Yogurt for hair - an indispensable assistant, especially during the off-season, when the locks require more attention, care and vitamins. Home masks with yoghurt restore and nourish the hair, saturate them with useful substances. Regular application of natural product will give amazing results, which will be visible not only to you, but also those around you will give compliments.
Use of yogurt for hair
A natural product is suitable for hair care of any type. Even sensitive skin, he can not do harm. The use of yogurt as a primary or additional care for locks, strengthen and moisturize them, make them obedient and soft, prevent dandruff and fill them with strength.
In natural yogurt contains many nutrients:
- lactic acid - 0.7-1.1%;
- calcium and potassium;
- high protein content;
- magnesium;
- vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 .
Useful properties of yogurt have made this product indispensable not only for hair care, but also actively recommended by pediatricians to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, dietitians for eating to reduce weight. Yogurt in cosmetology also found application, on its basis, masks for the face, care of the decollete area, and the hand skin are made.
Useful properties of yoghurt:
- moisturizes the skin;
- has regenerating properties;
- refreshing;
- prevents the appearance of acne;
- has antifungal and antibacterial properties;
- normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
- removes irritation.
Application of yoghurt for hair
In its pure form, yogurt is mostly not used, it is used as a basis for cooking house masks. Good cosmetic products are obtained to care for the curls. To make the result much higher, you need to listen to some recommendations.
- The use of masks based on yogurt is shown to people with dry hair, since the remedies help to heal the hair section. Suitable for the treatment of dandruff, eliminate fat.
- Contraindications to the use of yogurt are not revealed, but the individual intolerance of the components that make up the mask can lead to skin irritation. Before applying the mixture, it needs to be tested. For this, a droplet of a substance is rubbed into the skin of the elbow and after a couple of minutes this place is inspected. If there are no pimples and rashes, there is no burning, itching, so you can immediately apply the mask to your hair.
- Only natural yoghurt, without fruit additives, dyes and preservatives, is suitable for use.
- During the application of masks on the head, it is recommended to distribute them evenly throughout the length of the curls, rub gently into the roots, moisten the ends with split ends.
- The duration of the mask should be 30 minutes. Depending on the constituent components, this time can vary in the direction of decreasing or increasing. Leave the mask at night is not desirable, because sour-milk products can deteriorate. To strengthen the effect of components, it is recommended that after wrapping the mask, wrap the head in a towel, thus, the recovery processes will be faster.
- After washing off the masks, the hair must dry itself, they can not be dried with a hairdryer.
- To maintain healthy hair is recommended 1 time in 7 days to make moisturizing and nourishing masks.
- You can add various ingredients to yogurt. A good effect is provided by masks with coffee and yogurt, with the addition of eggs, honey, cognac and other ingredients.
How to prepare yogurt for hair at home
Yogurt, cooked by the owner with her own hands - is an indicator of the naturalness and freshness of the product, so it is better to cook it yourself. Unlike the store analogs, it is much better.
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Recipe for homemade yogurt:
Surely every housewife has a multiverse. If this is so, then it is not difficult to prepare yogurt. First, you need to boil the milk and allow it to cool to 40 ° C. Now it needs to be mixed with the leaven and poured into prepared yogurt jars. To the bottom of the multiverse is not scratched, it needs to be covered with a woven napkin. After the containers are installed in the multiverse, you should pour warm water to the neck of the jars (the capacity can be taken from under the baby food).
The newest models are equipped with a button "yogurt", so do not invent anything, you just need to press this button and yogurt will be ready. If there is no corresponding button on the multivarker, you need to turn it on in the "heating" mode and turn it off after 15 minutes. You can not open the lid. The yogurt should languish under the lid for an hour. Then again for 15 minutes, turn on the "heating" and turn it off again. An hour later you can get the finished product. So, without much hassle and time, you can prepare yogurt at home.
Recipes of masks for hair from yogurt
To prepare natural hair masks with yogurt, it is recommended to choose a product with a high percentage of fat.
Hair mask with yoghurt and egg
Nourishing mask with yogurt removes fat content, improves blood circulation, nourishes the hair follicles.
natural yoghurt - 5 tbsp. l .;
egg - 1 pc.
The protein strengthens the hair, and the yolk helps moisturize. Before adding protein to the mask, it must be beaten. In yogurt first add protein, mix, and only then - yolk. Apply the mixture to the hair and hold for 10 minutes. The mask can be kept longer, but not more than 0.5 hours. Wash off in the usual way.
Mask for hair with yoghurt and olive oil
The remedy will help reanimate the hair. Suitable for dry hair .
To prepare the mixture you will need:
yogurt, cooked by own hands - 2 tbsp. l .;
yolk (large egg) - 1 piece;
honey (preferably fresh) - 1 tbsp. l .;
olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Effective mask, its regular application will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Before washing the head, apply the mixture on dry or slightly moistened strands. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
Mask for hair with yoghurt and honey
Yoghurt with honey for hair helps to reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, which allows the hair to hold the volume longer and not become fat.
To prepare a mask you need to prepare:
yoghurt - 2 tbsp. l .;
cognac - 3 tbsp. l .;
honey (preferably liquid) - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey, before adding to the main ingredients, you need to warm up to make it soft. Mix components, apply evenly to hair and rub into skin. Next, according to the scheme: wrap the head with polyethylene, wrap it and leave it for 40 minutes. At this time, you can prepare a decoction of oak bark. This will enhance the effect. Rinsing is useful for oily hair.
The treatment course consists of 20 procedures, which are conducted with a break of 7 days.
Yoghurt mask for hair with cocoa for growth
The effectiveness of the mask is tested in practice. It helps to speed up hair growth .
yoghurt - 50 ml;
cocoa - 1 tsp;
yolk - 1 pc.
Mix the yolk with yoghurt. Separately, dissolve the cocoa in warm water, lightly heat, and pour into the yolk-yogurt mixture. Apply to hair roots and wash off after 30 minutes in the usual way.
Attention! The mask is rubbed only in the roots of the hair, the entire length of the dispenser is not required!
Hair care should be regular, not occasional. In addition to home masks, you can use ready-made products. For example, Avon Mirika and yogurt for hair. The popularity of the mask is due to its soft consistency, pleasant smell, affordable price and, of course, efficiency. The hair becomes soft, docile, a natural shine and silky appearance.
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