Showing posts with label What is passed to the child from the father. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What is passed to the child from the father. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

What is passed to the child from the father more often

Parents love to imagine what their future child will look like. Will he inherit mother's eyes or daddy's nose? Are there any particular traits we get from each parent?

Genetics is an interesting and very complicated thing. The child receives 23 chromosomes from the mother and 23 from the father, and there are many options for how they will be combined, and what the final result will be. Although genetic influence is generally equivalent to both parents, many scientists conclude that a father sometimes has a greater influence than a mother.

1. Eye color

Dark eyes, such as brown and black, are dominant, while light eyes, such as blue, are recessive. Usually, the child inherits the dominant eye color of the parents. So, for example, if the father has brown eyes and the mother has blue eyes, then the child will most likely be brown-eyed.

But this is not always the case. If the father has a recessive eye color, such as blue or green, the child is more likely to inherit the eye color of the father.

2. Dimples

What could be prettier than dimples on the cheeks, and if your father had dimples, it is likely that the baby will be born with the same cute dimples.

Dimples are the dominant feature, and their appearance is associated with the location of the muscles on the face.

3. Fingerprint pattern

Each person has their own unique fingerprints, and they are not repeated in their parents and children. However, there is a genetic predisposition towards fingerprints.

Prints of fathers and children, though never the same, are very similar. Look at the hands of the child, and you will see similar curls or arcs and the father.

4. Face symmetry

Genetics plays a big role in what features your children have.

Children tend to inherit the symmetry of the face of the father, and if, looking at your son or daughter, you clearly see his father, then there is a reason for this.

5. The growth of the child

The growth of the child is influenced by the genes of both parents, but the father plays a big role in how high or low the child will be. If the father is tall, then the children will also be tall, maybe not as tall as the father, if the mother is short, but nonetheless.

There is a method that helps to calculate the approximate growth of the child. To do this, output the average value of mother and father's height (mother's height + father's height)/ 2, and then add 5 cm if you have a boy, or subtract 5 cm, if you have a girl.

6. Baby weight

Weight is largely determined by genetics, and there is a link between the weight of the parents, and especially the father, and the weight of the children when they grow up.

Interestingly, the weight of the father can affect the weight of the child at birth. So, if the father's genes are expressed during pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the child, then the mother's genes can be suppressed to some extent.

7. Hair

As is the case with eyes, dominant and recessive genes have a great influence on hair color.

Dark hair is dominant, and if your father has dark hair, then you too will most likely have dark hair.

Moreover, the father’s genes play a decisive role in what the baby’s hair texture will be. If the father has curly hair, it is unlikely that the child will have straight hair.

8. Lips

As for the shape and size of the lips, the genes of the father can significantly affect this trait. Full lips are the dominant feature, and if the father has full lips, then the child will also likely have full lips.

9. Problems with teeth

Unfortunately or fortunately, the structure of the teeth, as well as the problems associated with them, is a hereditary feature. If the father had bad teeth, then the child will probably also have to face problems.

Did you know that there is a gene responsible for the appearance of chinks between the teeth? If your father had a gap between his teeth, do not be surprised if you inherit the same.

10. Propensity to risk

If the father likes to take risks, then it can leave an imprint on the personality of future children. It is believed that the personality of a person is to some extent predetermined from birth.

For example, there is a gene responsible for finding novelty and inclining a person to risky behavior. A person who is prone to adventures, most likely inherited this feature from his father.

11. Sense of humor

Although there is no definite gene responsible for a sense of humor, there are a number of genes that determine the propensity for wit.

Of course, a sense of humor is a social trait, and if parents love to poke fun at each other and laugh, then the child will also be fun.

12. Intellect

The potential of the child’s intelligence is also more determined by the genetics, namely the father’s intelligence. Experts believe that there are a number of genes that are responsible for a high level of intelligence, or the so-called "genius genes." So if your father is very smart, consider yourself lucky.

13. The nature of sleep

You probably have not seen the child and his father sleeping in the same posture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the nature of sleep is determined by the genetics of the father. If papa sleeps deeply and deeply, it is likely that the baby will sleep the same way.

If the father is an owl or suffers from insomnia, these features can be inherited by the child.

14. Light sneezing syndrome

Be healthy! If you sneeze while looking at the sun or a bright light, then most likely you have a sneezing-light syndrome.

This syndrome is also genetically determined and is dominant. So, if your father had a sneezing syndrome, then most likely you will have it too.

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