Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Asthma and a Pneumotachometer

This article explains Pneumotachometer.  Pneumotachometer is an inexpensive, portable device for asthmatics, which is necessary for testing lung performance. We'll discuss why Pneumotachometer is necessary for asthma patients and how to use Pneumotachometer.

Asthma and a Pneumotachometer

The pneumatic tachometer is an inexpensive, portable device for asthmatics, which is necessary for testing lung performance. The measurement of maximum expiratory flow is an important part in managing asthma symptoms and preventing seizures.

The pneumotachometer shows the maximum rate of exhalation after a deep inspiration. The received parameters are called "maximum volumetric expiratory flow rate" or MOSV. Tracking MOSV is one of the ways to find out when the disease is under control, and when an attack is coming.

Why do I need a pneumotachometer?

The parameters of the pneumotachometer allow you or your child to recognize the slightest changes that may be a sign of exacerbation of asthma. During an asthma attack, muscle tissues around the airways contract, thereby narrowing the airways. The pneumotachometer helps to recognize narrowing of the airways usually in a few hours, and even a few days before the symptoms worsen. This allows you to use the inhaler (quick action) or with any other medicines in time. If you take the medicine before the onset of an asthma attack, you can prevent the narrowing of the airways and avoid the need to call an ambulance and hospitalization.

A pneumatic tachometer can also help:

  • Identify the causative agents of your asthma

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of treatment

  • Understand when you need to increase the dose or adjust the intake of drugs

  • Understand when to call an ambulance

It is very important to know that the pneumotachometer measures the maximum velocity of exhaled air, which passes through the large respiratory tract of the lungs. Changes in the flow of air caused by the small airways (which also happens during asthma) are not determined by a pneumotachometer. Nevertheless, signs at an early stage can still be present. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the slightest signs and symptoms, which increases the control of asthma.

[caption id="attachment_353" align="aligncenter" width="536"]Pneumotachometer Pneumotachometer[/caption]

Who is recommended to use a pneumatic tachometer?

Pneumatic tachometers are very useful in cases with severe and less serious symptoms of asthma and the need for daily medication. Even children from 4 years are recommended to use a pneumotachometer for better control of asthma. People with acute and less acute asthma should use the pneumotachometer regularly.

How to use a pneumatic tachometer?

The pneumatic tachometer is very simple to operate. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Stand upright or sit down.

  2. Make sure that the indicator is at the bottom (at the "zero" mark).

  3. Take a deep breath, completely filling the lungs.

  4. Insert the tip of the device into your mouth; gently bite the tip with your teeth and squeeze it with your lips. Do not cover the tip with tongue.

  5. At one time, as much as possible and exhale as soon as possible.

  6. Take out the tip from the mouth.

  7. Record the values of the metric that appeared on the device. Then repeat steps 1-7 two times.

  8. Record the highest score in your diary. This indicator is your maximum volumetric expiratory flow rate.

To make sure that the results are correct, try using the pneumotachometer every time in the same way.

How often should I use a pneumotachometer?

It is best to take pictures every day at the same time, for example, every morning and evening.

How to determine the "personal best score" of a pneumotachometer?

The "personal best" indicator is the highest figure obtained for a period of 2-3 weeks, when asthma is under control. Good disease control means that you feel good and there are no symptoms of asthma symptoms.

Your personal best score is very important, since this is the number with which you will compare all the subsequent figures taken from the pneumotachometer. Your treatment program, developed by your doctor and yourself, is based on this indicator.

To determine the best personal indicator of a pneumotachometer, it is recommended to take measurements:

  • Twice a day for 2-3 weeks, when the symptoms of asthma are under control.

  • At the same time in the morning and in the evening

  • Before taking a beta-2 fast acting agonist (bronchodilator) (if you or your child should take this medicine)

  • According to the instructions of your doctor.

Once the best indicator is determined, it is necessary to discuss with your attending physician, at what stage what medications you should take to prevent asthma attacks or when you need to seek emergency care. This is called zones. All this information should be displayed in the treatment program.

After this, continue to use a pneumotachometer every morning. Daily removal of indicators will help you:

  • Identify signs of worsening of the disease.

  • Find out when your child's personal indicator improves naturally through the child's growing up.

If the morning rate fell below 80% of the personal best score, then read the treatment program and on this day check the indicators at some intervals or consult a doctor. It is better to see a doctor before the maximum worsening of asthma symptoms.

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