Saturday, July 14, 2018

50 most useful products on the planet Earth

We studied the useful properties of products known to mankind and selected the 50 most delicious and healthy. For example, ginger, eggs, and beans, nutritionists are advised to have on the table.

Vegetables and greens



It is appreciated for the low level of carbohydrates and calories, easy digestibility and a whole set of vitamins (K, B1, B2, B9, C, E, A, PP) and macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron).

Bell peppe

Or, as we still used to call it, Bulgarian pepper. It is not only a bright, crunchy and slightly sweet vegetable, but also an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.


These dark green inflorescences are useful both fresh and frozen: they easily give odds to many vegetables in terms of protein, fiber and vitamin K and C.


The main source of carotene necessary for a person to grow cells and ensure a healthy skin, mucous membranes and eyes.


Contains more protein and vitamin C than ordinary cabbage. Vitamins A, B, PP, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and cellulose have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora and are able to protect the gastrointestinal tract from the occurrence of ulcers and cancerous tumors.


Almost 95% of them are water, so they are among the most low-calorie vegetables. Contain few fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Despite this, in cucumbers a lot of vitamins and nutrients (especially potassium).


Irreplaceable vegetable in the fight against colds. When the cells of garlic are destroyed, allicin is formed - one of the strongest antioxidants, which possesses bactericidal and fungicidal (destroys the fungus) action.


The root of ginger has a complex composition with a large number of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and essential oils. Ginger improves digestion, and also has detoxification and immunostimulating properties.

- The chemical composition of the ginger root is unique: vitamins B, C, A, E, K, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium. It stimulates the digestive system and brain activity, it perfectly fights against inflammatory diseases and is even able to reduce toxemia during pregnancy.

Curly cabbage (kale)

This kind of undeservedly remains in the shade of broccoli, colored and white cabbage. Grünkol, or cabbage-kale (also called kinky cabbage) contains all the necessary amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. If these arguments are not enough for you, then just add that according to the density of nutrients it is not equal among all green leafy vegetables.


Like garlic, it is primarily valued for its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and potassium, which has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, vitamins B and C and many minerals. Almost all of its useful properties the onion retains even after cooking.


The eternal dispute about what a tomato is - a berry, a vegetable or a fruit, seems to have decided in favor of the latter. Anyway, the señor tomato contains not only vitamins A, B2, B6, E, K and various microelements, but also a powerful antioxidant - lycolin, which has anticancer action.

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Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes, despite the high level of glucose, are recommended for diabetics, since it is able to stabilize blood sugar levels. The batat does not contain any fat, and its proteins and carbohydrates are digested better than those of ordinary potatoes.

String beans

Unlike bean seeds, these green beans are not so rich in protein, but they contain a lot of vitamins, folic acid, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Due to this they improve digestion, are able to reduce blood sugar and the risk of heart attack.

Fruits and berries



A fruit that you can always take with you to quickly snack at any time, no matter where you are. They are valued for their high content of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.


From other fruits differ in that on 77% consist of healthy fats. Despite this, they are not only delicate and tasty, but also useful: they contain potassium, fiber and vitamin C - in stock.


It is not only one of the most popular berries in the world (yes, a banana is a berry, not a fruit) and a favorite food after training, but also the best source of potassium, as well as fiber and vitamin B6.


One of the most powerful sources of antioxidants among all products. And about the benefits of blueberries for vision, you probably know from childhood.


For all citrus fruits, the reputation of the main supplier of vitamin C to the body has long been established. In addition, like other fruits, oranges are rich in fiber and antioxidants.


Useful for the body is not only low in carbohydrates and calories, but also with vitamin C, fiber and manganese.




A very tasty and satisfying variety of legumes, one of the best sources of protein of vegetable origin, vitamins and fiber.

- Lentil is the oldest culture. It is rich in plant proteins and complex carbohydrates, which can provide satiety for several hours. Lentils are rich in vitamins: C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, as well as many minerals. Plus, lentils contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestine and serves as a food for a beneficial microflora.


By the number and assimilation of proteins, it can be compared with meat and fish. Due to the huge amount of vitamins, macro and microelements, this product is recommended for dietary intake in case of heart failure and kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Brown rice

Due to minimal processing, unpolished rice contains more fiber, magnesium and vitamin B1 than normal. Doctors often refer it to dietary products and note a positive effect on blood sugar, blood pressure and prevention of bowel and pancreatic cancer.


This cereal, in addition to the numerous minerals and vitamins that make up its composition, is valued for high fiber levels (over 30%) and beta-glucans, which reduce the level of "bad cholesterol".


It does not contain a gram of gluten, only useful fiber, magnesium and protein of plant origin. Kinoa is an incredibly rich product that can become one of your best allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Nuts and seeds



These nuts are full of vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium and fiber. Nutritionists say that almonds help in combating obesity and speed up metabolism.

Seeds of chia

The favorite product of the ancient Aztecs in recent years has become popular with vegetarians. Chia seeds are incredibly nutritious and very useful: 100 grams of seeds contain 40 grams of fiber and the necessary daily intake of magnesium, manganese, calcium and other nutrients.


