Showing posts with label Treatment program for Asthma patients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Treatment program for Asthma patients. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Treatment program for Asthma patients

This article explains treatment program for Asthma patients. Good information for managing asthma symptoms and that too timely.

What is a treatment program for Asthma patients?

A treatment program is a written plan developed by your doctor who helps you or a member of your family, including adolescents and young children, manage asthma and prevent seizures. The program is designed to ensure that you or your family members know what to do if the asthma symptoms worsen and the performance of the pneumotachometer changes for the worse.

Who is writing the treatment program?

The program gives you and your family members all the necessary information that can be used by you or your family members (including adolescents and young children) in an emergency asthma attack.

The program can be developed in many ways. The program may include:

  • List of pathogens of your asthma, which provoke exacerbation of symptoms, and ways how to avoid them.

  • List of indices of the pneumotachometer and zones based on the best parameters of the patient.

  • A list of traditional symptoms of asthma, for example, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, dyspnea, excessive mucus formation, and a list of actions when these symptoms appear.

  • The name and the daily dose of the medicine, which must be taken daily even in the absence of any symptoms.

  • The name and dose of a quick-acting medicine, which must be taken when the disease worsens.

  • The name and dose of the medicine you need to take in case of serious asthma attacks.

  • Emergency telephone numbers and hospital addresses.

  • Instructions when you need to contact a doctor, who to contact, if your doctor is currently not available and a list of places where you can get emergency help.

For convenience, the program is usually divided into three zones according to the parameters of the pneumotachometer: green, yellow, red zones. For each zone, your doctor must tell you how to behave and what to do in this situation.

  • Green zone: what should always be, - NO symptoms. You are able to perform daily activities and you have a normal sleep without bouts of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. The indicator of the pneumotachometer is 80% -100% of the best indicator.

  • Yellow (warning) zone: this is NOT what you need to strive for. Symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and minor breathing problems may manifest. There may be attacks of nocturnal asthma, and daily activity may be compromised. In addition, you can feel more tired than usual. The parameters of the pneumotachometer are 50% -80% of the best indicator. If the parameters of the pneumotachometer hit the yellow zone, contact your doctor. The treatment program for the green zone should be changed to prevent further decline in the indicators to the yellow zone.

  • Red zone: the red zone indicates that you need urgent hospitalization. The following symptoms are manifested: a frequent and severe cough, severe shortness of breath, wheezing, inability to talk, walk and breathe quickly. The indicator of the pneumotachometer is less than 50%. If there is not enough air, the lips or fingertips turn blue, it is impossible to use a pneumotachometer, call for an ambulance.

The program of treatment (for adults and teenagers)

You can print the program proposed at the end of the article, and fill it. You can also use the same template for another member of your family, including teenagers. There are gaps in this template, where you must enter the name of the drugs and emergency doctor's phone numbers.

Take the treatment program for the next visit to your doctor. The doctor will give the names of specific drugs, the necessary doses, the frequency of admission, based on your indices of the pneumotachometer (whether it's green, yellow or red).

With each use of a pneumatic tachometer, check the values obtained with the indicators indicated in the treatment program. If the indicators are normal and fall within the green zone, then everything goes well. If the indicators have decreased to the yellow zone, read and follow the instructions given for this zone. If the indicators have decreased to the red zone, this is a critical condition. Follow the doctor's instructions on how to quickly relieve the symptoms of asthma with medications. If there are no changes, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

A treatment program for your child

You can also print out the program proposed at the end of the article and fill it out. Enter the names of the medicines and emergency doctor's phone numbers. Ask your child's attending physician to fill in the blanks with the names of the medications, the doses, the frequency of taking the medications (which is done on the basis of the indicators of the pneumotachometer (green, yellow and red).

[caption id="attachment_341" align="aligncenter" width="486"]Treatment program for Asthma patients Treatment program for Asthma patients[/caption]

Help your child understand his illness by studying this program daily with him. If the parameters of the pneumotachometer are within the green zone, then everything is in order. If the indicators have fallen to the yellow zone, follow the doctor's instructions for this zone. Contact your doctor if treatment does not help your child.

