Sunday, July 29, 2018

60 great tips that will make your life better

The page below will help you change the reality, both for yourself and for others, will help to stop the pain, and even make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Years of collected wisdom are at your disposal

1.If you do not think about the future, you are better at everything.

Consider the times: past, present and future. The difference between the proposals "Bob in the store buys nachos" and "Bob will go to the store to buy nachos" is clearly related to how far we are from having to eat nachos. That is it is necessary information.

This may seem surprising, but in some languages there is no future tense, or it is not necessarily there. In Chinese, for example, it's normal to say something like "Bob store to buy nachos", and no one will laugh at your cave speech, or beat you on the lips, because you did not specify the time frame for delivery of nachos. One might think that the speakers of these languages do not care at all about the time, as we know it.

It turns out that native speakers without a time found a much better solution.

Consider a study by Keith Chen from the Yale Business School, which analyzed 76 countries.

Particular attention was paid to saving money, smoking and everyday habits, as well as general health. The surprising result is that people who speak the language without a future time tend to make better decisions in the field of finance and health. In fact, it was found that "temporary" languages by 30% reduce people's ability to save money. It is believed that the speakers of other languages, let's call these languages "timeless," take life more seriously. And they are more serious about how their decisions will affect their future than we, the wild carriers of "temporary" languages.

The carriers of "timeless" languages consistently accumulate great wealth, and keep them for longer periods of time, they are healthier and live longer than the carriers of "temporary" languages, for which the past is what we left behind, and the future is as far away The planet on which the consequences of their current actions are located, and which they must someday visit.

2. Music changes your ability to perceive time

"Holding music" is what you hear in the phone's handset when you call, for example, a bank. This music gets to the phones not by accident. It is tailored to reduce the amount of time you wait. In other places associated with waiting, for example, in the offices of doctors, this trick is also used. "Time compression" is a favorite trick of many retail stores, which is why you very rarely find a shopping center, a supermarket, or an outerwear store that does not hear certain "background music". To understand how this works, think of the brain as a mountain lion, in the cage of which came a bag of money. It does not matter that the zoo workers distract the lion with food, bright objects, or just screaming and yelling. What matters is that they give a chance to one of their friends to sneak up and get money out of the cage, while the lion is busy determining which one of these workers to eat. Likewise, when your brain is constantly distracted, you notice less about what is happening around you, and what is the flow of time. The amount of information absorbed by the brain is limited, and when something constantly occupies this volume, we are less inclined to think about things like "Do I really need this alarm clock in the shape of Garfield's cat"? But this also works in the opposite direction. In some situations listening to music can really extend your perception of time. For example, listening to music while performing tasks that require extreme concentration, makes us overestimate the amount of time that really passed. The theory is that, periodically switching between perception of music and concentration on heavy tasks, the brain forms separate "events", or various memories. When your brain thinks about what you did during the last hour, you remember a lot of events of that hour and it seems to you that it lasted a long time.

3. Change reality by changing the wording

You may already know that even a small change in the wording of the survey can change people's opinion. For example, in 2010, four organizations conducted surveys to see what percentage of Americans support the so-called "public choice". The results ranged from a miserable 44% to 66% in support, which is largely due to differences in wording. Formulating this as "the government introduces a health insurance plan that people will receive from 65 years of age and older," they received support at 66%. And having formulated it as "the government launched an insurance plan," they received only 44% of support. Formulate this as "this is what Mussolini would like", and support will drop to 2%. You might think that this is just a survey of people who do not understand how the system works, but in fact the experiment clearly shows that the brain can be manipulated with subtle differences in wording, regardless of the level of human knowledge. In another study, social psychologists sent out surveys to several hundred registered voters before the elections. Half of them were asked "is it important to vote?". The other half was asked, "Is it important to be a voter?". With this only difference, the probability that people who read the word "voter" will vote on election day was 14%. Researchers suspect that using the word "voter" forces people to identify themselves with this word. Since these people considered themselves voters, they came and voted. On the other hand, using the word "vote" implies that you simply asked people to perform a task. Even if they answer "yes" to this question, they will not feel any connection with this word, so they are unlikely to go to the end. One question was about simple action, the second about the type of person. In this way you have been manipulated all your life, and now it's time to start manipulating yourself. Do not ask your friend with a truck, can he help you transport your mattresses. Instead, ask him if he wants to support the initiative of the housing community with his participation. Do not ask the police officer to let you go for speeding. Ask him if he wants to stimulate the local economy with the help of highly effective tax breaks for the middle class. Take your, and let your words work for you.

4. Music makes you stronger

It's not a secret that many people prefer to listen to music when they train. But music does not just make physical activity more enjoyable, it actually raises your working capacity. To music, people are able to carry weights for much longer than in silence. They are also able to complete the sprint in less time. As in the case of the "time compression" effect mentioned above, an important role in this is played by distraction. Usually if your brain listens to music, it does not think about how much your legs hurt, or how much you can still run before you hear the sound of the final whistle. However, there are several other important factors. First of all, synchronism. When your movements coincide with the tempo of the music, you spend less time and effort on inefficient deceleration and acceleration than when moving at your own pace. Music also increases the frequency of the "flow of states". States similar to a meditative trance, in which the athlete works correctly, and as a result, overall productivity increases. Music can even make you feel no pain. Patients who listened to music after surgery needed fewer painkillers, reported lower pain, and had lower blood pressure. Doctors also say that the specially selected melodic music dramatically reduces the stress in patients during brain operations. In some cases, the music allowed the patients to relax so much that they fell into a deep sleep while the operation was going on.

5. Your hand is a night vision device for the poor

By closing one eye while turning the light on or off, you help your eyes adjust to changing lighting.

6. The thought that you smell good makes you more attractive

In a recent study conducted by the University of Liverpool, they had several guys who sprayed themselves on Ax. Also, they had women who valued male attractiveness ... through video recording. And the men who sprayed themselves with the spray were rated as more attractive, although women could not smell them. According to the scientists who worked on the experiment, the guys who sprayed themselves with the spray imagined that they smelled good, so the language of their body showed great confidence, and the women who watched them answered it. So, all these guys just brainwashed with the help of a marketing company spray "Ax"? Did they really believe advertisements claiming that anyone spraying a spray on themselves would have a resounding success with women? No. The spray bank used in the experiment was unmarked, so those guys had no idea what type of spray was used. It turns out that amazing, mind-controlling powers of smell will not make a girl in a bar faint, it's self-deception. All that is needed in reality is a little confidence.

7. You can feel that you have slept well, after only two hours of sleep

So, you started to work on the night shift at the local McDonald's, plus every morning at 8.00 you have a study, and you have no idea how you are going to do all this and do not look like a guy from the movie "The Dawn of the Dead". And what if we tell you that you can sleep a little over two hours a day, and still feel completely fresh? No more casual dandruff during the frying of steaks for hamburgers! This is called the "Sleep Schedule for the Superman", and besides this pathos name, this is the way to get the maximum amount of sleep necessary for your body without spending precious hours that you could use for working, drinking, or "farming "Gold in the" Warcraft ". The schedule consists of 20-30 minute breaks per sleep every four hours during the day. Of course, this new model of sleep will have to get used to, but this is the price that will have to pay to increase the waking time by several years. Get started now. Go to sleep at 8.00, and set the alarm at 8.30. Stand up, play a little in the "Call of Duty", and lie down again at 12.00, set the alarm at 12.30, and so on. After three or four days of such a regime, you are literally stunned by lack of sleep, and maybe even want to give it up, but do not do it! Because it would be counterproductive. On the 10th day or so, your brain will say, "Damn! OK, we'll go your way, "and will begin to adapt to your new," superhuman "sleep routine. When you sleep normally, your body receives about an hour and a half of "fast sleep," which is believed to be the most important for the brain to remain clear. While other sleep stages help the body heal and grow, a "quick sleep" is what makes you feel rested. The first few days of addiction are very harsh, because your body does not get ANY of this "quick sleep", and your brain hates you for it. After the third day or so, the brain will begin to understand what you mean, and every time you go to bed, he dives right into the "fast sleep" stage in an attempt to compensate for all deprivations. Make simple calculations, and you will realize that these are two full hours of "fast sleep," while those who sleep usually get only an hour and a half.

8. Sports drinks work (and you do not even need to drink them)

Sports drinks are a huge business, only "Gaitoreid" makes them more than a billion dollars a year. And the reason why so many athletes assure us that drinks contribute to an increase in working capacity, replacing almost all the necessary nutrients lost during the exercises, is called "advertising". However, it turns out that all these electrolytes and "rehydration technologies" are simply nothing compared to the pleasure obtained from a heap of sugar in the mouth. The study showed that sports drinks work because they affect the pleasure center in the brain. You do not even need to drink them, a simple mouth rinse has the same effect. Carbohydrates in the drink stimulate the taste buds in the mouth, which then send messages to the brain that everything is just fine. Your brain, in turn, increases the activity of pleasure centers, and you can enjoy this deception much longer than a person without a sweet drink. Also stimulated is the part of your brain that is responsible for controlling the movement.

9. Trick your brain with saving money when paying in cash

Do you want to save money? Pay in cash. The study showed that people like to buy something with a credit card rather than using cash. Because cash seems to consumers an exhaustive resource, and people are trying to preserve this resource. While the credit card does not have such a psychological barrier.

10. You can say that the girl is interested in looking at her feet

Experts will tell you that it's all about body language, but you know something better. People, and especially women - are very, very good at pretending to be disinterested. If a woman directly rushes at you, most of the guys for her will be lost. But look at her legs. Apparently, people do not realize the movement of their feet as clearly as the movements of other parts of their body, so the feet constantly send messages to others. At the University of Manchester, a study was conducted, during which the movement of female legs in various social situations was observed. In particular, they found that if a woman holds her legs apart, trying to adopt a more "open" posture, it usually means that she became interested in you. But if she finds you completely disgusting, she is likely to cross her legs, or hide them under her own body. We will let you find out the symbolic meaning of these gestures yourself.

