Monday, May 28, 2018

Anatomy of the Human Laryngeal Protrusion

Laryngeal Protrusion

Adam's apple, "Adam's apple" (Latin prominentia laryngea) is the anterior upper part of the thyroid cartilage protruding on the front surface of the neck , mostly in men.

[caption id="attachment_638" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Laryngeal Protrusion Laryngeal Protrusion[/caption]

The name comes from the Turkic word Kadyk - solid, strong, serving. The name "Adam's apple" is associated with the folk legend of how Adam tried to swallow an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but it stuck in his throat . It is sometimes referred to as a symbol of sin. The laryngeal protrusion is formed by two plates of the thyroid cartilage, the angle between which is greater in women and children, less in men (which is why the muzzle of the larynx is more pronounced).

To what doctors to address for inspection of Laryngeal protrusion:


What diseases are associated with the laryngeal protrusion:

Injuries of the larynx

Chondroperichondritis of the larynx

What tests and diagnostics should be done for the laryngeal protrusion:

X-ray of the neck



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