods for the prevention and treatment of inflammation of the gastric mucosa that are accessible to everyone.

7 stages of a relationship that you must go through for true love

We choose our husband or wife. However, to experience true love in family life, you need to get to know each other, make friends, and then fall in love. Many falsely consider love as the first candy-bouquet period. After all, as soon as the romance leaves, rose-colored glasses fall, the partners face the first difficulties, the first tests of relationships. And someone thinks - love is gone .

Devotion and patience are the main qualities of love. If you decide that “love is over” in your relationship, be sure that it has not started yet.

These seven stages of a relationship that show you why true love and true relationships come over time:

1. Candy-bouquet stage

Candy and bouquet period lasts about 18 months. Since men and women, when they fall in love with each other, hormones are produced in the body, which help to see the world in bright colors. During this period, everything seems surprising to them in their partner. They feel as if intoxicated.

One should not make fateful decisions during this period, because the action of this intoxication will sooner or later cease, everything will fall into place.

2. Stage of glut

During this period, you begin to look soberly at your relationship and your partner, the sea of ??feelings subsides, you gradually get used to each other. The consequence of this is a change in your behavior - you begin to behave more relaxed and natural.

3. The stage of disgust

The stage of disgust cannot be avoided in any long-term relationship. Quarrels and identifying each other’s flaws are characteristic of this stage. It seems to you that the easiest way to avoid all this is separation or divorce. After parting, you will soon re-enter the candy-bouquet stage with another person, and begin to go through the stages again, until you reach this point and proceed to the next one.

4. Stage of patience

At this stage, partners gain wisdom. The quarrels are no longer so dramatic, because both know that the quarrel ends, and the relationship must continue. If both do their best to develop patience, over the years wisdom comes to them. This is the law.

[caption id="attachment_972" align="aligncenter" width="334"]true love true love[/caption]

5. Stage of duty or respect

This is the first stage of true love, because before this love was not yet. Partners begin to understand their responsibilities, thinking not about what the other partner owes him, but about what he can do and give to his beloved.

6. Stage of friendship

During this period, the partners become very close to each other. They trust each other as their closest friends. The stage of friendship opens the way to true love.

7. The stage of true love

For real love they go for a very long time, passing together through difficult life stages and situations. True love is not something that unexpectedly falls to you from heaven, as many believe. For real, adult love, a person matures, abandoning selfishness and prejudice.


Male psychology: how to understand a man and his language?

Men and women ... From time immemorial we live side by side, but we have not learned to perceive each other in the way that peaceful coexistence requires. Male psychology - how to understand a man to a woman with her own, female psychology? Eternal confrontation, the eternal dispute between the sexes, the eternal struggle. Perhaps it could not be otherwise - there is an opinion that men and women are “from different planets”.

It seems so, because almost every one of us once realises that the man does not understand the mind. Why and to establish with him personal or business contact can be very difficult. Hence - quarrels, conflicts, tensions in the relationship. From here - unhappy marriages, dissatisfaction, hostility, broken hearts and loneliness. And how to understand a man or a guy, general psychology does not prompt.

However, the point is most likely not that we, women, come from Venus. And they are men from Mars. The reason for the differences between the sexes is in the difference of worldviews and differences in the perception of reality. If we are aware of these features of male perception, then we will certainly be able to choose a key to the representatives of the stronger sex.

And bypass, thanks to this, acute angles in the relationship, eliminating the lion’s share of quarrels and misunderstandings. Women are wise creatures. They are able to feel and understand well their loved ones. But only if they have an idea of ??what male psychology is. Otherwise we become touchy, overly demanding, intolerable.

Yes, the mind does not understand a man, if you do not know how he thinks and what he means when he says this or that phrase. Ignorance in this matter generates a lot of conflict and leads to continuous misunderstandings in communicating with loved ones. So let's at least partially eliminate the gap in our knowledge of male psychology and try to understand a man. Let's start?

Men language

Strangely enough, but even when a man and a woman in life use the same dialect, they still speak different languages. According to linguistic researchers, in ancient times, representatives of both sexes were well aware of this. Due to which they understood each other perfectly. However, over time, both of them either forgot about language differences, or ceased to reckon with them.

However, this situation today is not everywhere. For example, in Japan, a similar language difference is provided not only by grammatical rules, but also by etiquette requirements. However, it’s not just declensions, pronouns, endings, prefixes and suffixes. The point, above all, is that men and women express their opinions and experiences in different ways. It’s easy to make sure. It is enough to ask the boy and the girl to retell some fairy tale. And immediately there will be a noticeable big difference between the “girlish” and “boyish” variants. Everything is simple - their psychology even in childhood is already different!

Maybe it is laid in early childhood, because we raise our children in accordance with their sex? But it is also likely that the roots of the differences are in the peculiarities of the psyche and genetic memory. It’s hard to say for sure. The fact remains that we speak different languages.

And if male and female language were taught at school in sex education classes, many of the conflicts between men and women could have been avoided, because it would be much easier to understand a man. But, alas, in such lessons they are now taught anything, even virtuoso sex, but not the skill of communicating with the opposite sex.

