Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

How to make the right decision?

It is not uncommon in our life that the choice is very difficult to make. And what efforts it is necessary to make also a true choice! How to make sure that thoughts are directed in the right direction? How can you make the right choice, which in the future will not have to be regretted? We suggest that you take advantage of advice that we hope will help you make the right decision. After all, the result depends on it.

When you make a decision, do not forget about a few things:

"Rely on your sixth sense." You should know that the subconscious mind "only" wishes for good. We advise in no case not to neglect the "advice" of your subconscious.

- Whatever the situation, the main thing is not to underestimate yourself and your strength. Remember, how many times you had to solve vital problems and how many of them you coped with very well. Think about how many right decisions in your life you have already taken. Everyone has the most valuable - life experience. Never and under no circumstances lose confidence in your own abilities.

- The most important thing in solving even the most difficult situation is, first of all, action. Always move in the direction that only you like, and which you have chosen for yourself.

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- Never forget that a person is not allowed to know his future. Never in your life will you meet an ideal person. And your life will never become a mathematical problem that can be solved. No, our life is unpredictable and decisions from any situation, after thinking, you can find several. Having made a choice, it remains only to wait and watch the results.

There is one more common way: just drop a coin. In fact, this is not a method to find the right solution. The fact is that when the coin is in the air, you already know at the subconscious level what you expect. If, for example, you dropped a tailspit, and you subconsciously wished that the eagle fell out, without hesitation, choose an eagle. If you were happy at the sight of the eagle, then this is the right decision for you.

- If you have already made a decision, do not regret it. Do not go against yourself. Live the life you want. And do what you think is right. Have a strong belief that the choice you made is true. This is what will lead you to the goal.

- Psychologists say that there is no concept of wrong decision, or vice versa, the right one. There is only a choice, followed by certain consequences. Do not forget that the consequences are, not bad, and not good. Just the consequences. It turns out that the wrong choice can not be made.

- There is a very good saying: the morning is wiser than the evening. As practice shows, decisions made by judges in the first half of the day are most often in favor of the accused. Important decisions in your life leave in the morning. Do not make decisions at night.


How to influence a person without insulting or causing a feeling of resentment

1. Begin with praise and sincere recognition of the merits of the interlocutor.

2. Point out the mistakes of others not directly, but indirectly.

3. First, talk about your own mistakes, and then criticize your interlocutor.

4. Ask the interlocutor questions, instead of something to him to order.

5. Give people the opportunity to save their prestige.

6. Express people's approval for the slightest of their luck and note their every success. Be sincere in your assessment and generous in praise.

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7. Create people a good reputation, which they will try to justify.

8. Have recourse. Make the impression that the error you want to see corrected is easily correctable; Do so that what you are encouraging people, it seemed to them easy.

9. Strive for people to be happy to do what you offer.


How to lose weight after childbirth at home, without harm to health

Many girls, after the birth of a baby, are not at all happy with their reflection in the mirror. Alas, but along with the joy of motherhood, extra pounds can come. Running into the gym with a crumb on your hands, certainly not an option. But how, without harming health, lose weight after childbirth at home. The task seems impossible, but it is only at first glance, in fact, all that is needed is a desire and a little bit of willpower.

We make a mode

Correctly distributed time will benefit not only the mother herself but also the child. It is clear that the care of the baby was added to the family's worries, but try to set aside a few minutes for yourself. Let not at the same time, but every day!

Doing it together

If your favorite child is asleep, then boldly go to the gym, and if not, then take it with you - even more, fun. This is both communication and training. Take the child in your arms, so that it will be convenient for both of you. Now he will help his mother lose weight after childbirth.

  • We begin with a warm-up - we shift from foot to foot, we make light corners, we can go around;

  • We sit down on a chair, preferably with a backrest, take turns lifting our knees bent at the knees, holding them in the air for how many seconds (for a start no more than 10 times for each leg);

  • Put your treasure on the couch, lie down next to the stomach, legs bend at the knees and begin to raise and lower the buttocks (15-20 times);

  • Again, sit on a chair, put the baby on his knees and hold with one hand, in the other hand we take a bottle of water, set aside and hold for a few seconds. Then lower and raise again holding in the air (15-20 times for each hand);

  • We get up and start walking around the room changing the tempo, first quickly and then slowly. Thus, the body will gradually begin to "depart" from training.

  • A beautiful figure requires effort, but you must agree, the game is worth the candle!

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Water is the source of beauty

It is important to drink at least 1.5 liters a day, but not tea and juice, namely plain water. This is necessary for normal digestion and intestinal work. Best of all, to drink a few minutes before eating half a glass and then, will want to eat less. Such a small self-deception, also contributes to weight loss, after childbirth.

Say no to hunger

In the morning, you need to have breakfast, but not sandwiches with sausage, and porridge. Better buckwheat, oatmeal or millet. Kasha should be boiled on water and preferably without sugar, but if you really want, you can add it, but only a little.

For the second breakfast, you can not fatty cottage cheese, yogurt, a pinch of nuts.

In the afternoon, it is desirable to have a lean soup, cooked or steamed vegetables, a small piece of boiled meat or fish.

Important snack, you can eat an apple or pear, but from bananas and grapes, it is better to refuse. You can crunch a carrot or cucumber, cook a dish of zucchini.

We do not need to give the enemy a dinner, we leave it to ourselves, but in a useful variant: you can porridge on water or a piece of lean meat in a boiled form, or steamed.

An hour before going to bed, you need to use a glass of low-fat kefir, so that the night feeling of hunger does not interfere with the plan for losing weight after childbirth.

The main thing is not to overeat, do not load your stomach, it is better to experience an easy feeling of malnutrition after eating.

You need to love yourself

Of course, I want to lose weight immediately, but it takes time. Do not be wrapped in shapeless hoodies, do not be shy. You need to pamper yourself with any available means, for example: buy yourself a beautiful underwear or sometimes allow a candy. A happy woman will come to form much faster. And maybe your figure after delivery will be even more effective than before!


