Showing posts with label Therapeutic properties of flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Therapeutic properties of flowers. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Therapeutic properties of flowers and contraindications

Many do not know that flowers that are habitual at first glance, growing near a road or in a garden, actually have medicinal properties. And to solve sometimes arising health problems, you just need to pay attention to the plants that surround us everywhere.


Barvinok is a perennial evergreen creeping half-shrub of the family Kutrovye. It occurs in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Ukraine and Europe. It grows on the slopes, forest edges, often twisting other bushes. Periwinkles have amazing vitality and persist even under snow. If you put the flower in a glass, it will not wither, while there is at least a drop of water. And if a piece of the shoot is inserted into the ground, it immediately releases the roots. Large scented blue flowers blossom in early spring.

Properties - hemostatic, blood-healing and wound-healing. With the help of it, they treat scurvy, infertility, eliminate bad breath. Pink flowers have a cytostatic effect, thanks to antitumor alkaloids. Take the broth should be in small amounts, strictly observing the recipe, as the plant contains poisonous substances.


Cornflower is an annual herbaceous composite plant of the Asterope family. It occurs almost everywhere, especially in rye fields. A flower is a honey plant.

Has a laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is often used to treat edema associated with kidney disease. Dried leaves are used as a seasoning in cooking.


Iris is a perennial rhizome of the Iris family. It grows almost everywhere.

Of particular value are leaves that are rich in ascorbic acid and roots containing organic acids, starch, tannins, aldehydes. The decoction from the roots has a sweatshop, expectorant, laxative and soothing effect. Iris is often a part of medicines.

Clover pink

Clover is a perennial plant of the family Legumes with globular flowers. From flowers, you get a bright honey of high quality. Among them, pollen is extracted, containing practically all the necessary amino acids.

Infusion of stems, flowers, and leaves removes inflammatory processes, has a laxative and analgesic properties. Can be used topically to eliminate dermatitis caused by infection.

Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley - a herbaceous flowering plant, represented in a single form. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in temperate climates. Often found in gardens.

It is widely used in medicine for the manufacture of cholagogue and drugs that help with cardiovascular diseases. As a raw material, the aerial parts of the plant collected during the flowering period are used. Apply home tinctures with caution and strictly dosed to avoid side effects.


Magnolia is a flowering plant. Among the 240 species, there are both trees and shrubs. Distributed in East Asia. In our locality is grown in parks and gardens for landscaping and decorating the territory.

Preparations for lowering pressure are made from Magnolia. In folk medicine, decoction of the bark is used to treat colitis and gastritis. Tincture of the fruit is treated with rheumatism.


Malva or Stock-rose refers to herbaceous plants with a stem up to 2 m high, among which there are one- and two-year-olds. She is beautiful and unpretentious - she does not require special care. It has enveloping properties, contains essential oils, vitamins A and C.

[caption id="attachment_736" align="aligncenter" width="320"]Therapeutic properties of flowers Therapeutic properties of flowers[/caption]

In folk medicine is used to treat colds and gastrointestinal diseases. Compresses from tincture of mallow help to remove inflammation and ulcers. Decoctions clean the skin well.


Dandelion - a perennial plant with bright flowers, turning into a bouquet of furry parachutes. It gives a lot of trouble, is perceived by gardeners and gardeners as a malicious weed. Do not rush to destroy it and throw it away. Dandelion has a huge range of interesting properties for various methods of application.

A flower is a honey plant. From it they prepare a jam similar to honey. The leaves contain phosphorus, iron, potassium, valuable vitamins A, B, C, E. The mask of them moisturizes and nourishes the skin. The decoction of flowers removes freckles. Tincture of the root cleanses the blood, removes painful spasms, stimulates appetite. Dandelion can feed herbivorous pets, in particular rabbits.


Chamomile is a flowering plant with pinnately-cut leaves from the family of Asterope. A flower with a yellow center and numerous small petals.

Drug (pharmacy) chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. It is widely used both in folk and in traditional medicine. Is the most popular medicinal flower. Pharmacy chamomile is included in the composition of phyto-tea, professional and medical cosmetics, perfumes.

Most often at home with her help relieve pain in the stomach and treat colds. But most importantly - chamomile has almost no contraindications, therefore suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and infants.

It is very important to correctly distinguish the medicinal daisy from other species that look similar, but do not have a set of medicinal properties.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021