As a result, the science of such communication, each person comprehends independently through trial, error and stuffing cones. Yes, it is still good, if it wants to comprehend, otherwise it is not, it does not want to! And all his life comes on the same rake, getting on his forehead again and again. And then, when on a rake it is annoying to stagnate, or it closes, or begins to negatively treat all, without exception, representatives of the opposite sex. They say they are all so-so, so there can be no mutual understanding!

If for men the main thing is external action, then for women it is the inner world of emotions. So how then can we express our thoughts and feelings in the same way? While he is thinking about how to prevent a global coup, she puzzles over what to cook for dinner. While he is thinking about the consequences of a revolution in some country, she is looking for options to lose weight. He was puzzled by the global crisis, she was a new fur coat, and so on. Women generally think more narrowly and specifically than men. Men can overlook scattered socks, dirty cups, cobwebs in the corner, women see it all at once, without straining attention. And, without straining thinking, they already know what to do with such a disgrace.

Conclusion: if a man does not understand the mind, then men and women cannot project their own perception of the world onto each other. These are views on reality from a different angle, coinciding only at certain points.

Psychologically, we are not similar, so you should not be disappointed, taking this dissimilarity as a reluctance to understand and fruitfully build relationships. It is better to take into account that men are not like us, and adjust their behavior accordingly. And as long as male psychology remains a mystery to you, you simply cannot understand it, no matter how much you desire. Let's see what it looks like.

Male phrases. How to treat them?

All of us are big inventors and are inclined to think about almost every remark thrown by our beloved ones. For example, the way back from work was not in the spirit, had dinner, frownedly threw: “I am tired!” And collapsed on the sofa in front of the TV. While he is mindlessly switching channels, an entire armada of disturbing thoughts is whirling around in our heads.

Tired ?! Why are you tired? He was not promoted, he no longer earns money, he spends as much time in the service as he did before. So why is he suddenly so tired today? Eh, nooo, a scoundrel, either hides something from the salary and does not say that they have increased the workload with the salary, or he started a mistress ...

And we also perceive the phrase “I'm tired!” As the fact that he is tired of us. After all, we have recovered almost per kilogram over the past six months and have not cooked borsch for a long time. Not cooked soup? Yeah-hh ?! And the fact that we also work and the whole house we carry is not counted ?!

Everything. It is worthwhile to think this way of the innocent phrase of your dear half - and it’s gone, it’s gone: this is female psychology. The attack on the spouse begins in order to find out for what reasons he is silently lying on the sofa and that he is not satisfied with his home. Moreover, one can only wonder and wonder what caused such a surge of aggression in the dear little wife. After all, he is really just tired. The day was hard!

Men tend to be straightforward. They themselves do not know how to hint, and do not understand hints. It is we, women, who can circle around the bush, walk in from afar, be ambiguous. And then be offended that we were not taken as it should be, did not guess the request and did not satisfy the desire. And find out the relationship with offonarevshem from a sudden attack by her husband. After all, he didn’t suspect that when we asked: “I’m a little better, dear?”, They meant that the figure was perfectly preserved! And he foolishly threw: "Yes!"

It is not worth all the forces trying to pull information from a man. We always pester them with the question of what is at your job, where have you been, waiting for them to confirm feelings and assertions of their own attractiveness. In response, we get indifferent: "Everything is in order," "I went on business," "I love you," "You look great."

And we begin to brutalize from the cold, detached intonation of answers. But what else can it be, if the thoughts of the dear are busy with the solution of a global problem and it’s not a trifle? Well, loves, loves, how much can you talk about it? All fine. There will be problems, will tell. And we look quite ourselves. This is understandable, otherwise I would have escaped long ago! Why bother with such questions again and again? Here it is, male psychology!

The main part of women for unknown reasons for some reason suspect their faithful in excessive secrecy. They, they say, never tell the truth, conceal even the little things and generally pretend to be at every turn. Of course, we are trying to expose them, bring them to clean water and make them behave sincerely. Men become nervous and angry, thereby increasing our suspicion. Still would! After all, if you are freaking out, it means that you’ve got hurt, and he is definitely guilty of something!

Now imagine such a situation. The buyer in the department store attached to the seller with a request to sell him sausage. The seller answers in amazement that they have no sausages for sale. The visitor does not calm down and continues to insist on his own - sell him a pound of amateur sausage, period! And she never wants to believe that she is simply not here. How, as a result, will the seller react to his insistence? Right. In the end, he will lose his temper and show a bore where the exit is.

Something like our attempts to convict a man of insincerity, when he has nothing to hide. What kind of reaction can you expect from someone who is insulted with disbelief? Well, do not know how the representatives of the stronger sex to discuss every little thing, because they do not notice the little things! They do not understand why an ardent confession of love is needed every hour if this fervent confession has already sounded. Yet it is clear that why repeat a hundred times?

Women, of course, like to heed the phrase "I love you," and they are ready to listen to it again and again. However, men say it with all my heart only in moments of elation. If we demand a confession several times a day, they simply give in so as not to provoke the spouse into a scandal. This alone is proof of male love. In the absence of love, would a husband strive to save the world in a family?

Well, since he loves, it means that those extra pounds do not spoil us, and we will not hear about the troubles at work once again. And about what things he decided, when absent, we will not know. Because a loving man will not upset his woman once again and will try to cope with all the issues himself - this is the psychology of a real knight.