Thursday, July 5, 2018

How to Make Long-Term Relations Exciting

Over time, our feelings change. The exciting impulse of falling in love can not eternal. But this does not mean that the feeling disappears, it simply develops. The view that the excitement in the relationship lasts only the first months or even a couple - is completely wrong. When it comes to long-term relationships with a partner, we decide how to support the thrill of love, and deepen our feelings of passion and intimacy. Doing this means avoiding certain behaviors, habits, and traps that couples usually fall into when they stay together for a long time. The struggle for a relationship means staying in your own way and at the same time being close with someone else. Here are six tips to help couples stand the test of time.

1) make sure that you are happy to spend time together

The ability to laugh with one another is a true sign of viability in a relationship. It is important to be able to experience joy together. A sense of humor helps to smooth angles when our interactions become turbulent. Being able to laugh at our shortcomings and our partners can turn us away from unreasonable dramas and keep our relationship alive.

2) be open to new experiences

When the relationship becomes more intimate, couples often run away from each other, closing for new experiences or limiting each other in a certain way. Love does not exist in a vacuum. Pay attention to what makes your partner happy, his interests, and be careful, do not take steps that will limit his happiness.

[caption id="attachment_628" align="aligncenter" width="410"]Make Long-Term Relations Exciting Make Long-Term Relations Exciting[/caption]

3) show your love

Saying "I love you" has less value than showing your love for someone. Show excitement when you see each other, find time to just talk. Small tokens, to hold hands and eye contact, are easy to lose in the daily routine of duties, but they can be the key to maintaining love.

4) do not lose your individuality

Losing yourself in love is one of the most serious threats to maintaining intimacy. Being close to someone should not mean losing your personality or losing respect for your personality. Couples should try to complement and support each other in their desire to become themselves instead of merging together to become someone else. Appreciate the unique interests of your partner.

5) Open dialogue

Invitation to open communication and receptivity to dialogue can help us overcome real obstacles in our relations. Instead of justifying or attacking, when a partner brings his arguments, we need to find the grain of truth in what he says feel. You should strive to be direct and honest with your own feelings and with the feelings of your partner.

6) be generous

Show your appreciation, even if it is difficult for you. When it comes to natural feedback in a relationship, it's important not to score. Be generous to each other - this will not allow your attitudes to fade away


Friday, June 29, 2018

How to overcome the fear of the stage?

For a long time, fear was considered the only salvation. It was he who included in us the instinct of self-preservation and forced us to move our feet with the greatest speed in order not to be eaten.

And despite the fact that those terrible times have long since come to pass, some still experience a real primitive fear with all the inherent characteristics, in the form of pallor, sweaty and cold palms, frequent palpitations and a desire to hide where you will not be looked at in one and at the same time so many eyes.

The ability to speak publicly is the most valuable skill of a modern business person. Representatives of many professions, by virtue of their duties, face the need to speak to the audience quite often: the top manager needs to motivate subordinates, the sales representative needs to convince the client to buy the goods of his company.

Communication- the basis of social relations, without speaking skills, it is very difficult to achieve a positive result for yourself in working with other people. Given the importance, the responsibility for the outcome also increases. This rightly explains the fear of public speaking, but according to many teachers of oratory, it can be overcome. In this article, you will find useful tips on how to overcome and overcome the fear of public speaking even to the most demanding audience.


The WikiHow project claims that the fear of public speaking ranks first on the list of phobias in North America. In psychology, even there are special terms that denote the fear of public speaking and the phobia of the scene - peyraphobia or glossophobia.

To fight fear, you need to understand its cause. The journalists would write: "The enemy needs to know in person," and would be absolutely right. Genetic predisposition to fear of public speaking (temperament, accentuation, and neuroticism) actually plays a small role. Significantly greater impact on fear of speaking before the audience has a number of factors of social origin: upbringing, negative experience, and others.

Since childhood, many are taught not to shout, but to speak quietly, so as not to attract unnecessary attention. This setting is maintained and leads to discomfort when you have to speak to a numerical audience. Negative provokes attitude towards the performance in school. Think about how often Hollywood movies about education are full of scenes, wherein primary school children are protecting their home projects, speaking to the class.

[caption id="attachment_593" align="aligncenter" width="300"]overcome the fear of the stage overcome the fear of the stage[/caption]

Scientists have noticed that as a result of public appearances, some people are given the same amount of adrenaline as those who jump with a parachute. Such a surge of emotions is difficult to curb, especially when not in flight, but in front of other people who, in addition, tend to appreciate you. But here works a well-known principle - the first time is much more difficult than the subsequent ones. Proceeding from this, it can be argued that constant practice helps to reduce fear.

Methods of overcoming the fear of public speaking

Identify the source of fear. We are afraid not of speech, but of how the audience reacts to it. Scary uncertainty: what happens after you go on stage? Here a very important factor is the understanding that almost always the absolute majority of people hope to benefit from your speech, accordingly they are genuinely interested and wish that you succeed.

Do not deny your fear. If you are perfectly prepared to speak, you know the theme - you have nothing to fear. Fear is just a defense mechanism from a situation in which you may appear during a speech, but most likely you will never find yourself. Take it as an additional challenge and motivation.

People do not see your nervousness. Only a few in appearance can determine how much the other person is worried. It is a mistake to assume that the audience sees how much you are worried. This means that the reasons for fear are at least one less.

Improve in the oratory. There are many books and practical trainings that will help you learn how to prepare for the performance, attract the audience, keep in touch and, as a result, make the performance more comfortable.

Analyze your performances. Obtain a video with your speech and carefully analyze everything from stammering and parasites in the speech to facial expressions and gestures. You can do the same only before the performance: with the help of the camera of the laptop make a record and look from the side. As Seneca said: "Before you say anything to others, say it to yourself."