11. Your brain can be deceived by "legal hallucinations"

You will need three things: a ping-pong ball, a radio with headphones, and a red light.

Adjust the radio so that "white noise" (i.e., "static") is heard, and put on the headphones.
Cut the ping-pong ball in half, and tape the halves in your eyes.
Turn on the red light so that the source is in front of your eyes.
Sit for at least half an hour.
Go with your new friend the unicorn Harold into the forest of candy, where you live happily ever after.

How it works?

This is called the "Ganzfeld effect," and it works by blocking most of the signals that go to your brain. The brain eventually begins to ignore the sound of "white noise", and red light from the surface of the ping-pong balls. Without all these signals from the outside world, your brain will create its own world, and it will be a world of hallucinations. We can not guarantee that hallucinations will not be participated, say, by the ghost of Lizzie Borden, who tries to hack you with an ax, but this is a risk that you consciously go to. Now, if you want a little more control over your hallucinations ...

12. You can see dreams about what you want.

Welcome to the wonderful world of "lucid dreams". Most of you reading this have already had lucid dreams before. If every time you find yourself in a dream, you clearly realize that this is a dream, then you are probably able to bring your sleep in accordance with your requirements. There are many tips and tricks to achieve this, but we have narrowed their circle to a few things that seem most useful to us. As soon as you wake up, write down every little thing you can remember. Presumably, when you record this, your brain recognizes certain patterns that work only in a dream (since most dreams are immediately forgotten), and if they stay on paper, you can easily recall them. The best time for "lucid dreams" is time after you have slept well. Studies show that most people have "lucid dreams" after they have a little nap. Using these tips, you can do everything you want in a dream. Between sleep and reality there is a big difference. For example, if a sandwich jumps out of your refrigerator right now and starts screaming at you in Vietnamese, your first thought will be, "This is a very strange and unusual phenomenon, and I have questions for my perception." And if the same thing happens to you in a dream, there will be no questions. In a state of sleep, your mind loses the ability to critically perceive everything that is happening around, because during the dream viewing, the "critical" part of your brain is simply not being used.

13. You can adjust the sleep cycle with fasting

Most likely, when you start summer holidays or holidays, and you have time to relax from study or work, your sleep and wakefulness regime changes slightly ("a little" in this case means "you play video games from morning till night, and time on your alarm clock completely loses its meaning "). But when the holidays are over, you again need to get used to get up at 6 or 7 in the morning. And you understand that you will be at work as a zombie for at least a week. Of course, you could act responsibly, and start every day putting your alarm clock all the earlier and earlier, and this could provide you with a smooth transition from a rest mode to a working life mode. Or you can use one of the "cheat codes" of your body, and quickly adjust the cycle of your sleep. It's easy!Just need to starve yourself for about 16 hours. You probably know that your body regulates its biological clock and circadian rhythm with the help of light. Therefore, when your brain records light, your body begins to behave like in the daytime (you are more alert, more energetic, etc.), and when the brain records that after a long period of light the surrounding situation remains dark, then it inspires the body that it is going to go to sleep, and the body begins to generate hormones such as melatonin, after which a person begins to experience drowsiness. But what you probably do not know is that scientists have long since found the second "biological clock", which are regulated depending on food, and not on light. Imagine that you are a predator and went hunting. However, all the local animals you already ate and can not track down new ones.You spent the whole day searching for prey, but you did not find anything. After about 16 hours your brain loses control over your behavior. The brain at such times does not matter what coverage is now. All he wants is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!but they did not find anything. After about 16 hours your brain loses control over your behavior. The brain at such times does not matter what coverage is now. All he wants is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!but they did not find anything. After about 16 hours your brain loses control over your behavior. The brain at such times does not matter what coverage is now. All he wants is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!After about 16 hours your brain loses control over your behavior. The brain at such times does not matter what coverage is now. All he wants is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night.

Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!After about 16 hours your brain loses control over your behavior. The brain at such times does not matter what coverage is now. All he wants is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting.

Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!this is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!this is for you to find something to eat, and quickly. As a result, you do not go to bed late into the night, eventually find prey, and eat it. Your brain with the help of "food biological clock" fixes this moment, and tells you that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!that this is now your new "biological morning". It makes sense: your brain now believes that if you want to survive, you should go hunting only at night. Therefore, he decides that you must sleep during the day to save energy for night hunting. Thus, your sleep and wakefulness can be "reset" and restarted. Congratulations! You deceived evolution!

14. Gilt with dehydration and a feeling of hunger

Do you want to save money on food? DRINK MORE WATER. 75% of people experience chronic dehydration, which is a trigger for a false sense of hunger. The more you drink plain water, the less inclined to spend money on food and other drinks.

15. Gestures can manipulate your mind

Earlier, we noted that if a person is right handed, he instinctively prefers things designed for right-handers, and vice versa. The theory is that although we think with the brain, we use hands to interact with the outside world. And we mentioned earlier that you are more likely to remember some facts if you connect them with some gestures. But how far can this strange connection between the arms and the brain go? And can other people use gestures in order to manipulate you? You probably already understood that the answer is not the last question to be positive. Let's say you witnessed a robbery. The police approached you and asked to describe the guy who did it. The officer asks: "Does he have a beard?" And in this place he makes a characteristic gesture. He points to his chin, as if you do not know what a beard is,and you need to demonstrate this. And at this very moment you think: "Yes ... I believe that that guy really had a beard." Know: the above hand gesture has just "programmed" your memory.

And yes, when a politician or lawyer gets up and makes characteristic gestures to bring his point of view to listeners (pointing at the audience, clapping his fist on the open palm), it really works. There are detailed guides that tell you what you should do with your own hands so that the audience will buy what you sell bring his point of view to listeners (pointing at the audience, clapping his fist on the open palm), it really works. There are detailed guides that tell you what you should do with your own hands so that the audience will buy what you sell bring his point of view to listeners (pointing at the audience, clapping his fist on the open palm), it really works. There are detailed guides that tell you what you should do with your own hands so that the audience will buy what you sell them.

16. Use people's shoes in order to learn the type of their personality

We are not talking about obvious things, not about the fact that Goths or metal people always wear black shoes, that hippies wear their sandals, and hipsters are tight-fitting trousers and grandmother's curtains wrapped around their feet. According to science, shoes, worn on the feet of a stranger, can help to learn a lot of details about it. A study in two colleges revealed some specific tendencies in how we choose shoes. But this is not what you thought. Subjects could not calculate, for example, the political views of the owner of shoes, but could learn about him a lot of personal information, including potentially dangerous.

And now some examples:

Bile, meticulous people prefer new and well-groomed shoes, probably not to feel constantly clotted nerves.
People who wear practical shoes, as a rule, are relatively pleasant in communication.
Calm, collected people seem to enjoy wearing shoes that look extremely uncomfortable (maybe this is the way the roaring clot of agony and excitement that lurks inside these people is manifested?)
People aggressive, as a rule, wear ankle boots. At first glance, there is no internal logic in it ... until you realize that they choose this footwear purely subconsciously, because of its ergonomics, which allows you to kick more painfully.

If you read this and think: "Well, my shoes will not say anything serious about my personality, I just chose them because they are cheap and convenient", then bear in mind that this is also a certain type of person, and this person is used to to argue in this way. That's the whole point: no matter what logic you follow, it will take its own when you enter the shoe department of the nearest shopping center.

17. You can learn more while you sleep

Suppose you are tired of sleeping as a mere mortal, and you want to learn how to turn these useless cycles of "fast sleep" into productive cycles. A very slight change in the mode can help you use the dream to your advantage, resulting in you becoming smarter. Scientists have learned that if you need to remember a whole lot of information (say, before the exam), do not start learning it a few days before the exam. You need to start teaching at least one day before the exam, and you should definitely get enough sleep. A study at Harvard showed that this method works. The subjects were divided into three groups, and showed them various images in order that they remember them. The memory of the first group of subjects was checked after 20 minutes, the memory of the second group was checked after 12 hours, and the memory of the last group was checked after 24 hours. Probably,Do you think that those who were tested in 20 minutes coped with the task best of all? This is not true. Participants who slept before the check, and had 24 hours to "digest" the information received, coped with the test much better than those who were checked in 20 minutes. The ability of our brain to store information can be divided into three stages: obtaining information, consolidating it, and the ability to remember. The first and last stage is involved when a person is awake. And the second stage is a kind of "intermediary" between the first and last stages, and "consolidation" is switched on only during sleep. When you sleep, your brain constantly processes information that it has not had time to process during wakefulness. This helps to strengthen neurological connections in the brain. Think about this process,how to load some data into the computer. When you try to download something from the network, when you browse the computer on a computer, downloading the information takes longer, is not it? But if you close all third-party applications, the download will become smoother, and go much faster.

18. Booze at work makes you more creative

Getting drunk at work was probably normal in the 60's, because it was before we learned how harmful cigarettes, alcoholism and promiscuity are. But since then we've learned a few important things. In general, drinking at work is not a good idea. However, in some very specific situations, a little booze can help you. In certain contexts, having a glass at hand is really capable of improving your creativity (wait a second ...) ... for example, drinking can be used to reduce concentration. We are talking about finding balance: as mentioned earlier, allowing your mind to wander, you can significantly increase your creativity, because you will start thinking in other ways and look at the situation from different angles. This you can never achieve,remaining sober and completely concentrating on the problem.

19. Your gag reflex has a switch

Turn off your gag reflex, gathering your fingers on your left hand in your fist, and squeezing your thumb tightly.

