Showing posts with label List of Common Phobias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label List of Common Phobias. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2018

Full List of Common Phobias of the Person

fear of  swallowing agiotrophobia - fear of holy places
agirophobia - fear of crossing the street
agoraphobia - fear of open spaces
anemophobia - fear of falling into a natural disaster
ailurophobia - fear of cats
ayhmophobia - fear of acute objects
acarophobia - fear of scabies
acrophobia - fear of altitude
alectorophobia - fear of chickens and chickens
algophobia - fear of pain
amaxophobia - fear of riding on transport
ambulofobia - fear of walking on foot
anginophobia - fear of angina attack
anglophobia - fear of the whole English
Angrofo biya - fear of an androphobia rage
Fear of men
anthropophobia - fear of men anthropophobia - fear of people
aphyphobia - fear of bees
arachnophobia - fear of spiders
asymmetry - fear of asymmetric things
asthenophobia - fear of weakness
astrophobia - fear of stars and the starry sky
atazagoraphobia - fear of being forgotten / unnoticed
atelophobia - fear of inappropriate
normophobia - fear of failure
autophobia - fear loneliness
aulophobia - fear of flute
aerophobia - fear of flying
batofobiya - fear of depth of
batrahofophobia - fear of frogs
bibliophobia - fear of books
botanophobia - fear of plants
brontophobia - phobia of thunderstorms
vaccinophobia - fear of vaccinations against infections
verminophobia - fear of microbes
vesifobia - fear of dressing
wicca phobia - fear of sorcerers
virginithophobia - fear of rape
Gamophobia - fear of wedding
harpksophobia - fear of robbery of
hedonophobia - fear of pleasure
heliophobia - fear of sun exposure
hemophobia - fear of blood type
gerontophobia - fear / dislike of the elderly people
herpetophobia - fear of reptiles
heterophobia - fear / dislike for people of the opposite sex
geyfirofobiya - fear of bridges
hydrophobia - fear of water
ginofobiya - fear of women
hylophobia - fear forest
hypengyophobia - fear of responsibility
hypnophobia - the fear of death in his sleep
glossofobiya - stage fright
godofobiya - fear of travel th
homophobia - fear / hatred of gays
graphophobia - fear of writing
Deepnophobia - Fear of talking while eating
Demophobia - Fear of the crowd of
dentofobia - Fear of the dentist
Dendrophobia - Fear of trees
Decidophobia - Fear of making decisions
Diabetophobia - Fear of diabetes
Diadascalephobia - Fear of the school
Zephophobia - fear of
zemmophobia jealousy - fear of rats of
zoophobia - fear of animals
Hierophobia - fear of the priests of the church
insectophobia - fear of insects
iophobia - fear of poisons / poisoning
ichthyophobia - fear of fish
kaliginefobiya - fear beautiful women
cancerophobia - fear of cancer
cardiophobia - fear of death from heart disease
karnofobiya - fear meat
katagelofobiya - fear be mocked
kiberfobiya - fear of computer technology
cynophobia - fear dogs
claustrophobia - fear of enclosed spaces
kleptofobiya - fear steal or be robbed
koitofobiya - Fear sexual intercourse
coprophobia - fear of
overdoing coprophobia - fear of feces
caulphobia - fear of clowns
cryophobia - fear of cold
xenophobia - fear of nezn of the
lilapsophobia - fear of hurricanes
fear of cooking
malesophobia - fear of giving birth to
mastigophobia - fear of corporal punishment
megalophobia - fear of large subjects
menophobia - fear / rejection of menstruation
mechanophobia - fear of machines
mizophobia - fear of contamination
mikofobia - fear of poisoning mushrooms mymecophobia - fear of
mnemophobia - fear of memories
mutephobia - fear of moths
Muzofobia - fear of infection
neophobia - fear of a new
necrophobia - fear of the dead -
no - phobia - fear of darkness.
nosocomoephobia - fear of hospitals
obesophobia - fear to grow fattened
ombrophobia - fear of falling under the rain of
ornithophobia - fear of birds
phlegm phobia - fear of snakes
papyrofobia - fear of
parasitophobia - fear of parasitism
paraphobia - fear of sexual perversion
parthenophobia - fear of virgins
pedophobia - fear of dolls
pedophobia - fear of children
peladophobia - fear of baldness
peniaphobia - fear of being poor / impoverished
plutofobia - fear of wealth
pnithophobia - fear of being strangled
pogonophobia - fear of beard
pterophobia - fear of bird feathers
radiophobia - fear of radiation
selahofobia - fear of sharks
siderexophobia - fear of rail transport
scolephophobia - fear of worms
scotomaphobia - fear of blindness
scopophobia - fear of being
mocked by sophophobia - fear of learning
social phobia - fear of social action
fear of being buried alive - the fear funeral
talassofobiya - fear of the sea
teratofobiya - fear freaks
tomofobiya - fear of surgical operations
trypophobia - fear of holes
tripanofobiya - fear of injections
urophobia - fear of involuntary urination
phagophobia - fear of choking
pharmacophobia - fear of taking medicines
philemophobia - fear of kissing
phylophobia - phobia of falling in love
phonophobia - fear of loud sounds
phronemophobia - fear of thinking
chemophobia - fear of chemical compounds of
chionophobia - fear of snow
chronophobia - fear of hours
cyclophobia - the fear of two-wheelers
eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors
ecophobia - fear of one's own home of
enisophobia - fear of criticism of
eosophobia - fear of daytime
ergophobia - fear of
eritrophobia - fear of blush
ephebophobia - fear of youth
jatrophobia - fear of doctors]]>
4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021