Saturday, July 14, 2018

Most Useful Products for Weight Loss

Protein Products for Weight Loss

  • Dairy

  • Cereals

  • Nuts

  • Vegetables and greens

  • Fruits and berries

Hungry debilitating diets do not have a long-term effect and can cause significant harm to health. In order to lose weight, you need to eat - this is a long-proven fact. There are products for weight loss, which accelerate metabolism, improve the digestive tract, while they alleviate hunger and enrich the body with the necessary trace elements, vitamins.

Protein Products for Weight Loss

Fish is a favorite among the protein group products for weight correction. It is the supplier of essential fatty acids Omega -3, 6, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, vitamin A, ED. For fat, fish is divided into 3 categories:

  • Fatty fish varieties (more than 8%), caloric content 110-145 kcal per 100 g - sturgeon, mackerel, halibut, eel;

  • fish of medium fat content (4-8%), caloric content 100-145 kcal - sea bass, lean herring, carp, pink salmon, pike perch, trout;

  • low fat fish (4%) caloric content 75-100 kcal - cod, river perch, hake, flounder, bream, pike.

For weight loss, it is best to choose fish from group 3. Do not eat smoked and fried fish. Cook it in a double boiler, grill, bake. Doctors do not advise to abuse fish and use it not more often 4 times a week, because the excess of trace elements is also harmful, as well as a deficit.

Meat of turkey, chicken contains significantly more protein and fewer calories and fats compared to pork meat. The caloric content of a chicken breast is only 113 kcal per 100 g. The microelements contained in the poultry fillet help to cleanse the liver of fats and normalize the fat metabolism. In addition, the protein found in chicken meat, turkey, is a building material for building beautiful muscles.

Eggs - another product that helps to lose weight. Caloric content of one boiled egg is 70-80 kcal depending on the value. Proteins contained in the egg are absorbed by the body completely. The product satiates well and contains 12 vitamins, including B, D, E.


In dairy products in addition to protein contains such vital components as calcium and phosphorus. Dairy products can enhance metabolism. Previously, it was believed that for weight loss you only need to use low-fat products. In scientific circles it was proved that this is a deceptive proposition. In dairy fats, linoleic acid, which contributes to the production of energy from fat, is thus prevented from being stored off fat and gaining extra pounds. According to the content of linoleic acid, milk fats are inferior only to vegetable oils, but the latter are high in calories, and dairy products are a combination of low caloric content, linoleic acid and calcium. Excessive stress on food is not worth it and you should know the sense of proportion. Excess linoleic acid leads to weight gain, and excessive protein intake removes calcium from the body.

[caption id="attachment_4268" align="aligncenter" width="313"]Useful Products for Weight Loss Useful Products for Weight Loss[/caption]

Kefir is one of the cheapest and favorite products for weight loss. The main "weather keeper" Larisa Dolina instilled a special love for kefir. The composition of the drink includes useful microorganisms, normalizing the intestinal microflora and affecting the metabolism. Kefir is able to satisfy hunger and has a slight laxative effect.

Cottage cheese is an indispensable component for weight loss, a source of easily digestible calcium and protein, it sugars well and lets you forget about hunger for a long time. Glycemic index of cottage cheese is low, so it is also suitable for late meals. The amount of lactose in curd is much less than in whole milk or kefir, which is especially important for people with lactose intolerance. Cottage cheese is combined with greens, vegetables, fruits, is the basis for hot dishes, snacks, desserts.

Soft cheeses - Adyghe, mozzarella, feta, ricotta, have low caloric content rich in vitamin composition and allow you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.


Cereals take a worthy place in the list of products that affect weight loss. They are distinguished by low caloric content, high nutritional value, high fiber content, which facilitates the evacuation of slags from the body. Each cereal is distinguished by its unique composition, so it makes no sense to adhere to a certain mono-diet. The alternation of porridges will have a greater effect on the figure. Slimming dishes from cereals are cooked on the water without the addition of butter, contrary to the old Russian tradition: "Do not spoil the porridge with oil."