20. E-mail turns you into a liar

There is a reason why it's hard for us to lie to someone in the face. And it is not just words. It is necessary to speak so that it seems convincing. You need to think about eye contact, about the movements of your body. All this will have to be controlled so that your lie is believable. Because of this feature, psychologists have always known that it's much easier for people to lie in letters than to face each other. A recent study showed that during email correspondence you are almost guaranteed to lie. Participants were asked to divide $ 89 with the second party. They were told that the other participant would not know the exact amount that was decided to divide, and suggested that these people themselves decide on the amount they want to give. Incredibly, 92% of people using e-mail lied about the size of the amount,which they shared. On average, e users almost gave their partners $ 27 less than what they were entitled to in a fair share. And that is not all. The subjects actually did not feel any guilt for their lies. It seems that the fact that a person stared at the computer monitor removes all emotions and feelings of guilt from his soul.

21. You can understand if a woman experiences orgasm by looking at her gait

Of course, all of our male readers are major experts in matters of female sexuality. But for those who do not understand these issues, we want to tell you something about the female orgasm. When it comes to climax, ladies can do this in two ways: either from inside or outside. Internal orgasm arises from the stimulation of "point G", and it is very easy to reach it if the partner member of our lady has the form of the letter "J". But most women reach orgasm outside, that is, with the help of stimulation of the clitoris. So if you are for some reason important to know if there is regular orgasms in the lady who delivers mail to you - there is an easy way to find out. You can find out by looking at how she walks. A group of sexologists from the Belgian University studied the connection between the gait of a woman and the history of her vaginal orgasms.Half of the women in the experimental group experienced orgasm, and the second half - never. Then they asked each of the women to walk around the room. And it worked. Sexologists could say that a woman experiences vaginal orgasm with a probability of 81.25%. And now we would like to caution you against using this method if you are not a certified sexologist. We do not want to be responsible for your wrong conclusions, and for your spiritual wounds. But if you are still interested, we inform you: experts believe that women experiencing orgasm have a greater length of step, greater pelvic rotation, and in addition, they "lack muscle lethargy". In other words, such a woman shakes her hips a little when walking, walks quite cheerfully, and does not seem to be constantly clutching her tennis ball with her hips. Free and confident gait.Now you know everything.

22. You can work more productively if you take into account the characteristics of people

Here's the guy who stumbles in the office, walks with a three-day stubble and traces of a hangover on his face. This person never comes on time, because he simply believes that everyone else should adapt to it. But hey, it turns out that this guy is actually the best employee of the office. We all have a "biological clock". And what's more, your natural awakening time shifts "early", as you grow older. All this is said here in order to convey to you the essence. And it consists in that it is necessary to allow people to work when their bodies are ready for this, and not to load them with work at the moment when their brains cry that it would be good to sleep now. This simple move will allow your people to work more efficiently. Scientists have found that most people think best thoughts in the late morning.So the request to subordinates to concentrate after 16:00 is a request of a stupid person. After lunch, most people start to get tired, and this leads to a drop in productivity.

23. Challenge yourself to feel the impossible

A fun trick that can be done at parties:

Lie down on the floor face down.
Ask your friend to hold your wrists. Keep your hands tight. Let the head hang freely. The body, too, relax as much as possible.
Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
After that, let your friend SLOWLY put your hands on the floor.

As soon as your hands go down, you will feel how they pass through the floor!

24. Wearing the red form helps to win in competitions

We already once said that wearing red clothes makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, but now, it seems, you can generally throw all the clothes out of the closet that does not have a reddish shade. Because it turns out that red helps to win in sports competitions. Two British researchers studied the results of the 2004 Olympic Games, and concluded that a person or team dressed in red, the chances of winning are very high. This conclusion was made taking into account the huge variety of teams, and taking into account different sports, both team and individual, such as football, taekwondo, wrestling. However, do not forget about such a key thing as "close correspondence". That is, if you are on the 23rd place of the standings and go out to fight against the guy who is number 1 in the world,no amount of red color will save you. But in a match in which opponents are roughly equal in strength, red clothing is a statistically important factor that contributes to victory. Researchers believe that the reason for this is that the red color symbolizes dominance. Demonstration of this can be seen in different types of monkeys, for example. People have something similar.

That is, the dominant males tend to blush strongly at those times when someone encroaches on their power, and wants to destroy the established hierarchy. The face of people also turns red when they are annoyed and ready for a fight. The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the clothing is a statistically important factor that contributes to victory. Researchers believe that the reason for this is that the red color symbolizes dominance. Demonstration of this can be seen in different types of monkeys, for example. People have something similar. That is, the dominant males tend to blush strongly at those times when someone encroaches on their power, and wants to destroy the established hierarchy.

The face of people also turns red when they are annoyed and ready for a fight. The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the clothing is a statistically important factor that contributes to victory. Researchers believe that the reason for this is that the red color symbolizes dominance. Demonstration of this can be seen in different types of monkeys, for example. People have something similar. That is, the dominant males tend to blush strongly at those times when someone encroaches on their power, and wants to destroy the established hierarchy. The face of people also turns red when they are annoyed and ready for a fight.

The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the pack.Demonstration of this can be seen in different types of monkeys, for example. People have something similar. That is, the dominant males tend to blush strongly at those times when someone encroaches on their power, and wants to destroy the established hierarchy. The face of people also turns red when they are annoyed and ready for a fight. The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the pack.

Demonstration of this can be seen in different types of monkeys, for example. People have something similar. That is, the dominant males tend to blush strongly at those times when someone encroaches on their power, and wants to destroy the established hierarchy. The face of people also turns red when they are annoyed and ready for a fight. The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the pack.The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the pack.The association of the red sports form with domination and aggression can send the opponent a subconscious signal that he admits a big mistake, challenging the leader of the pack.

25. Give a man a lollipop to make him more cute

To make it clear, we're not talking about giving someone a chocolate bar, and that this will immediately improve his mood, and thus make him do a lot of good things (although one experiment was done about this, and he even confirmed the validity of such statements). In addition to the experiment, five other studies were conducted, which confirmed that good people prefer sweets. If a person loves sweets, then it is likely that he does a lot of good things, simply because he likes it. Lovers of sweets are just good people, and they are kinder than those who, for example, prefer to snack chips instead of chocolate. The lovers of sweets turned out to be more self-denying and pleasant people in communication, compared to those who like salty snacks. Research simply confirmed the obvious, then,what others see in these people every day, so by and large these studies did not make sense. And perhaps, the innate kindness that is characteristic of every lover of sweets is just diabetes.

26. When you touch an object, you want it more

Really knowledgeable people know how important touch is: the seller or politician quickly slaps you on the back, or shake hands with you. The waitress knows that touching your hand promises her more tips. If the thing they sell is a physical object, they know that it's best to let customers hold it in their hands. That's why car sellers offer you a test drive. Why? And because touching people is practically a form of mind control. If you touch something, you will become attached to it. No matter what's before you. People, most likely, will buy what they have touched. But that is not all. In fact, people are willing to pay for such a thing anymore. That's why if the goods come in boxes, the store aims to put them on the display without boxes,so you can touch everything. Even if you really can not get actual information about the value of this product, it does not matter. You already rub your palms on the object, and this makes you feel connected with it, and can give you a false sense of ownership. And yes, the importance also has how the object is felt by your hands. We are now talking about one study that showed that water in a strong, massive cup seemed to people more delicious than water in a fragile cup, regardless of the fact that it was the same water. Even when people talked about cups, they still declared that the water in the massive cup was more delicious, simply because it was more convenient to hold this cup.You already rub your palms on the object, and this makes you feel connected with it, and can give you a false sense of ownership. And yes, the importance also has how the object is felt by your hands. We are now talking about one study that showed that water in a strong, massive cup seemed to people more delicious than water in a fragile cup, regardless of the fact that it was the same water. Even when people talked about cups, they still declared that the water in the massive cup was more delicious, simply because it was more convenient to hold this cup.You already rub your palms on the object, and this makes you feel connected with it, and can give you a false sense of ownership. And yes, the importance also has how the object is felt by your hands. We are now talking about one study that showed that water in a strong, massive cup seemed to people more delicious than water in a fragile cup, regardless of the fact that it was the same water. Even when people talked about cups, they still declared that the water in the massive cup was more delicious, simply because it was more convenient to hold this cup.a massive cup seemed to people more delicious than water in a fragile cup, regardless of the fact that it was the same water. Even when people talked about cups, they still declared that the water in the massive cup was more delicious, simply because it was more convenient to hold this cup.a massive cup seemed to people more delicious than water in a fragile cup, regardless of the fact that it was the same water. Even when people talked about cups, they still declared that the water in the massive cup was more delicious, simply because it was more convenient to hold this cup.

27. Each ear hears in its own way

It is believed that rational people rely more on the left hemisphere of their brains, and people of art - on the right. However, this is a fairly large simplification, because in reality both hemispheres of the brain cooperate with each other. However, it is true that the hemispheres of the human brain are not identical. In the case of sound, for example, the left hemisphere is responsible for decoding the speech, and the right is engaged in processing information. It is also known that the left hemisphere of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa. But since the hemispheres share information with each other, it is not very important what kind of ear we use to listen to certain things, right? No, it is not. Each ear hears in its own way. It turns out that due to the fact that the left ear always sends music to the right hemisphere,and the right ear always sends a speech to the left hemisphere, our ears began to evolve separately, and the ways in which they process sounds, they also differ. That's why your right ear is much better at hearing speech than left, and your left ear is better at recognizing music and timbres.

