This article explains the symptoms of an Asthma attack, how to prevent symptoms of an asthma attack, and what to do if the symptoms of an asthma attack have appeared.
Can you recognize the symptoms of an impending asthma attack? To understand the approach of an asthma attack is the most important in preventing hospitalization.
Some symptoms of asthma, such as wheezing, are very easy to recognize. But other symptoms such as anxiety or panic are not so common. In some people, during an attack of asthma, there is only a cough without wheezing. In others, the skin may be strongly itching before the appearance of other symptoms, dyspnea or a cough. And there are people who have symptoms only at night (nighttime asthma). Understanding the symptoms of an impending asthma attack will help prevent symptoms and quickly take necessary medications.
Understanding the Symptoms of an Asthma Attack
An asthma attack is a sudden worsening of the symptoms of asthma caused by a spasm of muscle tissue around the airways (bronchospasm). During an attack, the airways along the entire length swell and become inflamed, in addition, thick mucus begins to be produced more than usual. All these factors - bronchospasm, inflammatory processes, mucus formation - cause exacerbation of asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, inability to perform daily activities. Other symptoms may also occur, for example:
- Loud wheezing with inspiration and exhalation
- An incessant cough
- Rapid breathing
- Pain or a feeling of contraction in the chest
- The contraction of the muscles of the neck and chest, called retraction
- It's hard to say
- A sudden feeling of anxiety or panic
- Pallor and excessive sweating of the face
- Blue lips or fingertips
- Or worsening of symptoms, despite intensive treatment
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If you have asthma, then it may not remind you of yourself for a few weeks or even months. And then suddenly, when you least expect it, symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, or wheezing may be exacerbated. Sometimes the cause of a sudden exacerbation of the disease is an allergy to seasonal pollen or weather changes. In other cases, infectious diseases such as a cold or flu can trigger an asthma attack. Even physical exertion or sudden stress can cause an asthma attack. Also very often asthmatics suffer from sinusitis. Very strongly exacerbate the symptoms of the disease physical activity (this is called stress asthma). Stress and strong emotions also affect the deterioration of the body.
Prevention of asthma attack symptoms is the best way
The best way to prevent an asthma attack is to monitor the course of the disease on a daily basis. Following the treatment program and using a pneumotachometer to monitor the slightest changes in breathing, you will be able to use effective medications on time to treat the symptoms even before their obvious manifestation. By doing this, you can prevent the need for emergency medical care and hospitalization, and can also continue to lead a normal active life.
What if the symptoms of an asthma attack have appeared?
Without immediate medical intervention, symptoms can worsen even more and a severe asthma attack (asthma status) can begin. If symptoms of an asthma attack appear, and if medications do not help, contact your doctor. If your doctor has prescribed an asthma treatment program for an emergency, follow all instructions. But you need urgent medical help.