Friday, July 13, 2018

Inhalation from a cough in the home

Coughing is one of the most unpleasant symptoms that occurs for various reasons. One of the main is a viral infection that penetrates the oral cavity into the respiratory tract. At this moment, the protective functions of the body are activated, which manifest themselves as a cough.

The emerging sign indicates that an inflammatory process is developing in the respiratory tract, requiring immediate treatment. The most effective and often used method is inhalation with cough. What is the benefit of this useful procedure, are there any contraindications, we learn.

The power of inhalation

The essence of inhalation is the rapid delivery of useful components to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. During the patient's breathing, outgoing vapors of medicines breathe with the air throughout the bronchial tree.

In order to get these pairs, use special inhalers - nebulizers, or resort to home appliances - kettles, pots, etc. Useful components immediately fall on the mucous membranes, so the therapeutic effect is achieved immediately (which can not be said about taking tablets, syrups).

Another indisputable advantage is the possibility of inhalation in the home.

The benefits of inhalation.

Since practically all catarrhal diseases are accompanied by cough, the inhalation of vapors is the main method of its treatment. What is the benefit of the procedure?

  • Completely cures cough at the initial stage of its occurrence, preventing complications.

  • Moisturizing the mucous membranes, which helps to soften the throat during a dry, painful cough.

  • The production of mucus with dry cough, dissolution and rapid elimination - when wet.

  • Recovery comes faster.

In addition, no medicine that struggles with a cough can penetrate so deeply into the bronchial-pulmonary tree.

Rules of carrying out.

It does not matter how the treatment is performed - by an inhaler or other improvised devices, the procedure should be carried out in accordance with the rules.

  • When using a nebulizer, the patient should assume a sitting position.

  • Breathing is also recommended when sitting or standing.

  • Do not talk and do other things.

  • Preparing solutions for inhalation with a cough is necessary before the treatment session.

  • To inject fluid into the nebulizer, clean needles and syringes should be used.

  • If the cough is caused by inflammation developing in the upper respiratory tract, then the inspiration should be as deep as possible, in the lower ones - with a delay of several seconds.

  • Boiling water or purified by household filter water is not recommended to enter the nebulizer.

  • The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes, for children - 5-7 minutes.

  • Inhalation of medical vapors is carried out after physical exercises and food intake after 1 hour.

  • For a nebulizer, only purified water or 9% saline is used.

  • After the end of the treatment session, the nose, mouth and face must be washed (antisepsis should not be used in this case).

  • After the procedure, smoking is not allowed for 1 hour.

  • If several means are inhaled at once, then it is recommended to apply them in a certain sequence - first with a bronchodilator effect, then with expectorant and mucolytic. After coughing, disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents are used.

  • Do not breathe fumes of boiling water, as there is a possibility of a burn of the mucous membrane.

  • When using a kettle on a spout, it is better to put cardboard, folded into a cone.

  • The remedy for the inhaler should be removed. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 55-60 ° C.

If you comply with all of the above listed rules, then the cough soon disappears.

[caption id="attachment_4255" align="aligncenter" width="278"]Inhalation from a cough Inhalation from a cough[/caption]


Inhalations from coughing at home require compliance with all recommendations. In addition, the procedure has contraindications.

  • The temperature is above 37 ° C.

  • Frequent bleeding from the nose.

  • Severe diseases of the respiratory system.

  • Presence of allergies to medications.

  • Arrhythmia.

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In the presence of such conditions, inhalation of hot vapors is prohibited.

Types of inhalation

Depending on the temperature, they are divided into:

  • hot;

  • cold.

At the latter, vapor at a room temperature is inhaled. Foreign procedures do not require a procedure. When the temperature of the liquid rises to 30 degrees C, inhalation is conshot.d hot .

By the mechanism of distribution, inhalation is divided into:

  • steam;

  • hardware.

In the first case, the medicine is filled with water and heated in a container. Then the patient inhales the vapor emanating from the surface of the liquid. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to cover your head with a towel.

Instrumental inhalations are performed by using an inhaler, a nebulizer. Such devices have the ability to break a drug into small particles and allocate them in the form of a cloud, which should be inhaled by a person. To prevent the healing particles from flying apart, a special mouthpiece is used, which is placed in the nose or mouth.

How to cure a dry cough with a nebulizer?

Treat a dry debilitating cough at home can also be by inhalation. They have a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses. Besides:

  • the process of mucus formation is accelerated;

  • irritated mucosa calms down, edema is removed;

  • breathing is facilitated;

  • dry cough quickly passes into the wet stage.

Than to do inhalations at a cough at use nebulajzera? All preparations used for the device should be mixed with saline. The most effective are:

  • "Lazolvan";

  • "Mukolvan";

  • Ambroxol;

  • "Flavamed".

These drugs quickly penetrate the respiratory tract and have a complex effect, which consists in the production of mucus, and in the subsequent liquefaction and excretion. In addition, such medications are used for the nebulizer.

  • Bronchodilators - increase the clearance in the bronchi, eliminate spasms (Salgim, Atrovent, Berotek, Berodual).

  • Mucolytics - dissolve mucus and remove it ("Ambrobe," "Fluimucil", "ACTS", "Pulmozim").

  • Antiseptic drugs - have antimicrobial effect - "Furatsilin", "Dekasan".

  • Alkalis - contribute to the dissolution of thick mucus and softening by moistening the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract - saline, mineral water. Inhalations with saline during coughing are considered the most effective.