28.Music can return you lost memories

Music can help you remember something from your past, if you have, for example, Alzheimer's. Doctors have found that music has a certain potential for "digging" memories of patients who are even at the latest stages of dementia. So if you can not remember the circumstances of your first kiss, certain music can bring those memories back. Listening to music affects many areas of the brain, and in both hemispheres, and create a similar brain activity by other methods (for example, conversations) can not. Another area that affects music is called "hippocampus". This word would be a fun name for the school of aquatic mammals, but in fact it is the area of the brain that is responsible for the long-term storage of information. When you listen to music,which you know well, the feelings associated with the song are processed by the hippocampus, and as a result, appropriate memories arise. Sometimes these memories even return to you with certain feelings that are associated with them.

29. You can find out the rich man by how often he is distracted during a conversation

It would be nice if we could say how rich a person is by simply looking at it, is not it? But we can do it! Looking at the car on which he drives. Ha, it's just childish. The truth is much more prosaic. In 2009, two psychologists at the University of California examined the relationship between nonverbal cues from a person and his socioeconomic status. To do this, they distributed the subjects in pairs, and videotaped their conversation. They found the following: a richer man in a pair is more likely to demonstrate "disconnection behavior" more often, such as distraction on foreign objects, or playing with a pencil lying on a table. And the poor man, on the contrary, is interested in not becoming a source of "disconnection behavior", and therefore he actually constantly listens to his interlocutor,not being distracted by anything. He regularly smiles at him, nods and "assents". The theory is very simple: people of a higher socioeconomic status are less dependent on others, because of their wealth and higher education. Such people are not very interested in talking with others, they simply do not have a special need for such conversations.

30. Remember long lists with the help of the "Palace of Memory"

The human brain is very bad at remembering lists. Think about it: when you go to the grocery store, how many items from the shopping list you can remember? Three? Five? For most of us, it's okay: when you come home from the store, you'll find that you forgot to buy milk (which, by the way, was the main reason you went to the store). This is very strange, because there are a lot of other things that we do not have problems remembering. For example, we can easily remember the location of one hundred different small settlements around our city. It would be nice to find a way to exploit this power, in order to overcome our other weakness, is not it? A huge amount of our mental "horsepower" is spent on spatial memory, that is, on the study of the environment, and our situation in it.And there is a certain way that will help you learn how to memorize long lists. The so-called "memory champions" have been using it for a very long time. They call it "the palace of memory". Here's how it works: you choose a place that you know well, and which you can imagine without any problems. For example, it could be your apartment. Or the area in which you live. Or something else. And then you need to imagine yourself walking along a familiar place, and every familiar place on this route should be associated with the item on the list that you are trying to remember. For example, you are trying to memorize a long grocery list, and you decided to use the area in which you live, for the mental visualization of this shopping list. Let's say the first item on your list is condoms. You can imagine them, scattered along the road,at the very beginning of your journey through the district. And the second item on the list can be beer. Beer can be mentally tied to your ever drunken neighbor, who is lying on the side of the road on which you are going. The next item on your list is frozen pizza. You can imagine that the windows in the house of your drunken neighbor are made from large pieces of frozen pizza. Just let your imagination do all the work for you. And the more alive your imagination, the easier it will be for you to remember your long list. It all sounds like a joke, but it really works, and you'll soon realize that this is an incredibly easy way to remember. You simply connect your spatial memory to the case, literally forcing it to help you.which is lying on the side of the road, on which you are going. The next item on your list is frozen pizza. You can imagine that the windows in the house of your drunken neighbor are made from large pieces of frozen pizza. Just let your imagination do all the work for you. And the more alive your imagination, the easier it will be for you to remember your long list. It all sounds like a joke, but it really works, and you'll soon realize that this is an incredibly easy way to remember. You simply connect your spatial memory to the case, literally forcing it to help you.which is lying on the side of the road, on which you are going. The next item on your list is frozen pizza. You can imagine that the windows in the house of your drunken neighbor are made from large pieces of frozen pizza. Just let your imagination do all the work for you. And the more alive your imagination, the easier it will be for you to remember your long list. It all sounds like a joke, but it really works, and you'll soon realize that this is an incredibly easy way to remember. You simply connect your spatial memory to the case, literally forcing it to help you.the easier it will be for you to remember your long list. It all sounds like a joke, but it really works, and you'll soon realize that this is an incredibly easy way to remember. You simply connect your spatial memory to the case, literally forcing it to help you.the easier it will be for you to remember your long list. It all sounds like a joke, but it really works, and you'll soon realize that this is an incredibly easy way to remember. You simply connect your spatial memory to the case, literally forcing it to help you.

31. Zhegatelnaya gum - methamphetamine for the brain

The man chewing gum is just ... awful, right? Everyone thinks this is incredibly unprofessional. Chew, and people around you will say that you are worse than the Nazi. But perhaps all these people hate chewing gum because they feel like the ruminant inside them becomes stronger at such moments. Whatever it was, that plate of chewing gum is very similar to methamphetamine for your brain, and methamphetamine without negative side effects. In a study in which subjects were forced to solve various cognitive tasks with a rubber band and without it, people chewing gum showed better results in each test than the test for fluency (which is not surprising, because their mouths were occupied with an elastic band). It does not matter, contains sugar gum, or not. Because at the heart of this discovery lies "the excitation of the brain caused by the grinding of food".Chewing can "spur" your brain for about 20 minutes (yes, the effect does not last long, unfortunately). Chewing allows you to better control stress, and better cope with absent-mindedness.

32.Tap your hands in reading glasses

Can not you see something? Make a tiny hole between your fingers, and look through it.

33. "Expression of the face" of the car may cause you to buy it

The human mind likes to see human faces everywhere: in flat cakes, in clouds, in the moon, in the faces of other people, everywhere. This phenomenon even has a name: "pareidolia". By making human faces from different things, we do not just say: "Hey, that cloud looks like a president." We give these "persons" emotions, which, apparently, are based on the mimicry of the mouth and eyebrows. And researchers at the University of Vienna found that we constantly subconsciously combine these emotions, for example, with cars. It's easy to see that each car has two headlights (i.e., "eyes"), a radiator ("mouth"), and perhaps there is something that looks like a nose. Now that we know that we can transfer human emotions to cars, we can assume that most of us will try to choose cars that look "happy." Such as the old Volkswagen Beetle,eg. But this is not so. When we drive, we do not try to make friends with everyone, we are not hippies. No, what we want to convey to others is speed, steepness and aggression. So we want our car to have the "face" of the monster. Well, or at least the face of a mean man. Researchers have found that low, wide cars, with wide air intakes and with angular or narrow-gap headlights, give a picture of strength. Do not be sleepy, as you might have expected, but strength. And this is exactly what drivers are looking for, choosing vehicles for themselves. Beware, if you suddenly find that that huge SUV in front of the parking lot for some inexplicable reasons is attractive to you. This car is a cleverly designed trap,to make you spend $ 450 a month for a decade on a machine in which even three rappers do not need. On the other hand, you can use it to your advantage when you sell an old car. Just do everything to ensure that the machine "looked" at the world with the maximum "anger in the eyes."

34.Receive eyebrows to be more creative

You might think that the raised eyebrows are a universal reaction to the fist flying into your face. But according to a study published in the Journal of the Study of Creativity, a simple act of widening your eye cavities actually "stimulates" creative thinking. You see, there are two different types of attention: perceptual attention that you give to physical events in the external world, and conceptual attention that directly relates to inner mental activity. These kinds of attention are inextricably linked, like the merged twins. If one kind of attention is aggravated or blunted, the same happens with the second. If you increase your spectrum of perceptual attention (opening your eyes really wide), this will cause your brain to work more intensively, and allows you to use such types of creative connections,which were previously unavailable for you. The researchers tested this theory on two groups of people. One group was asked to raise eyebrows, the second group was asked to leave the eyebrows shifted. Participants of both groups were asked to come up with a headline for one photograph, on which was depicted a dog lying on a bed with a bagel in his mouth. A group of people with raised eyebrows offered the title "Betty the Beagle Beds a Bagel". This is a fun rhymed word game, which literally means "Betty the Beagle puts the bagel to sleep." And people with shifted eyebrows offered the title "Dog that breaks the rules," and this title is not even a grammatical sentence. This is because a group of people with raised eyebrows could concentrate more perceptual attention,which they then were able to "translate" into the conceptual, thus being able to expand creative thinking.

35.Use the facial symmetry of people to predict their well-being and leadership potential

Science loves to remind us that symmetrical faces are fine. Their beauty is complete and harmonious. When you see a person with a symmetrical face, he is likely to be richer than you. On the other hand, when you encounter a person with a very strange face, you immediately understand that it is better to take it to war precisely because his leadership qualities are incredibly high. A good gene pool, of course, helps. However, it is only a starting point on the way to facial symmetry. Really important things happen to your face as it develops. Practically everything: tobacco smoke, food that you ate in childhood, the transferred diseases - can form your face. There is one study that proves that people with symmetrical faces had a very prosperous childhood, rich parents,and therefore they also have a good opportunity to become rich. If people grew up in deprived families, their faces would be far from perfect symmetry. Such people will not have a huge bank account or a charming smile. All that they have is their individuality, which they will rely on in the course of life. These people are very effective leaders. They are waiting for an endless stream of struggle, with which a "symmetrical" person will never encounter because of his angelic appearance and thick wallet. Streams of struggle "are made to order", and with their help arise responsible and sometimes super-effective leaders. But do not think that any person with an asymmetrical face is automatically Winston Churchill. An asymmetrical face simply indicates that a person has a huge potential to become a new Churchill.

