Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How to get rid of acne with proper diet?

Yes, acne can spoil even the sweetest face. And worst of all, it's that even dermatologists cannot always tell the way out of this "pimply" situation. Ointments, creams, and lotions for some reason generally do not want to influence these uninvited guests in any way.

However, not all is lost. In addition to the basic procedures, try to change something in your diet. These simple tips affect the cleansing of the skin, which helps to remove the problem of acne.

5 products that need to be included in the diet:

1. Clean water.

In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of cool clear water from acnepure water to cleanse the body. Drink plenty of water and during the day to help the skin keep youth and health. At least 8 glasses of water every day, without taking into account soup and other drinks.

For carbonated drinks, put a complete taboo. You may think that it is too commonplace to drink water. However, it is water that is the main constituent of our body and thanks to it all reactions, starting from the cellular level, pass.

2. Olive oil.

Replace all the oils with olive oil, because this unique product has many advantages. It supports the overall healthy state of the body and helps to cleanse the skin of acne. And most importantly, olive oil contains many essential fatty acids.

[caption id="attachment_1450" align="aligncenter" width="321"]get rid of acne get rid of acne[/caption]

However, this olive oil is not cheap, and what is sold in many supermarkets at a price slightly higher than sunflower oil is a mixture of cheaper oils.

3. Green tea.

Often the cause of damage to skin cells is free radicals. The anti-inflammatory chemical element catechin can fight them. And you can find it in green tea. But get tea, which must be brewed in a brewer. Tea bags often have the lowest quality.

4. Wheat and nuts.

For the health of skin cells, selenium is very necessary. It helps to restore those skin cells that have been damaged for some reason. This substance we can find in wheat.

Nuts will give us omega-3 oils for smoothness and velvety skin. It is advisable to use nuts of different types, but they also have a big price. However, buying them in small amounts, but systematically quite possible. Not forgetting these products, you can not only reduce the amount of acne, but also rejuvenate your skin.

5. Meat and fish.

And these foods are the mainMasks from acnesource of protein. However, both meat and fish should be prepared by boiling or steaming. Protein products compete well with pimples. And for this, the protein should be on your plate every day.

Of course, a week after you start living according to these recommendations, pimples will disappear hardly. It will take a lot of time and persistence. But it's worth it. In addition to the fact that you part with pimples not for a while, but for good, you will also rejuvenate your skin.

We will be beautiful!

Useful baths for beauty and health

Any woman knows that caring about the beauty of her face, one should not forget about the health of the whole body. For this, it is recommended to take at least 2 times a week for 20 minutes a useful bath. The temperature of the water in the tub should be comfortable and, at the end of the procedure, it is advisable to lie down.

Bath for freshness, moisturizing and smoothing the skin.

Brew in a 3-liter bowl 600-800 grams of oatmeal, cool and filtered infusion pour into the tub.

Bath Cleopatra for beauty.

Take three liters of milk and add 13-15 spoonfuls of honey. Stir and pour into the bath. In this way, the queen Cleopatra moisturized, nourished and softened the skin.

Jacuzzi from mineral water.

Take 5 liters of mineral water with gas and add to a hot bath. This amount of cool mineral water will make the water temperature optimal. Bubbles of gas perfectly massage the skin and conduct deep mineralization. For the full effect of the procedure, mineral water should be added to the already full bath.

Relaxing bath with insomnia and overexertion.

Take 8-10 tablespoons of lime and brew in 1 liter of boiling water. After filtering, pour into the bath. Taking a shower after a relaxing bath is not recommended, it is advisable to immediately go to bed.

Oily bath for moisturizing.

For positive results from this procedure, it is not necessary to fill the entire bath with oil. It is enough to pour only half a cup of olive oil into the water or rub your skin.

Therapeutic bath with inflamed skin.

Take 3 tablespoons of a turn and 4 tablespoons celandine, mix and pour two liters of boiling water. Boil a little, cool and add to the bath. It is not recommended to take a shower, let the herbs treat irritated skin.

