Showing posts with label myths about happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myths about happiness. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

18 myths about happiness

Here are the 18 most common myths, illusions and misconceptions about our happiness, written on the basis of one of the chapters of Andrei Zhalevich's book The New Philosophy of Prosperity. Fundamental principles of success, harmony and happiness. "

Here are these myths:

Happiness depends on something external

Reality: even during the Second World War, the world-famous psychologist Viktor Frankl, being a prisoner in a German concentration camp, proved that our internal psychological and spiritual attitudes depend only on ourselves. With his personal example, he proved that a happy person can be even where it was considered simply impossible.

Happiness is acquired

Reality: happiness is our inner state, this state can not be acquired, it can only be acquired. As it is sung in a beautiful song: "For happiness you need very little - for happiness you only need to believe in God ...". In order to be happy, you do not need anything outside. To do this, you just need to firmly within yourself decide to become and be happy within yourself, in your heart and your Soul.

More consumption - more happiness

Reality: world statistics showed just the opposite. In countries with the highest level of consumption in the world, more unfortunate people live, most of all mental disorders, perversions and suicides. According to international statistics, most people consider themselves happy in such very poor countries as India and Nepal. Conclusion: "Happiness is not out, but inside us!"

Happiness fleeting

Reality: fleeting only is the happiness that we make due to something external, depending on some external conditions or circumstances. Present, true happiness, found in our Soul, in the depths of our hearts is eternal and enduring. It is not conditioned by anything and does not depend on anything. All the rest, on the contrary, depends on this state.

From life you need to take everything

Reality: not everything, but only the best! Life gives you everything you need for a happy journey along our life path. We already have everything we need. As necessary, will come and what may in life and on the way will be needed. Of course, it will not come by itself, you need to make some efforts, but it will come ... And "Take everything from life"! Is an erroneous and rather dangerous theory based on a cult of consumption.

Enjoy life when we do this and that, when we reach that and that and that

Reality: you need to enjoy the current moment, you need to be happy right now, and not wait until we achieve something, achieve something. Achieving something and achieving something, in general doing something, being unhappy, performing this or that work without joy, enthusiasm, love, without happiness, we deprive ourselves of our energy, we de-energize our soul and, as it were, not was sad, we can not wait, the "happy" in our opinion the moment when it will be possible to become happy.

To succeed and become happy, you must hurry

Reality: happiness is enough for everyone! Never, nowhere, in any hurry is not only not necessary, but also harmful. Haste, haste, vanity generates in us aggression to the energy of time, violates its natural course and thereby deprives us of time. Notice that without hurry, without haste, without fuss we always manage to do more and better than hurrying and hurrying. Be happy slowly!

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Problems and crises are bad

Reality: problems and difficulties are what help us to forge our character, temper our happiness, purify it of conditioning, make it true, truly independent of anything external. Problems and difficulties help us, first, to see contrasts in order to understand our happiness even more. And, secondly, they help us to learn how to be happy even in difficult periods, even in the most difficult life situations. Problems sooner or later will pass, and our "tempered" happiness will remain! Therefore, in fact, the worse the conditions and the more difficult the circumstances for our person, the better for us as a result, for our Soul. Be happy!

Someone is to blame for being unhappy

Reality: in that someone is unhappy no one is to blame. The acquisition of happiness depends only on ourselves, not on our loved ones, on our friends and colleagues, on our bosses, on the leadership of the city, on the government of our country, on weather and climate, on any, even the most terrible or most beautiful external conditions, but only from ourselves. Be happy!

It is necessary to forget your negative experience

Reality: our negative experience, mistakes made by us, in the troubles we have been in - this is our most valuable experience, which can only be imagined. One should never forget about it, but, on the contrary, it must always be remembered. But we need to change our attitude to how we consider "bad" and "not good" in our past. We can not change our past, but in our power to rethink it, change its attitude towards it. And since the past and the future are closely interrelated, how well, with joy and love, we will treat our past, to all events of our past, so good and bright we will have the future.

Happiness is a consequence of something good

Reality: happiness is not a consequence, but the cause is not something, but much good in our life. The energy of happiness and joy, manifested in us within, outward from us, contributes to the formation of external signs and attributes of happiness and prosperity in the external world around us.