The pulp of coconut is a source of not only fiber, but also of medium fatty acids, which will help you with losing weight.


Not the most popular nut in Russia differs from its counterparts in the high level of monounsaturated fats (the healthiest) and low in omega-6 fatty acids (not the most useful). It is not worth more than hazelnut and is sold in large supermarkets, you just need to properly inspect the shelves.


A total of 7 nuts per day (not more, they are very high in calories) are able to increase human immunity and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. They contain almost all vitamins, minerals, organic acids and fiber required by the body.


These beans (which many mistakenly call nuts) are rich in antioxidants, nutrients and can help to lose a couple of extra pounds. The main thing - do not replace whole peanuts with peanut butter, otherwise, everything will turn out exactly the opposite. Fried peanuts, however, also can not get carried away in any case.

Sweet, baked and refueled


Dark chocolate

The sweetest position on our list contains half of the daily requirement of the human body for iron, magnesium, manganese and antioxidants. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure.

- The most useful bitter chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans and a minimum sugar content. So, in cocoa beans contain antioxidants, eliminating the harmful effects of free radicals. However, including in your chocolate diet, you need to know the extent and not to use this product in excess, beyond the calculated biological balance of nutrition components and individual daily calories.

The simpler the composition of bitter chocolate, the better. Ideally, it should contain grated cocoa, cocoa butter and sugar powder. The percentage of bitter chocolate depends on the amount of grated cocoa, for example, in 99% - the highest amount of cocoa. This product is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and contains a small amount of vitamins B and E. Its use helps stabilize cholesterol and improves mood (due to a decrease in cortisol production). The daily portion of bitter chocolate should not exceed 25 grams on average.

Multi-grain bread

Western nutritionists are advised to eat bread made from a sprouted grain of wheat with the addition of legumes. In our stores it will be difficult to find, therefore, as an alternative, we offer regular multi-grain bread.

Homebaked bread

If you want to eat healthy bread, you'll have to cook it yourself. But in the home bread there will not be exactly gluten, and the amount of carbohydrates will not be as high as in the usual.

Apple vinegar

It is irreplaceable not only when preparing a salad, but also with a diet: apple cider vinegar dulls the appetite and makes you feel full longer. It will also help reduce blood sugar.

Olive oil

The most useful oil in the world contains powerful antioxidants, which can strengthen immunity and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol level in the blood.

Coconut oil

Like coconut pulp, oil consists of medium fatty acids (by 90%), which will help to cope with excess kilograms. And recent studies have confirmed that it can improve the condition of people with Alzheimer's disease.

Dairy products and meat



One slice of cheese contains as much calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12 and other minerals and amino acids as a whole glass of milk, and the protein in it is even larger than in meat or fish.


The sour milk product preserves all the positive properties of regular milk, and thanks to the content of the beneficial bacteria it also improves digestion.


Natural farm butter contains not only essential to our body saturated fatty acids, but also a lot of nutrients and vitamins A and K2.

Whole milk

One of the best sources of calcium, vitamins, minerals, animal protein and healthy fats - this is what our mother told us about. However, in other words.


One of the most nutritious and healthy foods, which for many years was demonized due to high levels of cholesterol and fat. Recent studies have shown that there is no harm from them, only benefit (although if you suffer from cardiovascular diseases, it is worth limiting one egg a day).

- Eggs of any birds can be used in nutrition. They contain essential amino acids, as well as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. In addition, they have a lot of B vitamins. I also want to sing out quail eggs and cesar eggs, since they are less allergenic than chicken eggs.

Chicken breasts

The favorite dish of all athletes and pumping: a little fat and calories and a lot of protein and nutrients.

The lamb. Unlike other animals, sheep are still fed mainly with grass, so their meat is high in omega-3 fatty acids.


Lean lean meat is a wonderful source of protein and iron. Fat beef, too, should not be written off: it is simply indispensable for a low-carb diet.

Fish and seafood



This oily redfish is rich in protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, necessary to improve the memory and proper functioning and nutrition of the human brain.


Small, but very useful sea fish, capable of giving the body 2 times more calories than white fish. In addition, they contain a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other minerals and a complex of vitamins A, D and B. Unsaturated fats from sardines are considered more useful than saturated fats of animal origin.


Mussels, snails and oysters occupy one of the first places in terms of the number of nutrients among all products. These dietary seafood with easily digestible protein can completely replace meat in the human diet. But yes, it's expensive. And oysters are so generally decent almost nowhere to find - except that on Sakhalin and in Vladivostok.


This sea delicacy contains very few fats and calories, but a large amount of healthy protein, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, they have a whole range of nutrients, including selenium, potassium, zinc, calcium and vitamin B12.


An interesting fact that says a lot about this fish: it lives only in clean water. On the content of useful substances trout can be compared with salmon: many vitamins A, D, B, E and omega-3 fatty acids.


By the protein content (more than 22%), it easily wins in all other fish and can be compared with the caviar of some commercial species. Vitamins of group B, A, E, PP, two dozen micro-and macro-elements and omega-3 fatty acids improve the work of the eyes and brain and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 2 times.

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