Saturday, July 14, 2018

List of 10 Useful Products for every Human Being

The ten most useful foods that should be included in the diet of each person. The most important sources of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.


Like any other cabbage, broccoli is rich in fiber, folic acid, potassium, calcium and various phytonutrients - natural substances that reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers, according to the University of Illinois.

Among other things, broccoli contains a powerful antioxidant beta-carotene, sulforaphane, as well as vitamins C and K. However, in order to ensure that all useful trace elements are preserved in the prepared product, it is recommended not to broccoli in water, but only to slightly extinguish this cabbage.


Many people consider potatoes to be a harmful food by default, although this is not entirely true. It all depends on the type of potato and the way it is cooked. Deep-fried potatoes or chips are definitely harmful, whereas sweet potatoes baked in foil and retained all useful substances and vitamins are useful.

Ordinary white potatoes are rich in potassium, magnesia, phosphorus and vitamin B6 , and one tuber of sweet potato (sweet potato) contains three daily norms of vitamin A, a natural immunostimulant. Interestingly, recent studies show that the best way to eat potatoes is to cool down.

Salad leaves

Due to the high content of antioxidants, the leaves of iceberg lettuce, spinach, arugula and other green plants are extremely useful. They not only contain vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, but also important for the body minerals, such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron.

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Salad leaves can serve as an excellent addition to almost any dish, especially meat steaks. Recall that the salad should be consumed in fresh form - with thermal treatment or during freezing, most of the useful microelements contained in it, is destroyed.

Salmon and salmon

Eating only 100 grams of fatty fish (salmon, salmon or trout) at a frequency of 4-5 times a week completely covers the body's need for omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

We also note that the salmon contains a large amount of protein with a high digestibility and an excellent amino acid profile. In 100 grams of this fish contains up to 27 grams of protein - more than in red meat or chicken. This makes the salmon an important product for muscle growth.


Despite the common misconception, it is useful as a protein of a chicken egg, and its yolk. The cholesterol contained in it has no direct relation to an increase in the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and there is no upper rate of consumption of eggs per day.

Eggs are an excellent source of easy to digest animal protein, which is especially important in training for muscle growth or diet for weight loss. You can eat eggs as for breakfast in the form of an omelet or scrambled eggs, and use them as a snack by making a delicious homemade sandwich.

Oat Groats

Oatmeal is one of the best options for breakfast. It not only quickly and permanently fills the stomach and improves digestion due to the high content of fiber and beta-glucagon, but also lowers cholesterol in the blood. Of minerals, oatmeal is rich in manganese, zinc and copper.

However, we note that sweetened oatmeal instant cereals and most kinds of granola contain a huge amount of sugar (or other fast carbohydrates) - the use of such products is very controversial. Try to cook oatmeal porridge yourself from oatmeal.


The consumption of one lemon a day completely covers the norm of vitamin C, raises the level of "good" cholesterol, and also strengthens bones. You can use lemon juice while cooking meat, use it as a salad dressing and add a lemon slice to the tea.

Pectins, contained in lemons and other acidic fruits, strengthen the motor function of the large intestine and contribute to the digestive process - in fact, they "pull" toxins out of the body. In addition, citrus flavonoids, contained in lemon, have an anti-inflammatory effect.


Almonds and other nuts (for example, cedar and walnuts) are rich in magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, vitamins E and A. They contain a lot of protein, and due to the content of monounsaturated fats, nuts lower cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Despite the fact that nuts are an ideal snack, remember that they are extremely caloric - a day it is recommended to eat no more than 30 grams. In addition, avoid fried, candied and salted nuts, as well as mixtures with potentially hazardous to health dried fruit.


According to a study by Harvard Medical School, people who regularly eat strawberries, strawberries, blueberries and other forest berries are less likely to suffer from diseases related to age-related memory disorders and a violation of logical functions.

Other scientific studies show that polyphenols contained in bright berries help in the fight against obesity, preventing the formation of new fat cells. In addition, scientists believe that the use of strawberries can normalize and high blood pressure.

Mineral water

Water is one of the most important elements of a healthy person's nutrition, without it life is impossible as such. Unfortunately, the quality of drinking water from a tap in big cities is far from ideal, and household filters only improve the taste of water, without fundamentally changing its composition.

Daily use of medicinal mineral water is especially useful for the health of athletes - bicarbonate mineral water accelerates the recovery of muscles by regulating the alkalinity of blood, and magnesium mineral water relieves stress, stimulates the bowels and improves digestion.

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