If the parameters of the pneumotachometer fall within the red zone, you should immediately turn to the treatment program. First, read the program and make sure that you give the right medicine in the right dose. If the treatment does not help, call a doctor or an ambulance immediately.

The treatment program contains all the necessary information to maintain the health of the child and maintain a normal active lifestyle. Do not forget to provide copies of the treatment program for your child's teachers and other adults who are facing your child.

Checking the treatment program

The treatment program should be reviewed by the doctor at least once a year. Due to possible changes in the parameters of the pneumotach or the number of medications taken, it is necessary to amend the treatment program.

The treatment program should be stored in a conspicuous place so that you and your family can easily find it.


Print the template program

Print out this template and provide all necessary information about the state of your asthma or asthma in your family (including adolescents and young children).


Name of patient

Degree of disease:

Name of the attending physician:

Phone number:

Name of nurse or therapist:

Phone number:

Phone number, where you can call in the evening or on weekends:

Personal indicators of a pneumotachometer:

Green zone: everything is in order.

Absence of any symptoms or signs. You are able to perform daily activities and you have a normal sleep without bouts of coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. The indicator of the pneumotachometer is 80% -100% of the best indicator.

Actions: controlling the disease. Daily take medication to prevent worsening asthma symptoms. Use a separator with metered-dose inhalers (or other inhalers and / or drugs prescribed to the child).









































































Take __________ 15-20 minutes before the onset of exercise or before contact with the causative agent of asthma.

Yellow Zone: Warning

This is NOT what you need to strive for. . Symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and minor breathing problems may manifest. There may be attacks of nocturnal asthma, and daily activity may be compromised. In addition, you can feel more tired than usual. The parameters of the pneumotachometer are 50% -80% of the best indicator.

Actions: Get rid of the symptoms.

  • Continue to take the medicines indicated in the program for the green zone. Use a separator with a metered-dose inhaler (or other device prescribed by your doctor).

  • Start taking fast-acting medications: Albuterol or ______ in aerosol. It may be taken every four hours. Also add: __________.

  • After taking fast-acting medications, the exacerbation of symptoms will decrease after 5-15 minutes. If the result is unsatisfactory, then you need to REPEAT the procedure 1-2 times, with a break of 5-20 minutes (up to 3 times per hour). (For children, take albuterol 1-2 times with a break of 15-20 minutes, no more than three times per hour). If there are no improvements, to the above ADD: ____________.

  • Call a doctor or nurse / therapist for further consultation.

  • If after 2-3 repetitions of taking fast-acting medications, there are obvious improvements, then continue taking these medications 4 times with a break in the next 24 hours. Contact your doctor and consult for further action.

  • For children: if the symptoms have completely passed, but after 4 hours again appeared, repeat the reception of albuterol and continue to take 4 times a day in the next 48 hours. ADD: _______________________________.

Note: It is necessary to call the doctor if the parameters of the pneumotachometer have decreased to the yellow zone. The treatment program for the green zone should be changed to prevent similar exacerbations of symptoms in the future.

Red Zone: Be alert - urgent hospitalization is needed !!

The red zone says that you need urgent hospitalization. The following symptoms are manifested: frequent and severe cough, severe shortness of breath, wheezing, inability to talk, walk and breathe quickly. The indicator of the pneumotachometer is less than 50%.

Actions: stop symptoms.

  • Take the following medicines: Albuterol with a separator or _____________ or ____________ in aerosol.

  • Add: ________________________________.

  • Inject the child with two "pshika" of albuterol or use an aerosol with albuterol or ___________________.

  • If there are no changes, CALL QUICK HELP.

  • If you or a member of your family (including adolescents and young children) have difficulty walking or talking, lack of air, blue lips or fingertips or you can not use a pneumotachometer, this is a critical condition. CALL QUICK HELP.

  • If the condition improves, but the symptoms do not go to the end, go back to the treatment program for the yellow zone and follow its instructions. Call the doctor and consult for further action.



Do not forget to bring a diary and treatment program for each visit to the doctor, so that the doctor can evaluate how the treatment progresses effectively.

4.5 out of 5 stars Reviewer:adminFebruary 05, 2021