The most important thing is preparation. Confidence arises when everything is under control. Be sure that you know the material, try to foresee the questions. Make a detailed speech plan and break it down into the main points for memorization. Make the speech boring, include a couple of jokes, quotes, stories.

Make yourself smile as soon as you step on the stage. Psychologists believe that a smile removes tension. Moreover, at a subconscious level, this will position a part of the audience towards you.

Relaxation. There are many techniques for relaxation, self-hypnosis, built on meditation or breathing exercises. As an example, you can use the following exercise. Concentrate all your attention on inhaling and exhaling. Breathe deeply, holding your breath for a few seconds. When exhaling, consider in your mind from 1 to 5. Focus for at least 5 minutes, this will relieve tension.

Some tips and tricks to overcome the fear of the stage

1. No falsehood. Insincerity is easy to guess.

2. During the speech, do not take anything personally (questions, comments, etc.)

3. Remember: every time you go on stage, you learn something new.

4. Try to avoid any physical barriers between you and the audience (chairs, tables, podiums), if this is not provided by the organization.

5. If you do not know the correct answer to the question asked, do not answer incorrectly. Use a formula of the type: "We will return to this issue later."

6. You can also redirect this question to the audience. This will allow you to sort out the answer, and to strengthen interaction with listeners.

7. It is good if there are your friends or acquaintances in the hall. Make eye contact with them. This will give an opportunity to feel in the circle of close people and cope with the excitement.


How to turn a person into a workaholic?

The University of Michigan found out when professional attitudes of parents program their attitudes toward the work of their children

The Michigan study showed that these settings are largely inherited from parents. But not directly, but with some peculiarity:

1. The orientation of the father on a career will stimulate such an orientation in children, but the mother's workaholism is not. This can be explained by the fact that the participants in the experiments are mature enough people, and at the time of their childhood, the installation for a career was considered natural for men and for women.

2. From the mother in many ways depends on whether the child will continue to treat slave only as a source of livelihood. If at the age of adolescence, children have a warm and intimate relationship with their mother, then they are less likely to perceive work so pragmatically, they want something more than money from her.

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3. If the professional settings of both parents are the same, then the chance that they will be passed on to the child becomes higher. But only if it is about work that is perceived as a vocation: a child who sees how parents reject a purely pragmatic approach to work, and puts the money incentives below the moral and social ones.


How to Cheer yourself up at Home?

Even on the most beautiful and sunny day, the mood can be just at zero: you do not want to do something or go somewhere - you do not want anything at all. If you succumb to a bad mood, then you can get stuck in your melancholy for a long time, so you need to have us.

Problems with the mood can be even the most optimistic person, and the man of the person with absolutely bad mood have to cheer himself up all the time. Fortunately, there are to date many different methods to cheer yourself up, which you can use even without leaving home. What are these methods?


Many essential oils have the property to influence the mood: one calms, the others cheer, the third adjusts to a romantic mood. And if using essential oils you need to raise your mood at home, then you need to choose essential oils of citrus, essential oils, vanilla, mint, juniper.

[caption id="attachment_587" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Cheer yourself Cheer yourself[/caption]

Delicious therapy

If your bad mood is not caused by problems with the figure, then the mood will be lifted with the help of the well-known method of eating. There are many products that, thanks to the content of endorphins ("joy hormones"), can remarkably improve the mood: chocolate, nuts, bananas, strawberries, pineapples.

Culinary Therapy

In some ways this method of raising the mood is similar to the previous one, but now the dishes need not be eaten, but to cook: after being carried away by the process of preparing your favorite treat, one can forget about the bad mood for a long time. It is interesting that the more difficult the chosen dish is, the more positive emotions will be able to be tested when it is ready.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

How to save yourself from a sense of anxiety?

Just think about why you are worried. Most often this happens because of fear and confusion. Do not let them take your thoughts. Instead, manage your own fear. So, next time, when you are worried for no reason, write on the piece of paper the cause of your condition. Then you need to weigh all the facts and write your solutions. One of the solutions must be accepted and simply acted. Another method for managing fear

Is the play of the worst scenario. Think about what will happen in the worst case, if all your worries and fears become real? Then imagine that all this has already happened, and you need to act. Think about all your actions to get out of the situation, so that the worst version of the expiration of events was not so bad. Thus, you will realize that even your anxiety has a limit, and you can overcome your helplessness.

[caption id="attachment_558" align="aligncenter" width="300"]save yourself from a sense of anxiety save yourself from a sense of anxiety[/caption]

To get rid of an inexplicable sense of anxiety, you must always follow all irrational thoughts and not let them take possession of you. Whenever something irrational comes to mind again, because of what you will be worried, think about something else. For example, remember something nice, how well you spent your last vacation, or just make plans for this weekend.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How to Remove Gel from Nails

Today, artificial nails are very popular among girls and women, and the gel is the most popular material for their modeling. To grow nails on your own is extremely difficult, but to remove them if necessary (if, for example, you do not have free time for a trip to the manicure room) it is quite possible and at home, Remember some simple rules of this procedure.

Just "rip off" artificial nails cannot in any case. If you do not properly remove them, you can damage very real nails, because the gel will never go away, not "capturing" the top layer of your nails, because of what they become uneven, brittle and dull.

Remove the gel from the nails is quite difficult. Neither Acetone nor special professional liquid (Acrylic Remover) can neither soften it , nor dissolve it. Therefore, there is only one possible way - to cut gel nails. But this should be done with great care, since the border between the accreted and natural nail is almost invisible even for a specialist, and the risk of damaging the nail plate is great.

If you decide to remove the gel from the nails at home , then do not use a glass or metal with a notch (from the usual set for manicure), a nail file, and also europempus. The saw should be chosen with an abrasiveness equal to 100-150 grit. Such a tool is rather rigid and is intended for artificial materials. With this nail file, you can layer the gel from the nail surface layer by layer.