From the point of view of representatives of the strong half of humanity, a woman should not be aware of their problems. Does she interfere in her spouse's affairs? It turns out, does not believe in his male consistency. With this, only a suitable infantile hlyupik will be put up, which is just waiting for the wife to take the decision of all the issues on herself.

In a word, if we cannot understand a man with the mind, we will act according to worldly wisdom. He stopped saying compliments and confessing his love, unshaven lounged on a sofa and scratching a growing belly? Wife need to rejoice! Because she is the only one whom the husband fully trusts and with whom he is really good. Otherwise I would not lie here, but wandered somewhere in search of adventure. Or mistress.

In general, the psychology of men is quite understandable. He calls yellow yellow, and blue blue. We can define yellow as the color of young dandelions, and replace blue with the color of the vast sea. Men will not confuse exact definition with emotion. They save both internal reserve and time. You should not worry about it, because we all mean the same thing. Let's try to understand the loved one without further ado, paying more attention to his actions. They will talk about feelings better than any, even the most beautiful phrases.


7 scientific reasons why laughter is good for health

We all heard the phrase "Laughter is the best medicine." However, few know that this is, in fact, a scientifically proven fact. A good sense of humour and sincere laughter are good for your physical, emotional and social health.

It is much cheaper than travelling to the doctor and works much better than any medicine. I will tell you more - it is completely free! So why not try?

Here are just a few reasons why laughing is useful:

1. Laughter is good for blood vessels.

Laughter causes an expansion of the tissue that forms the inner surface of blood vessels, increasing blood flow. Laughter can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. Laughter improves emotional health.

Laughter releases dopamine, which increases the level of pleasure; serotonin, which improves mood; and endorphin, which regulates stress and causes euphoria. All this has a positive effect on our emotional health.

3. Laughter improves social relationships.

There is a hypothesis that laughter arose long before the appearance of human speech. Therefore, it is an important element in human relationships. A healthy sense of humour makes communication easy and enjoyable.

[caption id="attachment_4339" align="aligncenter" width="346"]why laughter is good for health why laughter is good for health[/caption]

4. Laughter makes you more attractive.

Studies have shown that men with a good sense of humour are more attractive to women. In turn, men are more attracted to women who laugh at their jokes. Laughter makes you feel more comfortable in society. Also, a good sense of humour at the interview increases your chances of getting a job.

5. Laughter reduces stress and anxiety.

Humour helps us survive everyday difficulties. It mitigates the negative effects of stress on health and contributes to a positive attitude. It helps to see the positive side in adverse situations.

6. It strengthens the immune system.

Stressful situations in everyday life suppress the immune system, increasing the risk of infectious diseases and heart disease. A good sense of humour prevents negative effects on the immune system, protecting us from illness.

7. Laughter is good for the respiratory system.

Laughter is a quick and easy way to control breathing and cleaning the lungs. It leads to an increase in heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen consumption. Long laughter saves the lungs from residual air and replaces it with fresh, oxygen-rich air. In other words, laughter allows you to breathe more deeply, which improves the health of the respiratory system, especially for people with respiratory diseases, such as asthma.

Sincere, real laughter is very "contagious." This is the only "disease" that you want to "hurt" as often as possible.

Why is laughter useful?

1. Laughter relaxes

It helps to quickly relieve tension and relax. After hard events, laughter in a pair allows you to relieve stress for a difficult situation, so for such couples family life lasts longer.

2. Laughter is good for overall health.

It reduces the level of cortisol - a stress hormone, improves immunity. Laughter also has a positive effect on insulin sensitivity.

3. Laughter helps to learn

It is laughter and a sufficient level of dopamine (a substance responsible for the feeling of pleasure and blocking pain) that stimulates children to learn. The study showed that children who do not respond to jokes learn less well.

[caption id="attachment_4337" align="aligncenter" width="335"]laughter laughter[/caption]

4. Laughter prolongs life, both healthy and sick.

Scientists confirm that mortality among people who had a sense of humor was 31% lower than those who did not have a sense of humor. Even the habit of laughing at yourself is associated with a continuation of life, better well-being.

5. Laughter unites people

This is a great defusing situation and a social emotion that unites people, regardless of whether the joke was funny. Laughter is a real indicator of proximity.

Watermelon - calorie, beneficial properties, benefit and harm, description

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon is the name of a grassy annual fruit of the Pumpkin family called pumpkin. A pumpkin is a berry, the largest known, can have a different shape - a regular ball, an oval, a cylinder and even a cube. According to the culinary classification, watermelon refers to fruit. The color of hard peel is found in various versions, from light to dark green with almost black stripes, spots or mesh. Between the crust and bright red juicy pulp there is a white layer of different thickness, from a few millimeters to 4-5 cm (from these crusts, jam is made and candied fruits are prepared). The flesh is traditionally red, but breeders can boast yellow or orange watermelons inside. Watermelon seeds vary from small (0.5 cm) to medium (1-1.5 cm), also vary in color - white, dark brown or combined.

Origin of watermelons

The history of watermelons dates back to the 20th century BC, the first mentions of round green berries are found in documents telling about the life of the tribes of South Africa (calorizator). In ancient Egypt, proof of the use of watermelons are perfectly preserved bones found in Tutankhamun’s tomb (it was believed that watermelons should be sent with the deceased person to serve as food in the afterlife).

