The influence of harmful substances in the room can cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Among such substances, smoke, animal hair, radon, mold, detergents and other chemicals. You can make your home more health-friendly if you follow the following tips.
Fresh air
The salt lamp is a living combination of ancient wisdom and modern scientific knowledge, the embodiment of harmony of beauty and practicality. The salt lamp is a means of ionizing the air, the atmosphere of salt mines is recreated during the luminaire operation, this natural sterilizer creates a natural atmosphere of sterility, in which the protein structure of microbial bodies perishes.
The salt lamp has a beneficial effect on health: it strengthens the immune system and increases vitality, harmonizes the psyche, increases the resistance of the organism to various diseases, is very useful in dealing with stress, nervous shocks, fills the house with positive energy. Recommend the use of salt lamps for general strengthening of the body, with diseases of bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases, for the normalization of blood pressure, for people genetically predisposed to various forms of allergy and skin diseases.
Reduce the number of allergens
- Often bathe and clean animals to reduce the amount of hair. Do not allow animals to sleep in the bedroom of a person who suffers from asthma or allergies. If possible, do not let the animal on the carpet or furniture.
- Choose shutters for windows that can be easily cleaned, for example, wooden blinds. Curtains accumulate dust.
- Check whether there is mold on the indoor plants, if it is present on the soil, replace it or transfer the pot to the street.
- Do not allow smoking in the house.
- Clean the carpet and replace it with wood or tile, if possible.
- If the humidity in the room is above 50%, the problem may be the accumulation of household mites and mold. To solve it, use hypoallergenic underwear. Do not use down pillows or blankets. Wash bed linens in hot water.
- Use a vacuum cleaner with high-efficiency bags or install a central air purification system.
- Do not store firewood indoors. Wood may contain mold spores.
- Plant trees and shrubs at least one and a half meters from the house. Roots can form voids, through which water enters.
- Keep clean and dry in the bathroom, kitchen, basement and other areas where mold can form.
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Monitor the humidity
- Repair pipes and other sources of moisture, replace all materials damaged by water.
- Install and clean the exhaust fan in the kitchen regularly. Make sure that the fan in the bathroom draws air to the street, and not to the basement, cellar or house.
- Make sure that the exhaust fans do not draw too much air, and there is no negative pressure situation. In this case, the pressure in the house is lower than on the street. Negative pressure can change the flow of combustion products in gas boilers, stoves and water heaters, thus directing water vapor, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide into the house.
- Seal the external and internal cracks in the house, especially those that are near the windows and ventilation systems.
- If you are building a new house, install a waterproofing system that will limit the foundation from moisture.
- Clean the drainage system.
- Replace the moisture-damaged carpet with wood or tile.
Troubleshoot heating systems
- Once a year, check the operation of the exhaust systems of boilers, water heaters and gas stoves. The best option is if the heating systems are out of the house, for example in a garage.
- Do not use kerosene and gas heaters in which there is no ventilation, as the main source of heating.
- Install a carbon monoxide detector in the house. This gas has no smell, no color, you can ignore it before the appearance of health problems. If you notice an orange non-uniform flame in a gas boiler or stove, this may indicate the release of carbon monoxide. In this case, call a specialist.
- Take care that the doors in the wood stove and fireplace are snug. Check the vent pipes and chimneys for cracks that can pass gas into the house.
Check the furniture
- Many pieces of furniture can contain formaldehyde and other organic substances. When choosing new furniture, buy one that is entirely made of wood, and not a chipboard that is covered with veneer. Veneer can be glued with glue that contains formaldehyde.
- If the house is inhabited by people suffering from asthma, replace the carpet with a tiled or wooden carpet. If the coating is still necessary, use carpets with short nap and not large in size, which can be cleaned.
- If you are making repairs, use dry plaster, gypsum or wood. Plastic panels and panels of wood fiber can contain formaldehyde.
Be careful with household products
- Before using detergents, paints, solvents and pesticides, read the instructions. To get rid of odors and vapors in the house, use a ventilation system. Remember that the paint can give off minor gas crosses even a month after its application. Try to use paint that does not contain volatile organic substances.
- Use a non-toxic adhesive to install the floor.
- If you clean the furniture, use products that do not contain methylene chloride.
- Do not mix detergents. Use natural remedies such as vinegar, lemon juice, boric acid or kitchen soda
- Chemicals that are part of air fresheners, bathroom cleaners, moth and other deodorized products can be harmful to the lungs. Use alternative methods, for example, baking soda absorbs odors and can be used in a freshener place.
- Do not store items that can be sent for recycling, for example, newspapers, rugs, cans and bottles. They can evaporate harmful substances.
- If the house was built before 1978, wooden or other surfaces can be covered with lead white. If you need to clean the surface of paint, call an expert.
- Install a radon sensor in the basement.
- Wet cellars must be ventilated.
Improve ventilation
- Take care that the house receives the right amount of fresh air.
- Install an air filter in the bedroom and clean it every three months.
- Air conditioning will not allow pollen and other allergens to enter the house, but for this you need to clean the filter.
- Replace filters in the gas boiler and air conditioner every two three months.
- Use the exhaust fan in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
- In the old house, check for asbestos insulation on gas boilers and pipes. Use the services of an expert who has experience with asbestos insulation.
- Often clean the humidifiers.
- Check if air is coming through the ventilation system. The air conditioning system should be located above the ground from the side where there is no air pollution by vehicles.
- Check the air supply to the gas boilers.
- Take care that the drainage system has a water separator and a connection to the ventilation system. If you smell from the sewers, this is a sign of poor ventilation.
If you think that your home or workplace negatively affects your health
If you think that you are in contact with toxins, allergens and other materials that adversely affect your health, consider the following questions that concern your home and workplace. Write detailed answers to these questions and discuss them with your doctor.
- Are the following materials and substances in your home or workplace?
- Metals
- Dust or fibers
- Chemicals that are used in new or renovated homes, or that are used for dry cleaning clothes.
- Pairs
- Radiation
- Biological substances
- Noise, vibration, too high or low temperature.
- Have you contacted these substances or phenomena in the past?
- Did any member of your family fall under such influence?
- Do you know what substances affect your body? Did any material affect your clothes or skin?
- Do you wash working clothes at home?
- Do you smell the chemicals or materials that you work with? Should you use protective equipment, such as gloves or a mask?
- Do you wash your hands using detergents?
- Do you smoke or eat in the workplace?
- Do your employees or family members have unreasonable symptoms?
- Has the health or behavior of pets changed?
- Does your symptoms change at work, at home or on weekends?
- How effective is the air ventilation in the workplace?
Questions that concern the home environment
- Do you live near an industrial plant, landfill, commercial enterprise or not residential property?
- Do you have at home:
- Air conditioner, purifier or humidifier
- Fireplace or wood stove
- Gas or oil heating
- Gas or electric cooker
- Did you recently make repairs, replace carpets or repair furniture?
- Do you notice the fading of the walls? Fading is white, powdery or crystalline substances that protrude on the surface of concrete, plastic or masonry, they indicate the accumulation of mold or moisture that can cause mold.
- Do you use pesticides or herbicides, for example, beetle and weed control agents, flea and ticks sprays, powders or flea shampoos that you use at home in the garden or on animals?
- Are you renovating the car or are you into hobbies or crafts at home?
- Do you take water for drinking from a well, water system or store?
- When was your house built?
The influence of harmful substances in the room can cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and lung cancer. Among such substances, smoke, animal hair, radon, mold, detergents and other chemicals. You can make your home more health-friendly if you follow the following tips.
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