Correct posture until old age

Sometimes people look back at an elderly woman and think: "How could she keep such a figure?" People are amazed because they often see around them the figures of slouching women, hunched backs, crooked legs, incorrect posture. Especially so look for women who in their youth do everything to seem high. However, the impression of a well-formed figure does not depend on the heels, on the high or low figure.

The famous dancer Isadora Duncan was short, but she seemed tall. Similarly, ballerinas in most cases of low growth, look high. How is this explained? The way to keep the body. Duncan taught that you should move as if you were suspended by the chest and pulled up.

And in fact, if we imagine this, then we will feel suddenly somehow easier, the chest and head straighten up, we walk more easily and look above. If you begin to exercise regularly, without delay, you will get used to keeping the body in motion and in a calm state, then you will look slim even in old age.

Business, of course, not only in a slender figure. It is much more important than our physical health is associated with the state of muscles, bones, and joints. A good figure is a correct posture, the correct load of the organs of movement, and hence no pains and difficulties in the joints and muscles in old age! All this must be thought in advance so that we do not get unpleasant changes in the body due to our inattention to these important parts of the body.

How to wear a heavy load?

Doctors in this issue warn that it is better to go several times and carry less than to raise too heavy a thing or bag at once because the walking light is more useful than with a heavy burden.

A shopping bag cannot be worn in one hand, and when it is heavy, one often has to see: a woman is dragging purchases all, bending in one direction, sticking out her side, with a curved spine. So to carry a bag is harmful, and sooner or later it will affect! So do not buy so much right away, go shopping better several times.

[caption id="attachment_1446" align="aligncenter" width="212"]Correct posture Correct posture[/caption]

A few more words about bags and cases: look at their contents and ruthlessly throw out unnecessary things! Save each gram! Think about each thing, is it really necessary. Is it possible to replace it with something easier? This is really important: you will extend your physical endurance if you carry a few things as possible with you.

Do not forget to alternate hands. Do not be afraid that the left hand is closer to the heart, and that, therefore, it cannot be tired: it is absolutely the same, in which hand to bear weight.

You, probably, remind children that they carried schoolbags not in hands, but on their backs. The difference between them and you is only that schoolchildren who want to carry a bag in their hand will injure themselves with a spinal column, which they will later ache, in adulthood, while you will already be sick.

Special recommendation for mature women: wear small bags on the strap over your shoulder. So it is more convenient - hands remain free. But the shoulders should also be alternated. If you follow these simple tips, the figure will be slender and retain a correct posture for a long time.

How to find your Perfume?

As often happens, that the aroma you like in the store is annoying at home already. How to buy perfume, so as not to make a mistake in choosing?

Step one.

You should start choosing a perfume not with a bottle or with a price, but, first of all, with the store in which you are going to buy it.

A good solid perfume showroom with a name and reputation is exactly what you need to make a deliberate and calm purchase. In such stores, as a rule, perfumery of practically all known and unknown manufacturers is presented to you.

However, if you are looking for something specific (for example, the aroma of an oriental-spicy family), then you should consult a seller who will direct you to such vials. Otherwise, you risk wasting time searching for perfume and getting a headache from all the smells that you will have to try.

Step two.

When choosing a fragrance, several nuances must be considered. Women's perfumes are so diverse and oversaturated in shades that, after trying just two or three bottles, you will no longer feel the difference, and all the flavors will merge for you into one cacophony of smells, to distinguish which one, the only one will be almost impossible. So do not rush and calm down, if you want spirits to please you for a long time, then it's worth spending some time on their choice.

- Forget all the stories that after the sniffing of coffee your sense of smell will be fully restored - this is nonsense. Inhaling alcohol compositions, we injure the delicate mucous of the nose (it turns out like a burn), so no coffee can not instantly heal. You just need time to recover.

