Below is the complete guide to asthmatic status.
What is asthmatic status?
A severe asthma attack, which is not affected by the usual set of medications (inhaled bronchodilators) and which is associated with the symptoms of respiratory failure, is called asthmatic status.
This is a potentially life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention. It is very important to realize the seriousness of the asthmatic status and to try to prevent it in the early stages.
What are the symptoms of asthmatic status?
Symptoms of asthmatic status include shortness of breath and the inability to pronounce full sentences. Shortness of breath can manifest even when you lie and do not move. There may be a feeling of strong chest tightness and there will be blue circles around the lips. In addition, there may be a sense of anxiety, confusion, or inability to concentrate. You can begin to stoop, sit down or get up to breathe easier, and also the muscles of the abdomen and neck can be strained. These are the first signs of respiratory failure.
With asthmatic status, wheezing and coughing may not be. In fact, the presence of wheezing and coughing is not the norm in determining the severity of the body's condition. Very severe asthma attacks, such as asthma, are so damaging to the respiratory tract that the lack of inhaled and exhaled from the lungs of the air is not accompanied by wheezing or coughing.
Are there any warning signs?
Asthmatic status is often preceded by warning signs. This can happen very quickly and quickly develop into choking. Some studies have shown that patients with this condition are not well protected from allergens and asthma triggers at home and / or at work. Such people also rarely resort to the use of a pneumotachometer and the intake of inhaled corticosteroids. Inhaled steroids are anti-inflammatory drugs that are very effective in reducing inflammatory processes.
Is wheezing indicative of asthmatic status?
Sizzling breath does not necessarily mean that you have asthma. Sighing breathing can be a sign of other illnesses, such as respiratory infections, heart failure and other serious impairments in the body's ability to work.
What are the causes of asthmatics?
Causes of asthmatic status are unknown. Patients who were diagnosed with asthmatic status had previously lacked health care, which was the result of poor asthma management. People with this status also previously endured intubation or hospitalization due to an exacerbation of asthma. In addition, those who have mental health problems or who suffer from psychosocial stressors are more likely to develop asthmatic status. That's why using a pneumotachometer to monitor lung performance is very important for everyone suffering from a constant form of asthma.
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How is asthmatic status diagnosed?
To diagnose an asthmatic status, the physician should conduct a complete physical examination and identify symptoms such as fatigue and the use of additional muscles for breathing. In addition, the doctor must check the frequency of breathing, the presence of wheezing during exhalation and inspiration and pulse. Other tests can also be used, for example, a test for the maximum expiratory flow rate and the degree of oxygen saturation. Conducted and examination of other organs: chest, mouth, throat and upper respiratory tract.
How is asthmatic status treated?
The asthmatic status does not respond to conventional treatment with inhalers. Usually, regular use of aerosols and parenteral administration of antibiotics such as epinephrine and prednisone are necessary.
Other therapies include parenteral terbutaline administration, the use of magnesium sulphate (helps to relax muscle tissue around the airways), and the leukotriene inhibitor (anti-inflammatory drugs). During an asthmatic attack that is not affected by the medications commonly used for asthma, an artificial lung ventilation device may be needed that helps the lungs and the muscles of the respiratory tract. In this case, use a respiratory mask or a breathing tube, which is injected into the nose or mouth. These aids are temporary. As soon as an acute attack passes, and the lung capacity recovers, the need for these drugs disappears. Perhaps, after such an attack, stay in the intensive care unit for a while.
To avoid the need for urgent hospitalization, you need to start treatment as soon as possible after the appearance of the first minor signs and symptoms. If you have asthma it is very important to be examined regularly by a doctor: the doctor checks the lungs' performance and prescribes the medication.
In addition, using pneumotachometer several time a day will allow you to monitor your breathing, and will allow you to start emergency treatment as soon as it is necessary, even if it seems that the condition is stable.
See Also:
How to live normally and breathe freely with Asthma?
What is the difference between asthmatic status and a severe asthma attack?
The cause of an acute or sudden attack of asthma is contact with allergens or an infection of the upper respiratory tract. The severity of an asthma attack depends on how the course of the disease is initially controlled (how the inflammation of the respiratory tract is controlled). An acute asthma attack is potentially life-threatening, as the attack can continue, despite the use of fast-acting drugs (inhaled bronchodilators). If the body does not react to the inhaler (albuterol) in case of an acute attack, it is most likely an asthmatic status and emergency medical treatment and medical supervision are necessary.
Asthma attacks do not go away by themselves without special treatment. If you ignore the first warning signs of an impending attack, the risk of aggravation of the disease increases, as does the risk of the onset of a condition in which hospitalization is unavoidable.
In the absence of reaction to the usual medications, inhalation bronchodilator, you need to seek emergency help from specialists. Such severe asthma attacks require urgent medical attention.