Showing posts with label selfishness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selfishness. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

How did selfishness come about?

Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Stalin, Adolf Hitler. Who are they? Evil geniuses, dictators, great people? No. They are just selfish. After all, each of them wanted the whole world to live by their rules. These people were the most vivid embodiment of selfishness on earth.

But when was he born, selfishness? The biblical account tells us that God created Adam, the first man on earth, and Eve created his ribs. Scientists say that these are the first methods of combating egoism, which has such deep roots. Adam was not allowed to long to be touched only by himself, having invented a new object of admiration. We all love to admire the beauty of the Egyptian pyramids. But they, too, were created for a selfish purpose - to get to heaven and leave a big mark behind them.

A similar feeling was directed by the Arab Sheikh Mohammed, who built the Buj Khalifa . Egoism here is that a person has forbidden someone to disclose the height of the tower, so that no one could build at least a meter higher. All of the above is said about the fact that selfishness was, is, and will certainly be. In this case, these people are divided into two categories - active and passive. The first like to do compliments , say good words, act beautifully. But, all this is done for personal gain. Passive do not perceive, not at all, that critics, but even the opinions of others. Such people are able to follow the heads of others in order to achieve the goal.

[caption id="attachment_620" align="aligncenter" width="300"]selfishness selfishness[/caption]

Egoism is a point of sight, a person's opinion, completely directed at one's own self. As you know, the manifestations of this feeling are different. For example. Hidden tyranny - when a person constantly complains of his own helplessness, while being much stronger than others. Narcissistic frustration - a man constantly exalts himself, while feeling himself helpless and no one needed. Hysterical type - egoists, who constantly make themselves contrived problems, and then solve them.

It is proved that excessive egoism leads even to some physical problems, for example, to the deterioration of the metabolism. But in theory, there are some ways to deal with such a disease. For example, if an egoist falls in love with himself and abandons him, he quickly becomes more humane. But you do not need to be hostile to this type of enemy. After all, they too have their own merits. Most often, it is the egoists who become known people with considerable achievements in different areas of life.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021