Success is uniquely fun

Reality: oh, not a fact! Not every success and not always this is cool. Any success influences us very much. And the impact of this influence can be both very positive and extremely negative. Recently, in psychology, such a concept as "the degree of defeat by success" began to be used. Psychologists began to say: how much harm to a person's success? Success is also a difficult test of a person for strength: can he remain a man, will he retain his human face and humanity? In addition to the person who achieved success, people around him change their attitude - and here, too, everything is not as smooth as it seems at first glance.

The fulfillment of desires always leads to happiness

Reality: not always and not all desires! Luckily it leads the fulfillment of reasonable desires, proceeding from the real needs and true needs of our body, mind and soul. The fulfillment of irrational or too egoistic, especially lower and animal desires, on the contrary, leads to misery, grief and suffering. In addition, there is such a regularity: in place of one fulfilled desire there are two new and so infinite. Desires should always be managed.

Always need to be afraid of something

Reality: there is nothing that really a person should be afraid of. Fears deprive us of happiness, joy, deprive us of energy, deaden us. To be happy, we need to be freed from the fears that chill our souls. We need to see the absurdity of the idea itself of being afraid of something. Remember how ridiculous those situations look, those things, all that we once feared. Believe that it will be exactly the same with our present fears, we will laugh with them. So why wait for this moment!

Could be better

Reality: not a fact! Now I will say one, maybe for the modern world heresy, but: all that we see, everything that surrounds us, everything that we have, absolutely everything that now exists is the best option of what could be with us, this is the most the best that could happen to us! The rest, undoubtedly, could be even worse, but thanks to the heavens it did not happen or did not happen. All only for the better! It is necessary to understand, understand and thank life for what is! Here is something that can be better (in the future), if we deserve it - this is true. But only if we deserve it! Be happy!

Do not think about tomorrow

Reality: Just the opposite, it's worth thinking about tomorrow, but you can not worry, worry, worry, fear the future. Fear of the future is one of the most common factors of problems in our life. The fear of the future is aggression towards our future, and in response to our aggression, time contracts, depriving us of the future. Believe me: everything will be fine! Be happy!

Life is short, we live one life that will soon end

Reality: life is eternal, we live not one, but many lives, being born again and again, incarnating in different times, in different places, in different people. This ancient concept, forgotten by many, has been used for almost a hundred years by the most progressive psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and researchers of our consciousness. But be happy now!

There is no happiness in life

Reality: there is happiness and it is in us! Be happy!


3 myths about happiness

Just as the natural physical condition of a person is health and cheerfulness, his natural emotional state is peace and happiness.

The modern parable

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful, who made a remarkable career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to the work: graduates complained of numerous difficulties and life problems.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray, filled with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic. Some were simple, others - exquisite and expensive.

When the graduates dismantled the cups, the professor said:

- Note that all the beautiful cups are dismantled, while the cheap ones are left. And although this approach is normal for you - want for yourself only the best, but this is the source of your problems and stresses. Understand that the cup itself will not make the coffee tasty. Most often it's just expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In fact, you wanted coffee, not a cup. But deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got what.

And now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position in society - cups. These are just tools to sustain life. The fact that we have a cup does not determine and does not change the quality of our existence. Sometimes, concentrating only on a cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

The happiest people are not those who have all the best, but those who extract all the best from what they have.

Every time you feel that you have lost peace of mind and happiness, this means one thing: you are doing something wrong or talking. Man is very complicated. Feelings of well-being and disease, pleasure and unhappiness can be caused by a myriad of factors. Your inner sense of happiness is the best indicator that tells you what to look for and what to avoid.

Failures in life are like pain for the body. They are sent to warn: what you are doing is not good for you.

Three Myths of Happiness

People do not listen to themselves for many reasons. For some reason, they refuse to use the sense of happiness as an indicator on which one can judge the events of life. There were three main myths about happiness, and each of us is to some extent subject to it.

The first myth. Happiness is something not deserved by you

The main thing is that it was for others, and yours will wait. Many people are adamant in their conviction that happiness can not be the goal of life: goals are one, and happiness is different, not everyone is given. They believe that it is more important to make others happy than oneself.

This opinion does not make sense. People are focused on happiness, focused on maintaining and increasing its level. We are arranged so that our emotions are affected by everything we do. Undeniable is the fact that you can not give people more than you have. Just as you can not give money to the poor, if you do not have it, you can not make someone happy if you are unhappy. The best way to guarantee happiness to others is to become happy yourself and then share it with them.