- Come to the store every day and try on two, a maximum of three fragrances. To do this, apply a small amount of a test bottle to the test strip, swing a few times in a strip in the air (in order for the "hard" alcohols to evaporate) and bring it to your nose.

- The fragrances are multi-layered and therefore, it is not necessary to choose perfumes immediately, but after some time. That wave of smell, which you will feel first, is the initial note of perfume. This composition lasts least of all (from twenty to forty minutes) and on it to choose a perfume is not recommended. It is more ethereal and flat, does not leave almost any nuances on your body.

The second wave or, so-called, "heart notes" - on it the spirits are chosen by the true connoisseurs. This is the fragrance that, mixed with the warmth of your skin, will give you a voluminous aromatic sound in five to seven hours. It will be felt by the people around you. Therefore, choosing a perfume on the test strip, apply perfume on your wrist and walk with them for about five hours - so you will feel their real smell.

- Do not look for the only correct spirits for you. They are in many ways reminiscent of women - as fleeting and changeable as the mood. It is advisable that in your arsenal of seducer there were several favorite vials: one for the evening cocktail, the second for the windy girl, the third for the woman vamp. By the way, you can experiment: male perfumery also offers so-called "odors-unisex", which like confident and determined women.

How to choose the right perfume.

When selecting, pay special attention to the labeling on the vial. If the bottle says " Parfum ", it means that you have real spirits, the fragrance of which has several notes, and will hold on for a long time (we are not going to talk about forgery now).

If you see " Eau de Parfum " on the bottle, know that you have " perfumed water " in your hands. The composition of aromatic components in such a bottle is less concentrated. Perfumed water, or, as it is also called, "toilet perfume", keep on the skin a little fewer spirits and costs a little cheaper.

The inscription " Eau de Toilette " should tell you that you have scented water before you. There should not be any special requests for the strength of the composition, and they cost far fewer spirits (often three to four times).

The last recommendation.

When choosing spirits, do not be greedy: do not buy yourself whole bags of perfumes you like. The fact is that the fragrance of this fragrant preserves its original properties (and smell) for only one year. Then it starts to change, and no tricks, for example, storage in the refrigerator, absolutely will not change the processes of transformation of the smell - it will simply become different. Therefore, acquiring them, several aspects should be taken into account at once.

  • First, how many spirits are you using at the same time.

  • Secondly, how often and how much you use them.

  • Thirdly, how much you are sure of this aroma: if it is a debut purchase, it is necessary to stop the choice on a sampler, which is quite enough, in order to understand how much you like it.

Lovers to pour out a large amount of perfume will not pose any risk of buying a large volume bottle of 75 and 100 ml. Owners of several flavors simultaneously do not make sense to buy them in large packages, the most suitable is the volume of 50 ml.

Friday, June 29, 2018

How to Quickly Remove Dark Circles under the Eyes

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is caused by different factors. Before we start cleaning them, let's look at the reasons for their appearance.

The main reasons for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes:

  • With a stiff diet and a sharp weight loss.

  • With stress and nervous tension.

  • Because of anatomical features - with a light, tender skin of the eyelids.

  • Because of smoking and the constant use of alcohol.

  • Because of genetic predisposition.

  • With heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

  • Because of overwork and constant lack of sleep.

  • With long work on the computer.

  • After surgery, plastic surgery.

  • Because of an allergic reaction to irritants.

All the factors of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes indicate that one should fully engage in the recovery of the body. The problem will not be solved if you partially hide any shortcomings. But, there are situations when a woman needs to look at 100% and, moreover, remove obvious shortcomings of appearance quickly.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes:

[caption id="attachment_1440" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Remove Dark Circles Remove Dark Circles[/caption]

  • One teaspoon of chamomile, pour half a cup of boiling water, cover and insist 10-15 minutes. Strain and half the infusion is heated, cool the second half. We make contrasting lotions, alternately applying to the eyes for a couple of minutes, then cold, then hot soaked tampons. After the procedure, we lubricate the eyelids with cream.

