Showing posts with label coffee during breastfeeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee during breastfeeding. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2018

Shall you drink Coffee during Pregnancy and Lactation?

It turns out that drinking coffee during pregnancy and lactation is very much possible, you just need to know the measure and correctly prepare the drink. A cup of fragrant coffee in the morning will do no harm to your future or already born child. On the contrary, with the pleasant sensations of the mother, the baby will receive a good charge of energy. Only in this case the main thing is not to overdo it. Remember that during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the allowed daily rate of coffee drunk becomes 1-2 cups. And, the drink should not be very strong. A very good option is to replace, for a while, a strong espresso with a more delicate cappuccino or other, softer versions of this drink.

Some women throughout the pregnancy use coffee without any consequences. But if, after drinking a cup, you feel weakness or pain in the abdomen, stop with this case. After all, caffeine stimulates the muscles of the uterus, which can adversely affect the health of the unborn child, and in some cases even cause childbirth. As for the use of coffee directly during the period of breastfeeding, its harmfulness is considered in three aspects. The first is medical. It must be remembered that there are some medicines that have caffeine in their composition.

In order to avoid an overdose, at a doctor's appointment you should report love to an invigorating drink. The next aspect concerns your child's allergies to drinking coffee. If after taking it you notice some changes on the skin of the baby, stop using your favorite aromatic liquid. And finally, the third point concerns the fact that caffeine has the opportunity to enter the baby's body with the mother's milk. Subsequently, the child may lose appetite, there may be a disturbance in sleep or insomnia, agitation and anxiety.

[caption id="attachment_4309" align="aligncenter" width="388"]coffee during pregnancy coffee during pregnancy[/caption]

If you take into account all the above points, your actions should be specific. There is a problem - we take ourselves in hand, there is no problem - we enjoy!

Be sure to drink plenty of water during your pregnancy. Milk and 100 percent fruit juices are also good choices.
4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021