While removing the gel, a small problem may arise before you: because of the appearance of the nail dust, it will be difficult for you to notice where the natural nail begins. To avoid this, periodically need to brush the dust with a brush and wipe the nail plate with a piece of cotton wool or cotton swab dipped in a liquid to remove varnish. So you can clearly see the border, because the gels and natural nails will get wet differently.

If you can not cut all the gel, you can leave a small amount on the nails . It's much better than damaging your own nails. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to grind and polish them. Then lubricate the surface with a special cuticle oil and apply a strengthening base.


How to Clean a Light or White Leather Jacket at Home?

With light things there are always more problems than with dark things - every spot on them is conspicuous, and the general pollution is noticeable almost immediately. However, white things are attractive, many women like them, because they create an attractive image and allow you to look younger. Next, we learn how to clean a white leather jacket, using the simplest substances that are in every home.

Precautionary measures

Before using any cleaner, try its action on an inconspicuous piece of skin on the underside of the product. That's how you can check if the jacket is afraid of water. Spray a little water from the spray on the skin from the wrong side. If the wet surface has darkened, then apply aqueous solutions to clean the jacket is not recommended.

In any case, the entire jacket can not be strongly wetted, since after drying it sits down, it can change the structure and color. Proceeding from this it follows that:

  • Do not soak leather jacket;

  • you can not use a washing machine;

  • If the lining is not unfastened, then it must be washed very carefully.

At home, you can only work on separate areas. Usually, the cuffs, the place of contact with the neck and the pockets are dirtiest. Sometimes there may be stains from grease or a ballpoint pen, as well as splashes of dirt as a result of pedestrian walks.

Soap solution

It is necessary to prepare a foamy soap solution. Some people use a simple soap, but it dries the skin, so you can take liquid hand soap or shampoo. A cloth soaked in a soap solution and wrung out can clean the contaminated area, for example, a collar or pockets.

  • Similarly, at home, clean the entire surface of the leather jacket, if you splattered the car with a mud, when you stood at the curb or crossed the road.

  • To deal with greasy areas, along with soap, add a little ammonia. The soap solution is rinsed with plain water using a well-wrung cloth or cloth. Then, the leather surface is wiped dry and at the last stage is smeared with petroleum jelly or castor oil. These two substances can be bought at the pharmacy.

  • With a soap solution, you can clean not only a white but also a light jacket of any shade, and instead of petrolatum and castor oil, I also use a transparent cream.

Milk or lemon

With simple dirt, a white jacket can be cleaned with cow's milk. It is necessary to pour a little milk in a saucer. Then take a soft tissue napkin, soak it in milk and wipe the outer surface of the jacket. Small contamination will be erased, and the skin itself will become slightly softer due to the fats contained in the milk.

[caption id="attachment_526" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Clean White Leather Jacket Clean White Leather Jacket[/caption]

If there was a need to whiten and clean at home a slightly yellowed leather jacket, then use a natural lemon, or rather, its juice. It is necessary to squeeze the lemon into a cup, moisten the cotton swab juice and diligently, but with light movements, wipe the jacket with it.

Use bleaching is often not worth it, because you can irretrievably damage the protective layer.

Eraser or solvent

Try cleaning the white or light surface of the skin with an eraser. In the case of suede products, this method very well helps. Use only a new, clean eraser, so as not to soil the jacket even more.

The ink from the pen or other stubborn stains on the white skin can be cleaned at home using a nail polish remover or turpentine diluted in milk (1: 1). Any solvent, whether pure gasoline, turpentine or acetone, should be used very carefully.

Before cleaning with it, you need to make sure that it does not damage the skin. Swipe the back of the lapel with a tampon soaked in a solvent, and wait a little. Only when you do not see obvious changes, you can gently proceed to cleaning.

When home remedies are not at hand, help can come lotion for cleaning the leather seats of the car. It removes dirt very well, but only applies to smooth skin.

A few additional tips

For the care of leather jackets, there are special tools. They need to be bought together with the purchase of leather clothes and regularly applied, then the product will remain for a long time to be a presentation. If you continue to talk about inexpensive home methods, you can add a few more tips:

  • Clean leather jacket rubbed with egg whites, pre-whisking it. This gives the outer clothing a shine.

  • Gentleness at home is provided with glycerin. They wet a tampon and wipe the surface. Since glycerol is transparent, for a light jacket this method is quite acceptable.

  • When it becomes necessary to dry the product, it is put on a hanger with shoulders. Drying is carried out at room temperature in a well-ventilated place.

  • Shoulders are selected so large and strong that they do not bend under the weight of outer clothing. In this case, the jacket will dry evenly and do not change its shape.

  • If you see that the pollution is complex, and you can not cope with improvised means, then take your favorite jacket to a dry cleaner.


Monday, June 11, 2018

How to stop the blood from the nose | First Aid

Nasal bleeding is a problem that many people face. Since the nasal mucosa is very rich in blood vessels, when bleeding occurs from the nasal cavity, in most cases it is quite strong and can lead to significant blood loss. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to stop the blood as soon as possible. With such a phenomenon as the flow of blood from the nose, people face at any age. In most cases, you can cope with the problem on your own, without involving doctors.

Causes of nasal bleeding

All causes of nasal bleeding can be divided into 2 large groups - local and systemic. Local reasons include:

  • trauma to the nose;

  • surgical operations in the nasal cavity;

  • diagnostic studies of the nasal cavity using a tool;

  • foreign bodies entering the nasal cavity;

  • acute inflammation in the nasal cavity;

  • sneezing with nasal congestion;

  • too vigorous blows;

  • excessive use of vasoconstrictor;

  • too long exposure to high temperatures on the nasal cavity (excessively long inhalation);

  • tumors in the nasal cavity;

  • anatomical defects in the structure of the nasal septum;

  • inhalation of narcotic substances;

  • too long inhalation of cold dry air (on very cold winter days).

