Gelatin is known to everyone in cooking as the main ingredient for jelly or cold. But not everyone knows that it can be used to care for hair, nails, and skin.
Gelatin is a water-soluble protein that is produced by processing the connective tissue of animals (tendons, bones, skin, cartilage). Connective tissues mainly consist of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.
The lack of collagen is one of the causes of skin aging. Collagen is necessary for healthy growth of hair and nails. In gelatin, the collagen molecules are split and have a high degree of penetration into the deep layers of the skin.
While in cosmetic products containing collagen, these molecules are too large and they are not able to penetrate the skin deep enough. Therefore, using gelatin in home cosmetics, you will get the best result for little money.
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The gelatin also includes other useful trace elements: magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. In addition, it contains dietary fiber and amino acids.
Regular use of gelatin will smooth fine wrinkles, tighten the face oval, will give the skin firmness and elasticity, soften it and make it smooth.
Also, gelatin has a whitening effect that will help to make pigment spots and spots after acne less noticeable.
Gelatin promotes rapid growth and strengthening of hair, makes them dense, shiny and healthy. Gelatin also strengthens the nails.
For skin care, nails and hair use only food gelatin . It is available in plates, powder, granules or grains. The color can be light yellow or completely transparent.
Grade Gelatin has no smell. But low quality gelatin has a yellow color and a slight odor, reminiscent of the smell of glue.
Before using in home cosmetics, the gelatin must first be dissolved correctly in water.
Pay attention to the instructions on the packaging. Perhaps the gelatin variety does not require soaking at all or the technology of its heating differs from the classical method of dilution.
Dissolved gelatin can be mixed with other ingredients. Gelatin quickly freezes and turns into jelly, which will not be applied to the skin or hair. Keep this in mind.
But if you are too lazy to make different masks at home from gelatin, then you can just use it for food. You can cook the low-calorie fruit or berry jelly. The body will receive the necessary proteins for the health of hair and nails, skin and you are a delicious dessert.
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