Wheatgrass regulates fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol, improves gastrointestinal function, removes fats from the body, antibiotics and gives a feeling of satiety for several hours.

Wheat cereals - one of the most low-calorie cereals, prevents the deposition of fats, slows down the aging process, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and nails.

Pearl barley contains a large amount of fiber, has a strong cleansing effect, takes part in lipid metabolism and hypoallergenic.

Buckwheat is one of the most favorite products for weight loss, it contains a lot of iron, little fat, is digested for a long time, so after a buckwheat portion of hunger you can forget for several hours.

Oat groats are a source of fiber, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, amino acids. Has a strong cleansing effect, which is useful not only for weight loss, but also for skin condition, complexion.


Considering the list of products for weight loss, you can not ignore the nuts. Despite the high caloric content, nuts are an ideal product for snacks. They give a feeling of satiety, they are easy and convenient to carry with them, have a rejuvenating effect, accelerate the metabolism. In the day you can eat:

  • peanuts - 10-12 pieces;

  • almonds - 22 nuts;

  • pine nuts - 50 g;

  • walnut - 2 pcs.

Vegetables and greens

Vegetables occupy one of the main positions in the list of products for weight loss. They are characterized by low calorie, except for starchy vegetables, high fiber content, the presence of a large number of vitamins and trace elements.

Top 10 vegetables for weight loss:

  • Cucumber - 15 kcal per 100 g. Contains vitamins B, C, potassium, enzymes that stimulate the motor function of the intestine.

  • Cabbage - 22 kcal per 100 g. Source of folic acid, fiber, vitamins K, B, A, thiamine, riboflavin. The substances that are contained in cabbage, help to effectively fight against excess weight, make the muscles more hardy and regulate the level of sugar.

  • Carrots - 32 kcal per 100 g. Supplier of beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid, insoluble fiber, antioxidants.

  • Tomatoes - 20 kcal per 100 g. Normalize metabolic processes, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, inhibit the development of tumors.

  • Beet - 42 kcal per 100 g. Has a laxative and diuretic properties. Contains betaine, which takes part in the regulation of the metabolism of fats and promotes the assimilation of proteins of animal origin.

  • Bulgarian pepper - 23-28 kcal per 100 g. The leader among vegetables for the content of vitamin C. Effective for weight loss, prevents baldness, the appearance of thrombosis, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

  • Beans - 102 kcal per 100 g. Source of protein, antioxidants, microelements. The value of beans for weight loss is its ability to inhibit the absorption of starches and in stimulating the production of a hormone that suppresses the appetite.

  • Celery - 18 kcal per 100 g. Promotes cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, calms the nervous system, relieves fatigue.

  • Zucchini - 23 kcal per 100 g. Improves peristalsis of the intestine, regulates the water-salt balance in the body.

  • Pumpkin - 25 kcal per 100 g. Promotes the acceleration of metabolic processes, metabolism, strengthening of bone tissues.

Dill, parsley, basil, turnip, leaf salad, coriander, onion, garlic are products with a negative caloric content, for their processing the body spends more calories than it receives.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries are foods that contain a large amount of fiber, macronutrients, vitamins of various groups. Due to its mineral composition, the presence of tannic, ethereal substances, the products stimulate metabolism, remove waste products, improve the work of internal organs, thereby helping to fight excess weight.

Apples, pineapple, grapefruit are favorites in their group. In apples contains a large amount of pectin, folic acid, vitamin C, which improves the intestinal microflora, accelerates metabolism. The presence of bromelain in pineapple has erected it on a pedestal of fat-burning products. But the role of bromelain is greatly exaggerated. He is not able to break down fat, but only takes active part in the assimilation of food, especially dairy products, beans, meat, fish. Grapefruit helps to get rid of the body of excess fluid. Activates fat metabolism.

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