The systemic causes of nasal bleeding are:

  • high blood pressure;

  • arteriosclerosis of blood vessels;

  • blood diseases;

  • avitaminosis;

  • a strong increase in body temperature;

  • a sharp drop in atmospheric pressure;

  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Regardless of the cause of nosebleeds, it should be stopped as soon as possible.

Assessment of the severity of epistaxis

The severity of nasal bleeding is determined by the amount of blood loss. Doctors today allocate 4 degrees of nosebleeds. This classification is as follows:

  • from 10 to 100 ml - a slight bleeding that does not worsen the patient's condition;

  • from 100 to 500 ml - massive bleeding, not carrying a danger to the life of the patient, but significantly worsening his condition;

  • from 500 to 1100 ml - heavy bleeding, which threatens the life of the patient and greatly worsens the general condition;

  • from 1100 ml - especially heavy bleeding, which can lead to death even with medical help.

Timely rendering of first aid in nosebleeds allows preventing its passage into a severe form, which can be very dangerous.

When urgently needed to call an ambulance

Despite the fact that in most cases, nosebleeds can be stopped on their own, there are situations when the patient needs urgent medical help. Immediately cause ambulance in the following situations:

  • Nasal bleeding is severe, and it can not be stopped for 10 minutes;

  • the patient has clotting disorders;

  • the patient uses drugs to dilute the blood;

  • the patient is under high blood pressure;

  • blood from the damaged vessels of the nasal mucosa does not flow out of the nostrils, but flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx and larynx into the stomach, which causes bloody vomiting;

  • the patient has a pre-fainting condition;

  • nosebleeds are repeated within 24 hours.

In the event that medical care is required, it is not necessary to postpone it and continue trying to stop the bleeding on its own, as this may even lead to the death of the patient.

The main error in stopping nasal bleeding

In the fight against nasal bleeding, many make one serious mistake: trying to stop the blood, often tilt the head or lie down, what to do is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that in such positions the blood draining from the damaged vessel begins to flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx and the larynx into the stomach, and can also enter the respiratory tract. As a result, the patient's condition worsens significantly, and in some cases blood clots may occur.

Methods of stopping nasal bleeding in children

In children, nosebleeds are much more common than in adults, and parents should certainly know how to stop this kind of bleeding.

  • The simplest way to fight even with severe nosebleeds is to squeeze the nostrils. In order to apply this method, the child should be seated on a chair or kneeled, tilting his head forward slightly and strongly pressing both nostrils to the nasal septum. Keep this way the child's nose is required for 10 minutes. After the nose of the child is released, from the nasal passages it is necessary to carefully remove the formed blood clots. Since you can not blow your nose after nosebleeds, use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. When this procedure is completed, you need to put the baby for 30 minutes. Within 12 hours after epistaxis, children should not be bent and play active games. In the event that the blood continues to flow after that,

  • Cold is a classic remedy for nosebleeds in children and adults. To stop bleeding, the child should take the same pose as with the first method of eliminating nasal bleeding. Then, an ice bubble or a cold-watered bow tent should be applied to the bridge of the nose. Further it is necessary to ensure the effect of cold and on the neck. To this end, the towel is soaked in cold water and, folding several times, is pressed against the neck. The effect of cold usually stops the blood for 5-10 minutes. If bleeding does not stop during this time and does not weaken - medical care is required.

  • Another means of stopping bleeding is the baths for the hands and for the feet. The child put on a chair, her head tilted slightly forward, and lowered his hands to his elbows in very cold water, and the feet - the maximum tolerable hot water. This method allows you to lower blood pressure in the upper body and thereby stop bleeding.

Most often, nosebleeds in children are not very strong and easily stops at home.

[caption id="attachment_519" align="aligncenter" width="300"]stop the blood from the nose stop the blood from the nose[/caption]

Methods of stopping nasal bleeding in adults

In adults, bleeding from the nose is not as common as in children, but still occurs. If it is not associated with a serious injury or a significant increase in pressure, it is entirely possible to stop it by yourself. Just like children, adults can not in this case throw back their head and go to bed.

  • With mild bleeding, when blood does not flow by a stream, you can use nasal vasoconstrictive drops based on naphazoline or xylometazoline. To stop bleeding, a twisted cotton swab (no more than 15 mm thick) should be dripped abundantly with drops and inserted into the nasal passage to the limit, but without applying force to it. If you overdo it, you can damage the mucous membranes and bones. The tampon is left in the nose for 10-15 minutes. To extract it should be very careful not to provoke a new bleeding.

  • With heavy bleeding, you can also use cold water. To do this, the patient should pour on the head and shoulders at least 50 liters of very cold water. After such a procedure, there is a significant narrowing of the blood vessels, which causes the blood to stop successfully. This method does not work with a tendency to catarrhal diseases and chronic lung diseases.

  • Hydrogen peroxide, which is used to stop bleeding in various skin lesions, can also be used in nosebleeds. To help the patient you need to moisten the peroxide with a peroxide swab and insert it as deep as possible into the nasal passage. After this, the victim should remain at rest for 15 minutes. After the specified time, the swab is gently removed and buried in the nose with a drop of vasoconstrictive drops that will prevent repeated bleeding.

  • In the summer you can stop nosebleeds with the help of nettle. For treatment, a cotton swab should be soaked in the grass juice and inserted into the nose. Leave it for 10 minutes, after which the bleeding will stop. This nettle effect is explained by its ability to improve blood clotting.


How to stop the blood from the nose

In most cases, epistaxis (or epistaxis) is not a dangerous phenomenon, which can be eliminated easily at home or in the field. The most common cause of such ailment is the fragility of blood vessels. Another thing, when bleeding happens often, is accompanied by loss of consciousness, weakness, ringing in the ears, headache. A similar state is a signal that it's time to go to the therapist. It is not superfluous to recall the basics of first aid. The idea of how to stop bleeding from the nose, of course, will always come in handy.

