Friday, July 20, 2018

How do social networks affect family relationships?

Not so long ago, German scientists conducted a study to find out how social networks affect relationships between close people. It turned out that it was extremely negative. Why?

First, many are extremely zealous when the other half begins to correspond with the opposite sex. It would seem that this is just a correspondence, but no, it can grow into something more. Secondly, some people are very negative about the photos of their friends - out of feelings of envy. In addition, they feel worthless. Third, many turned into the most natural maniacs - all they need is a large number of likes.

[caption id="attachment_850" align="aligncenter" width="300"]social networks affect family social networks affect family[/caption]
Now let's move on to real stories. So, virtual correspondence has often led to divorce. Moreover, there are cases when people killed each other after socializing in social networks! However, in most cases everything ends only in quarrels. For example, there is a young family. The husband indicates that he is not married and is free at the moment. Of course, this affects his wife's feelings and a scandal begins ... By the way, according to the latest research, about 15% of all divorces are due to virtual love.

Do not forget that over time people become dependent on such resources. If he is not allowed to communicate in a virtual environment, he begins to get nervous, panic and even be afraid. Much worse is that the more sociable in real life from this person does not become. On the contrary, it is locked in itself.

In general, despite all the benefits of social networks, they have many disadvantages. And everyone can be convinced of this.


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