Showing posts with label vaccination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccination. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2018

What is Vaccination?

What is Vaccination?

Vaccination helps protect you from infectious diseases. And it also helps to reduce the spread of diseases and prevents epidemics. In most cases, immunization is given in the form of injections. A drug that is administered is called a vaccine, and the process is vaccinated or immunized.

The vaccine, as a rule, contains a small amount of weakened or dead forms of microorganisms or viruses that cause the disease. This amount is not enough for the development of the disease in reality. But it is enough to form an immune response, in which antibodies are produced. Subsequently, antibodies will be able to recognize and attack such microorganisms or viruses when ingested.

Sometimes vaccination does not prevent the disease completely, but contributes to its easier flow. Some vaccinations are done only once. Other vaccinations are carried out in several stages.

Why is it necessary to be vaccinated?

  • Immunization can protect you and your child from dangerous diseases.

  • And it also helps to reduce the spread of diseases and prevents epidemics.

  • It is much easier to undergo immunization than to treat the disease.

  • Vaccines can cause serious side effects, but in very rare cases.

  • Vaccination is also necessary for hiring or for traveling to other countries. Consult a doctor about the need for vaccination at least 6 months before departure.

  • A woman who plans to become pregnant needs to consult a doctor about immunization. Those who live with a pregnant woman should also consult a doctor about the advisability of vaccination.

Friday, June 15, 2018

What you need to know about Vaccination | Part 1

What is immunization?

Immunization helps protect you from infectious diseases. And it also helps to reduce the spread of diseases and prevents epidemics. In most cases, immunization is given in the form of injections. A drug that is administered is called a vaccine, and the process is vaccinated or immunized.

The vaccine, as a rule, contains a small amount of weakened or dead forms of microorganisms or viruses that cause the disease. This amount is not enough for the development of the disease in reality. But it is enough to form an immune response, in which antibodies are produced. Subsequently, antibodies will be able to recognize and attack such microorganisms or viruses when ingested.

Sometimes vaccination does not prevent the disease completely but contributes to its easier flow. Some vaccinations are done only once. Other vaccinations are carried out in several stages.

Why is it necessary to be vaccinated?

  • Immunization can protect you and your child from dangerous diseases.

  • And it also helps to reduce the spread of diseases and prevents epidemics.

  • It is much easier to undergo immunization than to treat the disease.

  • Vaccines can cause serious side effects, but in very rare cases.

  • Vaccination is also necessary for hiring or for traveling to other countries. Consult a doctor about the need for vaccination at least 6 months before departure.

  • A woman who plans to become pregnant needs to consult a doctor about immunization. Those who live with a pregnant woman should also consult a doctor about the advisability of vaccination.

Vaccinations against which diseases are recommended for adults?

What vaccinations an adult needs to undergo depends on gender, age, lifestyle, travel planning, general health and what kind of vaccinations were received in childhood. About what kind of vaccinations are needed, you can find out from your doctor.

Depending on the situation, adults are vaccinated against:

  • Chicken pox

  • Influenza

  • Hepatitis A and / or B

  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

  • Cory, mumps, rubella

  • Pneumococcal disease

  • Poliomyelitis

  • Shingles

  • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis

What side effects can occur due to vaccination?

If side effects due to vaccination occur, in most cases they are insignificant: The doctor can explain in more detail what side effects may occur. Usually, the following side effects occur:

  • Redness, slight swelling, or pain at the injection site.

  • Slight temperature increase.

  • Drowsiness, loss of appetite and unusual behavior (eg, staggering).

  • Minor rash during 7-14 days after vaccination against varicella or after vaccination with measles, mumps, rubella vaccine.

  • Temporary pain in the joints after vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella.

Severe complications, such as a fever above 40 ° C or breathing problems, are extremely rare. If you or your child have an unusual reaction after the vaccination, you should see a doctor.

For a child, the risk of a disease is much higher than the risk of developing severe complications due to vaccination.

Should I be vaccinated against anthrax or smallpox?

Anthrax and smallpox are especially dangerous diseases that can be used as biological weapons. And it's scary to even think that anyone can use them for bioterrorism purposes. But the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control does not recommend vaccinating people against these diseases. Vaccines against these diseases are not available to the public.

The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that only a certain group of people should be immunized, for example, laboratory workers, medical personnel and the military.