Causes and types of blood flow from the nasal cavity

Before stopping the blood from the nose, determine where it comes from. There are front and back nasal bleedings.

The first species is the most common (9 out of 10 cases), fast-passing and non-hazardous. To recognize it is simple: the blood either drips, or flows out of one or both nostrils. Such bleeding is localized in the anterior part of the medial wall - a region with a thin mucosa and a huge number of fragile capillaries.

The flow of blood from the back of the nose is dangerous because it does not externally manifest itself. Mediated symptoms of the problem are nausea, hemoptysis, black feces. If the blood does not stop for a long time and there are these signs, go to the doctor immediately.

Why does the nose bleed? Here are the most common reasons:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis;

  • hypertension and vegetovascular dystonia;

  • hormonal restructuring;

  • deficiency of vitamins C and K;

  • curved nasal septum;

  • mechanical injuries;

  • the presence of polyps in the nose;

  • overheating of the body;

  • drying of the mucous in the heat or frost;

  • poor blood coagulability;

  • reception of anticoagulants;

  • sharp changes in atmospheric pressure;

  • severe overwork;

  • sinusitis and rhinitis, adenoids.

In terms of intensity, nosebleeds are minor, light, medium and heavy.

  • Blood loss of up to several tens of milliliters with rapidly stopping secretions does not endanger health.

  • At the expiration of 400-600 ml (light degree), the adult noticeably pales, feels weak.

  • The average loss of blood (600-1200 ml) is accompanied by tachycardia, shortness of breath, a drop in blood pressure.

  • Severe hemorrhage (from 800-1200 ml) leads to hemorrhagic shock.

  • Children have a critical condition with less bleeding.

How to properly provide first aid for anterior bleeding

With nasal bleeding, it is not recommended to lay the patient on the bed or throw his head back, because in a lying position you will not be able to determine the extent of the problem. Moreover, a significant discharge of blood into the throat can cause vomiting. To act differently.

[caption id="attachment_517" align="aligncenter" width="300"]stop the blood from the nose stop the blood from the nose[/caption]

The instruction how to stop a blood from a nose at the adult in house conditions, is presented more low.

  • Put the patient on a chair, sofa or bed.

  • Advise him to tilt his head slightly and pinch his nose under his nose with his fingers. Let the patient breathe with his mouth for the next ten minutes.

  • Recommend him to refrain from talking, do not blow his nose and do not swallow the movement, so that a blood clot develops as soon as possible.

  • In the meantime, get ice out of the refrigerator. Wrap it in a towel. The resulting compress is placed on the bridge of the nose.

  • If the blood does not stop from the nose, make a tampon out of the bandage. Moisten it in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and enter into the nostril.

Do not use cotton swabs to quickly stop blood. The fact is that when the excretions solidify, they adhere to the walls of the nasal passages. Therefore, when extracting cotton wool, there is a high probability of re-injuring the vessels. After the bleeding has stopped, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity should be carefully moistened with a moisturizer. This will prevent the casing from drying out.

How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?

The sequence of actions is the same, but the baby should be constantly encouraged and reassured. If it's a tiny baby, take it in your arms, unbutton your clothes so that it's easier for him to breathe. To an older child, try to explain that the blood from the nose stops going, as soon as he stops shouting or crying.

How to stop nasal bleeding at home using folk remedies?

Hemostatic properties are possessed by some plants.

  • Take a lemon or an aloe leaf. Squeeze the juice out of it. Dissolve one part of the extract obtained with two parts of boiled water. Get the infusion into the nose.

  • Tampons moistened in fresh juice of plantain, yarrow or nettle will also help.

  • Another means, capable of stopping blood, is the decoction broth (a tablespoon of herb per 50 ml of boiling water).

What to do with bleeding that happened in nature?

  • Sit in the shade.

  • Slightly lower your head and pinch that nostril with your finger, from which blood comes.

  • If there is no bandage at hand, attach a handkerchief.

  • In winter, instead of a cold compress, you can use a lump of snow or an icicle. In the summer, a handkerchief soaked in cool water is suitable.

Emergency care for injuries and injuries to the nose

Instructions how to stop blood from the nose at home with superficial scratches and bruises:

  • rinse the damaged area with soap and water;

  • Wrap the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide;

  • apply a cold compress to the bruised area;

  • if the blood flows from the nose, stop it with a standard tamponization;

  • make sure that there is no posterior bleeding - the saliva should be clean, free of blood;

  • After half an hour, carefully remove the tampons from the nostrils.

Instructions how to stop the blood from the nose in an adult or child when injured:

  • wash the wound with soapy water;

  • treat it with peroxide;

  • apply a pressing aseptic bandage;

  • if the blood has gone from the nose, draw a tamponade;

  • As soon as possible, take the victim to the emergency room.

How to stop severe bleeding from the nose in severe injuries?

If you suspect that there is a fracture of the facial bones or nasal septum, immediately call an ambulance. Before its arrival it is necessary to undertake standard steps: to wash out and process a wound, to make a plugging. With severe bleeding, hospitalization is compulsory.

Preventive actions

How quickly stop nasal bleeding, depends on various factors: from blood coagulation, the diameter of the bursting capillaries. Slow thrombus formation may be a recent aspirin, increased blood pressure, anemia.

If often there is a blood from a nose what to do or make for prophylaxis?

  • Ensure regular air humidification. In allergic or viral rhinitis, do not allow the mucous membranes of the nose to dry out.

  • Watch your blood pressure. With a tendency to hypertension, refuse salt, refrain from eating potatoes, grapes, bananas.

  • If the blood flows from the nose often, you need to include in the diet of citrus, currant, kiwi, sour cabbage and other products rich in ascorbic acid.

  • Will be useful and green leafy vegetables - they have a lot of vitamin K.

