Showing posts with label Features of caramel depilation at home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Features of caramel depilation at home. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

How to make Caramel Hair Removal at home

More and more people are beginning to understand and appreciate the importance of the naturalness of the surrounding world. This applies to household items, clothing, food, etc. The attitude to one's health and beauty was not an exception. And since the problem of extra hair is not in the last place, nature took care of us and gave us a natural method of fighting this problem - caramel epilation.

Among the various ways to remove superfluous hair caramel hair removal has not yet reached a great popularity, but has already proven itself on the positive side. This method has some similarities with other types of hair removal at home, such as sugaring and waxing, and even surpass them to some extent.

Hair removal with caramel is the "closest" sugaring, but it has some advantages over it, in particular, in terms of the list of components that make up the caramel itself. Let's see what attracts this sweet cosmetic product.

The caramel recipe necessarily includes aromatic oils that perform different functions:

  • painkillers - mint, bergamot, rosemary, chamomile;

  • disinfectant - lavender, tea tree, geranium, sage.

At your discretion, you can use any kind of aromatic oils that you like and are right for you.

Also, caramel mixture for depilation contains substances that soften the skin. They include various types of vegetable oils - olive, peach, Provencal.

  • If you compare waxing with waxing with caramel epilation, then the second option also remains. There are several reasons for this:

  • Caramel depilation is less painful, because, unlike wax, caramel applied to the skin is removed by the growth of the hair, and not vice versa.

  • When depilating caramel, the final effect is more pronounced, since the hairs after a few procedures thin out and grow much less often, which can not be said about depilation with wax.

  • Hair with epilation caramel does not break, so ingrown hair you do not threaten, which sometimes happens with the use of wax.

  • From sweet epilation with caramel it is less likely that irritations and inflammations will appear on the skin.

  • After the procedure, the caramel mixture is very easily washed off with water.

When caramel hair removal is not recommended

In principle, contra-indications for this hair removal are not so much, in comparison with other species. But still, it is advisable to resort to a specialist's advice if you suffer:

  • skin diseases;

  • diabetes mellitus;

  • an allergy to sweet, especially it concerns allergic reactions to honey.

Also, it is necessary to carry out with care caramel hair removal if on a body there are birthmarks.

The main benefits of caramel hair removal

This ancient method is very simple and affordable for cooking at home with minimal costs.

Removing hair with sweet, sticky caramel without an undue doubt can be done in the most sensitive places, including in the bikini and underarm zones. It will take you only patience because the procedure is time-consuming and at the initial stages is a little painful.

  • Special preparation does not require this procedure. Before the session, you need to clean the top layer of the skin with special napkins or cleansing lotion.

  • Do not need you and some professional skills. Follow the recipe below and you will succeed.

Recipes for preparing the mixture at home

You will definitely love the simple process of making caramel for hair removal at home. It takes about an hour to get the mixture for 3-4 months in advance, which is a big plus caramel hair removal. This nice detail will be a pretty convenient option for too busy ladies.

[caption id="attachment_4281" align="aligncenter" width="333"]Caramel Hair Removal Caramel Hair Removal[/caption]

Recipe number 1. Preparation of caramel from sugar

So, first you need to prepare the mixture for exactly the same recipe as sugaring. See the recipe on the link.

Then, when the caramel is slightly cool, add a teaspoon of emollient and a few drops of the aromatic oil you have chosen (see the options at the beginning of the article). After three hours, the caramel is ready for use.

Recipe number 2. How to boil caramel for hair removal from honey

To prepare caramel mass for epilation on natural honey you will need:

  • honey - 200 grams

  • juice of 2-3 lemons

Honey is mixed with lemon juice, brought to a boil over low heat and set aside. The technology of caramel hair removal at home is the same as caramel, cooked from sugar.

Features of caramel depilation at home

Before epilating prepared caramel, small pieces of frozen pieces should be kneaded very carefully in hands until they become bright color, soft and elastic.

Further, you can safely proceed directly to the processing of body parts. Roll out the resulting traction mixture on the body as much as possible, against hair growth, and tear off - in the direction of their growth. The more sharply you pull, the easier the pain sensations and the higher the effect.

When re-use, the mixture should be slightly heated in a water bath, and for the same system to carry out epilation.

Recommendations after caramel epilation

Despite all the naturalness of this method of hair removal, some rules should be followed after its application. After all, your skin has undergone serious interference, so you should take care of its cleanliness and hygiene.

When using caramel, along with excess hair, the upper layer of the skin is cleansed, that is, a kind of superficial peeling takes place. Therefore, try not to sunbathe within a day, do not visit swimming pools and saunas, do not use unchecked cosmetics.

There are almost no undesirable effects after caramel hair removal, with the exception of slight redness. In this case, you can use natural masks, prepared with your own hands, or high-quality cosmetics.

Your choice will certainly live up to expectations, and patience will be rewarded with the ideal result of caramel epilation. Reviews about this method of hair removal in most cases are positive, in particular, if the hair removal is by the rules.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021