Hands and gestures will also point to a lie. So, if a person touches his face all the time, the tip of his nose tugs the earlobe straightens the collar or tie, settles his hair, or removes the mote from his clothes, then they lie to you. Such gestures can be quite a lot. It is necessary only to observe them because a relaxed and unconcerned person will not do all this. By the way, the position of the hands will indicate the person's concern. If they are pushed into pockets, crossed on the chest or the fingers are linked - these are all signs of a defensive position that will point to a lie.
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If you do not believe that the story told is true, ask the interlocutor to repeat everything, but in the reverse order. Since it was necessary to invent quite a few different details, then during the second retelling, they will start to get confused. If you tell us the truth, then there will be no problems with the comment. It is also good to pay attention to the construction of proposals during the story. If a person says a lie, then his speech will be rather confused and at the same time with errors in the grammar of suggestions. The confusion of speech, the lack of clear answers and blurry facts give you every reason to doubt that you are told the truth.
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