Information on vaccination against anthrax and smallpox can be found on the websites of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Information on vaccination against smallpox
Information on vaccination against anthrax

Vaccination and pregnancy

If a woman plans to become pregnant, the advisability of vaccination before pregnancy should be consulted with a doctor. If there is a need for vaccination against chickenpox, measles, mumps and rubella (CCP), in this case, vaccination must be completed at least 4 weeks before pregnancy.

The US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control recommends that vaccination be given during the influenza season by an inactivated influenza vaccine ("influenza vaccine") to all women who plan to become pregnant or who are pregnant. Pregnant women can not be vaccinated against influenza with a nasal vaccine.

Pregnant women who need to be vaccinated against tetanus with a repeated dose can be vaccinated with a DM vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria). The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends women who were not previously vaccinated with DTP vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough), vaccination with a dose of DTP vaccine before or immediately after birth. Vaccination is carried out in order to protect the newborn from pertussis.

If a woman is pregnant, after the birth the child will be vaccinated according to the schedule of routine vaccination. If the family has other children, there is no need to speed up or postpone their vaccination.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Vaccination and preparation for the holiday

For many of us, vacation is the most favorable time of the year. This is the time of rest, sports, communication with friends, trips to new places and much more. And certainly, no one wants to spend this time on solving health problems!

An increasing number of Ukrainians prefer to spend their holidays abroad. Staying in Europe and North America does not pose a particular danger to health. With tropical and subtropical countries the situation is somewhat different. Infectious diseases, which are very rare and nonspecific for the mid-latitudes, pose a certain risk to tourists in the eastern countries.

[caption id="attachment_796" align="aligncenter" width="320"]Vaccination Vaccination[/caption]

Fortunately, the infection can be avoided, thanks to vaccination:

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid fever.

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria (risk in the whole state, including large cities).

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, yellow fever (low risk in Nairobi and Mombasa), malaria.

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid fever.

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, malaria (there are no tourists in major cities and main recreation areas)

revaccination of diphtheria-tetanus, hepatitis A, typhoid fever.

In case of prolonged stay, close contact with the local population, as well as trips to the countryside, additional vaccines may be needed: hepatitis B, rabies, Japanese encephalitis, meningococcal meningitis.

Protect yourself from Hepatitis A while traveling

Immunization against hepatitis A is recommended for people who are going to go to any country, except:

  • Australia

  • Of Canada

  • Of Japan

  • New Zealand

  • USA

  • The countries of Western Europe and Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland).

You can consult a doctor about the need for vaccination. If you are going to a country with a low level of sanitation or where hepatitis A is common, before you get vaccinated against hepatitis A with any vaccine, immunoglobulin or combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B, consult your doctor. If you often go to a country with a low level of sanitation or stay there, you also run the risk of getting hepatitis B.

[caption id="attachment_793" align="aligncenter" width="360"]Hepatitis A Hepatitis A[/caption]

Vaccination against hepatitis A is carried out by a series of vaccines resulting in the formation of immunity for 20 years. For adults (people over 18), it is best if the first injection is done at least 4 weeks before the proposed contact. But after the first injection with a vaccine, only short-term immunity is formed in the body. Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended for all children from 1 year. Immunization is carried out in two separate doses at intervals of 6 months. Repeated injection is done 6-18 months after the first dose of the vaccine.

If a person plans to stay for a long time in a country where hepatitis A is common, he is injected with a high-dose immunoglobulin (IG). Subsequently, every 3-5 months, it is necessary to re-inject the immunoglobulin (IG) of the same high dose.

Immunoglobulin is made from components of human blood. The risk of the occurrence of diseases transmitted through the blood, due to the introduction of the immunoglobulin produced in the US, no. The safety of immunoglobulin produced in other countries is not guaranteed.

When visiting countries where hepatitis A is common and staying there for less than 3 months, injecting an immunoglobulin will be enough. But if the trips abroad are scheduled regular, you should get vaccinated.

People who are allergic to the components of the hepatitis A vaccine and children under 1 year of age are immunized with immunoglobulin to protect against hepatitis A.

If you travel to places where hepatitis A is very common or water quality is questionable:

  • Before drinking, boil water. Water should boil for at least 1 minute. If you are at an altitude of 6562 or higher, boil water for at least 3 minutes. Do not drink tap water or spring water or drinks with ice cubes.

  • Do not use tap water or spring water when brushing your teeth.

  • Make sure that the food is cooked in accordance with all standards, especially oysters.

  • Eat raw only those fruits and vegetables that you yourself washed in clean water and cleaned.

  • Do not swim in water that has not been treated with bleach.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021