  • Along with chamomile, very carefully remove the circles under the eyes of a lotion of sage or parsley.

  • Boil one potato in a uniform, cool a bit, cut into two pieces and put for half an hour to the eyes.

  • Take one teaspoon of black or green tea, pour a quarter cup of boiling water and brew for 15-20 minutes. Saturate the cotton buds with tea leaves and apply 3-4 times to the eyes for a couple of minutes. In the end, put a cold compress on your eyelids (5-10 minutes).

  • Slightly mint leaves peppery and for 10-15 minutes attach to the eyes.

  • Take one tablespoon of dried cornflower flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. A little warm up and apply the wet tampons for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, we lubricate the eyelids with cream.

  • Take two paper or cotton napkins and put each one of a dessertspoonful cheese. Gently wrap and apply the curd compress for 10-15 minutes to the eyes.

  • Take a fresh cucumber and cut into thin slices. For 10-15 minutes, put the lobules on the eyelids. With bleaching properties, the cucumber not only lightens the skin, but also nourishes with vitamins.

How to Choose the Right Perfume

As often happens, that the aroma you like in the store is annoying at home already. How to buy perfume, so as not to make a mistake in choosing?

Step one.

You should start choosing a perfume not with a bottle or with a price, but, first of all, with the store in which you are going to buy it.

A good solid perfume showroom with a name and reputation is exactly what you need to make a deliberate and calm purchase. In such stores, as a rule, there is perfumery of almost all known and unknown manufacturers.

However, if you are looking for something specific (for example, the aroma of an oriental-spicy family), then you should consult a seller who will direct you to such vials. Otherwise, you risk wasting time searching for perfume and getting a headache from all the smells that you will have to try.

Step two.

When choosing a fragrance, several nuances must be considered. Women's perfumes are so diverse and oversaturated in shades that, after trying just two or three bottles, you will cease to feel the difference, and all the flavors will merge into you into one cacophony of scents, from which the one, the only one will be virtually impossible. So do not rush and calm down, if you want spirits to please you for a long time, then it's worth spending some time on their choice.

- Forget all the stories that after the sniffing of coffee your sense of smell will be fully restored - this is nonsense. Inhaling alcohol compositions, we injure the delicate mucous of the nose (it turns out like a burn), so no coffee can not instantly heal. You just need time to recover.

- Come to the store every day and try on two, a maximum of three fragrances. To do this, apply a small amount of a test bottle to the test strip, swing a few times in a strip in the air (in order for the "hard" alcohols to evaporate) and bring it to your nose.

- The fragrances are multi-layered and therefore, it is not necessary to choose perfumes immediately, but after some time. That wave of smell, which you will feel first, is the initial note of perfume. This composition lasts least of all (from twenty to forty minutes) and on it to choose the perfume is not recommended. It is more ethereal and flat, does not leave almost any nuances on your body.

[caption id="attachment_1438" align="aligncenter" width="200"]Perfume Perfume[/caption]

The second wave or, so-called, "heart notes" - on it the spirits are chosen by the true connoisseurs. This is the fragrance that, mixed with the warmth of your skin, will give you a voluminous aromatic sound in five to seven hours. It will be felt by people around you. Therefore, choosing a perfume on the test strip, apply perfume on your wrist and walk with them for about five hours - so you will feel their real smell.

- Do not look for the only correct spirits for you. They are in many ways reminiscent of women - as fleeting and changeable as the mood. It is advisable that in your arsenal of seducer there were several favorite vials: one for the evening cocktail, the second for the windy girl, the third for the woman vamp. By the way, you can experiment: male perfumery also offers so-called "odors-unisex", which like confident and determined women.

How to choose the right perfume.

When selecting, pay special attention to the labeling on the vial. If the bottle says " Parfum ", it means that you have real spirits, the fragrance of which has several notes, and will hold on for a long time (we are not going to talk about forgery now).