When to call an ambulance

To normalize the patient's condition, as a rule, enough cold compresses and tamponization, stopping bleeding. Emergency medical assistance may be needed if the nose continues to bleed after 15-30 minutes.

Any suspicious discharges that appear after a trauma can also be a reason for urgent hospitalization. For example, an admixture of clear liquid in the blood sometimes indicates a fracture of the base of the skull. Bloody vomiting can result from both posterior nasal bleeding, and damage to the lungs, esophagus, and stomach.

According to the rules, children with epistaxis are subject to mandatory hospitalization if they are sick with diabetes, hemophilia, have immunodeficiency or oncology. An aggravating circumstance is the propensity to hypertension in adolescence. Parents should insist on examination by a doctor if the child has lost consciousness, complained of nausea, dizziness, there is a suspicion of the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage.

With frequent bleeding it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination (to pass tests, visit a pediatrician, an ENT, an oculist, a surgeon, a cardiologist, a neurologist) to determine and eliminate the cause of the disorder.

Now you know what to do, and if the blood comes from the nose, do not get lost and do not allow the deterioration of the well-being of the child or adult.


Why does the nose bleed?

Most often, bleeding from the nose appears as if from scratch, a person does not have anything to hurt and nothing to worry about. But in order to prevent repeated bleeding from the nose, you need to know its causes and try to get rid of them.

Many people think that bleeding from the nose is not dangerous, and in fact it is always a sign of a deviation in the way of life or even a symptom of the disease.

Bleeding from the nose can be caused by different reasons, so, among them :

Elevated blood pressure is the most common cause of nosebleeds. Increasing the pressure of blood on the walls of fragile capillaries often breaks them, which is why the blood comes from the nose. Usually, high blood pressure is often observed in people of retirement age.

Injuries. Mechanical injuries are also one of the common causes of epistaxis. Blood can go if a person picks in the nose, or during a cold - when the nose is injured by handkerchiefs, easily traumatized vessels of the nose in ARVI swell and burst.

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Drying. Drying of the mucosa occurs in the cold or in dry air indoors and can lead to bleeding.

Poor blood clotting. Bleeding from the nose can occur with poor blood coagulability, as well as those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood thinning drugs.

Vitamin K. Bleeding due to poor blood clotting can be associated with a lack of vitamin K. Its source is spinach, lettuce, all kinds of cabbage, avocados, bananas, wheat bran, soy, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.

Vitamin C. Vitamin C affects the condition of the vessels, in case of deficiency, their fragility increases. This explains the bleeding in children after illness, when the body is weakened and feels a lack of vitamins, as well as in winter and spring. Therefore, it is important to monitor food, especially after illness and during the cold season.

Polyps in the nose. Polyps are a growth in the nasal mucosa that does not allow it to function normally. The shoots interfere with breathing and exert physical pressure on the vessels. With polyps, blood from the nose goes quite often, especially in the mornings. In addition, dryness of the nose and the formation of crusts leads to scraping and new bleeding. Read more about what polyps are in the nose and why they are formed >>

Vegetosovascular dystonia. If spontaneous bleeding from the nose is preceded by headache and noise in the ears, and the blood from the nose goes against the background of watery discharge, then, most likely, the cause of vegetovascular dystonia. Many people, especially children, do not tolerate weather changes, because of which blood pressure also changes dramatically, the vessels then expand, then narrow, resulting in their walls can not stand and burst.

Hormones. This reason explains the nosebleeds in girls during hormonal adjustment, this phenomenon is called replacement bleeding. Nose tissue and genital tissue - one type, it is called a cavernous tissue. If you look at it under a microscope, you can see the tightest tangle of blood vessel balls.

Therefore, when the blood flows to the genitals before the start of menstruation, the cavernous tissues of the nose are reflexively swollen, the blood vessels overflow with blood, sometimes they can not stand, burst, and blood comes from the nose.

Usually, with the establishment of a constant menstrual cycle, these problems for girls pass, but this does not prevent them from telling the endocrinologist and the gynecologist at the time of admission.

By the way, similar hormonal causes of bleeding from the nose can also be during pregnancy.

Overheating. Blood from the nose is often associated with overheating of the body, for example, in the summer with a sunstroke, and in the winter - with a rise in temperature during influenza and respiratory infections.

Sharp changes in barometric pressure. Nasal bleeding is often affected by climbers and divers due to the fact that they have to endure sudden pressure drops.

Overwork. Nasal bleeding may occur due to severe fatigue, workload or learning, in the absence of fresh air, with lack of sleep, stress and so on. As a result of all these factors, the walls of the vessels become brittle and brittle, which causes blood from the nose. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your lifestyle, fully rest and eat well.

In children, 90% of spontaneous nasal bleeding occurs from the Kisselbach plexus area - this is the place at the lower edge of the septum of the nose where a very dense network of branched blood vessels is located. In children, the vessels are located close to the surface, with the mucous membrane thin, so any damage to the mucosa and a sharp vasodilation can cause bleeding.


First Aid: How to stop bleeding from the nose

Stop flow

  • With bleeding from the nose, many almost reflexively tilt their head back. This can not be done, since the blood on the back wall of the nasopharynx will drain into the larynx, and from there it can accidentally get into the airways or into the stomach, causing vomiting. Also, it's wrong to lie down on the pillow.

  • You have to sit down, tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest.
    Attach a handkerchief, soaked in cold water, or ice wrapped in a napkin. The cold will help narrow the blood vessels, this will reduce the bleeding.

  • Dip into the nose vasoconstrictive drops from the cold. In an emergency, 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice can replace them.

  • If the bleeding is not very strong, with your thumb and index finger, press the wings of the nose to the nasal septum and breathe through the mouth. After 5-7 minutes, the blood usually stops.

  • You can use the method of su-dzhok: for 10 minutes, drag the thumb of the hand at the level of the middle of the nail with a string or with a rubber band. This zone corresponds reflexively to the area of the nose.