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Somehow one wise man walked along the road, admiring the beauty of nature and eating all the joys of life. And suddenly he saw a hunched, unhappy man carrying a heavy burden.

"Why do you, a strange man, condemn yourself to these torments?" Asked the sage.

"I suffer for the sake of the happiness of my children and grandchildren," the man answered with pride. - Suffered all: and great-grandfather for the sake of happiness of the grandfather, and the grandfather for the sake of happiness of the father, and the father for the sake of my happiness. And now it's my turn to make the children and grandchildren happy.

- And who was happy in your family? The sage asked him.

- Well no. But I believe that my children or grandchildren will someday be happy! The unfortunate man answered sadly.

- Yes, the illiterate can not learn to read, and the mole is not destined to raise an eagle! The sage said quietly. - First you need to learn to be happy yourself. Then you will understand how to make children and grandchildren happy!

The second myth is closely related to the first: first of all we must serve others, not ourselves

There are many books that repeat this theme. They say that we justify life on earth only if we make someone happy. In some ways this is true, there is something in it.

It is true to the extent that serving others is one of the main goals of man. This is how we acquire the sense of significance, the meaning of existence. The realization that we are doing something for someone gives us a sense of freedom, we rise above boredom and routine. Paraphrasing R.L. Stevenson, you can say: "Everyone makes a living by serving someone." However, the point is that the ministry should come from your overflow with happiness.

Yes, we must serve others, but we need to receive joy and satisfaction ourselves. One of the requirements of high self-esteem and confidence is the feeling that we are contributing to the world in which we live, that we give more than we take. Thus, we serve others to be more happy ourselves.

The third myth about happiness is that happiness should be what someone else represents it

Often we feel uncomfortable if we do not experience the joy of some event that, in the opinion of others, should make us happy. Many people allow parents to influence career choices, and as a result suffer. They want to please their loved ones, but they are not able to experience positive emotions from what they are doing.

Life and happiness resemble a buffet. If 100 people come to such a table and put themselves on the plates of the food they want, then each will have its own set of products. Even the husband and wife would return with plates full of completely different.

Happiness looks about the same. It is made up of many different components - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each person requires a special combination of them to feel happy.


Happiness is in your hands! Be positive, active creators of your life. In the evening, think about what happened during the day, even a small trifle can raise your spirits, do not miss these moments!


Myths about happiness: what is happiness and how to achieve it?

We all want to be happy. So how do people become happy? To understand this question it is necessary to understand what happiness is.

We suggest you get acquainted with the myths about happiness that exist in society. Knowing them, you can find the cherished road to happiness and peace of mind.

Myth 1: Happiness is pleasure

Many of us identify happiness with pleasure. But this is not true.

We are looking for pleasure in sex, luxury meals, expensive cars, cigarettes and wine and, in the limit. But does happiness bring pleasure?

If you want to look at unhappy people, come to Hollywood: there are many who can afford any pleasures of the world. So how do you really achieve happiness?

Myth 2: Happiness is good health and only

Did you meet happy sick people? Nevertheless, here lies the second myth of happiness - the belief that if your body is healthy, then you will be happy in general. This myth of happiness, consisting in physical health, has caused a rapid flourishing of the fitness industry. People run, practice, puff - but how happy they are? Suppose, they definitely do not suffer from depression, but are they happy?

Physical health is a necessary condition for happiness. However, in itself it is not enough. For complete happiness, emotional well-being is also necessary, is not it? Have you ever met a happy person with an untreated bipolar disorder of the psyche? But even emotional well-being is not enough. Some of them "sit down" for seminars on personal development, hoping to become happier thanks to them. Obviously, happiness based on emotional well-being is another myth.

Myth 3: Happiness can be found, avoiding the inevitable grief and trouble associated with maintaining relationships with other people whose manners and lifestyle differ from ours.

However, people are not fit to live alone. We are social animals and like to be in the team. For us, the punishment is prison isolation. Indian sadhus die from civilization, live as hermits in caves, meditating all day.

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Perhaps they are happy, but do you call such a life full? It turns out that we need each other, although we are different. Differences cause suffering, but, avoiding relationships, you just get out of the fire into the fire: this is the path of loneliness, restlessness and, ultimately, a sense of insolvency.

