Showing posts with label Cracks on the Heels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cracks on the Heels. Show all posts

Saturday, July 7, 2018

How to Get Rid of Cracks on the Heels?

Anyone who has firsthand knowledge of this problem, as no one else understands the suffering of the fabulous Mermaid. When the insidious sorceress conjured her female legs instead of the fishtail, each step delivered a mad pain to the poor girl. The Little Mermaid seemed to be stepping on sharp daggers, but what could not be tolerated for the love of the beautiful prince ... However, in real life, the appearance of bleeding wounds on the heels has nothing to do with either magic or with love. Not so long ago dermatologists were sure that cracks arise because the skin on the soles becomes too dry. It is enough to lubricate it with moisturizing cream in time, and everything will be fine. Now it became clear that the problem lies not on the surface of the skin, but in the depths. Where her frame is - elastin and collagen fibers. When their strength and quantity decrease,

Scientists have proved that there are only two reasons for the poor condition of wireframes, and hence for cracks on the heels. The first - a malfunction in the endocrine system, such as thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus. The second is a hereditary predisposition. It is noticed: if the parents have cracks on the heels, then most likely the same problem will occur in children. Sometimes a person can not even guess for many years about such an "inheritance". But it is worth gain weight or goes hiking with a heavy backpack, as the skin on the heels begins to crack

[caption id="attachment_4225" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Cracks on the Heels Cracks on the Heels[/caption]

As they say: where it is thin, there it is torn. Whenever we walk, we weigh our weights on the heels. If the fibers are healthy and strong, they endure such a serious load. However, if there is a defect in the fibers, they are damaged by the constant pressure. And then there is a gap, a crack, and we, stepping on the heel, feel a sharp pain. Gradually, the crack becomes larger, and eventually a deep open wound forms at the site of the lesion. He heals badly. Firstly, this is due to the unfortunate location: it is worth a bit of a drag for the night, as in the morning we get up on a sore heel, and it all starts again. Secondly, because of such repeated injuries, the skin around the crack grows and coarsens, forming a tight roller, which also does not allow the wound to overgrow.

FROM POTATOES TO PEAP In folk medicine, to combat cracking on the heels, there are many recipes. The most popular is the use of mashed potatoes. To do this, you need to wash the tubers and boil them in a peel until the friable condition. Then carefully knead the potatoes with a fork and in the resulting warm mass hold the heels for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the treatment, cracks on the heels should be greased with a fat cream.

Home remedies, of course, will for some time improve the condition of the heels, but to achieve full recovery, professionals will need help. Today, such services are provided in many beauty salons and medical centers. Thanks to a special treatment, even deep wounds heal in a week.

As soon as a crack appeared on the heel, you urgently need to see a doctor. The chances that it will pass by itself are equal to zero, but with every day the likelihood of infecting the wound increases. Treatment begins with getting rid of hyperkeratosis - coarse skin, growing around the crack. First, the edges of the wound are carefully cleaned with a scalpel, then grinded with a small rotating milling cutter. This hardware method allows you to remove layers of skin selectively and accurately, without damaging living tissue. To handle open cracks on the heels, only sterile or disposable instruments should be used. So before you give yourself into the hands of a master, be sure to specify how the interior is concerned with aseptic and antiseptic.

After the crack was cleared, a special healing ointment is rubbed into the wound. Usually, it is prepared on the basis of a green medical soap. On top of the film is applied, the edges of which are glued on all sides with a patch to create a greenhouse effect. Now the patient can go home and calmly do his own business. Exactly after 24 hours a protective bandage is removed. The main thing is not to forget 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days to treat the crack with the same ointment. In neglected cases, when the wound does not lend itself to "soapy" therapy, the doctor prescribes more powerful means - hormonal ointments. As a rule, heal cracks disappear as a result of the treatment.


Unfortunately, to return weak elastin fibers, strength is almost impossible - genetics cannot be altered. The only way to prevent further formation of bleeding wounds is to properly take care of your feet. Here are some simple tips to help you forget about the cracks on your heels once and for all.

Firstly, at least once a month and a half do a pedicure. Do not expect that you can manage yourself: to put in order the problematic legs can only be done by a specialist. Secondly, get a good pumice stone: it is useful for treating the feet. Buy pumice only in the store or in the cabin, and the product must be in a sealed package. Suspicious porous pebbles, which are traded at the exit of the metro, cannot be used: how many pathogenic microorganisms they live in! Pumice, like a toothbrush, is a piece of individual use. And it should be changed as often: ideally - every three months. Those who are sorry to throw out another useful thing, we advise you to buy a synthetic pumice stone: as it is used, it rubs into powder.

To keep the heels healthy, at least once a week they should be pampered with baths: this requires water of a comfortable temperature - not cold, not hot. In diabetes mellitus and varicose veins, 35 ° is sufficient, in other cases - 37-38 °. In the water you can add sea salt, extracts of medicinal herbs, you can buy a ready-made product for foot baths in a beauty salon or in a specialized store.

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