The voice fold (Latin plica vocalis) is a fold of the laryngeal mucosa that protrudes into its cavity, containing a vocal cuff and a vocal muscle. Vocal folds start from the vocal appendages of the arytenoid cartilages and attach to the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage. Above the vocal folds, parallel to them are the folds of the vestibule (false vocal folds). In professional vocabulary (and in old manuals on speech therapy) speech therapists often use the term "vocal chords" or "ligaments" instead of "folds".
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There are two types of vocal folds.
True vocal folds are two symmetrically located folds of the mucous membrane of the larynx, protruding into its cavity, containing the vocal cords and the vocal muscle. True vocal folds have a special muscular structure, different from the structure of other muscles: the bundles of elongated fibers go here in different mutually opposite directions, start at the edge of the muscle and terminate in its depth, as a result of which the true vocal folds can fluctuate both with their whole mass and one any part, for example, half, third, edges, etc.
False voice folds (vestibular folds, folds of the vestibule) are two folds of the mucous membrane that cover the submucosa and a small muscle bundle; Normally, false vocal folds take some part in closing and opening the glottis, but they move sluggishly and do not fit close to each other. False voice folds become important in the development of a false-lingual voice and guttural singing.
The false vocal slit (Latin rima vestibuli, vestibular slot, crevice slit) is the space between the vestibule of the larynx and its middle part, limited by the vestibules.
Diseases of the vocal cords.
Imagine that the vocal cords are strings. What will happen if the strings are weakened? That's right, they will not hesitate, and they can not be played. In acute inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis), the vocal cords may be involved in the process. The vocal cords become inflamed, increase in size, the vocal cracks decrease, and sometimes completely closes, the air from the nasopharynx does not enter the lungs and the person starts to choke. This formidable complication from the vocal cords often occurs suddenly in viral diseases, allergies, voice overexertion, inhalation of irritants and requires emergency medical care.
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Therefore, with a sudden appearance of hoarseness of the voice, especially in children, you should immediately consult a doctor - an otolaryngologist. With an overload of vocal cords, chronic allergic diseases of the larynx, permanent inhalation of irritants, for example, tobacco smoke, constant swelling of the mucous membrane can occur in the region of the vocal cords, leading to hoarseness and changes in the timbre of the voice. With such symptoms, an immediate appeal to an otolaryngologist is necessary to exclude oncological diseases.
To what doctors to address for examination of a Voice fold:
The otolaryngologist (ENT)
What diseases are associated with the Voice fold:
- Acute catarrhal laryngitis
- Infiltrative laryngitis
- Lining laryngitis (false croup)
- Larynx angina
- Laryngeal edema
- Chronic inflammatory diseases of the larynx
- Chronic catarrhal laryngitis
- Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis
- Chronic atrophic laryngitis
- Chondroperichondritis of the larynx
- Laryngeal burns
- Foreign bodies of the larynx
- Injuries of the larynx
- Chronic laryngeal stenosis
- Acute stenosis of the larynx
- Acute and chronic stenosis of the larynx