Showing posts with label Lip augmentation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lip augmentation. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lip augmentation with folk remedy

How to increase the lips, give them beautiful shapes and volume, can you achieve lip augmentation without surgery? This article is about the care of the lips, more precisely the care of the lips at home. Here you will learn how to care for the lips, what features have care ...

Men first of all pay attention to female lips. Women know this and are going to do plastic surgeries which are very harmful. They do not know that you can make your lips plump attractive and sexy with the help of traditional medicine, without harming your health. To get the desired effect, you need to know a few secrets.


Ingredients: half a teaspoon of glycerin, a teaspoon of sugar, and a teaspoon of Vaseline, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the mixture thoroughly and warm it in a water bath for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and apply for 15 minutes on the lips. Rinse out with water. As a result, the lips will become clear, the lips will become soft, will acquire sexual plumpness and will look fuller.

Massage for the lips.

To loosen the lips will help massage. You need to massage your lips with your fingertips. Before the massage, apply a cream or light gel. Massage should be done carefully and delicately. Simple lip mask. You need to smear your lips with honey and leave honey for the night. In a few days, the lips will become soft and tender. Mask of cottage cheese. Mix the cream and fat cottage cheese for 15 minutes with a thick bowl. Then wash off lips with warm water and grease with hygienic lipstick. Moisturizing mask. You will need sour cream, vegetable oil and 3 drops of lemon juice. Apply this mixture for 20 minutes. Now we have learned how to increase the lips with folk remedies.

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In summer, the lips need protection from dehydration and from the scorching sun, in winter they need protection from the wind and from low temperatures. A whole year you need to use hygiene lipstick. Do not bite your lip, do not lick your lips on the street, so that there is no dehydration, cracks. Moisture creates volume and saturates the lips. Use masks and exercises if you want your lips to look puffy.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021