Calorie watermelon

Calorie watermelon is 25 kcal per 100 grams of product.

[caption id="attachment_4335" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Watermelon Watermelon[/caption]

The composition and beneficial properties of watermelon

Watermelon has a rather impressive chemical composition in terms of vitamins and minerals, which contains: vitamins A , B1 , B2 , B6 , B9 , C , E , H and PP , as well as potassium , calcium , magnesium , iron , phosphorus and sodium . Dietary fiber contained in watermelon helps to normalize metabolism, fructose makes the fruit an excellent option for the nutrition of people with diabetes. A well-known property of watermelon - cleansing the kidneys and liver due to its strong diuretic and choleretic properties. In the season of watermelons, if you set a goal to improve your health, you can, without much straining, even get rid of sand and small stones in the kidneys. Drinking watermelon lowers cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the body.

Harm of watermelon

It should be remembered that watermelon perfectly absorbs nitrates, so it can cause not only allergic reactions, but also cause significant harm to health. Diabetics and people suffering from renal insufficiency should not be consumed uncontrollably with watermelon. Watermelon contains a lot of sugar.

Watermelon varieties

Watermelons grown in Russia are divided into several varieties, among which the most famous are Astrakhan, Ogonek, Gift of the Sun, Skoryk, Kherson, Sugar Kid. Watermelons grown in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are highly valued, such fruits can be stored for a long time without losing taste.

Watermelon growing

For full ripening of watermelon you need a lot of sun, heat and moisture, so the most suitable climate is tropical. But even in central Russia it is quite possible to grow a sweet and juicy watermelon - however, the size of such a berry will differ significantly from its Astrakhan counterparts.

Choosing a watermelon - a girl or a boy?

There is no clear evidence that feminine watermelons - “girls” - are sweeter and juicier than “boys”, but for many it matters, therefore, we recall once again that the difference according to “gender” is a different kind of watermelon ). The "girls" ass is lighter, larger in size and has fuzzy borders, the "boys" - neat, pulled in and dark color. Often, choosing a delicious watermelon helps a close look at the tail - the drier it is, the more ripe the watermelon is. Many knock on the watermelon and listen - a ringing sound speaks of juiciness and ripeness, deaf - that the watermelon waited a long time in its hour and has the consistency of a sponge for washing dishes.

Watermelon and weight loss

Watermelon perfectly quenches thirst, so it is great for fasting days and even for a mono-diet . But it should be remembered that a large amount of watermelon only for some time dulls the feeling of hunger, so you should be wise to approach the decision to lose weight due to watermelons and just enjoy the magic taste of juicy berries.

Watermelon slicing

The most correct thing is to hit the watermelon on the edge of the table a little, so that it cracks and breaks itself into halves, take spoons and devour the juicy flesh, dripping with sweet juice. Such happiness rarely falls, so there are several ways to accurately cut and feed watermelon (kalorizator). For an elegant dessert, you need to clear the watermelon from the crusts and cut it into small pieces “for one bite”, make small forks so that guests do not get dirty. At home, everyone chooses the method that is convenient and depends on the sharpness of the knife. You can cut the two tops, it is convenient to install a watermelon on the flat side of a dish or a flat plate and cut from top to bottom into slices of a convenient width. You can immediately divide the watermelon along in half and cut further across arbitrary slices. Special knives for cutting watermelons resembling apple ones appeared on the market.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Bad breath: 3 reasons and 3 ways to cope

Bad breath can ruin the mood here and now and cause self-doubt in the long run. Especially if you do not know why he appeared.

A condition well known to doctors as halitosis can be due to both minor and serious reasons . In the latter case, diagnosis and treatment is required, so that a visit to a specialist is definitely not enough. On the other hand, if you are sure that everything is in order with your health, here are three things that could have caused everything:

Bacteria in mouth

Studies show that bacterial plaques are the most common cause of bad breath, especially on the teeth, gums and tongue. And while quite often the fault or inadequate hygiene is to blame, dry mouth remains the common trigger - an ideal environment for the existence and reproduction of bacteria. This explains the fact that for most people in the morning (as during sleep, the production of saliva stops) breathing can hardly be called pleasant.

Disease and drugs

Although this situation is less common, if compared with the previous reason, it can still work in your case. According to the dentist Harold Katz (Harold Katz) in the commentary for the Medical Daily, an extremely bad breath - at times worse than usual - can be a sign of lung disease. In addition, unpleasant breathing can be a symptom of diabetes , respiratory tract infection, inflammation of the tonsils and some other diseases. Plus, in some cases, the side effects of drugs that you take on the advice of a doctor can also be associated with bad breath.

[caption id="attachment_4332" align="aligncenter" width="334"]Bad breath Bad breath[/caption]

Alcohol, cigarettes and diet

Often, halitosis provoke our bad habits, whether it is smoking or excessive alcohol consumption . It is known that alcohol causes dehydration, but smoking can not only dry the oral cavity, but also increase the number of compounds that cause an unpleasant odor in the body. Nutritionists add that the list of "potentially dangerous" should include a low-carb diet + the habit of skipping meals with enviable regularity.

