Showing posts with label main reasons for female adultery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label main reasons for female adultery. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Why do women change? | 17 main reasons for female adultery

Why do women change? Reason number 1 is just a chance.

The main factor in women's betrayal of all kinds of research on the issue of adultery is the very possibility of committing treason. A woman, as a rule, commits such a betrayal in 40% of cases when she is given the opportunity herself.
It turns out that even a married woman is easy to tempt. It all depends on the case.

Why do women change? Reason number 2 - at work.

Women who work have a chance to commit treason more than those sitting at home. The office is a great opportunity for this because there are a lot of men who seem attractive. Of course, this does not mean that all working women constantly change their husbands, but it's easier for them to commit treason without causing any suspicion.
The history of "service novels" lasts a long time. As a rule, such a connection is conceived most often by married women. If you look at the statistics, then a third of these women get themselves novels at work. Probably, the workplace seems very sexy.

Why do women change? Reason number 3 - infidelity of parents in marriage.

Psychologists, psychiatrists and physiologists believe that people often repeat their parents' behavior patterns. So if a child has witnessed the betrayal of a father or mother, then he can find such an action quite adequate.

Why do women change? Reason number 4 - a woman - the initiator of sex in marriage.

According to sociologists, a woman who tends to be the initiator of sex in the family is much more likely to change. Most of this applies to women over forty. Such women have a different view of the sexual initiative, unlike women who are used to waiting for the first step from a man.

Why do women change? Reason number 5 - the justification of infidelity.

A woman who is unhappy in a marriage often justifies this failure by her infidelity. Among the excuses may be such moments as the upcoming separation from her husband, the woman's infatuation with someone else, dissatisfaction in sex, etc.
Such circumstances often give the woman an excuse for treason, because she believes that she has quite "legitimate" excuses.

Why do women change? Reason number 6 - an example of treason.

One of the most common reasons is the example given to a woman by her girlfriend. This can even be the usual gossip or talk about someone's husband. The more a woman has various friendly ties, the more acquaintances she has, the more examples of adultery, including marital ones, appear.

Why do women change? Reason number 7 - in the big city - more opportunities.

It is very convenient to make novels in big cities, because few people know each other, and it's much easier to hide the secret connection with your lover here than in any other small town where everyone always knows everything.
[caption id="attachment_808" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Why do women change Why do women change[/caption]

Why do women change? Reason number 8 - the woman is the head of the family.

Good chances for betrayal are women, who have a leading role in relations in the family. Such women are usually very initiative, unlike those who are used to obeying all their husbands. And they, of course, are much more confident in themselves and in everything else.

Why do women change? Reason number 9 - the husband loves his wife more.

A less dependent man, who loves less, is more inclined to risk marriage. However, a very loving man, who is much more dependent on his partner, values marriage much more, and even too much to look for something on the side. The same applies to women who are married because of money and who do not like their husbands.

Why do women change? Reason number 10 - young change more.

According to sociologists, the greatest number of female changes happens at the age of 26-30 years. Young women have more such connections than older women. And recent studies in general have shown that in our time, wives of a young age are changed much more often than husbands.
In the period between 30 and 40 years, women who are married are more likely to commit treason.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that the marriage of a woman who has extramarital affairs in her youth is quite often disintegrating. In addition, young wives who cheat on their husbands are usually divorced far more often than women of mature age. The most common age of adultery is 35 years.

Why do women change? Reason number 11 - a rich sexual experience of a woman before marriage.

Studies of sexologists have shown that premarital sexual experience has a direct relationship with adultery. The more this experience, the more likely that the woman will change. Thus, referring to today's data, we can conclude that the number of women's adultery in marriage has increased, because the number of women who had a pre-marital sexual experience in the 90 years increased to 90%.

Why do women change? Reason number 12 - education.

Studies have shown that women who outnumber their husbands in education commit treason more often and often have many sexual partners. The connection between education and adultery is more often traced in a rather mature age.
It is noticed that women with low education are more often attracted by highly educated men. In addition, the risk of female adultery increases when the difference in the education of the wife and husband sharply outweighs the wife.

Why do women change? Reason # 13 is a critical period or a period of failure.

Sometimes a woman may feel that something is missing something new, that everything is palled and fed up, and you want to embellish this monotonous life. At such times a woman is able to have a lover.
If the husband can not catch such a moment and will not be able to give proper attention to his wife, then the probability of treason is extremely high, because in the search for diversity, a woman can make a novel on the side.

Why do women change? Reason number 14 - frequent separation.

The possibility of treason is also influenced by such factors as frequent husband's travel to business trips, irregular working hours or the work of one of the spouses in different shifts.
If the husband and wife spend a lot of time separately from each other, their lives are separate, then the risk of entering into extramarital affairs is increased by 20%.

Why do women change? Reason number 15 - sexual dissatisfaction.

A high probability of changes occurs when the frequency of sexual intercourse in the family falls. This factor has become important for a woman since the era of freedom of sexuality and the realization that any woman is worthy of the fulfillment of her desires in the sexual sphere.

Why do women change? Reason number 16 - Dissatisfaction with marriage.

Women who are dissatisfied with their marriage, are more likely than others to be treacherous. Although this factor can be called quite generalizing, but still it has a place to be. Most often, non-marital relations are entered into by women whose marriage is older than twelve. Women of adulthood usually compensate for unsuccessful marriage with loving connections, unlike younger women who prefer betrayal to divorce.

Why do women change? Reason number 17 - Long-time friendship with a man.

Often, the friendship of a woman with a man can grow into a love affair, because friends have a strong emotional attachment. According to statistics, 82% of the women interviewed confirmed that they were able to find lovers in men who initially were reliable and faithful friends for them.
Men! Even if your family is not doing well, believe me, this is a temporary phenomenon. If in your relationship with your wife you can find even all these reasons for female adultery, you should not make hasty conclusions. After all, most likely your wife loves you and is devoted to you with all your heart.]]>
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