If you see " Eau de Parfum " on the bottle, know that you have " perfumed water " in your hands. The composition of aromatic components in such a bottle is less concentrated. Perfumed water, or, as it is also called, "toilet perfume", keep on the skin a little fewer spirits and costs a little cheaper.

The inscription " Eau de Toilette " should tell you that you have scented water before you. There should not be any special requests for the strength of the composition, and they cost far fewer spirits (often three to four times).

The last recommendation.

When choosing spirits, do not be greedy: do not buy yourself whole bags of perfumes you like. The fact is that the fragrance of this fragrant preserves its original properties (and smell) for only one year. Then it starts to change, and no tricks, for example, storage in the refrigerator, absolutely will not change the processes of transformation of the smell - it will simply become different. Therefore, acquiring them, several aspects should be taken into account at once.

  • First, how many spirits are you using at the same time?

  • Secondly, how often and how much you use them.

  • Thirdly, how much you are sure of this aroma: if it is a debut purchase, it is necessary to stop the choice on a sampler, which is quite enough, in order to understand how much you like it.

Lovers to pour out a large amount of perfume will not pose any risk of buying a large volume bottle of 75 and 100 ml. Owners of several flavors simultaneously do not make sense to buy them in large packages, the most suitable is a volume of 50 ml.

Amazing Healing Properties of Tea

Our ancestors used the healing properties of herbal tea from ancient times. And although they did not know that such a value is contained in this drink, they knew secrets that are unknown to modern man.

1. Mint

Many products cause bloating and gas formation. And before some important event, you have to starve for a couple of days. A familiar problem? With this, you can cope with the help of natural remedies. Mint tea will help you. It has a pleasant, refreshing taste, and you can use it regularly.

2. Chamomile.

Are you nervous? Tea from chamomile will help you. It will help to calm down and not only! Chamomile is a natural antidepressant and the enemy of insomnia. In addition, chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be drunk, breathed in pairs or make compresses. Also, this wonderful plant saves from pain during critical days.

3. Tea from juniper.

Nothing compares to this tea! First, it relieves toxins and has a diuretic property, which is especially important for women on certain days of the menstrual cycle. Secondly, it is not just a refreshing drink - it has antiseptic properties and not only prevents, but also cures inflammation of the urinary tract. As you can see, it's time to drink tea from juniper.

4. Green tea.

A valuable source of antioxidants, helping to get rid of excess weight. This is one of the many herbal teas that would be worth replacing coffee and soda. Many will say that they have no problems with being overweight. But green tea not only speeds up the metabolism but also strengthens the immune system. Priceless antioxidants, which are part of green tea, help to combat harmful environmental factors.

5. Ginger tea.

Physical ailments do not allow to live a full life. Of course, you can use various medicines, but it is better to choose in favor of a natural, natural remedy. Drink ginger tea! It will not only calm the rebellious stomach, but it will easily put you on its feet.

6. A mixture of thistle and dandelion.

The liver is the only organ capable of self-healing. However, this does not mean that you can do anything with it. People suffering from liver diseases, for sure, know what I'm talking about. This tea is your salvation because it cleanses the liver and helps its work. They say that this mixture helps even with indigestion.

7. Lemon balm.

This tea is especially for those who want to gain a few pounds. It causes appetite! In addition, this plant is rich in antioxidants, of which we have already heard. So, if green tea is a drink for those who want to lose weight, lemon balm is a tea for those who want to recover.

Friday, June 22, 2018

How to make and take Calcium from the egg shell?

Everyone knows that calcium is necessary for our body for the proper development and health of our teeth and bones. In addition, it increases blood coagulability, is responsible for the transmission of nerve signals and improves the functioning of the heart muscles.

It is very important that in our body calcium is not produced independently, but its losses are quite high. Daily calcium is lost with dead cells of the skin, nails and hair, with liquids withdrawn from our body - sweat secretions, urine and so on.