According to, some foods, such as garlic, onions , spices, cabbage and radishes, can also be the culprit. So treat your diet in any case is very careful.

How to get rid of bad breath

Speaking about how to get rid of bad breath, it is important to note that when it comes to illness, the recommendations should come primarily from your doctor. If the situation is less serious, there are several ways to deal with the problem that are worth trying:

Hygienic habits

Brush your teeth with medium hardness twice a day, using the pad to clean the tongue on the back side. And if possible, use an oral rinse after each meal. This is especially important for those who are at risk for bad breath (for example, people who wear braces or dentures). Of the obvious recommendations: visit the dentist twice a year and do not forget to change a toothbrush after an illness.

Drink more water

In the case of bad breath, the formula works perfectly: the more you drink , the better. This, of course, is pure water without gas, while sweet soda, which can harm enamels, is better to exclude. A useful addition here will be water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as apples, cucumbers, celery and carrots. Experts say they can act as an alternative toothbrush, removing food debris stuck between their teeth.

What about chewing gum? This, noted by dentists, is also a good and universal way of hydration. “Saliva that forms during chewing takes responsibility for reducing bad breath,” says Cassiano Kuchenbecker Rösing, a professor at the University of Rio Grande do Sol.

Home remedies

According to Jennifer Jablow, a cosmetic dentist from New York, you can chew fresh mint leaves or parsley. She explains that parsley, for example, contains chlorophyll, which prevents the formation of volatile sulfur compounds that contribute to an unpleasant odor. Ready to go further? You can also prepare homemade mouthwash. Dentist Debra Glassman from Glassman Dental Care says that a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of peppermint oil does an excellent job.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Blood from the nose: causes and treatment

Most often, bleeding from the nose appears as if from scratch, nothing hurts a person and does not bother anything. But in order to prevent re-bleeding from the nose, you must know its causes and try to get rid of them.

Many people think that bleeding from the nose is not dangerous, and in fact it is always a sign of a deviation in lifestyle or even a symptom of the disease.

Bleeding from the nose can be caused by various reasons, among them :

Increased pressure is the most common cause of nosebleeds. The increase in blood pressure on the walls of fragile capillaries often tears them apart, which is why blood from the nose comes. Usually, increased pressure is often observed in people of retirement age.


Mechanical injuries are also one of the common causes of nosebleeds. Blood can go if a person scratched his nose, or during a runny nose - when the nose is injured by handkerchiefs, easily injured vessels of the nose with SARS swell and burst.


Drying of the mucous membranes happens in the cold or with dry air in the room and can lead to bleeding.

Poor blood clotting

Bleeding from the nose can occur with poor blood clotting, as well as for those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood thinning drugs.

Vitamin K

Bleeding caused by poor blood clotting may be due to vitamin K deficiency. Its source is spinach, lettuce, all types of cabbage, avocado, bananas, wheat bran, soy, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C affects the state of the blood vessels, and its deficiency increases their fragility. This explains the bleeding in children after illness, when the body is weak and feels deficient in vitamins, as well as in winter and spring. Therefore, it is important to follow the diet, especially after an illness and during the cold season.

Polyps in the nose.

Polyps are proliferation in the nasal mucosa, which prevents it from functioning normally. The processes prevent breathing and put physical pressure on the vessels. With polyps, blood from the nose goes on quite often, especially in the morning. In addition, the dryness of the nose and the formation of crusts leads to scooping and new bleeding. Read more about what polyps are in the nose and why they are formed >>

Vegetative dystonia

If spontaneous bleeding from the nose is preceded by headache and tinnitus, and blood from the nose comes against the background of watery discharge, then, most likely, the cause is in vascular dystonia. Many people, especially children, do not tolerate fluctuations in the weather, because of which the blood pressure also changes dramatically, the vessels either expand or contract, as a result of which their walls do not stand up and burst.


This reason explains the nosebleeds in girls during hormonal adjustment, this phenomenon is called replacement bleeding. The tissue of the nose and the tissue of the genitals are of the same type, it is called cavernous tissue. If you examine it under a microscope, you can see the very close intertwining of the tangles of blood vessels.

Therefore, when the blood rushes to the genitals before the start of menstruation, the cavernous tissues of the nose swell reflexively, the vessels overflow with blood, sometimes they do not stand up, burst, blood comes from the nose.

Usually, with the establishment of a permanent menstrual cycle, these problems disappear in girls, but this does not prevent the gynecologist and the endocrinologist from telling them about it during the reception.

By the way, such hormonal causes of nosebleeds can also occur during pregnancy.


Blood from the nose is often associated with overheating of the body, for example, in summer with sunstroke, and in winter - with a rise in temperature during the flu and respiratory infections.

Barometric pressure drops

Climbers and divers often suffer from nosebleeds due to the fact that they have to endure sharp pressure drops.


Nosebleeds may occur due to severe overwork, workload or study, in the absence of fresh air, lack of sleep, stress, and so on. As a result of all these factors, the walls of blood vessels become brittle and brittle, which causes bleeding from the nose. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your lifestyle, fully relax and eat well.

