Showing posts with label hepatitis A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hepatitis A. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vaccination against Chicken pox & Hepatitis A

Vaccination against Chicken pox

Thanks to immunization with the vaccine, called Varivax, immunity against chicken pox is developed. Chicken pox is a childhood disease, which in adults can be severe enough.

Who should be vaccinated?

Adults who still do not have immunity against chickenpox virus are vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine with a time interval between doses of at least 4 weeks.
Vaccination is recommended for women who do not have immunity and have recently given birth.
Pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system should not be vaccinated against varicella.

Veterinary pox is a widespread contagious disease, the causative agent of which is the herpes virus. Varicella - the most contagious for the first time 2-3 days before the appearance of crusts on pustules.

Varicella is more common in children and, as a rule, does not take place in the severe form. In adolescents, adults, pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system, chicken pox can occur in a more severe form. The incubation period from the moment of contact until the onset of symptoms usually lasts 14-16 days, but it can be 10-21 days. Symptoms of chickenpox: fever, painful condition, the appearance of an itchy rash all over the body, the pustules filled with fluid form over time from the rash. A few days later the pustules burst and crust. Approximately about a week new pustules can form. A person infected with chickenpox can spread the virus among people even before the onset of symptoms.

[caption id="attachment_844" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Chicken pox Chicken pox[/caption]

The treatment of chickenpox focuses on preventing the comb rash and on the removal of symptoms, such as high fever and relief of discomfort. Vaccination against varicella is available and recommended for children, adolescents and adults who have not had chicken pox.

Vaccination against hepatitis A

Vaccination provides the formation of immunity against hepatitis A.

Who should be vaccinated?

Adults who are going to travel to certain countries, for example, countries in Central or South America, are vaccinated in two doses with a time interval between doses of at least 6 months.
Hepatitis A vaccination should also be given to adults who are at risk due to long-term (chronic) diseases, such as chronic liver disease.

Hepatitis A is a disease of the liver, caused by the hepatitis A virus. Symptoms of hepatitis A: vomiting, diarrhea and yellowing of the eyes. Infection, as a rule, passes by itself without treatment and does not cause long (chronic) diseases. In very rare cases, hepatitis A can lead to hepatic insufficiency with a threat to life.

Hepatitis A is transmitted through food and water contaminated with feces containing the virus. In rare cases, the virus can be infected by contact with infected blood or blood products.

You can get Hepatitis A only once. After the disease, life-long immunity against the virus is formed and relapse does not occur. To prevent the disease can be through vaccination against hepatitis A. Treatment of hepatitis A as such does not exist. The patient should rest as much as possible, stick to the diet and avoid alcohol.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Protect yourself from Hepatitis A while traveling

Immunization against hepatitis A is recommended for people who are going to go to any country, except:

  • Australia

  • Of Canada

  • Of Japan

  • New Zealand

  • USA

  • The countries of Western Europe and Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland).

You can consult a doctor about the need for vaccination. If you are going to a country with a low level of sanitation or where hepatitis A is common, before you get vaccinated against hepatitis A with any vaccine, immunoglobulin or combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B, consult your doctor. If you often go to a country with a low level of sanitation or stay there, you also run the risk of getting hepatitis B.

[caption id="attachment_793" align="aligncenter" width="360"]Hepatitis A Hepatitis A[/caption]

Vaccination against hepatitis A is carried out by a series of vaccines resulting in the formation of immunity for 20 years. For adults (people over 18), it is best if the first injection is done at least 4 weeks before the proposed contact. But after the first injection with a vaccine, only short-term immunity is formed in the body. Vaccination against hepatitis A is recommended for all children from 1 year. Immunization is carried out in two separate doses at intervals of 6 months. Repeated injection is done 6-18 months after the first dose of the vaccine.

If a person plans to stay for a long time in a country where hepatitis A is common, he is injected with a high-dose immunoglobulin (IG). Subsequently, every 3-5 months, it is necessary to re-inject the immunoglobulin (IG) of the same high dose.

Immunoglobulin is made from components of human blood. The risk of the occurrence of diseases transmitted through the blood, due to the introduction of the immunoglobulin produced in the US, no. The safety of immunoglobulin produced in other countries is not guaranteed.

When visiting countries where hepatitis A is common and staying there for less than 3 months, injecting an immunoglobulin will be enough. But if the trips abroad are scheduled regular, you should get vaccinated.

People who are allergic to the components of the hepatitis A vaccine and children under 1 year of age are immunized with immunoglobulin to protect against hepatitis A.

If you travel to places where hepatitis A is very common or water quality is questionable:

  • Before drinking, boil water. Water should boil for at least 1 minute. If you are at an altitude of 6562 or higher, boil water for at least 3 minutes. Do not drink tap water or spring water or drinks with ice cubes.

  • Do not use tap water or spring water when brushing your teeth.

  • Make sure that the food is cooked in accordance with all standards, especially oysters.

  • Eat raw only those fruits and vegetables that you yourself washed in clean water and cleaned.

  • Do not swim in water that has not been treated with bleach.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021