36.Save information, "stretching" the repetition

Attempts to learn something is a real hell, because time ruthlessly erases important information that you remember. This is the reason why many people complete the last-minute zither at the last minute before the exam. It's not just a delay, it's a fear that if we study all the materials a month before the exam, we'll just forget a part of them when it's time to go to the exam. Thus, the only option to pass the exam on time is to "shove" all the necessary information into your short-term memory, knowing full well that this information will be forgotten immediately after the exam. However, this is not an option. We need to keep the information for a long time, and at the same time it is advisable not to make great efforts. In other words, we need a scientific method that allows us to successfully store important information with minimal time and energy. There is one process,which can be measured, and through which your brain processes information. The process is called the "forgetting curve". If you want the information to stay in your head for a long time, there is one way to achieve this. But it will take a little more practice than when working with the "Palace of Memory", which was mentioned above. It all comes down to finding out the level at which your brain starts to forget some important things, and to adapt to this level. The procedure is called "time-stretched repetitions," and an animated gif image illustrates this procedure visually. Let's say you are trying to learn Spanish, and are going to take a big exam in this language in 4 months. The most elementary way to practice "time-stretched repetitions" is to put the words you need to learn on the cards.Spanish words on the front side of the cards, and the words of your native language are on the back of the cards. Cards should be placed in three boxes (or collect them in three heaps, if you do not have boxes). On the first box there will be an inscription "every day". On the second "every week", on the third "once a month". The inscriptions will remind you how often you are going to look at the cards. What? You say, "I will not force myself to study these things every day, and besides, I know that I can hold the materials in my mind much longer than the time marked on the labels"? Well, probably, you really can. But this method will tell you exactly how long you can do it. The first time you start, you train with all the cards. Those who studied first, move into a pile with the inscription "every week". Those who can not learn,move in a bunch of "every day". The next day you can try again, but now start with the smallest heap. In a week you can try to repeat the cards from "every week" again, and those cards that you remember well-move to the pile "every month". Simply put, you filter information, leaving yourself with fewer and fewer tasks to work with. A month later you will have only one pile with the inscription "once a month", and you repeat it to make sure that you have not forgotten anything. If you have forgotten something, the cards with these words are once again exhibited in "weekly rotation", for regular repetition.and those cards that you perfectly remember - move to the pile "every month". Simply put, you filter information, leaving yourself with fewer and fewer tasks to work with. A month later you will have only one pile with the inscription "once a month", and you repeat it to make sure that you have not forgotten anything. If you have forgotten something, the cards with these words are once again exhibited in "weekly rotation", for regular repetition.and those cards that you perfectly remember - move to the pile "every month". Simply put, you filter information, leaving yourself with fewer and fewer tasks to work with. A month later you will have only one pile with the inscription "once a month", and you repeat it to make sure that you have not forgotten anything. If you have forgotten something, the cards with these words are once again exhibited in "weekly rotation", for regular repetition.for regular repetition.for regular repetition.

And now look, what are you doing? Briefly, you find out the exact time that a particular material lingers in your memory. If all this seems too complicated for you, the Polish psychologist Peter Wozniak created a special program that will help you: This is just a graph, as an example. Yours is likely to be different. But yes, it really works. Wozniak experimented with himself, memorizing many thousands of meaningless syllables, and then discovered that he perfectly remembers the learned list of syllables even after three years.

37.Music can "spur" your immune system

This fact is unlikely to surprise those of our readers who are neurobiologists. They know that music can enhance immunity. For all the rest we report: these seemingly intangible, ringing sounds can significantly accelerate the recovery of health after a whole range of diseases, including heart disease, lung diseases and even common cold. Research in this area is not so much compared to traditional medicine. But sometimes all you need to overcome a debilitating illness is the AC / DC group. Music acts like a dinosaur from the "Jurassic Park". But it does not attack from one side. She arranges an attack on several fronts. Beginning, music helps reduce stress, reducing the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Jazz and soft rock, as it turned out,are also effective for reducing stress and for strengthening immunity due to their similar musical qualities. If you are wondering if your favorite music helps your health, then you should ask yourself another question: does this music cause you the desire to rebel? If the answer to this question is positive, then this is far from optimal medicine. In addition to lowering cortisol, music also raises "immune markers" in your body, causing it to produce more antibodies to fight the disease. It seems strange, but listening to Amy Winehouse can very well make you invulnerable to most potential diseases.Does this music in you want to rebel? If the answer to this question is positive, then this is far from optimal medicine. In addition to lowering cortisol, music also raises "immune markers" in your body, causing it to produce more antibodies to fight the disease. It seems strange, but listening to Amy Winehouse can very well make you invulnerable to most potential diseases.Does this music in you want to rebel? If the answer to this question is positive, then this is far from optimal medicine. In addition to lowering cortisol, music also raises "immune markers" in your body, causing it to produce more antibodies to fight the disease. It seems strange, but listening to Amy Winehouse can very well make you invulnerable to most potential diseases.

38. Repetition does not work with reading, but works with exam questions

Rereading your notes while watching "Mad Men" (television series) can not be considered a study, even if this is the easiest way for you to learn. In addition, so you spoil the impression of "Madmen". Look at the Madmen, and then leave some time to really take up the material. If you are a scientist or an engineer, solve problems. If you are engaged in history, write down the key points in a separate article, or try to teach the chapters that you read only to your lazy roommate (who did not read these chapters). If you are teaching English literature, stop reading the play you already read and write an essay in one page, with the argument that Hamlet was the greatest "pussy" of all time. Do something, anything that can test your knowledge,and really make you think, and then use your notes to find what you forgot. Then solve another problem, instead of sitting, and repeatedly assert: "Yes, I am sure that I can read well in this language"! Repetition is a silly undertaking when it comes to reading, but repetition is still the only real way to prepare for the exam. Every year, millions of students decide in their examination rooms their first problem with college entrance exams, and if there is any thing we learned in college, it's that when you do something important for the first time, you will surely go crazy. "Opportunities" is not the term that determines your course (in an institution). The teachers asked the same questions for many years, they even pretended,that they changed the wording of these questions, but the only reason they did it is that otherwise they will lose their accreditation. Just "google" the code of the rules of your training course, and the word "exam". There is no excuse that you did not do what you actually needed to do to prepare for the exams. Many students think about preparing for the exams as Dragon Ball Z (anime character): you concentrate and focus all kinds of your powers on endless texts for weeks, and then burn it all in one beautiful blast . But in the exams there is nothing special. It's simple: you become better at doing things only if you do these things as many times as possible. And that's the real plan for most college students, one way or another.

39.Your touch can hack your brain

Of the five of our senses, we pay the least attention to the sense of touch. And science has learned less, compared with other feelings. But recent studies have shown that we sometimes underestimate the very first feeling that we begin to develop right after birth. Feeling of the chair on which you are sitting now, the feeling of what you are holding in your hands, can affect our behavior, and the decisions you make. During the research, scientists found that they can easily control people's feelings and their perception, based only on the touch of these people to different subjects. For example, holding in the hands of some heavy objects made men think about serious things that are useful not only for them, but for those around them. For example, these people could decide to donate their money to charity. Men,holding more light objects in their hands, they practically did not think about charity. People who touch objects that are rough to the touch are more likely to see completely neutral social situations in a black light. Perhaps the most shocking finding of scientists was that touch involves touching objects not only with hands. People sitting on hard chairs will most likely support a tough line in the negotiations, and will also be less receptive to the arguments of their opponents. So do not lose sight of this moment when you will once again convince your boss to move you along the career ladder.most likely will see in a completely neutral light social situations. Perhaps the most shocking finding of scientists was that touch involves touching objects not only with hands. People sitting on hard chairs will most likely support a tough line in the negotiations, and will also be less receptive to the arguments of their opponents. So do not lose sight of this moment when you will once again convince your boss to move you along the career ladder.most likely will see in a completely neutral light social situations. Perhaps the most shocking finding of scientists was that touch involves touching objects not only with hands. People sitting on hard chairs will most likely support a tough line in the negotiations, and will also be less receptive to the arguments of their opponents. So do not lose sight of this moment when you will once again convince your boss to move you along the career ladder.So do not lose sight of this moment when you will once again convince your boss to move you along the career ladder.So do not lose sight of this moment when you will once again convince your boss to move you along the career ladder.

40.Music changes your drinking habits

Have you ever woken up in the backseat of a taxi after a long night during which you drank cognac, "polished" it with juice, and then long wondered how this your coat turned out to be where your pants should be? Well, now you have someone to blame for what happened: it's music. The fact that they play in a bar affects not only how much you drink, but also on what you drink. Do you know that you can get a person to buy an expensive wine by simply putting him classical music? Experiments prove this. Such music makes buyers feel that they are among successful, and very rich people. In another "blind" study, music of various genres, playing on the "background", forced people to describe in a different way the drinks they had already bought. Unconstrained, light music made people describe drinks as "seasoned""Pleasant to the taste." And live, rhythmic music made people describe drinks as "refreshing." An even stranger moment: in another study, scientists placed German and French wines in supermarkets, and next to each showcase were small flags of countries. In this way, wine buyers could say from which countries these wines were brought. The stores included quiet background music. So, when German music was playing, sales of German wines increased, and when French music was played, French wine was better sold. And this was not at all because the buyers thought: "Ah, Germany! I will remember you with good wine! " Questionnaires showed that buyers could not remember what kind of music was playing at the time of purchase, they thought they had chosen their wine simply because they associated themselves with it. People,who sell you a drink, perfectly know all these things, and regularly use them. Nightclubs often put very fast, rhythmic music to increase profits from the sold alcohol. In other establishments, especially in respectable restaurants, they prefer to put slow, relaxing music, which, whether you believe it or not, can also make you pay more for a drink. The pace of music is associated with the level of excitation of your body, and with the "speed" on which your nervous system works. Fast music increases excitement, so that customers will do everything quickly: quickly eat, quickly drink, quickly leave. What is good for the owner of the establishment, if he is concerned with serving more visitors in a short period of time. On the other hand, slow music means that you will eat and drink at a more leisurely pace.Perhaps you will even stay longer, in order to talk with your companion, after you get rid of your food. During your conversation, you probably buy a lot of drinks. You will buy them every time the waiter approaches you. And given the fact that a bottle of wine in a restaurant costs an average of $ 70, it allows restaurant owners not to worry about wasting occupied tables. Some restaurants go so far as to buy special sets of songs developed by sound companies, these songs have a special tempo, and create the atmosphere that the restaurant owner needs.when the waiter comes to you. And given the fact that a bottle of wine in a restaurant costs an average of $ 70, it allows restaurant owners not to worry about wasting occupied tables. Some restaurants go so far as to buy special sets of songs developed by sound companies, these songs have a special tempo, and create the atmosphere that the restaurant owner needs.when the waiter comes to you. And given the fact that a bottle of wine in a restaurant costs an average of $ 70, it allows restaurant owners not to worry about wasting occupied tables. Some restaurants go so far as to buy special sets of songs developed by sound companies, these songs have a special tempo, and create the atmosphere that the restaurant owner needs.

