Showing posts with label honey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honey. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

12 natural treatments for your health

High fever, terrible cough, bad health .... These are just a few "favorite" things in case of illness. Fortunately, in some cases, the disease can be easily prevented, and even if you are already sick, natural and herbal remedies can help reduce the duration of the illness and accelerate recovery. In the current winter situation of snow and cold weather, the recipes below are more than relevant.

1) Thymus from a cough

If you are tortured by a cough, and standard pharmacy syrups do not help, try tea with thyme. Add three tablespoons of dried thyme to half a liter of boiling water. Allow to cool, then add one cup (250 ml) of honey. Take one teaspoon as needed. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months.

2) Vitamin C for prevention

Season diseases last from October to March. Many people during this period have time to "catch" the virus 2-3 times per season.

To protect yourself from viruses, strengthen your immune system with natural sources of vitamin C.

Studies show that vitamins in tablets are not as effective in resisting many diseases as natural. In addition to vitamin C, the help of the immune system in protecting against diseases is Andrographis, zinc and elderberry extract, but vitamin C beats all records. You, probably, will be surprised, having learned, that oranges do not head the list of products rich in vitamins ?.

Below is a list of products and the amount of vitamin C per 100 g of product:

rose hips 650 mg

red sweet pepper 250 mg

sea buckthorn, black currant 200 mg

horseradish, dill, parsley greens 120-130 mg

grapefruit 60 mg

orange, lemon 50 mg

3) Garlic for the stuffy nose

There is no better way to get rid of the stuffy nose than to blow it off qualitatively, but garlic can help. Add garlic every time to food during treatment, if you are sick, or just to strengthen immunity, and it will help keep your nose from infection or a virus.

4) The greens will strengthen the vessels

Dry indoor air combined with a constant sneeze can cause bleeding from the nose. A daily portion of greenery (in the amount of 200-300 grams) can provide enough vitamin K to strengthen sensitive capillaries and promote rapid blood clotting.

5) Useful herbal tea, honey, and cinnamon

At the first sign of illness, brew hot herbal tea with lemon. Heat will help stimulate the immune system, and various herbs will help in the fight against infection.

Cinnamon is more than a natural stabilizer of blood sugar, it is also an effective antiviral agent and antibiotic. If you feel the first signs of the disease, mix 1 teaspoon of cinnamon with a teaspoon of honey and brew spicy and very effective tea that will help get rid of cough and reduce heat (be careful, a large amount of spice can have side effects).

6) Carrots against headache

If with the arrival of the autumn-winter period you have frequent headaches, a simple salad will help to avoid this unpleasant illness.

[caption id="attachment_4244" align="aligncenter" width="241"]Carrots Carrots[/caption]

Phytonutrients in fresh foods, such as beta-carotene in carrots, can reduce inflammation in the blood vessels of the brain. Consumption of 400 grams of carrots per day helps some to reduce a headache by 70%.

7) Nuts for energy

Watching the sunset of a short winter day from the window of your office is, of course, unpleasant. And in this short day you need to find time to work, laugh, train and, if possible, get enough sleep. To all this was enough energy, include in your diet unsalted nuts, such as almonds. Raisins and dried apricots are also a good option. And the bonus - nuts is an excellent source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.

8) Lavender from anxiety

New Year shopping, holiday purchases, family finances. Winter holidays can bring a lot of stress. Lavender will come to the rescue. Apply a little lavender oil to your heart rate points - the arteries on your wrists, neck and legs - and you will immediately feel relaxed.

9) Pineapple for better digestion

It's good practice to eat during the holidays a common practice for many of us. And the gastrointestinal tract can loudly complain about all the bad things that a dense feast can bring.

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, add to your diet a glass of fresh pineapple juice. It will accelerate the breakdown of protein and help reduce the unpleasant consequences.

10) Tomatoes with burns

Fireworks or Bengal lights can leave unpleasant memories in the form of burns. Even with a slight burn, apply chopped tomato to the burn site and allow the juice to dry completely. Tomatoes have the largest amount of natural lycopene, an antioxidant that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

11) Celery for a better sleep

We have already mentioned stress in connection with the winter period. If all the non-medicament means did not work and a calm sleep left you, try a little fresh celery for the night. It contains a strong natural sedative component - phthalide.

12) Walnuts for dry skin

Winter cold wind does not spare our tender skin. Eat 30 grams of walnuts and after two weeks you will see the result - natural omega-3 oils will not only help save your energy, but also improve the elasticity of your skin.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

5 ways to check purity of Honey at Home

pure honey testHoney (Shahad) is one of important and necessary food in our daily life. From new born baby to old one, every member needs it on some time or another. Used as health suppliment, to make better taste in food or as a medicine, it has number of uses. But market is flooded with fake / duplicate honey. You must learn how to check purity of honey at home before giving it to your near and dear ones.

But first, understand something about fake honey. Fake or duplicate honey is just liquid sugar i.e. sugar mixed with water and some color and fragrance. While pure honey is a gift from Honey bees.

 In this article, we'll discuss 5 ways to check purity of honey at home.

Fire Test to check purity of Honey

Put some honey on cotton wicks. Then keep them above the flame of a candle. Pure honey will burn. While, impure honey will give cracked noise while burning as it has a high water content.

Bread Test to check purity of Honey

Spread it on a slice of bread. Natural honey will harden the bread in minutes. Adulterated and artificial honey will wet the bread because of the water content.

Water Test to check purity of Honey

Stir some honey into a glass of water. Pure honey won’t dissolve, but rather form a lump and sink down to the bottom of the glass. Impure honey will easily dissolve in the water.

Paper Test to check purity of Honey

Use a blotting paper, coffee filter or tissue paper. Put some honey on them. If it’s impure honey the honey will be absorbed by the paper, if it’s pure honey it will not. It means it doesn’t have any water added.

Starch Test to check purity of Honey

Dissolve one part honey in one part water and add 1 drop of standard iodine. If the color of the solution does not change (doesn’t turn blue), then starch syrup is not mixed up. It’s pure. It can also be done with ethanol. In an aqueous solution of honey (1:2) add 96% ethanol and stir. If the solution remains clear there is starch syrup added.

Fake honey properties


  • Foams

  • It has runny texture

  • Has  clumps

  • Separates into layers

  • Has a sour smell or doesn’t smell at all


Real honey properties


  • It has a soft texture

  • Doesn’t separate in layers

  • Doesn’t make foam

  • Trickles in a stream and is always thick

  • Has the usual honey aroma

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021