In children, 90% of spontaneous nasal bleeding occurs from the Kisselbach plexus zone - this is the place at the lower edge of the nasal septum, where there is a very dense network of branched blood vessels. In children, the vessels are located close to the surface, while the mucous membrane is thin, so any damage to the mucosa and a sharp expansion of the vessels can cause bleeding.

Complete Guide to Hiccup

Any person from time to time begins to hiccup, absolutely anyone. A person who has never hiccupped in his life, probably should be shown on the evening news. What are the main causes of hiccups, why does hiccups arise after eating and how to get rid of hiccups?

Hiccup: causes

Hiccups are usually completely harmless, albeit terribly annoying. The causes of hiccups may be different and some of them may indicate serious health problems.

What happens during hiccups? Hiccup occurs due to irritation of the diaphragm. Most of the time, our diaphragm works quietly, while breathing in, going down to let air into the lungs, and rising again to push air from the lungs when a person exhales. If the diaphragm is irritated, it starts moving in spurts, causing a sharp stream of air to enter the throat. When this happens, air enters the vocal cords, which causes a characteristic sound.

Common causes of hiccups are drinking carbonated drinks, eating too much lunch or dinner (that is, over-eating in general), excessive drinking, emotional stress , anxiety, and sudden changes in temperature. Ordinary hiccups pass very quickly - within five to twenty minutes. Hiccups that last longer than 48 hours can be a sign of a serious illness. The cause of such hiccups can be irritation or damage to the vagus or phrenic nerve or a disease like laryngitis. The cause of long-term hiccups can also be a side effect of drugs, metabolic disorders such as diabetes. and central nervous system disorders, such as traumatic brain injury or meningitis.

How is the diagnosis of the causes of long-term hiccups?

If the hiccups continue for several days, you need to consult a doctor to eliminate the possibility of damage to the body due to serious diseases. The doctor prescribes a series of tests to the patient. For example, laboratory tests check a patient’s blood for kidney disease, infection or diabetes. Using endoscopic tests look for possible problems in the respiratory throat or esophagus, using a special camera located at the end of a flexible, thin tube that is lowered through the throat into the esophagus. With the help of fluoroscopy, you can detect possible problems in the diaphragm, as well as damage to the vagus and phrenic nerves. These tests include computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and chest x-rays.

Frequent hiccups

As we have already mentioned, frequent hiccups can occur as a result of damage or irritation of the nerves that affect the muscles of the diaphragm. Nerve damage can occur as a result of pleurisy or pneumonia. Pleurisy is a disease in which the mucous membranes of the lungs and chest become infected and inflamed, which makes breathing very difficult. And pneumonia develops when bacteria and viruses enter the lungs through the nasal or oral cavity. Symptoms of pneumonia include fever, chills, and cough, in which green or yellow mucus is secreted, in which there may sometimes be droplets of blood.

Frequent hiccups can occur as a result of disruption of the central nervous system. When the central nervous system is damaged as a result of a tumor, an infection, or an injury, our “icing” reflex also fails. What diseases can affect the nervous system so that it causes chronic hiccups?

  • Stroke ;

  • Multiple sclerosis;

  • Meningitis;

  • Encephalitis, Traumatic brain injury and some others.

Familiar names, nothing exotic. Meningitis, for example, also called spinal meningitis, causes inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms of meningitis include mainly severe headaches, neck pain, high fever. And encephalitis causes swelling of the brain, and its symptoms are similar to signs of a cold or flu.

Frequent hiccups, among other things, can be caused by chemotherapy. Cancer patients who have gone through several stages of chemotherapy often begin to hiccup due to the fact that their body is exposed to several strongest drugs at once. Over 30 percent of cancer patients experience frequent hiccups during chemotherapy. One of the reasons causing hiccups during chemotherapy is the effect of the drug dexamethasone. In addition to frequent hiccups, dexamethasone also causes nausea, vomiting and muscle weakness.

The risk of frequent hiccups is also increased by surgery and exposure to anesthesia. After the surgeon inserts breathing tubes into the trachea to perform procedures on the abdominal cavity, and also shifts the internal organs during surgery, the risk of frequent hiccups increases significantly. Hiccup overtakes a person after abdominal surgery due to accumulation of air and gases in the internal cavities.

How to get rid of hiccups

There are several very effective home remedies that help get rid of hiccups for both children and adults.

The first remedy to help get rid of hiccups is to swallow a tablespoon of sugar. This remedy was popular in the middle of the 20th century and is often used to treat hiccups in children. It is not yet known why sugar helps in the treatment of hiccups, but it does help.

Another popular way to get rid of hiccups is to hold your breath. Holding your breath, you need to try to squeeze the diaphragm with your chest muscles as much as possible. The longer you can hold the diaphragm in this position, the more chances you have to stop the hiccups. When you press it in this way, it relaxes and stops contracting.

Another tip is to drink water in small sips, while healing the nose. You have to do the pharynx again and again, without interruption, until you feel that water can soon begin to come out of your nose. After about 25 sips, the hiccups usually stop.

Advice is not for everyone - try to stand on your hands. Or just lie on the bed so that your head is very low. The idea is that your head is below the level of the diaphragm. This often stops the hiccups.

Finally, another popular remedy that helps get rid of hiccups is chamomile tea. The drink must be brewed for at least half an hour. The substances contained in chamomile, have the properties of muscle relaxant, they can also stop the contraction of the diaphragm, which are the cause of hiccups.