In the case when the calcium is not enough, it is taken from our bones. To make up for the lack of calcium, you must eat foods rich in this element, such as eggshells.

Most of the calcium is contained in the eggshell.

It includes calcium carbonate, which is its main part. Calcium is found in large amounts in animal bones and in the shell of oysters, but in comparison with the eggshell - they obviously lose, these products contain harmful heavy metals.

In addition, calcium is in milk, but at the same time, the quality of the dairy product should be appropriate. The assimilation of milk in our body takes place in such a way that calcium is needed to assimilate the butter.

As a result of the metabolism of milk, one fat molecule is attached to two molecules of calcium. It turns out that calcium is actively consumed by our body stores to digest dairy products.

After reading the composition on various packages, you can often find in the description that this product contains calcium. Indeed, it is part of many products, but whether it will be useful to the body is a big question.

Eggshell contains the most balanced calcium, which is close in composition to the microchemistry of the human body. As a result, the eggshell is well absorbed and absorbed, besides, besides calcium, there are more than 30 useful microelements in it.

We make calcium from the egg shell.

To prepare calcium, we only need the eggshell itself. It is very important that the eggs are the most natural, it is best to take them from domestic birds, then you can be sure that the bird has received natural food. Calcium, obtained from the shell of such eggs, will bring the greatest benefit to the body.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the shell itself with water while leaving a white film, since it also contains useful substances.

  2. Then boil the shell in boiling water for about 7 minutes to kill all the bacteria.

  3. Any convenient way to dry the eggshell (on a towel, tray, napkin and so on).

  4. Now you can start chopping the shell. This can be done in various ways, for example, with a blender or a coffee grinder. To do this, it is necessary first to break the shell into small pieces, then put them into a coffee grinder and grind them to a powder state.

If you are not a fan of modern technology, take a conventional rolling pin, put the shell in a bag and roll it to a powdery state.

How much calcium should I take from the shell?

The shell from one egg is about one teaspoon of white powder. In turn, this is about seven hundred milligrams of calcium. For the average human body, you need about four hundred milligrams of calcium per day.

It turns out, you need to eat about half a teaspoon of calcium per day. It is better to take it for 2 times because at one time, our body can absorb about five hundred milligrams of calcium.

For pregnant women, twice as much calcium is needed, and for children, respectively, half as much. You should consider how you eat.

If your food is saturated with calcium in the proper amount, for example, you eat soups brewed on bones, drink several glasses of milk per day, eat various dairy products, then the dose of calcium intake per day should be reduced.

When is calcium best used?

The best time for taking calcium is the morning. Do not forget that it is perfectly absorbed with the vitamins of group A and D. Therefore when taking calcium, it is desirable to eat foods containing these vitamins, for example, liver, cream and coconut oil.

Calcium excellently absorbed with vitamin C. Many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, block the absorption of calcium. Thus, calcium citrate will be useful for people with diseases from the stomach.

This is due to the fact that calcium citrate is well absorbed in the body by itself, that is, it can be taken separately from food. How can I get calcium citrate?

How to get calcium citrate from a shell with lemon juice?

Its preparation is quite simple, the eggshell dissolves in the acid of the lemon.

First option: mix half a teaspoon of eggshell and lemon juice. Lemon juice should be always fresh! The reaction will begin and the mixture will bubble. Let's brew, but not more than 12 hours. Take a half teaspoon, you can drink water.

The second option: soak the egg in lemon juice in a glass bowl. Egg must be washed beforehand. Cover and put in a cold place, about forty-eight hours.

The main thing is to shake the contents periodically to create bubbles. We take out the egg after about forty-eight hours, when this mixture will not bubble. We use half the teaspoon, you can even a little more, once a day.

The third option: soak 3 washed eggs in lemon juice, close the lid with a container and put in a cold place for about forty-eight hours. Do not forget to shake the jar periodically to create bubbles.

