Saturday, July 14, 2018

10 interesting facts about dreams

The older a person becomes, the less he is inclined to dream

The anticipation of the future, especially in the context of fantasy, is what dreams are all about. Usually, young people have more imagination than the elderly. For example, you can often meet a young man who fantasizes about what it is to be a superhero. With age, people tend to lose such fantasies and so their dreams become less and less.

Dreams help determine your feelings and state

If you analyze what you are dreaming about, you will be able to discover your psychological problems, and maybe even find their solution. For example, if in your dreams and thoughts there are often some disasters or disasters, perhaps you are concerned about something or need a rest.

When you dream, you forget what you did before that

Studies have shown that people tend to forget about their affairs when they dream about the past. The further you return to the past in your dreams, the stronger will be the effect of forgetting.

Dreams help to cope with heartache

If you suffer from unpleasant memories, the best idea will be to start dreaming about something that will cause completely opposite emotions that will help overcome bitterness from the negative experience.

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When you dream, part of the brain turns off

Our brain consists of two main areas: analytical, which helps us in making informed decisions, and emphatic, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. When you dream, the analytical and emphatic parts of the brain alternately turn off each other, depending on what your dreams are about.

Between the two worlds

Scientists say that in the process of dreams you are not sleeping, but you are not awake. You are aware of what is happening around you, but at the same time, you feel yourself in another place.

Your brain, not consciousness controls your dreams

As a rule, we tend to believe that the activity of our brain depends on our consciousness, but, in fact, they both depend on each other. Our dreams and thoughts are formed by the brain.

Dreams help develop creativity

They allow you to look at many things differently than before. Also, it teaches us to be creative in solving many problems.

Absolutely all people dream

But some people dream more than others. Excessive passion for dreams, like the complete absence of such, harms mental health

Fulfilling the dream leads to disappointment

When a person makes a dream a life goal, obviously, he makes every effort to implement it. Once the goal is achieved, a person realizes that a dream is no longer a dream, which often leads to great disappointment.

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