41. Write down things to remember them (even if you do not read them later)

And now, quickly: when was the last time you held a pen in your hands and wrote something down? Probably it was when you signed a receipt, right? Or when they checked the child's allowance? In our era of smartphones, most of us forgot how to hold a pencil in our hands. However, there is nothing good in this, because if you want some information to be in your brain, you have to write it down in pencil, manually. When we write something with a pencil, we turn on that kind of nervous activity that you never use when you tap on the computer keyboard. At the University of Indiana, an experiment was set up, during which preschoolers studying the alphabet were divided into two groups. The first group was shown letters, and said what kind of letters they were, while the second group was given the additional task of writing down the shown letters.When the children were placed in a "spaceship" (that is, in a device for magnetic resonance imaging), it turned out that the brains of children from the "writing group" literally sparkle. That is, their nervous activity has not only increased manyfold, but more than that: their brains began to work almost like adults. In other words, we have a thing that operates on the principle of the "Memory Palace": we see how one part of the brain "connects" in order to help out another part, and help it with memorization. We invented the keyboard, because it's easier to type than to write. However, creating a keyboard also means that we are losing the unique property of hand writing to capture information in our brain. A 2008 study showed that manual writing works particularly well if you do something that involves learning completely unfamiliar signs.It can be Japanese, notes, or some programming languages.

42. Consideration of the Apple logo makes you think differently

No, really. There is nothing magical in the logo itself, and even fans of Apple products would not say that their devices have some mystical powers that increase the brain's capabilities. However, for about 30 years, Apple sold its devices as tools for eccentric, non-standard-minded people (people who actually "think differently"). Plus advertising. So today, if you try to imagine a bunch of eccentric people working in the same room, you can hardly imagine them with Dell devices. No, you imagine a room full of sparkling white silhouettes from Apple devices. You just can not imagine anything else. "The Journal of Consumer Demand Studies" believes that one of the ways to keep your "thinking muscles" well lubricated and flexible, like a predator throw,is the consideration of the Apple logo. Fortunately, there are some disagreements on this score. Otherwise, you probably already would have to go to the nearest cafe in order for it to work. The research itself was originally based on the idea that people assign human qualities to different corporate logos. For example, the letter "M" from the logo "McDonald's" seems to people warm and friendly. But the logo "Walmart" seems to them cold and indifferent. All this is based on how we view these corporations in popular culture, because of their continuous advertising campaigns. Thus, researchers found that when people are "inflamed" with a certain logo, this leads them into a certain mood.And in the case of the Apple logo, subjects demonstrated an increase in creativity and ingenuity only from the fact that the "bitten apple" loomed before their eyes. A study was conducted in which 341 students participated. Students were divided into 2 groups. One group was shown a series of logos «Apple», the second group showed the logos «IBM». Each group was instructed to make a list with the maximum number of ways to use ordinary brick. And of course it turned out that a group of students "Apple" was able to come up with much more non-standard ways of using bricks than the "IBM" group.the second group was shown the logos of IBM. Each group was instructed to make a list with the maximum number of ways to use ordinary brick. And of course it turned out that a group of students "Apple" was able to come up with much more non-standard ways of using bricks than the "IBM" group.the second group was shown the logos of IBM. Each group was instructed to make a list with the maximum number of ways to use ordinary brick. And of course it turned out that a group of students "Apple" was able to come up with much more non-standard ways of using bricks than the "IBM" group.

43. Deceive your eyes by "burning" the colors

Look closely at the white point for 16 seconds, without blinking, and without looking away, and you will see how the whole drawing will turn white.

It seems to you because your color perception is based on "color pairs". At a time you can see only one half of the color pair. When you "burn" one of the colors in the "color pair", another color is also "burned".

44. Working at the worst of the day with the worst people makes you smarter

When it comes to solving problems, we like to think that we know how to get better results. We know whether we are a "lark" or an "owl", and we know the types of people with whom we manage to work particularly well. When we are in college, we choose a schedule of studies that covers exactly the time of day in which our brain works best, and choose for ourselves those research groups that have a unique combination of introverts, extroverts and Asians who, like us we believe, will ideally complement us. In our world, the more success you achieve, the more opportunities you have to choose whom to work with and when. But here science must tell us that we are doing everything wrong. In one study, "larks" actually performed better when they solved the problems that came to them at night,while "owls" were better, solving the morning problems. And yet we are pretty poorly versed in how well we can work within a particular group: research has shown that people work much worse when they have to work with those whom they consider to be the most comfortable companions or best friends. It challenges everything we know about the arrangement of things. Think, for example, about the Beatles. They were the most famous group of their time, and they had an almost supernatural ability to compose music that would make them even more famous, but it did not last a decade either. With hundreds of millions of dollars, with unprecedented fame, the Beatles fell apart faster than many failed marriages.Being friends in an everyday and comfortable social environment is a great way to make yourself completely unsuitable for solving work problems. This is about the same as "larks", which do a much better job at night.

45.Get satisfaction from shopping without spending money

As it always happens before the holidays, we will soon again show stories of running around supermarkets. Hundreds of crazy people line up in front of shops in the wee hours, not to buy something rare or very valuable. No, they want to buy all the same nonsense they could not buy yesterday, because yesterday it was worth a little more expensive. People like to tease people. Let's leave the rabid housewives in the supermarkets alone. Instead, we ask you: do you play video games? For sure in your collection there are games that you once bought, but never played. Studies show that more than 10% of you have games that you bought, but did not even tear off the wrapper from them. The network has sites that seek to help gamers get rid of new games that they do not need.Why is this happening? The answer is simple: dopamine. Sweet, sweet dopamine. This is the substance that your brain produces when it reacts to sex, drugs, or a really good cheeseburger. Dopamine is involved in a variety of body functions associated with behavior, cognition, movement, and other important things, such as maintaining the ability to salivate, or secrete breast milk during lactation. But more importantly, the allocation of dopamine precedes punishments and rewards. In fact, it is a substance that serves to motivate us to learn new things, explore new things, or acquire something new. So, the "need for a new" can be satisfied not only with the help of a trip to the store. There is a way to break this system: instead of buying something, you need only to anticipate the purchase.It is necessary to fix your consciousness on this sensation in order to provoke the production of dopamine. If you still could not resist buying, then before buying should follow the thoroughness of the corporate lawyer to check the conditions for the return of purchased items in this store. In such a simple way you can control the "shopping binge", and you will have a way to get rid of things that you will never use.which you will never use.which you will never use.

46.Zestikuliruyu for better visualization of your problems

The connection between abstract thinking and movements can be very strange. We used to say that you can improve your memory by connecting your hand gesture with the thing you are trying to memorize. We also said that different speakers use gestures to hold you, and to persuade you. No, we do not now suggest starting to manipulate the bag-chairs, or start playing card tricks (although this would surely please your colleagues). But the simple use of hands to better represent the different aspects of the problem can help your mind separate and organize certain ideas related to this problem. In other words, gestures will help you visualize the problem. And the harder the problem, the more you need to visualize it with gestures. And for this you need to use both hands.A study was conducted with the participation of a group of people who were given some completely ordinary, everyday items, and asked to come up with new, unusual ways of using these items. For example, a coin could be used as a flat screwdriver, and an ordinary female bra could be turned into a slingshot. Some people from the group were recommended to do gestures with both hands at the moment when they explained the way they invented the use of the usual thing. And other people were allowed to use only one hand for gesticulation. The group, gesticulating with both hands, found more inventive ways of using things than people gesticulating with one hand.unusual ways of using these items. For example, a coin could be used as a flat screwdriver, and an ordinary female bra could be turned into a slingshot. Some people from the group were recommended to do gestures with both hands at the moment when they explained the way they invented the use of the usual thing. And other people were allowed to use only one hand for gesticulation. The group, gesticulating with both hands, found more inventive ways of using things than people gesticulating with one hand.unusual ways of using these items. For example, a coin could be used as a flat screwdriver, and an ordinary female bra could be turned into a slingshot. Some people from the group were recommended to do gestures with both hands at the moment when they explained the way they invented the use of the usual thing. And other people were allowed to use only one hand for gesticulation. The group, gesticulating with both hands, found more inventive ways of using things than people gesticulating with one hand.And other people were allowed to use only one hand for gesticulation. The group, gesticulating with both hands, found more inventive ways of using things than people gesticulating with one hand.And other people were allowed to use only one hand for gesticulation. The group, gesticulating with both hands, found more inventive ways of using things than people gesticulating with one hand.

