Showing posts with label advantages of divorce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advantages of divorce. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to recover and start a new life after a divorce?

Divorce is a difficult process, an inseparable part of which separation and separation. It seems that yesterday you had a family, you were part of something more. Yes, you constantly quarreled, swore, did not communicate with each other. But now you are left in absolute solitude and every day you are more and more depressed because you do not know how to start a new life after the divorce.

But just imagine how much all the new and beautiful you can meet now after the divorce. Of course, people tend to worry about the impending changes in his life, but this state will sooner or later pass, as soon as you learn how to recover from the divorce and start a completely new life. And then you realize and understand that a new life after a divorce can be full of joy, passion and adventure.

The hardest thing after a divorce is to realize and accept that everything will be different from now on, and a completely new life has begun, unlike the previous one. It will be especially hard during the first holidays after the divorce. After all, nothing recalls memories and awakens past feelings in the heart, like holidays held in solitude.

To understand how to survive after a divorce and start a new life, you must first stop being afraid of any changes. Your rehabilitation will begin with an internal adjustment to the fact that all the changes in the new life will be exceptionally pleasant and useful.

Tips from psychologists on how to start a new life

  • Experts advise to take the following steps after the divorce, which will allow you to recover after parting with a man and maybe even start a new relationship after the divorce:

  • First of all, you need rehabilitation. Just give yourself a little time to survive the divorce. If you feel sad, mourn. No person marrying, does not think about how to survive after the divorce. But just think - now, when this happened, you have become more experienced and wiser. You are already familiar with family life and you know how to recover from a divorce and start a new life. The main thing is not to start to regret anything, remember: everything that happened - for the better!

  • Raise yourself a self-esteem and start loving yourself. After a divorce it is difficult to start a new life first of all because people start to look for a problem in themselves, to consider that the reason for parting in them. And the words "Who needs you will be so old and with children?", Abandoned by your man in a divorce, is not so easy to forget. But think what kind of person he is, if he allowed himself to say this to the woman who did so much for him. The best way to increase self-esteem is to take care of yourself, your new appearance, and also to find a new hobby.

  • Remember yourself before your marriage. Try to revive in your old hobbies, from which you had to give up for the sake of the spouse. Then the question "How to become happy after the divorce and survive the depression after parting" there is a simple answer - go back to your past interests, goals and hobbies. Live for yourself, then you simply will not have time to be sad.

  • Try to understand your feelings. Love is a beautiful feeling, but you've never divorced. Work on your feelings, if you need help - contact your friends or therapist, but in no case, do not try to muffle your feelings, otherwise they will slowly poison you from within and your new life.

  • Time after parting is the best period for changes in life. Change your image, style, make a new hairstyle, update your wardrobe. Engage in more global changes in life: find a new job, change your place of residence, discover new talents in yourself. Or, perhaps, decide on a plastic surgery, if money and health allow. In addition, physical pain from surgical intervention can replace the heartache of betrayal. And postoperative rehabilitation will coincide with mental torment from divorce. In any case, change is the best way to survive depression after parting and start a new life.

  • It is not necessary immediately after the break to rush to seek new love out of revenge for the former spouse or fear to remain alone to start a new life. Sometimes you need to spend some time alone to just think and realize what you really need from a new life.

  • If you are still thinking about the question of how to start a new relationship after a divorce and find love, then the best advice is to try to experiment with taste. Try to make a new relationship with a man of an unusual type for you. That is, if before you liked modest quiet romance, then now try to start a relationship with a self-confident and maybe a slightly sassy man. Do not be afraid to experiment, perhaps, just so you will find your new love.

  • To start a new life you will have to learn and fulfill all the duties that used to be on the wife. The first time, of course, it will be difficult, but with time you will succeed. For example, if during the marriage the husband was engaged in all financial issues, including earning, investing or somehow distributing money, then now you should learn how to earn well and properly manage assets. If you need help, do not hesitate to ask.

[caption id="attachment_824" align="aligncenter" width="303"]start a new life after a divorce start a new life after a divorce[/caption]

What are the advantages of divorce?

Do not need to limp after parting. And the answer to the questions "how to become happy after the divorce" and "how to start a new life" is simple - do not be afraid of change, move on and hope that soon you will meet your new true love. Until then, you will have time to start living a new and wonderful life for a divorced person.

  • Divorce is, first of all, a newfound freedom. You finally have time to devote yourself to a loved one, to do self-improvement, personal growth and development, to devote more time to achieving your new and old dreams and plans.

  • Scientists have proved that all mental torment can be easily cured by exercise and fresh air. Now that you have a lot of free time, you can travel more often, get out on country trips or into the woods, start going to a fitness club, and go in for sports.

  • If a divorce has occurred, when you are already in adulthood and you have children or grandchildren, then do not despair. After all, now you can devote every moment of your life to love and care for yourself and your beloved children, grandchildren, friends.

  • Some people, having experienced serious emotional upheavals, including the break of relations with a loved one, discover the artistic talents in a new life. Someone begins to write poetry, prose, compose music, dance or draw.

Psychological techniques, how to start a new life

If your husband initiated divorce, then you need to use the following technique in order to start a new life:

  • Clearly imagine in the mind the image of your ex-husband and remember all the pain, troubles and betrayals that he caused you. Try to understand what feelings he caused you?

  • And now try to imagine that all the problems and difficulties were made by him at your request, to teach something new in this way.

  • Refer to the image of the former spouse in your head, ask him what new things you could learn from all these difficult situations. Listen to yourself - and you will hear the answer to this question.

  • Mentally express your gratitude to the husband for the fact that he has become a good teacher for you.

  • Try to analyze what feelings you feel for him now?

  • If the divorce took place according to your desire, but you do not know how to start a new life after that, then you need to perform the following technique:

  • Try to imagine yourself in the place of your ex-spouse, feel all the pain and sadness that you caused him.

  • Imagine that you did it at his own request to teach something in this way.

  • Think about what exactly you taught the spouse and what you learned yourself, thanks to your relationship.

  • Mentally express gratitude to the ex-spouse, praise him for being a good student.

  • Analyze the new feelings experienced in relation to the former husband.

  • A few tips on how to start a new life

  • Do not discuss personal life after a divorce with new partners. If you decide to start a new life, then the topic of your divorce is not something that can be of interest to a potential partner.

  • Do not be humiliated before the former spouse. Do not beg him to return, just try to start a new life without this person. Get rid of all the things that remind you of him in a new life after the divorce.

  • Give yourself a break. To start a new life you need to recover morally, and this takes time. Try to start walking with friends more often or alone.

  • Do not start a new life with a constant intake of alcohol. Even if it's hard for you, you do not need to stifle the pain with alcohol. Understand yourself - only so you can start a completely new life.

Most people, especially women, are afraid of divorce and do not know how to start a new life. One thing is certain: you can not despair and drop your hands, just find the advantages in life after the divorce. A new life after parting only begins. And whether it will be filled with happy moments and positive - depends entirely on you. Do not forget that life after the divorce has prepared for you many pleasant and surprising surprises.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021