Hiccups after eating

There are two reasons why we get hiccups after eating. We either eat too fast or too much.

When we eat in a hurry, the diaphragm is irritated and we begin to hiccup. Hiccups after eating are especially common when we quickly eat dry foods - bread, bagels and buns.

Overeating, we also earn our hiccups. The fact is that when we eat too much, the swollen stomach touches the diaphragm, causing irritation. Therefore, in order not to hiccup, as soon as we feel that the stomach is full, we need to stop eating.

Hiccup: what to do

To get rid of hiccups, you need to stop the spasms of the diaphragm and esophagus. This can be done either by distracting attention, or by using breathing techniques. Usually this is enough.

Hiccup is a nonspecific dysfunction of external respiration that occurs as a result of a series of jerky jerky contractions of the diaphragm and is subjectively manifested by unpleasant short and intense breathing movements. It occurs sometimes in healthy people for no apparent reason and, as a rule, is a harmless, rapidly ending phenomenon.

Under what circumstances does hiccups occur?

Hiccups can occur under the following circumstances:

  • General cooling (especially in young children), especially when drunk.

  • When overstretching the stomach (overflowing his food). According to experts, such involuntary muscle contractions can come from the esophagus. Violations of swallowing and food getting stuck in the esophagus provoke spasms in the place where the esophagus passes into the stomach.

  • If the phrenic nerve is irritated. The so-called "ordinary" hiccup is a manifestation of a nervous tic. This occurs under the influence of the phrenic nerve, which, for unknown reasons, transmits excitation to the muscles of the diaphragm. As a result, uncontrolled cramps occur.

Could hiccups be a symptom of disease?

Hiccups can also be a symptom of certain diseases, for example, in case of irritation of the diaphragm during an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes it becomes long and painful. Hiccups occur in some diseases of the brain and spinal cord, and can also be observed in myocardial infarction, infectious diseases and mental stimulation.

What to do with long hiccups?

In cases of prolonged, persistent hiccups, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine its cause and prescribe treatment. With the development of renal failure, a constant or periodic hiccups can also be observed. It is caused by the development of an abscess or tumor in the chest, diaphragm or esophagus. In some people, hiccups occur due to psychological causes; it resembles reactions with transient paralysis in soldiers experiencing fear of combat. In such cases, the hiccup is unconscious and reflects the desire to avoid very unpleasant events. Some individuals suffer from hiccups in the postoperative period, which may be a reaction to pain medications.

What is the cause of this phenomenon?

Despite significant advances in medicine over the many years of its existence, there has not yet been found a reliable treatment for these minor spasms, which cause a person to exorcise indecent sounds like a street child.

Do not worry, there are several ways to solve this problem.

How to get rid of hiccups?

To get rid of hiccups, you need to stop the spasms of the diaphragm and esophagus. This can be done either by distracting attention, or by using breathing techniques. Usually this is enough.

What if the hiccups still fail?

When you do not pass the hiccups, you make great efforts to make it disappear. You are focused on your chest and consciously straining your diaphragm. But, straining and trying to suppress the next attack of hiccups expected by you, you only complicate the situation. Below we recommend you more correct tricks.

  • Swallow a small amount of something bitter or sour. When something unusual gets into the digestive system, the spasms usually disappear: try sucking on a piece of lemon.

  • Try to suppress hiccups by reflex. Put your finger on the wall of the pharynx as if you were going to induce vomiting. However, in fact, it is not necessary to bring their actions to such an extent. In this way, you can interrupt the established rhythm of hiccups.

  • Try to drown out the hiccups with water. If you drink a large glass of water in small sips at a measured pace, you can stop hiccups. In this way, the remnants of food are washed away from the lower part of the pharynx and, possibly, their irritating effect on the nerve passing in this area is eliminated.

  • Drink water in an inclined position of the body. The “bottom up” position suggests a completely new approach to the treatment of hiccups. Bend the torso above the sink and begin to drink water from a glass, which is moved as far as possible from you.

  • Use the method of sudden startle, for example, frighten the victim of hiccups with a sudden pop of an inflated bag or a loud shout. This can instantly interrupt the spasm.

  • Try the folk method with thread. Residents of southern Texas areas of Spanish origin enjoy a popular method of interrupting hiccups using a red thread or a strip of cloth. They are tied around the head of the child in the forehead at the bridge of the nose. Perhaps the child directs his eyes to the thread and thus switches his attention. And this is just what you need to stop hiccups.

  • "Sweeten the pill." Sprinkle a little sugar on the back of the tongue and swallow it, you can stir a spoonful of sugar in a small amount of beer and drink this mixture.

  • Hold your tongue. Once again, when you will be tormented by hiccups, open your mouth wider, take your tongue, pull it slightly and hold it for a few seconds. This method of treatment of hiccups preferred personal doctor of President Kennedy.

  • Make a bet on money - this is a favorite tool of some doctors, which, as they say, has never failed in the case of ordinary hiccups. When someone starts to hiccup, take out the money, put it on the table and make a bet with this person that he or she will not be able to hiccup the next minute. This person will not be able to really hiccup another time without losing a bet.

