Sunday, July 15, 2018

Food Poisoning: 8 Foods to Avoid

Food poisoning is an extremely unpleasant disease. Pathogenic bacteria, after ingestion, cause a variety of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Most likely, it is because of the likelihood of food poisoning that members of the royal family of the United Kingdom are prohibited from eating steaks of Rare fry and, for example, mussels. The expert on food poisoning Bill Marler told Business Insider which products should be excluded from the diet in order to minimize the probability of infection.

Raw water

Even in the water from the purest mountain sources can contain traces of animal feces, in which, in turn, "live" pathogens, such as lamblia, for example. In addition, the water can be E. coli, cholera vibrio, hepatitis A. Almost everything that can infect a person can meet in raw water, explained Bill Marler.

Raw flour

Many people consider flour quite harmless and safe, but in reality it is not. It also loves to live pathogenic bacteria (the same E. coli), and in order to get them into the body, it is enough just not to wash your hands - you can not even try the future baking during cooking. Because of flour, food poisoning develops in hundreds of people every year.

Raw seafood

Experts say that because of global warming, the temperature of the water in which the same oysters live also grows, which increases the number of microbes. These microbes also infect seafood, which, in turn, causes contamination when eaten.

Pre-cut vegetables and fruits

In an era of the universal shortage of time, vegetables pre-cut for the salad can be a salvation - but it's better to spend the extra two minutes and still wash and cut everything yourself. For example, a study in 2010, in which 208 containers with ready-made salads were studied, showed that pathogenic bacteria are contained in every third container. They could not become the cause of infection - and they could become.

Sprouted seeds

In sprouts also likes to live E. coli and Salmonella. In the US over the past 20 years, there have been about 30 outbreaks of diseases caused by bacteria found in such sprouts.

Raw meat

Well Done steak is much safer than it is - but roasting Rare. Experts emphasize that in order to kill all pathogenic bacteria, a temperature of at least 160 degrees is needed.

[caption id="attachment_4275" align="aligncenter" width="302"]Foods to Avoid in Food Poisoning Foods to Avoid in Food Poisoning[/caption]

Raw eggs

In 1980-1990, outbreaks of salmonellosis occurred quite often. Now they are less common, but there is still danger.

Unpasteurized juices and milk

There are people who believe that pasteurization impairs the nutritional quality of milk or juice - but it's not. It makes the liquid safe to drink, and do not give up this step for the sake of dubious pleasure.

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