A dry, debilitating cough is well treated with such a remedy. Take the local anesthetic "Lidocanin" in ampoules. One treatment session will require only one. It is recommended to hold healing sessions twice a day.

Mineral water with an excruciating cough is also very effective. For one session, 3 ml of solution is used. Mineral water is preliminarily defended to achieve complete degassing. It is enough 3-4 procedures a day.

How to cure a moist cough with a nebulizer?

Procedures are effective in case of too viscous mucus. The use of a nebulizer will quickly dilute it and accelerate the process of excretion from the respiratory organs.

To begin with, a solution consisting of bronchodilators is introduced into the device, after 15-20 minutes from mucolytic agents. After coughing up mucus, anti-inflammatory drugs are used ("Kromogeksal"). Along with the latter it is recommended to inhalate antiseptics ("Chlorophyllipt", "Furacilin", "Dioxydin").

Important : it is not possible to administer medications for inhalation with a cough, consisting of essential oils, herbs and herbal decoctions to the nebulizer. Do not use cough syrups. For the treatment of special means are purchased, intended specifically for the nebulizer.

Recipes for steam inhalations for dry cough

On the question of how to breathe with a painful dry cough, the answer is the essential oil of a carnation. To do this, a few drops into the pan with warm, purified water. Put it on the stove. As soon as the vapor starts to emanate from the surface of the liquid, start breathing deeply and slowly, covering your head with a towel.

Important: do not bring the liquid to a boil.

Will promote the formation of mucus boiled potatoes. A few tubers to boil. Then drain and breathe.

The most effective in combating a painful dry cough is an inhalation solution. Take:

  • licorice;

  • sage;

  • mother-and-stepmother;

  • pine buds.

Mix the plants. 1 tbsp. l. mix with hot water and put on a plate. Breathe the solution for at least 15 minutes.

Be sure to try this recipe.

  • Sea salt, chamomile, sage, mother-and-stepmother are flooded with a liter of water.

  • To the mixture is added 2 drops of eucalyptus, cedar ethers and 20 grams. soda, salt.

Cover yourself with a towel and breathe.

The inhalation of soda vapor will be useful in case of dry coughing. To do this in 1 liter. water is added:

  • 2-3 drops of iodine;

  • a teaspoon of soda.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Inhalation of solution is recommended for at least 7 minutes.

Another effective recipe with soda. Take 5 cloves of garlic, pour them 500 ml of water. Put on a stove and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Then pour 1 tsp. soda. Remove the pan from the stove and breathe over the outgoing vapors.

Carrying out steam inhalations for coughing will not do without such a recipe. Take salt and soda in equal quantities. Pour the mixture with warm water (1 liter). Put on a plate and inhale the steam for 15 minutes.

To get rid of dry cough used for inhalation. In 1 liter of water is added:

  • 1 tablet of validol;

  • chopped 3 cloves of garlic;

  • 2-3 drops of coniferous ether;

  • 1 tbsp. l. leaves of eucalyptus.

All mix, put on a plate, inhale outgoing fumes.

In addition, medicinal plants are often used for steaming:

  • thyme;

  • cowberry leaves;

  • fake flowers;

  • chamomile, etc.


  • peach;

  • mint;

  • pine trees;

  • eucalyptus;

  • sea-buckthorn;

  • almonds.

The liquid for medical sessions is heated up to 50 degrees C. The duration of the procedure is from 7 to 15 minutes.

Steam inhalation with wet cough

An excellent vapor cough remedy with heavy sputum discharge is a mixture of a large onion and garlic head (5 teeth). Vegetables chop and dilute with water (1:10). Put it on the stove. Inhale for 15 minutes.

Help with wet cough phytotherapy. For this it is necessary to take:

  • lipu;

  • chamomile;

  • mint;

  • oregano;

  • lavender.

Herbs can be combined together or used individually. A half liter of hot water requires 1 tbsp. l. plants. After boiling, place the container on the table. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe until the liquid cools completely.

It will not be superfluous to use such plants:

  • pine buds;

  • sage;

  • raspberry leaves;

  • eucalyptus leaves;

  • St. John's wort;

  • lavender;

  • juniper;

  • needles.

These funds have an expectorant property. All you need is 1 tbsp. one or several plants per liter of water. Inhale until completely cooled.

Essential oils are also often used in solutions for inhalation. For 1 liter of water, you need 5-6 drops. The most effective for wet cough are esters:

  • bergamot;

  • cedar;

  • sandalwood;

  • anise;

  • thyme;

  • fir;

  • ate;

  • eucalyptus.


Such treatment will quickly dilute sputum and withdraw it from the respiratory system. In addition, oil vapors are able to fight microbes and strengthen the protective functions of the body.

With hard-to-separate sputum, solutions with soda are used. To do this, 3 tsp. the means are poured into the water (1 liter). It takes 10 minutes to breathe.

Effectively in this case, such a tool. Take:

  • eucalyptus leaves (glass);

  • a solution of honey of 3% (a floor of a glass);

  • raspberry leaves - 4 pcs .;

  • 5 g. mother-and-stepmother and lime flowers.

Pour boiling water and breathe until the composition is completely cool.

Cold inhalations are considered effective in any cough. So, if in a room where the patient sleeps, put saucers with sliced garlic and onions, this will allow to decontaminate the air. In addition, this kind of inhalation positively affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

As a means for cold inhalation, radish is often used. Rub it on a grater and place the gruel in a jar. Breathe air from the can, holding the breath for a few seconds.

Inhalational treatment is considered the most effective for coughing. You can carry out procedures at home. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and follow the rules.

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