As soon as you stop trying to interrupt the hiccups, a whole range of other muscles come into play, and the spasms disappear.

In what cases should be examined?

It is necessary to pass an examination in the following cases:

  • if hiccups last more than an hour;

  • if the attacks of hiccups occur several times a day or several days a week;

  • if, apart from hiccups, you have chest pain, heartburn or swallowing problems.

How, then, is the elimination of hiccups?

If you very often experience hiccups or seizures of it for a long time, your doctor may prescribe an X-ray to you after taking a barium mixture in order to detect any obstruction in the esophagus. To eliminate hiccups, which is permanent and not associated with any mechanical obstacle in the esophagus, the doctor may prescribe certain medications, depending on what your disorder is associated with.

An interesting fact is that Charles Osborne of Anton, Iowa, USA, began to hiccup in 1922. He led a normal life, was twice married and had 8 children, and stopped hiccupping in 1990 (Guinness Book of Records).

What is passed to the child from the father more often

Parents love to imagine what their future child will look like. Will he inherit mother's eyes or daddy's nose? Are there any particular traits we get from each parent?

Genetics is an interesting and very complicated thing. The child receives 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father, and there are many options for how they will be combined, and what the final result will be. Although genetic influence is generally equivalent to both parents, many scientists conclude that a father sometimes has a greater influence than a mother.

1. Eye color

Dark eyes, such as brown and black, are dominant, while light eyes, such as blue, are recessive. Usually, the child inherits the dominant eye color of the parents. So, for example, if the father has brown eyes and the mother has blue eyes, then the child will most likely be brown-eyed.

But this is not always the case. If the father has a recessive eye color, such as blue or green, the child is more likely to inherit the eye color of the father.

2. Dimples

What could be prettier than dimples on the cheeks, and if your father had dimples, it is likely that the baby will be born with the same cute dimples.

Dimples are the dominant feature, and their appearance is associated with the location of the muscles on the face.

3. Fingerprint pattern

Each person has their own unique fingerprints, and they are not repeated in their parents and children. However, there is a genetic predisposition towards fingerprints.

Prints of fathers and children, though never the same, are very similar. Look at the hands of the child, and you will see similar curls or arcs and the father.

4. Face symmetry

Genetics plays a big role in what features your children have.

Children tend to inherit the symmetry of the face of the father, and if, looking at your son or daughter, you clearly see his father, then there is a reason for this.

5. The growth of the child

The growth of the child is influenced by the genes of both parents, but the father plays a big role in how high or low the child will be. If the father is tall, then the children will also be tall, maybe not as tall as the father, if the mother is short, but nonetheless.

There is a method that helps to calculate the approximate growth of the child. To do this, output the average value of mother and father's height (mother's height + father's height)/ 2, and then add 5 cm if you have a boy, or subtract 5 cm, if you have a girl.

6. Baby weight

Weight is largely determined by genetics, and there is a link between the weight of the parents, and especially the father, and the weight of the children when they grow up.

Interestingly, the weight of the father can affect the weight of the child at birth. So, if the father's genes are expressed during pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the child, then the mother's genes can be suppressed to some extent.

7. Hair

As is the case with eyes, dominant and recessive genes have a great influence on hair color.

Dark hair is dominant, and if your father has dark hair, then you too will most likely have dark hair.

Moreover, the father’s genes play a decisive role in what the baby’s hair texture will be. If the father has curly hair, it is unlikely that the child will have straight hair.

8. Lips

As for the shape and size of the lips, the genes of the father can significantly affect this trait. Full lips are the dominant feature, and if the father has full lips, then the child will also likely have full lips.

9. Problems with teeth

Unfortunately or fortunately, the structure of the teeth, as well as the problems associated with them, is a hereditary feature. If the father had bad teeth, then the child will probably also have to face problems.

Did you know that there is a gene responsible for the appearance of chinks between the teeth? If your father had a gap between his teeth, do not be surprised if you inherit the same.

10. Propensity to risk

If the father likes to take risks, then it can leave an imprint on the personality of future children. It is believed that the personality of a person is to some extent predetermined from birth.

For example, there is a gene responsible for finding novelty and inclining a person to risky behavior. A person who is prone to adventures, most likely inherited this feature from his father.

11. Sense of humor

Although there is no definite gene responsible for a sense of humor, there are a number of genes that determine the propensity for wit.

Of course, a sense of humor is a social trait, and if parents love to poke fun at each other and laugh, then the child will also be fun.

12. Intellect

The potential of the child’s intelligence is also more determined by the genetics, namely the father’s intelligence. Experts believe that there are a number of genes that are responsible for a high level of intelligence, or the so-called "genius genes." So if your father is very smart, consider yourself lucky.

13. The nature of sleep

You probably have not seen the child and his father sleeping in the same posture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the nature of sleep is determined by the genetics of the father. If papa sleeps deeply and deeply, it is likely that the baby will sleep the same way.

If the father is an owl or suffers from insomnia, these features can be inherited by the child.

14. Light sneezing syndrome

Be healthy! If you sneeze while looking at the sun or a bright light, then most likely you have a sneezing-light syndrome.

This syndrome is also genetically determined and is dominant. So, if your father had a sneezing syndrome, then most likely you will have it too.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021