In this tutorial, we'll learn how to Install Metatrader 4 on Linux. We'll provide you step-by-step instructions along with screenshots to guide you.
Unix is one of the most powerful operating system. It is free and open source software. That's why we see lots of its variations like Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Mint, OpenSUSE etc. Here, we'll take Ubuntu into consideration.
To run MetaTrader on Linux, you've to first install Wine software on Linux. Then, you can install MetaTrader 4 software on it.
Steps to Install Metatrader 4 on Linux
Preliminary setup should be performed before the installation. All applications are installed on Ubuntu from the packages contained in repositories. The path to WineHQ PPA repository should be added to install Wine. Open Ubuntu Software Center and execute "Software Sources" command in "Edit" menu.

Click "Add" in the new window.
[caption id="attachment_57" align="aligncenter" width="642"]

The following data should be specified in АРТ (Advanced Package Tool) line: ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa. Click "Add Source". This completes the preliminary setup.
To install Wine, open its official website, go to Downloads section and choose the distribution kit for Ubuntu. Click the appropriate link to install the latest Wine version. Currently, the latest stable version is Wine 1.4.1. You can also download beta version Wine 1.5.21, which has many improvements but may appear less stable. The system will prompt you to open the link via Ubuntu Software Center. Agree to that and the Software Center will prompt to start Wine installation:

Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete. Once the installation is complete, it will already be possible to run Microsoft Windows executable files in Ubuntu.
Installing Wine from the Command Line
You can use command line (which is called "Terminal" in Ubuntu) to install Wine without using Ubuntu GUI.
Execute the following command to add WineHQ PPA repository, from which Wine will be installed:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
After its execution, update APT package data using the following command:
sudo apt-get update
Upon its execution, you can start Wine installation. Execute the following command:
sudo apt-get install wine1.5
Wine version 1.5 will be installed. After the execution, Wine is ready for use.
Starting Client Terminal
To install the terminal, download the installer "mt4setup.exe". After the download is complete, launch the setup file. The system will automatically determine that you are trying to run a file designed for Microsoft Windows and will offer to open it with Wine. Select this option and click "OK".

The client terminal installer will be launched. Complete all installation steps:

After installation is complete, you can start using the terminal by running its terminal.exe file.
Another way to start using the trade terminal in Ubuntu is copying the entire folder of the client terminal previously installed in Microsoft Windows:

After copying is complete, simply run terminal.exe file of the terminal. Wine will be used automatically to open the file.
Terminal Data Directory
Wine creates a virtual logical drive with the necessary environment for installed programs. The default path of the installed terminal's data folder is as follows:
Home\.wine\drive_c\Program Files\Client Terminal
Points to Remember
Note that Wine is not a fully stable application. Thus, some functions in the applications you start under it may work improperly or not work at all.