After there is not a single bubble, you can pull out the eggs neatly. The liquid that turned out, and will be calcium citrate. You need to use it for half a teaspoon a day, you can gradually increase the amount.

The fourth option: in a teaspoon pour the egg powder and add there two or three drops of lemon juice. This option is suitable for especially lazy people, the method is fairly simple, but also effective.

10 diseases that lead to Obesity

The appearance of obesity can not always be the result of malnutrition or lack of physical activity. In some cases, this can be due to illness.

If you have an unreasonable increase in excess weight, you should immediately seek advice from a doctor.

10 common diseases leading to obesity.

1, Hypothyroidism. The first sign of this disease is a slowing of metabolism as a result of a decrease in the secretion ofthyroid hormones. As a consequence - gaining excess weight, which leads to obesity.

Other symptoms of the disease include increased fatigue, memory is affected, apathy and weakness appear, hair falls out, a person complains of low working capacity, anaemia and other health problems appear.

2. Syndrome Itenko-Cushing. With the Itenko-Cushing syndrome, a large amount of the hormone cortisol appears in the human body, and the result is an incorrect adrenal work.

When a hormone appears, the protein in the body breaks down, sugar rises. It can affect the metabolism. Accordingly, the amount of adipose tissue increases and the amount of muscle tissue decreases.

The classic symptoms of the disease include a change in the figure. Accumulation of fat occurs in the region of the chin, at the waist, in the hips. However, the limbs of a person do not change.

3. Adiposogenital dystrophy, (pituitary obesity). The development of this disease can serve as trauma to the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The development of the reproductive system is delayed and obesity appears.

The disease can appear in children, as a rule, makes itself felt at the onset of puberty.

4. Pickwick's syndrome. In this disease, the hypothalamus is broken. Obesity is combined with a reduced process of ventilation of the lungs. Complaints in patients are mainly on weakness in the body and drowsiness.

5. Diseases at the gene level. The most famous diseases are Carpenter syndrome, Lawrence-Moon-Bidle syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome. Violated the work of the hypothalamus, in the end, there is obesity caused by overeating.

[caption id="attachment_1422" align="aligncenter" width="598"]diseases that lead to Obesity diseases that lead to Obesity[/caption]

The consequence of the appearance of gene syndromes is weight gain, mental retardation, the functioning of various body functions is disrupted, some organs and parts of the body can develop incorrectly, for example, a person is born with more or fewer fingers.

With these syndromes, the human spine suffers, skull asymmetry and similar disorders can be observed.

6. Climacteric obesity. Appears in women during menopause. If in the ovaries of a woman sex hormones are not produced enough. Also can appear after their surgical removal.

7. Insulinoma. With this pathology, a tumour develops in the body, releasing a large amount of insulin. Due to this, the level of sugar in the blood of a person decreases. There is a set of excess weight, the work of the nervous system is damaged. Memory suffers the patient's attention.

8. Mental disorders. In the state of some mental illnesses, for example, in schizophrenia, patients can not control their appetite, which leads to obesity.

9. Alcoholism. With the regular use of alcoholic beverages, the metabolism is disturbed, alcohol is very poorly excreted from the human body, as a result, a large number of kilocalories appear and obesity appears.

10. Polycystic ovary syndrome. If a young woman is completely absent from menstruation, a large amount of body hair and excess weight appear, then these are the true signs of this disease. Be vigilant, it leads to infertility.

A healthy life believes that the diseases described above are the most common diseases that lead to the appearance of obesity. In fact, there are many more.

However, obesity very often appears from malnutrition and lack of exercise. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of your health responsibly.

Why and How to Eat Corn for Good Health?

In this article, we will talk about how useful corn is, how to store and correctly cook, about its composition and health benefits.

Where did the corn come from and its species?

As we, know, corn has become a full mistress of the fields. It was brought by American conquistadors, who traveled from America to Europe.

