Showing posts with label stress asthma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress asthma. Show all posts

Sunday, November 5, 2017

What are types of Asthma?

This article explains different types of asthma, which are:

  • Allergy and asthma

  • Stress Asthma

  • Cough Asthma

  • Occupational asthma

  • Night Asthma

  • Diseases with symptoms similar to asthma symptoms

Types of Asthma

Do you know how different types of asthma differ from each other? If you are an asthmatic person, then for sure you have already experienced how terrible the asthma symptoms are, such as wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, a feeling of contraction in the chest. And just as you understand your illness, it can help the doctor determine a specific type of it, for example, asthma stress (asthma that worsens during physical exertion) or nighttime asthma (asthma that disturbs the night's sleep and manifests as serious symptoms). Determining the type of asthma will help to choose the right and most effective treatment that will prevent the occurrence of further seizures.

Allergy and asthma: one of the most common types of asthma

Allergy and asthma rarely exist without each other. Allergic rhinitis (also called hay fever) - inflammation of the inside of the nasal cavity, one of the most common chronic allergic diseases. In people with allergic rhinitis, hypersensitivity (allergy) to substances that provoke immune cells in the body to produce histamine to fight the allergen. Histamine together with other substances causes an exacerbation of allergic symptoms. Usually, the most known and common allergens enter the body through the respiratory tract.

At an allergic rhinitis, there can be an incessant rhinitis, constant sneezing, an inflammation of nasal passages, excessive allocation of slime, watery eyes. Because of the constant postnasal swelling, cough may begin. The cause of worsening of asthma symptoms is allergic rhinitis. The attending physician can prescribe medications that can control allergies, and they may also have a beneficial effect on cough and other symptoms of asthma.

Stress Asthma

Asthma tension is a type of asthma, the symptoms of which are exacerbated only during exercise or physical exertion. Even people, including Olympic champions who do not suffer from asthma, may experience some asthma symptoms during intense training.

During exacerbation of asthma, the peak of the maximum narrowing of the airways occurs five to twenty minutes after the start of the exercise, which makes breathing more difficult. Other symptoms may also appear that are characteristic of an asthma attack, for example, wheezing and coughing. You may need to use an inhaler (bronchodilator) before starting exercise to prevent these unpleasant symptoms. What and how to do, tell the doctor in charge.

Cough Asthma

With asthma, which is called a cough, a strong cough is a predominant symptom. Cough may have other causes, for example, postnasal congestion, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD or heartburn).

Asthma is a serious cause of a cough that often occurs today. Cough asthma is extremely poorly diagnosed and, therefore, difficult to treat. Most often, the causative agent of cough asthma is respiratory infections or physical exertion.

If you suffer from a prolonged cough, consult a doctor. Probably, it is necessary to pass specific tests that determine the presence of asthma, for example, a test of pulmonary functions, which will show how well and how well the lungs work. Before you can get a definitive diagnosis of asthma, you should also carefully examine the lungs, contact the appropriate specialist.

[caption id="attachment_310" align="aligncenter" width="586"]different types of Asthma different types of Asthma[/caption]

Occupational asthma

Occupational asthma is a type of asthma, the causative agents of which are at your work. Suffering from this type of asthma, you probably suffer from exacerbation of symptoms from Monday to Friday, but at the weekend you feel great.

Most people with this type of asthma suffer from a runny nose and stuffy nose, watery eyes or a coughing instead of a typical wheezing.

The types of occupations associated with the development of occupational asthma include animal breeding specialists, farmers, hairdressers, nurses, artists, carpenters.

Night Asthma

Night Asthma is a type of one of the most common asthma. If you have a similar type of asthma, then most likely the symptoms will be manifested at night during sleep, which is predetermined by the cycle of sleep-wakefulness (circadian rhythm). Symptoms of nocturnal asthma include wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath. They are very serious, especially during sleep.

Studies have shown that most of the deaths due to asthma occur at night. It is assumed that this may be due to excessive contact with allergens (pathogens of asthma), supercooling of the airways, horizontal position of the body or even hormonal changes that violate the rhythm of the zirconia. Sometimes the cause of asthma at night can be heartburn. Sinusitis and asthma can also create serious problems during sleep, especially with a postnatal run-off, which provokes symptoms such as coughing. Even sleep itself changes the working capacity of the lungs and airways.

