Thursday, July 19, 2018

The law of Genetic Poverty

Business trainer and lecturer Natalia Grace in her book "Laws Grace" very accurately singled out one thing that since childhood has been programming us for poverty.

And she called her the Law of Genetic Poverty.

This is worth reading to everyone:

"As a child at home with a classmate, we often hopped on the couch, until we saw adults. We were very pleased with the springs, sometimes very close to the surface; delighted with the dust, which flew from the clubs in the couch from our jumps. When twenty years later I went to my childhood friend, I saw in horror in the corner the same sofa on which we once jumped. He did not change much, as far as I could remember, but now I was shocked by the poverty and wretchedness of the situation. I mentally counted how much it could cost to buy a new couch, replace greasy chairs, a mirror, broken and sealed with a wrapper from chocolate. While we were talking, in my imagination I whitewashed the ceiling and changed the wallpaper. I wanted to wash the windows, flies, toss up sticks and cardstocks sticking out from under the couch, a broken flower pot tied with stockings. "And what, if it's bad with money? "- I thought ...

But the brain resisted and offered me to buy at least an inexpensive adhesive tape under the color of wood and pasted it with a table. Wherever I look, my eyes bump into some kind of breakdown, dirt, stains and debris. The brain suddenly said to me: "Why do you think there is always dirt around poverty?" I now ask you the same question. Even if you replace the word"Always" to "almost always" or "often", then it is easier to do this. Dirt is a manifestation not of lack of money, but of mentality. Think about it: dirt is a manifestation of the corresponding mentality. And since dirt and poverty are neighbors, poverty is a kind of mentality. Yes, poverty is in the unwashed head.

At school, I had an amazing teacher in literature - Tamara Grigoryevna, an extraordinary mind, very perceptive woman. She somehow dropped the phrase, which I remembered for life. Someone asked her what it means to narrow-mindedness, and she replied: "Narrow-mindedness is to drink from an old shabby clubs when a new cupboard in the stands". So it is accepted in many Russian houses: on a black day money is postponed, for a white day a cup is new in the sideboard, only a white day comes rarely, and black fills all life. Who lives by the expectation of the future, for that it never comes. And then I realized this: I'm ashamed to be a beggar; ashamed to be dirty. It's a shame to have a devastating head in your head, which inevitably affects both the home and the mentality of the children.

I know one woman who has saved money for more than twenty years to buy a dacha. She alone raised two daughters. The girls lived half-starving, on some porridges, and the eldest of them told me how ashamed she was to go out into the yard in old velveteen trousers with patched knees. The girl grew, and every year her trousers magically grew. Centimeter after centimeter unfolded turned from below fabric. She was not as faded as the rest of her trousers, and it showed beggarly tricks. Apparently, from here went the expression: "The ghost of the invention is cunning." It is not necessary to tell that the system in the state does not allow enough to earn. I do not scold the system but rot in the brains. For the same money, you can look decent or beggarly. When the mother finally bought the dacha, the two grown-up daughters did not have the slightest interest in this dacha, but the mother reproached her with an infinite indifference that she did not teach them what it meant to be a woman. The girls formed a complex of Cinderella. They, accustomed to seeing rubbed chairs and old dishes, shabby towels and coats of seven years ago, later becoming adults, were afraid to spend money on themselves. Every time they bought something, they got in a bad mood: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called two words: genetic poverty. It is already in consciousness, in cells, in blood, in bones. they lost their spirits: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called two words: genetic poverty. It is already in consciousness, in cells, in blood, in bones. they lost their spirits: they seemed to feel unworthy of new good things. This, my friends, is called two words: genetic poverty. It is already in consciousness, in cells, in blood, in bones.

Children who see shabby corners are subconsciously programmed for poverty. Already in adolescence, they begin to realize its severity. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov also noted that peeling walls and dirty corridors badly affect a student's ability to learn. Dirt and poverty suppress a person, the usual kind of a shabby environment programs to be a loser. You could object to me that hatred of poverty stimulates some people to develop and earn money, but I will answer that more people are breaking under the overwhelming burden of poverty. The words "trouble" and "poverty" have one root. Drive away trouble from yourself. Drive away poverty. How do I like the phrase: "Wealth is a state of mind. " So, poverty is also a state of mind. "


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