  • In case of severe bleeding, insert into the nostrils the cotton bubuds,oistened in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, in sea-buckthorn or dog-rose oil or simply in water. Tampon hold for about half an hour. If it cools to the wall of the nose, do not try to tear it off. This can cause a repeated, even more severe bleeding. First, soak the swab with water, then gently pull it out. If these measures did not lead to a blood stop, call for an "ambulance".

What causes bleeding?

To the nose fit a large number of blood vessels, so even the smallest injury can cause heavy bleeding. Blood from the nose happens with a cold , because of the drying of the mucus in the cold, with dry air in the room. This condition can also occur with poor blood coagulability, as well as those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood thinning drugs. Often, the cause of bleeding is increased blood pressure.

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Preventive measures

Humidify the room air with a steam generator, you can also put wet towels on the battery, spray the room with a spray gun. Help to moisten the air and houseplants.

If the nose often forms crusts, periodically dig in the nose 2-3 drops of sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil.

With frequent bleeding caused by increased fragility of the vessels, ascorbic acid, rutin is shown.

Increase the coagulability of blood helps herbal teas from nettles, yarrow, mountaineer bird, plantain, leaves and fruits of sea-buckthorn, as well as a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride. It is taken 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day after meals. This drug reduces the permeability of the vascular wall.

Bleeding caused by poor blood coagulability can be associated with a lack of vitamin K. Its source is spinach, lettuce, all kinds of cabbage, avocados, bananas, wheat bran, soy, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.

When do I need help from a doctor?

Abundant and often recurring bleeding is an occasion to consult a therapist or otolaryngologist. If the problem in the defect of the vascular wall, as a rule, prescribe the moxibustion of the vessel with the help of liquid nitrogen, laser or radio wave surgery. Bleeding caused by increased blood pressure, especially can not be ignored, they signal an increased risk of strokes.


How to grow a beard quickly and correctly - the main tips

The desire to grow a full beard is an important step in the maturation of a man. The presence of vegetation on the face can not only change the image, making the owner of the beard much more brutal, but also visually adjust the shape of the skull, hiding or accentuating the details.

Despite the apparent ease of the task (if you want to grow a beard - just do not shave), often the bristles grow unevenly. In order to become the owner of a full and dense beard, and not just an incomprehensible heap of hair on his face, you need to learn how to properly care for this beard.

How to Grow a Beard: Instruction

  • Do not shave bristles for 3-4 weeks. At this stage it is important to get used to your new look in the mirror and let the hair on the face grow without any interference. Tune in to a positive result (that is, to grow a thick beard) and just do not shave the first 3-4 weeks.

  • Buy a trimmer. Trimmer - this is a special machine for cutting hair on the face, allowing you to specify the desired length of bristles. After a month of growing a beard, you can gently trim your hair with a trimmer (start with a nozzle 10-12 mm). In the future, trim your beard regularly.

  • Choose the right beard shape. The shape of your beard that is optimal for your face depends on the structure of the skull and on how uneven the hair grows - if the vegetation on the cheeks stubbornly does not appear, it will be difficult to change. Below you will find recommendations that help you choose the right beard style.

  • Learn to look after your beard. In most cases, the beard can be washed with a normal hair shampoo. However, if the hair curls or becomes too dry, then you can help both special means for caring for the beard, and regular combing with a comb with wide serifs.

Which beard to choose?

Choosing the most suitable for you beard style depends on two factors: the shape of the skull and the type of your hair. Blondes are usually harder to grow a beard than brunettes - their hair is thinner and sparse - but it's easier for them to maintain the final beard in a neat way.

Also, the lower hairline plays a role. Ideal - stick to the line on the neck, located 2-2.5 cm above the Adam's apple. The line of cheeks at the same time can be left natural, or lowered below, ("Hollywood beard"), if the hair on the cheeks do not grow too much.

Oval Face

How to grow a beard

Owners of oval faces ( Ryan Gosling ) beard will add massiveness to the chin area. Any shape will fit, letting you experiment - a square one with a clearly defined lower bound, a weighted downward horseshoe beard, or a classic rounded one.

The main difficulty for blondes will be the task of the hair growth line on the cheeks. First, the upper part of the cheeks is shaved (2-3 cm below the cheekbones), then the cheeks are trimmed with a trimmer to a length of 3-5 mm, then the lower border of the beard is then trimmed.

Triangular face

The triangular face ( Ryan Reynoldos ) also comes with a beard in the shape of a square, a horseshoe or a rounded one. Vegetation on the cheeks will visually extend the face, focusing on the eyes and making them larger (relevant for those who wear glasses with a minus).

If blondes are suitable for broad and dense forms of beard, then brunettes with hard hair is important to ensure that the beard does not expand into sides, losing shape. The simplest solution is a regular trimming trimmer.

Broad face

The owner of a large face (Justin Timberlake), the beard will visually extend the shape of the skull, giving the person aristocracy. Suitable as a goatee, a beard to the temple or a trapezoid. The whiskers will look good, but it's better to give up whiskers.

Let's also note that growth plays a role in choosing a beard - for low men it is best to wear a small, non-removable beard, while a large and magnificent beard is suitable for a tall and large beard. A large beard and low growth will make you look like a gnome.

Hollywood Beard

In the case of the oblong form of the skull ( Jake Gyllenhaal ), the beard will help visually expand the face. Suitable rounded beard-horseshoe or sideburns. At the same time, categorically it is not recommended for thin beard-goatee or various variants of goatee beard.

The most successful choice for this type of person is the so-called "Hollywood beard" - a massive mustache and dense vegetation on the chin visually increase the jaw, giving the person brutality. The height of the upper line of hair growth is the middle of the cheeks.

The most important thing in the process of growing a beard is not to interfere with its growth for the first 3-4 weeks. Only after this time, you, having got used to see your new face in the mirror, will be able to choose the type of beard suitable for you - and start to look after this beard properly.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021