47. Control anger with your non-dominant hand

Of course, there are a lot of tricks in order to calm your anger. Of course, everyone remembers how my mother taught them: stop, take a breath, and count to 10! But all these tricks, of course, do not work, because at times when you are very angry, you just can not think logically. So you need something that will seriously increase your resistance to anger, before the anger reaches its climax. It came from a university in New South Wales. They found an excellent trick to help themselves, and this is not quiet jazz music or playful kittens in sunglasses. People who had problems managing anger were asked to spend two weeks using their non-dominant hand for something that does not endanger anyone: to open doors and slam them, to write "hate letters", to pour out coffee,and for other, not very pleasant actions, which they could only come to mind. After two weeks, subjects could control their outbursts of anger much better, even when other participants deliberately insulted them in order to provoke an angry reaction. How is this possible? It turns out that people who use their "clumsy" hand, and perform daily tasks with it, were forced to deal with hundreds of small, but fully controlled moments of their frustration. And this was enough to increase their resistance to sudden bouts of cause an angry reaction. How is this possible? It turns out that people who use their "clumsy" hand, and perform daily tasks with it, were forced to deal with hundreds of small, but fully controlled moments of their frustration. And this was enough to increase their resistance to sudden bouts of cause an angry reaction. How is this possible? It turns out that people who use their "clumsy" hand, and perform daily tasks with it, were forced to deal with hundreds of small, but fully controlled moments of their frustration. And this was enough to increase their resistance to sudden bouts of anger.

48. The arms and hair of people give you a clue to their sexual orientation

If you are a person who really needs to know the sexual orientation of strangers who have to face, then in order to deal with this, the usual superficial glance will not be enough. However, you can get one good idea about this. Pay attention to the hands and hair. Earlier we mentioned one of the indicators of probable homosexuality: the theory of the ratio of numbers. It assumes that the ratio of the length of your ring finger to the length of your index finger is affected by the total amount of testosterone you have been exposed to while in your mother's womb. In men and women this ratio differs. For most men, ring fingers are longer than forefinger. In most women, the index and ring fingers are almost equal in length. There are studies in which it is supposed,that the change in typical "male" and "female" ratios of finger lengths is a good indicator of sexual orientation. In other words, if a guy has an index and ring finger almost the same length, he can be gay. But the easier way: look at what kind of hand they write. Studies show that homosexuals of both sexes with a probability of 50% are left-handed. Finally, pay attention to their hair. Or rather, look at the direction of the curls of hair on their crown. A study of the curls of 50 homosexuals showed that 23% had curls directed counter-clockwise.But the easier way: look at what kind of hand they write. Studies show that homosexuals of both sexes with a probability of 50% are left-handed. Finally, pay attention to their hair. Or rather, look at the direction of the curls of hair on their crown. A study of the curls of 50 homosexuals showed that 23% had curls directed counter-clockwise.But the easier way: look at what kind of hand they write. Studies show that homosexuals of both sexes with a probability of 50% are left-handed. Finally, pay attention to their hair. Or rather, look at the direction of the curls of hair on their crown. A study of the curls of 50 homosexuals showed that 23% had curls directed counter-clockwise.

49. Mint - "smart medicine"

The smell of peppermint prevents fatigue, and improves concentration during the performance of heavy tasks.

50. "Boost" your immune system by looking at pictures

Your brain controls everything, including your immune system. And we already know that viewing certain images can cause quite specific physical reactions in the body: some pictures, for example, cause us to increase salivation. And when you see in the picture sick people, your body automatically increases its "defense". Scientists from the University of British Columbia showed their students a short 10-minute slideshow of pictures with sick people, in order to measure the response of the immune systems of the subjects. That is within 10 min. students looked at people with a rash, people with a heavy cough, and with those scary scars from a launch vehicle explosion that you can see in middle-aged people. In the course of the experiment, scientists noticed that leukocytes in the blood of the subjects gradually began to produce interleukin 6 (IL-6).This is the kind of protein that our body produces in order to repel an attack of infection, or to recover from a severe burn. You probably think that activating the immune systems of the subjects was simply a response to stress. But this is not so. No, of course those students did not have guns at sight. However, there was a second group of subjects who were shown pictures of people guiding them with firearms. And in this group, the increase in interleukin 6 reached only 6%. And when the same group showed sick people, there was a 23% increase in protein.Of course those students did not have guns at sight. However, there was a second group of subjects who were shown pictures of people guiding them with firearms. And in this group, the increase in interleukin 6 reached only 6%. And when the same group showed sick people, there was a 23% increase in protein.Of course those students did not have guns at sight. However, there was a second group of subjects who were shown pictures of people guiding them with firearms. And in this group, the increase in interleukin 6 reached only 6%. And when the same group showed sick people, there was a 23% increase in protein.

51. Singing will help you stop freaking out.

Yes, singing. But in order to understand why this works, you first need to learn something about a phenomenon that we call "suffocation". This happens to all professional athletes, almost in any sport: from the team of "Houston oil workers" to the figure skater Michelle Kwan at the Olympic Games. But why is this happening? It's one thing - an amateur, and quite another thing - a professional who does only what he / she has been taught all his life? Well, it turns out that professional sportsmen choke far more than any of us. Suffocation arises when people start to think too much about what they have to do. As a result, they have increased pressure, which plunges the human brain into a condition called paralysis analysis. This is when your "working memory" along with part of your brain literally ceases to work. But it turns out,The solution to this problem can be ordinary singing. Research shows that doing something that is also controlled by the brain (for example, singing or hum), somewhat distracts your brain from the primary task. This, in turn, does not allow your "working memory" to be blocked, and prevents the occurrence of choking. In essence, singing simply distracts your reason enough for a long time so that your "muscle memory" can complete the work assigned to it. Professional golfers, for example, consistently use different versions of this strategy to stop haggling before a decisive blow. For example, they begin to count in reverse order from 10 to 1, in order to at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game situation.which is also controlled by the brain (for example, singing or hum), somewhat distracting your brain from the primary task. This, in turn, does not allow your "working memory" to be blocked, and prevents the occurrence of choking. In essence, singing simply distracts your reason enough for a long time so that your "muscle memory" can complete the task assigned to it. Professional golfers, for example, consistently use different versions of this strategy to stop haggling before a decisive blow. For example, they start counting in the opposite order from 10 to 1, in order to at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game situation.which is also controlled by the brain (for example, singing or hum), somewhat distracting your brain from the primary task. This, in turn, does not allow your "working memory" to be blocked, and prevents the occurrence of choking. In essence, singing simply distracts your reason enough for a long time so that your "muscle memory" can complete the task assigned to it. Professional golfers, for example, consistently use different versions of this strategy to stop haggling before a decisive blow. For example, they begin to count in reverse order from 10 to 1, in order to at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game situation.and prevents the occurrence of suffocation. In essence, singing simply distracts your reason enough for a long time so that your "muscle memory" can complete the work assigned to it. Professional golfers, for example, consistently use different versions of this strategy to stop haggling before a decisive blow. For example, they start counting in the opposite order from 10 to 1, in order to at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game situation.and prevents the occurrence of suffocation. In essence, singing simply distracts your reason enough for a long time so that your "muscle memory" can complete the task assigned to it. Professional golfers, for example, consistently use different versions of this strategy to stop haggling before a decisive blow. For example, they start counting in the opposite order from 10 to 1, in order to at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game at least a little distraction from the constant analysis of the game situation.

52. Analyzing your thoughts too much, you can change your mind for the worst

Have you ever talked about anything with great sympathy? Let's say you watched the movie "The Dark Knight: the Restoration of the Legend" at the cinema, and had a great time. However, the next day you talked with your friends, movie connoisseurs, and they pointed out to you all the shortcomings in the script of this film ("Where, I wonder, Batman found time to paint his sign on that bridge ?!"). For a long time you are thinking about it, and in the end you find that you can no longer admit that you enjoyed this film. Even when you remember how great everything was in the theater, all that you can really think about now is the "holes" in the script of the film. Here you can convince yourself that it's just thinking about the movie that led you to the "right" opinion about it. However,that you can change your opinion very quickly and easily from the right one to the wrong one. The researchers conducted several experiments, where the subjects were asked to form their opinion on some things. For example, about what college course they liked most, or jam of what brand seems to them the most delicious. The catch was that some participants were asked to just taste the jam, or to experience some things in motion, while the other subjects were asked to seriously consider their decision before declaring it officially. The opinions of those who seriously considered their decisions, least coincided with the opinions of experts on these issues. That is, the more subjects thought about the subject, the more wrong their opinion of him became. How is this possible? Let's go back to jam. You can taste five kinds of jam, and decide,that jam number 4 is the most delicious, because at that moment your feelings were influenced by a thousand different factors that you did not consciously think about. But when you are pressured and asked to explain in detail why you chose this brand of jam, you begin to look for easily measurable things to justify your opinion. Suddenly you start talking about the fact that jelly No. 2 contains more berries, while jam No. 1 has better color. In fact, none of the things you said have affected your enjoyment of jam. You are just trying to convince yourself that you have made a decision based on a clear, easily understandable logical chain, while the real explanation has always been in your language. When you are literally forced to discuss with the stick a quality of something that is easier to discuss,Your first impressions of the subject and the associated charms are suddenly dissipated. Well, congratulations, you have successfully used your own logic to kill your own pleasure. Many thanks, brain.