If you have asthma and you notice that the symptoms of an impending attack start to appear in the evening, it's time to visit a doctor and find out the causes of asthma exacerbation, so do not postpone it for later. Proper medications and proper administration of them are a key moment in managing asthma symptoms and normalizing sleep.

Diseases with symptoms similar to asthma symptoms

A variety of diseases can cause an exacerbation of certain symptoms of asthma. For example, cardiac asthma is a form of heart failure, in which some symptoms are similar to those of normal asthma.

Vocal cord dysfunction is another disease, similar to asthma. Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest in the peculiar syndrome, in which vocal cord dysfunction causes wheezing and is therefore often confused with asthma. This is more common in girls in the form of loud and strong wheezing, which does not respond to drugs that open the airways.

Stress Asthma » Consequences & Prevention

This article explains about Stress Asthma, how to prevent Stress Asthma and prevention of Stress Asthma.

Stress Asthma 

Asthma stress is asthma, which worsens during intense or prolonged physical exertion. In most people with chronic asthma, symptoms can increase during exercise. Nevertheless, it happens that, in the absence of chronic asthma, the symptoms are still exacerbated, but only during exercise.

Why does physical exertion affect asthma exacerbation?

In ordinary breathing, the air we breathe first heats up and is moisturized in the nasal passages. When people are intensely engaged, they basically breathe through the mouth, breathing in the cold and dry air, respectively.

With asthma stress, the muscle tissue around the airway is more sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, and accordingly, respond to these changes by narrowing the airways. The consequences of stress asthma are as follows:

  • Cough

  • The feeling of contraction in the region of the chest

  • Wheezing

  • Unexplained fatigue during exercise

  • Shortness of breath during class

Symptoms of asthma stress usually begin to appear after 5-20 minutes after the start of exercise or 5-10 minutes after the end of a short but intense exercise. If you have these symptoms, be sure to tell them about it.

If I have asthma, I should not be engaged?

No. Do not give up physical activity because of stress asthma. There are ways to prevent the manifestation of symptoms, which will lead to a normal active life. In fact, most athletes (even Olympic champions) are asthmatic. For example, in 1996 at the Olympics every sixth athlete had asthma. Athletes competed in various sports such as rock climbing, cycling, and kayaking, rowing, swimming, hockey, basketball.

Can I somehow prevent stress asthma?

Yes. Using aerosols and bronchodilators before exercise will help control and prevent exacerbation of asthma stress symptoms. The best medication is a beta-2 fast acting agonist, for example, albuterol. Taking the drug 15-20 minutes before the start of training will prevent narrowing of the airways and will allow controlling asthma for 4-6 hours.

[caption id="attachment_211" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Stress Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment Stress Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment[/caption]

There are other medications - a long-acting beta-2 antagonist such as sulfuric acid or foradyl - provide protection and control for 12 hours. If you take these drugs in the morning, you can avoid exacerbating the symptoms of stress asthma throughout the day. Nevertheless, it is very important not to forget to carry an inhaler with you if all the same symptoms of asthma show up.

For those who have allergies and asthma, physical activity should be limited in the period of rapid flowering of plants, when the air temperature is very low or the level of environmental pollution is very high. Infectious diseases can also cause an attack of asthma (cold, flu, sinusitis) and cause an exacerbation of symptoms so that during illness it is better to limit physical activity.

What exercises are less harmful to stress asthma?

For people with asthma stress, some exercises are more preferable than others. Exercises where short, unstable physical stress is necessary, for example, volleyball, gymnastics, walking, wrestling, are well tolerated by people suffering from stress asthma.

Kinds of sport with long-term constant efforts such as football, long-distance running, basketball, field hockey, are not recommended for people with asthma stresses, as well as winter sports such as ice hockey, skiing and ice skating. Nevertheless, many people with asthma are successfully engaged in such sports.

Swimming, a sport that requires high endurance, is recommended for asthmatics, since exercises take place in rooms with moist and warm air.

Support for an active lifestyle, exercise, even with asthma, is very important for both physical and psychological health of a person. It is necessary to try to actively participate in sports activities and everyday life.

Are there any tips for preventing and treating stress asthma?

  • Before starting the workout, use inhalants.

  • Before starting the main part of the workout, warm up the body well.

  • If the temperature on the street is very low, try to indoors or cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf.

