Saturday, July 7, 2018

Useful properties of garlic

Garlic can reduce the risk of cancer, preventing the formation of free radicals. These molecules - the normal products of cellular metabolism - are suspected of promoting the formation of tumors due to their tendency to change DNA, cell membranes

Botany describe garlic as an onion plant, called allium sativa and having a sharp taste and strong odor. In Indian mythology, there is an interesting story explaining the divine origin of garlic. In ayurveda, the science of life, as old as Indian civilization itself, a number of therapeutic and preventive qualities of garlic are listed. She recommends it in the treatment of dysentery and gassing. It is believed that garlic plays a special role in the treatment of "cotton wool horn", or nervous disorders. Moreover, it prevents aging and prolongs life. Whether these beliefs are explained by the fact that garlic does not deteriorate surprisingly long, this is a controversial issue, but it is true that garlic retains freshness and moisture for months unlike other vegetables that dry up and decompose in a few hours or days.

[caption id="attachment_4230" align="aligncenter" width="225"]garlic garlic[/caption]

Louis Pasteur confirmed the antiseptic qualities of garlic in 1858. It was found that garlic oil effectively destroys many varieties of mold and yeast, including those that cause infection.

Garlic is effective in combating many diseases and in their prevention. It slows the growth of cancer-affected cells in case of cancer of the chest cavity and prostatitis in the laboratory, as well as the growth of tumors of the colon, colon, esophagus, and skin in rats. Garlic can reduce the risk of cancer, preventing the formation of free radicals. These molecules - the normal products of cellular metabolism - are suspected of promoting the formation of tumors due to their tendency to change DNA, cell membranes and proteins. Garlic probably also prevents hardening and thickening of the arteries, known as arteriosclerosis, preventing them from sticking to the lining of the blood vessels. Garlic also lowers cholesterol on 9%. Reducing it for every one percent means a 2% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease. Garlic also helps in reducing body fat. The Chinese also included garlic in their pharmacopeia.

Medical research shows that garlic contains an odorless sulfuric allin compound. When it is cut, allin reacts with the enzyme with alninase and breaks down, forming an acutely scented alliysin, which then breaks up into a series of sulfur products with a strong odor.

Studies have shown that garlic is an effective supplement to a diet that lowers cholesterol, or a substitute for other cholesterol-lowering medications.

Two sulfur compounds found in garlic - diallyl sulphide and sallyl cysteine - prevent the development of cancer in laboratory tests on animals.

Garlic can cause serious harm, with diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. It is contraindicated in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, kidney diseases. Garlic is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

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