53. The music makes you more sociable

Why is such a narcissistic donkey, like John Mayer, who is not even so attractive, still has hot women of all ages who literally rush at him? It's all guitar, is not it? In fact, a professional musician, like Mayer, probably would be able to persuade a woman to jump into his bunk without even playing a single note. It turns out that studying music gives you certain advantages when it comes to perceiving the emotions of other people, so those years during which you were chained to the piano can one day start working for your benefit. People who know how to play musical instruments on an almost professional level can detect subtle emotional changes and intonations in the voices of other people's voices. In other words, they actually know that you are sad,although you tell them that everything is fine. Studies show that people who studied music, in fact, "reconfigured" the brain. And they have them arranged differently, unlike non-musicians. This "re-tuning" gives the musicians the opportunity to better express the feelings they experience, and it also makes them able to understand that they express the emotions of other people. Music is extremely emotional, and people with a "reconfigured" brain can detect subtle emotional changes not only in music, but also in the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.who studied music, actually "reconfigured" the brain. And they have them arranged differently, unlike non-musicians. This "re-tuning" gives the musicians the opportunity to better express the feelings they experience, and it also makes them able to understand that they express the emotions of other people. Music is extremely emotional, and people with a "reconfigured" brain can detect subtle emotional changes not only in music, but also in the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.who studied music, actually "reconfigured" the brain. And they have them arranged differently, unlike non-musicians. This "re-tuning" gives the musicians the opportunity to better express the feelings they experience, and it also makes them able to understand that they express the emotions of other people. Music is extremely emotional, and people with a "reconfigured" brain can detect subtle emotional changes not only in music, but also in the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.This "re-tuning" gives the musicians the opportunity to better express the feelings they experience, and it also makes them able to understand that they express the emotions of other people. Music is extremely emotional, and people with a "reconfigured" brain can detect subtle emotional changes not only in music, but also in the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.This "re-tuning" gives the musicians the opportunity to better express the feelings they experience, and it also makes them able to understand that they express the emotions of other people. Music is extremely emotional, and people with a "reconfigured" brain can detect subtle emotional changes not only in music, but also in the voice of the interlocutor during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.but also in the timbre of the interlocutor's voice during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.but also in the timbre of the interlocutor's voice during a conversation with him. Emotions of music lead to knowledge. For example, to the knowledge that your boss is a psycho. Or that your mother is secretly disappointed by you. The earlier you start to study music, the more obvious will be the "reconfiguration" of your brain.

54. Remove the swallowing in the throat with your finger.

You can cure an itchy throat by massaging your ears with your fingers.

55. Rasseyannoe drawing of straight, twisted lines, helps to think

You probably saw people bending over their notebooks, and trying to evoke the idea, they begin to absent-mindedly draw spirals or smiling faces on the edges of the sheets. It's like a sad manifestation of boredom, and a complete lack of useful ideas, but these actions can "spur" the brain. This is not just an aimless drawing, success depends on what they draw in their notebooks. Researchers at Stanford University found that diffuse drawing helps abstract thinking. They collected 30 subjects, and divided them into 2 groups. People in the first group were asked to draw a lot of cogged lines, and people in the second group had to draw only one elegant, twisted line. After the drawing session, each group was given the task of creative thinking. They were given a series of "samples" that were words,which clearly illustrate certain categories. For example, "tritseratops" would be a strong example for the "dinosaurs" category. The researchers asked the subjects to distribute the samples into categories, and found that the group that drew one twisted line linked the weak samples to absolutely unrelated categories. For example, they insisted that "camels" are an acceptable example of "vehicles." The result: the group that came up with the most ingenious and most abstract answers during the testing is the group whose participants painted continuous lines. The second group did a "bare minimum", giving only the most obvious and boring answers. The theory is that all this relates more to the movement of the hand than to drawing. Our brain more like continuous and smooth movements, rather than sharp, jerky,and abounding in straight and sharp angles. It is continuous smooth movements that can "spur" our creativity.

56. Coffee, drunk before a nap, "recharge" your body

Imagine that you are a night owl who is trying to do some work on time, or that you drive around the city all night trying to figure out exactly which warehouse the Joker hid by Harvey Dent. No matter what this is, it is important that you are incredibly tired, and a dream in your situation is not a solution. In this situation, you either drink a little coffee, or take a nap. Science took these two options, which contradict each other, and joined them together. And it worked. The researchers found that a cup of coffee, followed by a 15-minute nap, is more effective, and a longer wake-up time than slumber alone, or coffee alone. This seems strange, since you probably think that caffeine will not let you sleep, leaving you on the verge of shutting down, but not letting go completely. But the catch is,that caffeine does not begin to act immediately. He needs about 45 minutes to get started. And the effect of caffeine passes in 15 minutes. In fact, caffeine blocks the ability of your brain to react to adenosine, a substance that is produced by your body when your brain tries to get you to go to bed. Thus, a person who has drunk a cup of coffee and went to bed for 15 minutes, can regularly get a refreshing effect of drowsiness, and by the time he wakes up, the caffeine he has drunk will finally start acting and will suppress the effect of adenosine, thus causing fatigue in the face.which is produced by your body when your brain tries to make you go to bed. Thus, a person who has drunk a cup of coffee and went to bed for 15 minutes, can regularly get a refreshing effect of drowsiness, and by the time he wakes up, the caffeine he has drunk will finally start acting and will suppress the effect of adenosine, thus causing fatigue in the face.which is produced by your body when your brain tries to make you go to bed. Thus, a person who has drunk a cup of coffee and went to bed for 15 minutes, can regularly get a refreshing effect of drowsiness, and by the time he wakes up, the caffeine he has drunk will finally start acting and will suppress the effect of adenosine, thus causing fatigue in the face.

57. "Ignition" will allow you to play people as puppets

Come on, quickly: when was the last time you bought flowers at the grocery store? Never? And when you go to most major chain stores, what do you see first? That's right, very often there are flowers. But what the heck? These are grocery stores, and people should buy food there. So why are there flowers at the door, to which 99% of buyers will not even look? This has to do with the subtle science of mind control known as "inflammation." Yes, it is possible: to completely control the behavior of people without their knowledge. We are not talking about any "subconscious proposals", this is a disproved stunt, in which it was alleged that people can be forced to buy certain things by inserting hidden messages into films. No, "ignition" is a very real technique. The idea with flowers is,that at the entrance you will hit with a product that is perishable, but still fresh. These flowers should "inflame" your thoughts, and put them into thinking about freshness, and your mind will remain "tuned" to freshness when you come to the counter on which meat is sold at a discount. It seems to you that it's like bullshit, right? After all, people never connect such disjointed ideas in their heads, like this, right? However, this has been repeatedly this, right? However, this has been repeatedly this, right? However, this has been repeatedly confirmed.

58. Beware of your natural inclinations (stores are aware of them)

You enter the front door of the grocery store closest to you. What do you immediately see on your right? In the largest networks this will be a section of new products. And some networks there also sell pastries. And all these stores, all these doors, all these recorders and turnstiles are placed in such a way as to guide your traffic when you enter the store. After years of analyzing how people are moving around shopping, scientists have discovered that predicting the movement of people is as easy as migrating animals. For example, research revealed that people like to shop, moving counter-clockwise around the store. Grocery stores are designed to hold customers on the "dialing route", and this is done so that the buyer does not even know that he follows this path. Knowing you, they place the freshest,the best looking product that they have, right at the beginning of your journey. It will not be the most popular and running product, not at all. They know that most of you will not run to the store at midnight in order to buy an ordinary salad. Instead, they meet you with products that have the property of producing a better psychological impression. The main idea is that you - will connect the rest of the store with bright colors, with pleasant smells and freshness that you get by looking at the beautifully laid out products. After they hit you with bright, colored apples, lemons and oranges, they plan your way counter-clockwise so that different products are discovered at a certain time, which is likely to force you to buy them. Things for which you actually came here - milk, eggs, potatoes,cheese, biscuits - you will not be shown until the end of your journey. No, at first they will wait until your cart is filled to the brim with things that you do not need, and which you did not want to buy, passing through automatic doors. Remember: their goal is to keep you in the store for as long as possible, and get you to visit as many sections as possible. We know that "rotational patterns of motion" are common in herd animals, such as elephants. But no one knows exactly why people do the same thing. Studies have shown that the British, Japanese and Australians are moving in the opposite direction, clockwise, unlike the Americans. Someone has suggested that this is because of the rules of the road, which are adopted in these countries. If the buyer is accustomed to right-hand traffic,he presses against the right wall of the store, and makes the circle counter-clockwise. If the movement is left-sided - it will go clockwise.

59.Use the expression of your face as a mood-altering drug

Everyone knows that happiness makes us smile, and anger makes us frown. Scientists have found that our facial muscles actually control our emotions, and more than we think. If this is not strange enough for you, please note that this discovery was made thanks to the strange new face of Nicole Kidman. Botox made women look more attractive in the 80's, because it was assumed that you are sexually attractive if you have a smooth skin and face, like a poker player. Botox smoothes wrinkles on the skin, sealing the skin of the face. But Botox also condensed everything else, and eventually people could not tell if you were smiling with joy or crying with grief. But recent research has shown that putting Botox into your face not only makes you look like you do not have emotions,it actually blocks your ability to feel emotions. We tend to think about the relationship between our brain and face as a one-way street, but it's obvious that our brains like to interact with our facial muscles before deciding what kind of feeling should be reflected on the face at the moment. Even if you have good reason to feel joy, and your brain "checks" with the facial muscles, and find out that they are not smiling, you will still be unhappy. We need a very complex series of interactions, which includes hormones, muscles and the brain, to feel something that looks like happiness. And it turns out that the stage on which our facial muscles are involved is more important than the thought that causes the tension of these muscles. The researchers found that people who "froze" the face with Botox,lost the ability to experience strong feelings, and in some cases - any emotions. Participants did not even feel that they were affected by a special, "emotionally charged" video. We will try to assume that they showed them this: All this is good news for those of you who have not yet injected poison into your face. Researchers believe that it is the ordinary smile that makes us feel happy.

60. Cough - the cheapest painkiller

Are you afraid of needles? Try to forcibly cough when the next time you are given an injection. This procedure effectively reduces pain.


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4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021