  • Try to avoid training outdoors during a period of violent flowering (if you are allergic), as well as in case of an increased level of environmental pollution.

  • In the case of infection with a viral infection, exercise should be minimized as much as possible.

  • Physical loads should be calculated just for you.

And again, asthma is not a reason to give up physical exercise. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can enjoy all the benefits of physical activity and not remember about asthma.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Stress Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

This is a guide to stress asthma i.e. stress induced asthma, its symptoms, how to prevent stress asthma and much more.

Stress Asthma

Asthma stress is asthma, which worsens during intense or prolonged physical exertion. In most people with chronic asthma, symptoms can increase during exercise. Nevertheless, it happens that, in the absence of chronic asthma, the symptoms are still exacerbated, but only during exercise.

Why does physical exertion affect asthma exacerbation?

In ordinary breathing, the air we breathe first heats up and is moisturized in the nasal passages. When people are intensely engaged, they basically breathe through the mouth, breathing in the cold and dry air, respectively.

With asthma stress, the muscle tissue around the airway is more sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity and accordingly respond to these changes by narrowing the airways. The consequences of stress asthma are as follows:

  • Cough

  • The feeling of contraction in the region of the chest

  • Wheezing

  • Unexplained fatigue during exercise

  • Shortness of breath during class

Symptoms of asthma stress usually begin to appear after 5-20 minutes after the start of exercise or 5-10 minutes after the end of a short but intense exercise. If you have these symptoms, be sure to tell them about it.

If I have asthma, I can not go in for sports?

No. Do not give up physical activity because of stress asthma. There are ways to prevent the manifestation of symptoms, which will lead to a normal active life. In fact, most athletes (even Olympic champions) are asthmatic. For example, in 1996 at the Olympics every sixth athlete had asthma. Athletes competed in various sports such as rock climbing, cycling and kayaking, rowing, swimming, hockey, basketball.

Can I somehow prevent stress asthma?

Yes. Using aerosols and bronchodilators before exercise will help control and prevent exacerbation of asthma stress symptoms. The best medication is a beta-2 fast acting agonist, for example, albuterol. Taking the drug 15-20 minutes before the start of training will prevent narrowing of the airways and will allow controlling asthma for 4-6 hours.

There are other medications - a long-acting beta-2 antagonist such as sulfuric acid or foradyl - provide protection and control for 12 hours. If you take these drugs in the morning, you can avoid exacerbation of asthma stress symptoms throughout the day. Nevertheless, it is very important not to forget to carry an inhaler with you if all the same symptoms of asthma show up.

[caption id="attachment_211" align="aligncenter" width="550"]Stress Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment Stress Asthma: Symptoms, Treatment[/caption]

For those who have allergies and asthma, physical activity should be limited in the period of rapid flowering of plants, when the air temperature is very low or the level of environmental pollution is very high. Infectious diseases can also cause an attack of asthma (cold, flu, sinusitis) and cause an exacerbation of symptoms so that during illness it is better to limit physical activity.

What exercises are less harmful to stress asthma?

For people with asthma stress, some exercises are more preferable than others. Exercises where short, unstable physical stress is necessary, for example, volleyball, gymnastics, walking, wrestling, are well tolerated by people suffering from stress asthma.

Kinds of sport with long-term constant efforts such as football, long-distance running, basketball, field hockey, are not recommended for people with asthma stresses, as well as winter sports such as ice hockey, skiing and ice skating. Nevertheless, many people with asthma are successfully engaged in such sports.

Swimming, a sport that requires high endurance, is recommended for asthmatics since exercises take place in rooms with moist and warm air.

Support for an active lifestyle, exercise, even with asthma, is very important for both physical and psychological health of a person. It is necessary to try to actively participate in sports activities and everyday life.

Are there any tips for preventing and treating stress asthma?

  • Before starting the workout, use inhalants.

  • Before starting the main part of the workout, warm up the body well.

  • If the temperature on the street is very low, try to indoors or cover your nose and mouth with a mask or scarf.

  • Try to avoid outdoor training during a period of rapid flowering (if you are allergic), as well as in case of an increased level of environmental pollution.

  • In the case of infection with a viral infection, physical activity should be minimized as much as possible.

  • Physical loads should be calculated just for you.

And again, asthma is not a reason to give up physical exercise. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can enjoy all the benefits of physical activity and not remember about asthma.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021