Friday, June 8, 2018

Excretion of nicotine from the body - the facts

In conversations with smokers, it turned out that many would like, but do not even try to quit smoking. All these people are convinced that once their experience of smoking consists of a two-digit number, then the withdrawal of nicotine will also take years. Thus, the rejection of a bad habit seems painful and impractical. In fact, many confuse the concept of "removing nicotine from the body" and "cleaning the body of the effects of smoking." Therefore, we consider it necessary to clarify this issue.

The mechanism of the physiological need for nicotine

[caption id="attachment_745" align="alignleft" width="275"]Excretion of nicotine Excretion of nicotine[/caption]

Everyone knows that nicotine is a poison, but very little is known that this substance in small doses is vitally important for our body and participates in the metabolism. This need is replenished by our liver, which produces a small amount of endogenous (natural) nicotine. When a person begins to smoke, the permissible dose at times exceeds the norm, and the body is protected from an overdose with the only way available to it - it stops producing its own nicotine. Accordingly, if the smoker for a long time does not smoke, and while "his" nicotine is not produced, there is a lack of it - there is nicotine starvation.

You can determine when nicotine begins to be excreted from the body - at this time there is a desire to smoke. The less this substance remains in the human body, the stronger the craving for the cigarette. Probably, you already understood that the half-life of nicotine is 2-3 hours.

The body begins producing its own nicotine 1-3 days after stopping smoking. Thus, after three days physically you can already do without cigarettes! That is, about any years can not be and speeches, if there is in view of it "excretion of nicotine."

But the cleansing of the body of toxins, the restoration of normal operation of organs, indeed, takes from 3 to 15 years. Scientists generally state that the half-life of individual elements that enter the body with tobacco smoke can take up to 50 years. Nicotine is by no means the most dangerous substance, much more harmful to the health of tar, combustion enhancers, various chemical compounds that are formed at high temperatures.

After cessation of smoking, it takes about 20 minutes to normalize the pressure. After 8 hours the blood of the smoker is fully saturated with oxygen. Lungs are cleaned of tar on average over 3 years, and cardiac activity is restored in 5 years. These indicators, in fact, affect the experience of smoking - the more it is, the more time it takes for the body to recover.

But what about "breaking"

It is not limited to 3 days, but can it last for a month or two? Why years later, sometimes reminds us of smoking, an acute desire to drag out, which occurs under certain circumstances? To this physiological need is irrelevant - after the beginning of the development of its own nicotine, the body no longer needs "imported". The emergence of the "withdrawal syndrome" is to blame for the nicotinic receptors of the brain. When nicotine affects them, there is a feeling of satisfaction, pleasure. The longer a person smokes, the more nicotinic receptors grow, and they demand more and more substances that bring pleasure. Nicotine, which is produced by the body, is not enough to satisfy this need, and therefore there is a "breaking". Over time, "superfluous"

A few recommendations - how to help the body at all stages of getting rid of the effects of smoking:

  • To speed up the withdrawal of nicotine, drink plenty of water, especially when you strongly want to smoke.

  • To cleanse the body, enter into your diet milk and herbal preparations.

  • If the cardiovascular system allows to steam well in a bath, go in for sports, swimming.

  • Strengthen the body with antioxidants and vitamin complexes for smokers.

  • With "withdrawal syndrome", take drugs that block nicotinic receptors.

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