Showing posts with label relation between Smoking and Asthma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relation between Smoking and Asthma. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2017

Understanding relation between Smoking and Asthma

This article explains the relation between Smoking and Asthma, how does tobacco smoke affect asthma exacerbation, is passive smoking dangerous for a person suffering from asthma, can smoking damage my child, how can tobacco smoke be avoided and much more.

Smoking and Asthma

Smoke from cigars, cigarettes and pipes adversely affects the health of the body, but is especially dangerous for the lungs of a person suffering from asthma. Tobacco smoke is a strong stimulant of asthma symptoms.

How does tobacco smoke affect asthma exacerbation?

When a person inhales smoke, irritants are located on the mucosa along the entire length of the airways. These substances cause an asthma attack.

In addition, tobacco smoke can damage tiny hairs in the airways, which are called cilia. Usually, cilia detain dust and mucus. A tobacco smoke damages them and disrupts their performance, thereby allowing dust and mucus to circulate freely through the respiratory tract.

Smoking also increases the production of mild slime. And as a result, an excessive amount of mucus blocks the airways, provoking an attack.

Is passive smoking dangerous for a person suffering from asthma?

Passive smoking is the combination of smoke from a smoking cigarette or a cigar and smoke exhaled by a smoker.

Passive smoking is more dangerous to health than ordinary smoking. This is because the smoke from the end of the cigarette or cigar contains more harmful substances (tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine and other) than the smoke inhaled by the smoker.

[caption id="attachment_178" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Smoking and Asthma Smoking and Asthma[/caption]

Passive smoking is especially dangerous for people with asthma. When an asthmatic becomes a passive smoker, first of all, such asthma-specific symptoms as wheezing, coughing or lack of air (shortness of breath) are exacerbated.

Can smoking damage my child?

Passive smoking is more dangerous for children than for adults.

When the child is in the smoking places, the mucous of his lungs is irritated and the development of more mucus begins. Since the airway of the child is less than that of an adult, the negative effect of secondhand smoke is manifested much more quickly and may affect the work of the lungs in the future.

In children whose parents smoke, the likelihood of developing infections in the lungs and sinuses of the nose is much higher than in children who have non-smoking parents. These infections can worsen the condition of the disease and complicate its treatment and control.

Can smoking damage my future child?

Smoking harms the future child in several ways. Nicotine, an addictive substance, is transmitted through the blood vessels directly into the bloodstream of the baby.

In children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy, the likelihood of problems with lung function and development of asthma is 10 times greater. Smoking during pregnancy also causes a small birth weight, premature birth and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

How can tobacco smoke be avoided?

Ways to avoid tobacco smoke:

  • If you smoke, try to get rid of this habit. Quitting smoking is not easy, but there are many special programs and methods that will help in this. Talk to your doctor and he will help you determine which way is best for you. If your spouse or other members of your family smoke, then explain to them the seriousness of the harm caused by smoking, and help them get rid of this addiction.

  • Do not allow smoking in your home or car.

  • Do not let anyone smoke next to you or your baby.

  • Avoid restaurants and other establishments where smoking is allowed.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021