At home, she was domesticated 8,000 years ago. Since then, it is a useful culture, which is actively used for food. The people of America (South and Central) have made it a real object of worship.

Nowadays this culture is growing everywhere. It is produced in Russia, the countries of the Middle Abroad, the countries of Latin America and Europe.

Types of corn. A large number of its species are known. Everyone, of course, knows the yellow color of the ears. But there are varieties whose grains are colored in purple, pink, red, white and even black tones.

The yellow variety contains antioxidants, carotenoids. In violet there is protocaetic acid, and in the blue variety - anthocyanins.

Why is corn useful?

So that you do not have stomach problems, you need to observe five important rules.

Corn is useful because it includes substances such as zeaxanthin and unchanged lutein. These are natural dyes and antioxidants from nature itself. If the grain of corn is well dried and ground, they will retain a large number of antioxidants.

Also in corn contains useful fiber . If the grains are well-welded, they need to be chewed for a long time. This is explained by the large content of useful dietary fiber. The result is a rapid saturation. You can forget that you were hungry.

Also, fiber contributes to proper digestion and significantly improves the microflora of our intestines. Every day you need to eat at least 2.5 grains.

Corn is useful for everyone, and not just for those who constantly care about their weight. This is a really healthy food that has a beneficial effect on our body.

Useful properties of corn

Due to its useful properties, corn is recommended for those who suffer from a disease such as diabetes mellitus . In corn kernels contains a lot of fiber. As a result, their digestion is very slow. The result - the amount of glucose in the blood does not increase.

The pleasant taste of corn porridge and attractive appearance made it an indispensable meal, even for the most capricious kids.

The composition of corn is (in 100 g) 10% of the daily norm of such a useful vitamin C. It contains the necessary B3 and useful magnesium (9%). B5 (8%). At the same time, there are very few kilocalories in it - only 90.

How to choose the right corn?

When choosing juicy corn cobs, one should prefer those that did not lie very long in the sun. Such fruits become a favorable environment for the blistering proliferation of harmful microorganisms. It is worth choosing those on which the leaves are really fresh and fit fairly tightly.

[caption id="attachment_1420" align="aligncenter" width="360"]corn corn[/caption]

In order to correctly choose corn, it is necessary to find out how good the cob is. All the grains should fit tightly together. Color - creamy or pleasant yellow. If visible mold is visible, there are characteristic spots and unpleasant bald patches, then such corn should not be bought.

You can choose corn in frozen form in stores at any time. A delicious mixture in traditional packages is usually used as an unusual side dish to different dishes. Often, it adds an excessive amount of rice, which is low in the food plan and at the same time high in calories.

If you do not want to cook corn by yourself, you can buy it ready in large eateries. You can not buy it from private traders. It is not known whether they observed the necessary cleanliness in the cooking process.

How to store corn correctly

If the cob is fresh, it lies well in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days. If it is frozen, then it is perfectly stored for about four months.

You can boil a bit of the cob, and then freeze. This will allow them to cook faster.

How delicious to cook corn

Usually, corn is boiled in water (salt is always added) or steamed. Preparation takes from half an hour to one and a half.

Grains are not fried and baked, because from this they simply harden and become tasteless. If the corn is already frozen, a tasty sote is prepared from it. It is good to use as a garnish or as an independent original dish.

A salad of boiled and necessarily cooled corn kernels is very popular. To them add juicy tomatoes, red beans in ready form, pepper (green). For refueling use a spoonful of oil (olive) or not very fat yogurt.

You can add juicy corn in the process of making some soup. It will become an ideal replacement for conventional potatoes.

Many people like this delicacy, like popcorn. It is undoubtedly useful. But do not add a lot of salt and oil. You can cook this delicacy from dry grains in a frying pan.

A healthy life believes that it is most useful for an organism to cook corn for a couple. And, if the grains are frozen, you can add them to soups or side dishes.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021