Pleasure. Health. Emotional well-being. Faithful friends. All these are necessary, but insufficient components of complete happiness. The connecting link, capable of uniting all this, is love. The more love in your life, the happier you will be. Start with the entity that is closest to you, from yourself. Do you love yourself and the people around you, things that fill your life?

Favorite people and things do not always bring pleasure. Quite the contrary.

The more love in your life, the happier you will be. Love does not mean pleasure. The difference between love and pleasure is like the difference between love and preference. We prefer for any reason. We love in spite of everything.

In reality, love for people and things does not always give pleasure. Sometimes, on the contrary, it can bring suffering. Why? Because the more pleasure they give you, the more you suffer, losing it. And it will necessarily disappear from time to time, because life consists of changes. Time goes by, everything changes, and loved things and people will not always be with you, in any case, not always when you need them, and not always the way you need them.

Love does not exist without suffering. Sometimes you will be unhappy. Therefore, love in spite of the fact that love sometimes hurts.

Myth 4: Happiness forever

The fifth myth about the nature of happiness is to expect that you will always be happy. This is impossible: there is nothing permanent. Life - "roller coaster": then up, then down.

One day someone told me: "If you are upset about your wife, just wait two days. In two days you will feel different. "

Myth 5: Happiness is an opportunity to control

We need to realize that it's not we who control life and the realities of life that are sometimes stronger than us. Recognition of the tiny role assigned to us in the grandiose scheme of things makes us less arrogant and more modest. And then we are not disappointed in ourselves, if our goals are unattainable.

Willing is normal, but one should not expect that the desired will come true. Counting on success, we subconsciously assure ourselves that everything is in our power. We must desire and do everything to carry out our plans, but we should not expect undoubted success. Let it be, that will be.

Look for pleasure and take care of your physical and emotional health; make friends, surround yourself with love and at the same time do not put yourself and your search for happiness in the center of the universe.


5 myths about happiness

We all like to play a game called "Catch happiness." This game consists of riddles. We always guess what exactly can make us happy. Who unravels the riddles correctly, he knows that he is able to give him pleasure, and he is happy.

The state of happiness is very difficult to explain and describe, although, perhaps, you will agree that happiness is akin to a sense of joy. The more our joy, the closer we are to feeling happiness. And sometimes we can rejoice because of unexpected reasons: having seen the first snow outside the window, having communicated with the pleasant interlocutor or having heard your favorite song on the radio. But, in addition, that happiness has unexpected causes, there are several myths about it. Who they are invented is unknown, but they exist, and therefore mislead us.

Myth number 1. To be happy, you need to be in a good mood

How often do we hear that showing our weakness and having life's troubles is bad. Everyone should think that everything is fine with us. Yes, it's hard not to agree that a strong person should be able to hide his emotions. But you need to restrain your feelings in moderation.

Any psychologist will confirm that you need to get rid of negative emotions. If something disturbs you, do not keep it to yourself. Find the time and place to be sincere and without masks. If you want, cry. Only getting rid of the negative, you can once again launch into your soul bright and joyful feelings.

Myth number 2. Popularity is happiness

Of course, it's hardly possible to be happy alone. But to have "one hundred friends" is also not a way to happiness. The illusion of rich communication does not make a person happier. Much more valuable for us is the relationship with close friends and good acquaintances. Just one meeting with a best friend can replace daily communication with a large number of people, to which we, by and large, are indifferent.

Myth # 3. Control of life leads to happiness

Do you want to live on schedule, stick to the schedule and try to do everything deliberately and planned? Controlling your life is good, but if you get too involved, negative consequences can arise. As a rule, happiness comes to us unexpectedly and sometimes makes unplanned actions - it's useful. Who knows, a spontaneous trip to a store or even an occasional trip to another city can dramatically change your whole life. Of course, for the better.

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Myth # 4: Striving for one goal

Of course, striving for the goal and achieving it make us happy. But moving only in one direction is not good. The monotonous movement very soon can get bored and deprive of joy. Therefore, striving for the main goal, on the way to it is very important to achieve other goals, less global, but also significant.

Myth number 5. Love me for who I am

The best and most ideal we are only for our parents. For the rest of the people, one must try to eradicate their bad character traits and habits. You should try to love yourself, so that you and others around you love you, but you need to constantly improve. Turn your shortcomings into virtues, but in no case do not think that you do not need to work on yourself.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021